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Presente Simple con otros verbos en Inglés


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

En la clase anterior se explicó el tiempo presente simple usando el verbo to be. Ahora, vamos a estudiar usando otros verbos diferentes como, por ejemplo, go, play, visit, cook, run, wake up, etc.

Uso de presente simple en oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas

El uso del tiempo presente simple tiene diferentes maneras según se trate de oraciones afirmativas, negativas o interrogativas.

Oraciones afirmativas con distintos verbos

Estructura gramatical:

  • I/You/We/They + verb + Complement
  • He/She/It + Verb + s/es/ies + Complement

Ejemplos de oraciones afirmativas:

  • I watch TV.
  • You watch TV.
  • He watches TV.
  • She watches TV.
  • You watch TV.
  • We watch TV.
  • They watch TV.

Cuando se trata de los pronombres he, she, it, al verbo se le agrega una letra o un grupo de letras (s, es, ies), por ejemplo:

  1. I play soccer.
    She plays soccer.

  2. You listen to music.
    He listens to music.

  3. We watch TV.
    She watches TV.

  4. They study English.
    He studies English.

Importante: Esta situación solo ocurre en las oraciones afirmativas. Para saber las letras que se deben agregar existen las siguientes reglas:

  1. A la mayoría de los verbos solo se le agrega la letra “s”, por ejemplo:
  • Read - Reads

  • Run – Runs

  • Cook – Cooks

  • Love – Loves

  1. Cuando el verbo termina en la consonante “y”, se cambia la letra “y” por “ies”, por ejemplo:
  • Try – Tries

  • Carry – Carries

  • Study – Studies

  1. Cuando el verbo termina en las consonantes “s”, “z”, “ch” o “x”, se agrega “es”, por ejemplo:
  • Miss – misses

  • Buzz – Buzzes

  • Catch – Catches

  • Fix – Fixes

  1. Hay algunas excepciones a estas reglas, por ejemplo:
  • Go – goes

  • Do – does

  • Have - has

Let’s practice:

  1. We live in Colombia.
    He/she lives in Colombia

  2. I work at Platzi.
    He/she works at Platzi.

  3. They play the guitar.
    He/she plays the guitar.

  4. You eat pizza.
    He/she eats pizza.

Oraciones negativas con distintos verbos

Estructura gramatical:

  • I/You/We/They + do not / don’t + Verb + Complement
  • He/She/It + does not / doesn’t + Verb + Complement

En las oraciones negativas del tiempo presente simple se usa el verbo auxiliar Do / Does.

Ejemplos de oraciones negativas:

  1. She plays soccer.
    She doesn’t play soccer (fíjate que el verbo retoma su forma original sin la letra s al final).

  2. I listen to music.
    I don’t listen to music.

  3. He cooks very well.
    He doesn’t cook very well.

  4. They write letters.
    They don’t write letters.

Oraciones interrogativas con distintos verbos

Estructura gramatical:

  • Do + I/You/We/They+ Verb + Complement + ?
  • Does + He/She/It + Verb + Complement + ?

En las oraciones interrogativas del tiempo presente simple el verbo auxiliar do/does se coloca al principio de la oración.

Ejemplos de oraciones interrogativas:

  1. Do you speak English?
    Yes, I do.
    No, I don’t speak English.

  2. Do you walk to the park?
    Yes, I do.
    No, I don’t.

  3. Does he reads a lot?
    Yes, he does.
    No, he doesn’t read a lot.

  4. Do they like sushi?
    Yes, they do.
    No, they don’t.

En conclusión, las tres modalidades del tiempo presente simple son:

Affirmative: I watch TV
Negative: I don’t watch TV
Interrogative: Do you watch TV?

Contribución creada con aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez

Aportes 2165

Preguntas 129

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

Simple Present Other Verbs

  • Affirmative Sentences

    • I/You/We/They + Verb + Complement
    • He/She/It + Verb + s/es/ies + Complement
  • Negative Sentences

    • I/You/We/They + do not / don’t + Verb + Complement
    • He/She/It + does not / doesn’t + Verb + Complement
  • Interrogative Sentences

    • Do + I/You/We/They+ Verb + Complement + ?
    • Does + He/She/It + Verb + Complement + ?
  • Answers

    • Yes, I/You/We/They do
    • Yes, He/She/It does
    • No, I/You/We/They don’t
    • No, He/She/It doesn’t

Some rules for verbs in the present simple (third person singular)

The “It works at Platzi” maybe is an AI, haha.

Make sentences using He or She✨

  • She lives in Peru. ✅
  • She works at Platzi. ✅
  • He plays the guitar. ✅
  • He eats pizza. ✅

Time practice Other verbs

  • Do you play any musical instrument? - No, I don’t
  • Do you eat vegetables? - Yes, I do
  • Do you live in an apartment? - No, I don’t. I live in my parent’s house. ✅
  • Do you speak Spanish? - Yes, I do. ✅
  • Does your mother go to the supermarket? - Yes, she does. She is going to buy fruits and vegetables. ✅

Make sentences using He or She

  • We live in Colombia - She lives in Colombia
  • I work at Platzi - She works at Platzi
  • They play the guitar - He plays the guitar
  • You eat pizza - He eats pizza

  • Do you play any musical instrument? - No, I don’t
  • Do you eat vegetables? - Yes, I do
  • Do you live in an apartment? - No, I don’t. I live in my parent’s house
  • Do you speak Spanish? - Yes, I do

I get suggestions 😄

creo que hay un error en una de las respuestas del cuadro donde explicas la forma de preguntar y responder, cuando me preguntan usted no debería responder con el pronombre yo? así como si preguntó por usted la persona cuestionada me responde con el pronombre personal que la identifica. espero haber sido claro.

My answers:

No, I don’t
Yes, I do
No, I don’t
Yes, I do


  1. She lives in Colombia.
  2. He works at Platzi.
  3. She plays the guitar.
  4. He eats pizza.

● Mary like / likes to play tennis = Mary likes to play tennis
● We cook / cooks delicious cakes = we cook delicious cakes
● I eat / eat a lot = I eat a lot
● He live / lives in the forest = He lives in the forest
● Charles studies / studys English = Charles studies English

La verdad que excelente. Yo siempre confundo las terceras personas. Un gran video, una nueva manera de hacer las cosas

La traducción creo que es automática y está mal, o sea, los subtítulos. Ya he visto varios errores, y aquí al inicio pone “Simple present with other birds” en vez de birds (pájaros) son verbs de verbos. Ténganlo en cuanta para que no se confundan.

The verbs in english going to change in the affirmative form for the simple present only with the third sigular person (He, She, It). There are three rules.

  1. If the verb ends in S,SH,CH,X,Z or Consonat + O;
    add -s
    She goes to school.
    He washes his clothes.

  2. If the verb ends in Consonant + Y
    Remove - Y; Add IES.

He tries to do it.

  1. For all the rest of verbs (Except To Be and To Have).
    Add -s
    She reads a book.
    He writes a poem.
  1. No, I don’t
  2. Yes, I do
  3. Maybe, I have apartment and house
  4. Yes, I do

🦄My answers :3✨

  • Do you play any musical instrument?
    Yes, I do. I love to play guitar :3
  • Do you eat vegetables?
    Yes, I do.
  • Do you live in an apartment?
    No, I don’t. I live in a house ^^
  • Do you speak Spanish?
    Yes, I do. It is my mother tongue 👀.

Yo que siento que entiendo algo basico de ingles me siento perdido, no me imagino los que entren a los cursos sin saber nada 😕

  • I don’t play any instrument but I love music.
  • Yes, I eat vegetables every day but also I like meat.
  • No, I don’t live in an apartment, I live in a house with my family.
  • Yes, I speak Spanish. I was born in Argentina and Spanish in my native language.

Make sentences using He or She

We live in Colombia - She lives in Colombia
I work at Platzi - She works at Platzi
They play the guitar - He plays the guitar
You eat pizza - He eats pizza

First sentence answers is wrong:
The correct is: Yes, I do
No, I don’t

  • He/she lives in colombia.

  • He/she works at platzi.

  • He/she plays the guitar.

  • He/she eats pizza.

● Mary likes to play tennis
● We cook delicious cakes
● I eat a lot
● He lives in the forest
● Charles studies English

  1. Do you play any musical instrument?
    No, I don’t
  2. Do you eat vegetables?
    Yes, I do
  3. Do you live in an apartment?
    No, I don’t
  4. Do you speak Spanish?
    Yes, I do

Do you speak spanich?
yes i speak spanich

¿ = Do/Does

Simple Present Other Verbs

Affirmative Sentences

I/You/We/They + Verb + Complement
He/She/It + Verb + s/es/ies + Complement
Negative Sentences

I/You/We/They + do not / don’t + Verb + Complement
He/She/It + does not / doesn’t + Verb + Complement
Interrogative Sentences

Do + I/You/We/They+ Verb + Complement + ?
Does + He/She/It + Verb + Complement + ?

Yes, I/You/We/They do
Yes, He/She/It does
No, I/You/We/They don’t
No, He/She/It doesn’

  • Do you play any musical instrument?
    Yes, i do. I am learning play the guitar.
  • Do you eat vegetables?
    No, i don’t.
  • Do you live in an apartment?
    No, i don’t.
  • Do you speak Spanish?
    Yes, i do. I speak Spanish.
Do you play any musical instrument? No I don't play any musical instrument Do you eat vegetables? Yes, I eat vegetables Do you live in an apartment? Yes I do. I live in an apartment Do you speak Spanish? Yes, I do. I speak Spanish

Do you play any musical instruments?. Yes, I do, I play guitar and piano.
Do you eat vegetables?. Yes, I do, but just a little.
Do you live in an apartment?. Yes, I do, I live in an apartment.
Do you speak Spanish? Yes, I do.


imple Present Other Verbs

Affirmative Sentences

I/You/We/They + Verb + Complement
He/She/It + Verb + s/es/ies + Complement
Negative Sentences

I/You/We/They + do not / don’t + Verb + Complement
He/She/It + does not / doesn’t + Verb + Complement
Interrogative Sentences

Do + I/You/We/They+ Verb + Complement + ?
Does + He/She/It + Verb + Complement + ?

Yes, I/You/We/They do
Yes, He/She/It does
No, I/You/We/They don’t
No, He/She/It doesn’t

  • Practice: Select the correct option
    ● Mary like / likes to play tennis
    ● We cook / cooks delicious cakes
    ● I eat / eats a lot
    ● He live / lives in the forest
    ● Charles studies / studys English

  • Make sentences using He or She
    ● We live in Colombia -> He/She lives in Colombia
    ● I work at Platzi -> He/She works at Platzi
    ● They play the guitar -> He/She plays the guitar
    ● You eat pizza -> He/She eats pizza

  • Time to practice!
    ● Do you play any musical instrument? No, I don’t.
    ● Do you eat vegetables? Yes, I do.
    ● Do you live in an apartament?, No I don’t.
    ● Do you speak Spanish? Yes, I do.

We need to remember the rules t t

ANSWERS: 1. No, I don't play any musical instrument. 2. Yes, I eat vegetables all time. 3. No, I don't live in an apartment, I live in a house. 4. Yes, I speak Spanish.

do you live in an apartment?
yes i do

do you play any musical intrument?
No i don’t play any musical instrument

Time to practice

  • Do you play any musical instrument?
    Yes, I do play guitar.

  • Do you vegetables?
    Yes, I do.

  • Do you live in an apartment?
    Not, I don´t .

  • Do you speak Spanish?
    Yes, I do speak Sapanish.

  • Yes I do, I play the guitar and ukulele.
  • Yes, I do, but I don´t like a lot.
  • Yes, I do, I live in a tiny apartment
  • Yes, I do, I speak spanish
Excuse me, I have a question. In this table of phrases the answer should be **<u>Yes, I do </u>**or **<u>No, I don't</u>**, but do not use the tú. I think there is a mistake.![](file:///C:/Users/Diana%20Leon/Desktop/practies.PNG)
Existen las clases en línea o similar para practicar el idioma??
**Do you play any musical instrument?**No, I don't. **Do you eat vegetables?** Yes, I do. **Do you live in an apartment?** No, I don't, but I live in a pretty house. **Do you speak Spanish?** Yes, I do.
Estas reglas son útiles para formar correctamente el plural de los verbos en tercera persona del singular en inglés. ¡Espero que estos ejemplos te sean de ayuda! **Si el verbo termina en Consonante + Y:** 1. Study (estudiar) → He studies a lot. (Él estudia mucho.) 2. Fly (volar) → She flies to different countries. (Ella viaja a diferentes países.) 3. Cry (llorar) → The baby cries when he's hungry. (El bebé llora cuando tiene hambre.) **Si el verbo termina en SS, X, CH, SH o la letra O:** 1. Fix (arreglar) → He fixes cars in his garage. (Él arregla autos en su garaje.) 2. Watch (mirar) → She watches movies every weekend. (Ella mira películas todos los fines de semana.) 3. Go (ir) → My friend goes to the gym every morning. (Mi amigo va al gimnasio todas las mañanas.) 4. Kiss (besar) → The couple kisses under the moonlight. (La pareja se besa bajo la luz de la luna.)

➕she reads a book.
➖she doesn’t reads a book.
❔does she read a book?

Do you play any instrument?
Yes, i can to play tuba, so i rarely practice
Do you eat vegetables?
Yes, i do. I eat all vegetables
Do You live in an apartment?
Yes, i do. I live in an apartment in Medellín city
Do You speak spanish?
Yes, i do

He lives in Colombia.
She works at plazzi.
He plays the guitar.
She eats pizza.

My solution:
We live in Colombia

  • She lives in Colombia
    I work at Platzi
  • He works at Platzi
    They play the guitar
  • She plays the guitar
    You eat pizza
  • the dog eats pizza

we use “do” and “don t” for the personal pronous >
I / you / we or they
We use “does” or “doesnt” whe we are using >
he / she / it in the sentece

No, I don’t play any musical instrument.
Yes, I eat vegetables/
No, I don’t live in an apartment.
Yes, I speak Spanish.

  1. He lives in Colombia or She lives in colombia.
    Other options: Does he live in Colombia? / He doesn’t live in colombia.

  2. He works at Platzi or She works at Platzi
    Other options: Does he work at Platzi? / He doesn’t work at Platzi

  3. He Plays the guitar or She plays the guitar
    Other options: Does He play the guitar? / He doesn’t play the guitar.

  4. He eats Pizza or She eats Pizza
    Other options: Does he eat pizza? / he doesn’t eat pizza

No, I don’t play any musical instrument
Yes, I eat vegetables
No, I live in apartment
Yes, I speak spanish

Practice: Select the correct option
● Mary likes to play tennis
● We cook delicious cakes
● I eat a lot
● He lives in the forest
● Charles studies English

we live in colombia
he lives in colomobia
she works at platzi
he plays the guitar
she eats pizza

do / don´t
does / doesn´t

do you play any musical instrument?
Yes i do, i play the guitar
do you eat vegetables?
yes i do,
do you live in an apartment?
no i don´t, i live in the house
do you speak spanish?
yes i do,


Time to practice:

  • Do you play any musical instruments?
    No, I don’t
  • Do you eat vegetables?
    Yes, I do
  • Do you live in an apartment?
    No, I don’t. I live in a house
  • Do you speak Spanish
    Yes, I do

No , i don´t.
Yes, i do.
No, i don´t live in a apartment.
yes, i do speack spanish.
bye bye!

Practice: Select the correct option
● Mary like / likes to play tennis = Mary likes to play tennis.
● We cook / cooks delicious cakes = we cook delicious cakes.
● I eat / eat a lot = I eat a lot.
● He live / lives in the forest = He lives in the forest.
● Charles studies / studys English = Charles studies English.

  • He lives in Colombia.
  • She works at Platzi.
  • He plays the guitar.
  • She eats Pizza.

No me gusto esta clase

My practice:

  1. No, I don´t play musical instrument.
  2. Yes, I do.
  3. No, I don´t, i live in my house.
  4. Yes, I do.
  1. Do you play any musical instrument? - No, I don’t play any musical instrument.
  2. Do you eat vegetables? - Yes, I do eat vegetables.
  3. Do you live in an apartment? - No, I don’t. I live in my brother’s house.
  4. Do you speak Spanish? - Yes, I do speak Spanish.

We live Colombia.
He lives in Colombia - She lives in Colombia
I work at Platzi
He works at Platzi - She works at Platzi.
They play the guitar.
He plays the guitar - She plays the guitar.
You eat pizza.
He eats pizza - She eats pizza.

Do you play any musical instrument?
Yes, i do
Do you eat vegetables?
Yes, i do
Do you live in an apartment?
No, i don´t
Do you speak spanish?
Yes, i do


Make sentences using He or She

  • She lives in Colombia.
  • He works at Platzi.
  • She plays the guitar.
  • He eats Pizza

Simple Present Other Verbs

Affirmative Sentences

I/You/We/They + Verb + ComplementHe/She/It + Verb + s/es/ies + Complement

Negative Sentences

I/You/We/They + do not / don’t + Verb + ComplementHe/She/It + does not / doesn’t + Verb + Complement

Interrogative Sentences

Do + I/You/We/They+ Verb + Complement + ?Does + He/She/It + Verb + Complement + ?


Yes, I/You/We/They doYes, He/She/It doesNo, I/You/We/They don’tNo, He/She/It doesn’t

thisi is dificult for mi

  • Do you play any musical instrument? Yes, I do. I play the flute.

  • Do you eat vegetables? Yes, I do. I eat vegetables. Tomatoes are my favourites.

  • Do you live in an apartment? No, I don’t. I don’t live in an apartment.

  • Do you speak Spanish? Yes, I do. I speak Spanish because I’m Colombian.

Affirmative Sentences

I/You/We/They + Verb + Complement
He/She/It + Verb + s/es/ies + Complement
Negative Sentences

I/You/We/They + do not / don’t + Verb + Complement
He/She/It + does not / doesn’t + Verb + Complement
Interrogative Sentences

Do + I/You/We/They+ Verb + Complement + ?
Does + He/She/It + Verb + Complement + ?

Yes, I/You/We/They do
Yes, He/She/It does
No, I/You/We/They don’t
No, He/She/It doesn’t

The statements makes by me:

  • Homer eats donuts

  • The notebook haves rings

  • Laura draws in her notebook

  • The Mouse turns its lights


Estructura gramatical: I/You/We/They + verb + Complement He/She/It + Verb + s/es/ies + Complement

Excellent class teacher!

  • Do you play any musical instrument?
    No, I don´t play musical instrument.

  • Do you eat vegetables?
    Yes, I do eat vegetables.

  • Do you live in an apartment?
    No, I don´t live in an apartment.

  • Do you speak Spanish?
    Yes, I do speak Spanish.

-she lives in colombia

  • he works at plazi
    -she plays the guitar
  • he eats pizza

Do you play any musical instrument?
👉🏼No, I don’t

Do You eat vegetables?
👉🏼No, I don’t eat vegetables.

Do you live in an apartament?
👉🏼No, I don’t.

Do you speak spanish?
👉🏼 Yes, I do speak spanish.

My answers:

No, I don’t
Yes, I do
No, I don’t
Yes, I do

My answers:
-No, I don’t play any musical instrument
-Yes, I do eat vegetables
-No, I don’t live in an apartament
-Yes, I do speak Spanish.

We live in Colombia
He lives in Colombia
She Lives in Colombia

I work at Platzi
He works at Platzi
She works at Platzi

They play the guitar
He playes the guitar
She playes the guitar

You eat Pizza
He eats Pizza
She eats Pizza

Do you play any musical instrument?
No i don`t play any musical instrument.

Do you eat vegetables?
Yes i eat vegetables.

Do you live in an apartment?
Yes , I live in an apartment.

Do you speak Spanish?
yes i speak spanish

We live in Colombia
He lives in Colombia

I work at Platzi
She works at Platzi

They Play the guitat
He plays the guitar

You eat pizza
It eats pizza

Seria genial si también colocaran subtitulos cerrados en ingles, yo uso los subtitulos en ingles por si no entiendo alguna palabra ya que mi listening es bastante regular, pero como están generados automáticamente a veces confunde palabras, por ejemplo: Cada vez que dice “this” en los subtitulos sale como “these”

We live in Colombia - She lives in Colombia
I work at Platzi - She works at Platzi
They play the guitar - She plays the guitar
You eat Pizza - She eats Pizza.

Do you play any musical instrument?
Yes, I do. I play the guitar.
Do you eat vegetables?
Yes, I do. I love it.
Do you live in an apartment?
No, I don´t. I live in a house.
Do you speak Spanish?
Yes, I do.

No I don´t play any musical instrument.
Yes I eat vegetables.
Yes I live in an apartment
Yes I speak spanish.

My answers:

  1. Do you play any musical instrument?
  • No, I don’t.
  1. Do you eat vegetables?
  • Yes, I do.
  1. Do yo live in an apartment?
  • No, I don’t.
  1. Do you speak Spanish?
  • Yes, I do.

I eat / eat a lot

Not, I don’t play any musical instrument
Yes, I eat vegetables
Not, I live in a house
Yes, of course. Spanish is my first language.

Yes, I play the flute.
Yes, I love eat vegetables.
Yes, I live in an aparment.
Yes, spanish is my native language.

Do you play any musical instrument?
No, I don’t
Do you eat vegetables?
Yes, I do
Do you live in an apartment?
Yes, I do
Do you speak Spanish?
Yes, I do

He lives in Colombia
She works at Platzi
He plays the guitar
She eats Pizza

  • Do you play any musical instrument?
    Yes, I play the guitar
  • Do you eat vegetables?
    Yes, I eat vegetables.
  • Do you live in an apartment?
    Yes, I live in a small apartment
  • Do you speak Spanish?
    Yes, I speak Spanish
Do you play any musical instrument? Not in this moment. I used to play the guitar but I leave it. I like drums. Do you eat vegetables? I really like to eat vegetables. I love brocoli. Do yo live in an apartment? Yes, I live in a 4th floor. This apart. is very small Do you speak Spanish? Of course, is my native language

1.- Yes I do, I play the guitar.
2.- Yes I eat vegetables, i like.
3.- No I don´t live in apartment. I live in Parent´s House
4.- Yes i do. I speak Spanish, i am Mexican. This is my language.

He lives in colombia.
She works at Platzi.
She plays the guitar.
He eats pizza.

Do you play any musical instrument?
No, I don´t.
Do you eat vegetables?
Yes, I do.
Do you live in an apartament?
No, I don´t .
Do you speak Spanish?
Yes, I do.

My Practice:

  1. Mary likes to play tenis
  2. We cook delicious cakes
  3. I eat a lot
  4. He lives in the forest
  5. Charles studies English


  1. He/she lives in Colombia
  2. He/she works at Platzi
  3. He/she plays the guitar
  4. He/she eats Pizza


  1. Do you play any musical instrument?
    No, I don’t.
  2. Do you eat vegetables?
    Yes, I do.
  3. Do you live in an apartment?
    Yes, I do.
  4. Do you speak Spanish?
    Yes, I do.

Mary like / likes to play tennis

++ Charles studies++ / studys English

do you eat vegetables?
yes i do

I don´t play any musical isntrument
Yes, I do.
No, I don´t live in an apartmet
Yes of course. But I learming English

1.Yes, I do
2. Yes, I do
3. No, I don’t
4. Yes I do