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Describe personas en Inglés


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

Lee cuidadosamente la descripción que se encuentra a continuación:

This is my mother. She is 50 (fifty) years old. She lives in Pacho, and she is a comercial assistant for a bank since 1998. She likes to dance in the morning before going to work, and she loves cooking vegetarian food. She doesn’t read the newspaper very often, but she watches science documentaries. She doesn’t speak Portuguese, but she speaks Spanish. Her name is Miryam and I love her.

Ahora es tu turno de practicar. Escribe una descripción de tu padre, madre o ser querido y revisa tu uso de los verbos.

Contribución creada con aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez y Marco Danilo Góngora Trinidad

Aportes 2531

Preguntas 58

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Hello my friends of Platzi, This is my exercise

This is my mother, she’s 56 years old, she lives in Arequipa-Peru whit my brothers and she likes to knit sweaters.

She doesn’t speak English but she speaks Spanish and Quechua.

I love my mom!!!

Hellos classmates!
This is my exercise:

This is my mother. She is 50 (fifty) years old. She lives in Pacho and She is a comercial assistant for a bank since 1998. She likes to dance in the morning before going work and She loves cooking vegetarian food. She doesn´t read newspaper very often but She watches science documentaries. She doesn´t speak portuguese but She speaks Spanish. Her name is Miryam and I love her.

Hi everyone, this is my dog, his name is Hércules, he is one year old, he lives in my house, he loves meat and some fruits, it’s a very special dog, is very peaceful, lovely and he wants to play all day, in my house, he is the king and we love him so much.

In the picture are my father and me (I don’t like beer XD)
My father has 50 (fifty-five) years old. He lives in Oaxaca; Mexico and he is a street merchant

Loves to run many kilometers in the mornings. He enjoys talking to the people of his town, family, friends, etc.
In his life, he needed to learn various trades to be able to work and survive.
He knows many things like, masonry; he knows basic things about building houses, plumbing, electricity, soldering, handling silver, and now he is even learning how to play guitar and sing, etc.
He had a difficult life; he is one of the reasons why I also work hard.
He speaks Spanish and the language of his people (Triqui). He is bilingual
He doesn’t like the raw food and make him wait, like me, hahaha.
My father is my pride and inspiration.

Hello everyone, This is my cat. Its name is Bigotuda. It likes sleep and eat. Also It doesn’t like noise. It has 2 years old and It is peruvian.Finally it hates me. 😂

This is my sister. She is 25 years old
She lives in Panamá and she is maritime engineer.
she loves the cats and the indie music.

She doesn’t drinks beer but she likes the wine.
she has a car and goes to the beach on weekends.

I admire my sister.

This is my grandfather. He is 93 years old
He lives in Cieneguilla and he is a gardener.
He likes to play the chelo and he loves breed hens, parrots and rabbits.

He doesn’t watch TV very often but he listens to the radio. He doesn’t speak English but he speaks Quechua.

I feel very worried for him because he has a lot of headeches and stomachs.

Hello! This is my cat “Gray”. It is six years old and it is a very beatifull cat. He lives with my family and with others seven dogs (we have a lot of pets at home).
He usually asks for food by hitting his plath with his paw, that is very amusing . He also loves eat meat, he asks for it when my mum is cooking. He loves spleep on the roof or with the dogs.

My family love him! He is very happy with us!

Writing ✍️

This is my father his name is Osvaldo.

He is blond and he has green eyes.
He is friendly, generous, fun and intelligent.
He is 50 years old.
He lives in Mexico and he is a farmer.
Too he likes to raise animals. My dad has a ping, horse,cow and chickens.
He loves eating tacos.
He doesn’t like to sing but he likes to dance.
He speaks Spanish.
I love my dad

Speaking 🗣
My audio

Hello, This is my mom. She is fifty-six years old, she lives in Bogotá with me. She likes to cook everything you imagine. Myriam was learned to use the phone and the most thing that she likes is takes photos.

Hello everyone!! This is my exercise:

I´m going to talk about my best friend
His name is Yonathan, His last name is Espino, he is fifteen years old, he likes to play videogames (me too), he have two dogs and one rabbit, he´s a good student, he live in Herrera,Panama.

This is my father, he is 69 years old, he lives in Maracay, he is Degree in social sciences. He likes to participate in activities in the community and help people.
He doesn’t watch TV very often, he reads news in internet And
He loves historical research.

Hi #PlatziNautas ! 🚀
This is my mother. Her name is Hilda, She is Peruvian, she lives in Sullana / Piura. She is fifty years old and She is Primary Teacher. She likes to travel a lot with me.

Sometimes she doesn’t like to exercise, she prefers stay in home watching netflix. She doesn’t english but she speaks spanish perfectly.

I love my mom ❤️

Hello everyone, this is my father, your name is Carlos the same name of my name, he has 48 years old, he is mechanic, he lives in Caracas Venezuela, He likes watch tiktok at night before he sleeps and he loves eating burger, specially the burgers that I prepare.
I love my Dad.

Hi everyone!

This is my exercise

This is my mother, she’s 55 years old, she lives in Barranquilla and she’s accounting assistant. She likes to listen to music at YouTube and she loves eating vegetables.

She doesn’t cook very often but she cleans the house. She doesn’t speak English but she speaks Spanish.

I love my mom!

Hello guys. This is my cat. She has many names, usually her name is lila, sometimes my mother calls her layla and my grandmother calls her dormilona. My cat is very calm and she loves sleep. she has 3 months. She likes to be on me when I study in platzi. I love my cat

This is my wife. She is 30 (thirty) year old. She lives in Caracas, and she is a nurse working for different clinics. She cooks delicious dishes at home, and is a very loving mother to our son. She is studying German and English, and is preparing to work in Germany. She doesn’t speak French, but she speaks German very well. Her name is María Angelica and I love her.

This is my little sister. Her name is Nervanis. She is 4 years old. She lives in Bogota. She go to the kindergarden everyday. She likes to play in the park and she loves eating hot dogs. She does watch TV very often. She doesn’t speak English but she speaks Spanish.

I love my little sister!

It’s my turn!

This is my sister. She is 60(sixty) years old. She live in Venezuela but now she is in Peru visiting her two sons. She is a English teacher. She likes to cook and to read. She doesn’t make exercise and she doesn’t speak in public. She is very happy because she needs being close her sons,

I admire my sister!

Hi everyone!
This is my mother. She is 52 years old. She is housewife. She lives in Bogota Colombia with my dad and younger brother. She likes to walk and driver her car. Also she likes to spend time with her family. She doesn’t wash tv very often but she likes to watch news and entertaining content on her phone. She likes to go shopping, sometime we go together. He does not speak English but she says that this language is beautiful. I love my mom!

Hello, this is my mother. She is Christian and she is fifty years old. Her favorite sport is golf and she practices it a lot. She is the bravest person I ever meet. She is lovely and kind to all the people. She always encourages a lot of people to play golf. Currently, she lives in Tacna, Peru with my father and sister. She is beautiful. She is honest and awesome! You need to meet my mom, she is wonderful and always has words of encouragement.

This is my son Dylan, He is Six years old,
He lives in Nicaragua,
He goes to elementary school, He is intelligent
He likes play so much, He is very fun and polite.
He doesn´t like meat.
He is the best son

This is my father. His name is Mario and He’s 52 years old. He loves to watch River Plate’s matches and he eats asado every sunday. He’s an Agronomic Engineer and He works hard.

This is my mom, her name is Lenny.
She is 54 years old, she lives in Venezuela with my dad. She is dental assistant. She likes to cook and listen to music all the time. I haven’t seen her since 2018 because I moved to Buenos Aires, and miss her too much.

Her name is Lorena, she is my mother.
She has 44 years. She lives in Mexico City.
She cooks very well. She likes to listen to Salsa music.

My sister’s name is Alondra, she is 9 years old. she is very friendly, likes sports, eats a lot of sushi (she loves it) and watches cat videos.

My family is very important to me. ❤️

This is my partner. She 27 yeras old.
She lives in Yopal and she is administrative .
She likes listen music and love his cury hair.
She doesn’t speak English but she speaks spanish.

I love my partner.

This is my mother, she is 50 years old, she lives in colombia and she is a colombian, she is a housewife.
she likes eat sweets and she loves watches tv all always.

she doesn’t like go to the doctor and she doesn’t speak english.

Helo everyone! This is my excercise

This is my father. He is fourty-nine years old and he is a police officer. He likes to hear old music, enjoy coffee and he love working. And also he always wake early.

He doesn’t run very often but he makes excercise at job. He doesn’t speak english but he knows very well how spanish works.

I really love my dad

Hollo everyone! This is my mother. She is 62 years old He lives in Medellín,Colombia and she is a housewife. Se likes to drink coffee in the morning and she loves flowers and plants. She doesn’t watch TV because she likes listen radio stations and news. She is a wonderful person, and I love her!
![]()![]( This is my dog, her name is Lily. She's two year old and she lives with me and my wife. We adopted her eighteen months ago. She loves to eat meat and her snacks. She always wants play with her ball and she loves go out. We're very happy with her and we love her very much.
Hi, My mother is a lot of fun. she's 65 years old, She's a teacher, but she's retired. She doesn't exercise because her knees hurt. She makes dolls for Christmas, and she sells her products to all people, especially in our family. I love my mom! I love my mother.
Hello!! Today I’m describing my mother. My mother is a person very honest with a good sense of humor.She is 39 years old. She is about 1.65m tall.She has black hair. She is usually charismatic and a little angry.
THIS IS EXERCISE: This is my daughter, she is 2 years old. She likes vegetables, also she eats pizza. Her hair is curly, the brown eyes and her smile is beautiful. She doesn't speak english.
**This is my brother Byron. He is 18 years old and He lives in Misantla, Veracruz. Actually, He studies an engineering at ITSM. He likes to listen to music every day and eat a lot of food.** **He often watches movies with my father and sometimes plays video games with me. He doesn’t speak English but he speaks Spanish very well.** **I love my brother**
Hi guys, This is my wife (wife.jpg...sorry) she is 32 years old and she is from Colombia. She have two beautiful kids. She is learning English at the moment and likes to play the guitar and piano; also, she is a singer.
Hi Fiends, this is my family. I have two brother and one sister, they live with my parents. My moon is tailor, her name is Rosa and my dad is carpenter, his name is Federico. My sister works in factory, she is a zootechnical engineer, she is very well in your work. My two brother are Preparing to the university. My family is very happy, a love it.
This is my father. His name is Alvaro, he is 58 (Fifty eight) years old, and he is from Costa Rica. He likes sewing, and works in the public sector in our country, he doesn't like to exercise.
My mother this old, she is 63 years old, she is beutiful my sister is young
This is my father, he is fourty-six years old, he lives in tlaxcala, and he is a peasant and he loves eating bread in the breakfast
Hello! Everyone. I would like to introduce myself. I am geraldine, I am nineteen years old. this is my first time taking a English classes! Currently I live in California and I would really like to speak and a fluid English. i am trying to do my best and watch all nights before go to bed an english classes At Platzi platform.

My mother is of short stature, but very mother good, my dad, he died seven years ago, my brother is very strong and intelligent, my sister carmen, she in the time frees like cook.

Hi, this is my example.
This is my mother, she is 56 years old, she lives in Guatemala City with my father and me.
She doesn’t speak English, she speaks only Spanish.

Her favorite color is Orange and she goes to church every day.
She is a beatyfull Woman
and I love my mother

She is my wife. She has 24 years old. She lives with me in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She studies her phd in cicil enginering and works in investigament. She likes sleep and go to shoping in her free time.
She doesnt like go to GYM. She doesnt speak Portuguese but she speaks Spanish and English.
I love and admire my wife.

This is my mother. She is fifty-six yeats old. She lives in Guatemala. She likes to eat, She loves to play basketball she is very good. She doesn’t like the animals. I love her, she is the best mother of the word.

She is my girlfriend Angélica, she is 22 years old, she studies agronomic engineering in the national university, she likes the pizza and street food, she likes read many book of differents topic. I admire her discipline and her personality. She can use difficult software and she a lot of plants and plant production. I love her.

This is my mother. She is 73 years old. She lives in Guatemala, her name is Catalina, she likes to cook and play with her grandchildren. She loves to watch television programs and sing, she is a wonderful woman.

this is mi father, he is fifty years old. he is live in mendozaza, his name is Marcelo Antontio, he likes go to the park , he dosn’t speack english but he speack spanish,he has little patience but his love is great

This is my boyfriend, Mariano. He is 30 years old, lives in Ushuaia, and has been a React developer for three years. He loves playing Call of Duty, eating delicious food, playing chess, and watching movies.

This is my dog Gardel, and he is one and a half years old, he lives in Colombia with me, he doesn’t like to be alone. But he really likes to play with the ball.

Hi, everyone!!
This is my husband, he is thirty two years old. He likes to plays videogames with his friends. He love to eats, specially fast food…obviously, he hates vegetables aaha. He’s a software engineer, he works in the bank since 2019. He likes all music and he likes going to the movies everytime we can.!!!

This is my mother, She is 46 years old. She lives in Colombia and she is an environmental engineer. She likes in the morning.

She doesn´t like spicy food but she likes pasta.

I love mom.

Hi everyone! This is my cat, her name is lina, she is 3 months old, she likes run and up in all, since tables until refrigerator, Is all the opposit of peaceful, she likes sleep everyday and run and play in the night

Hi everyone!
This is mi wife
Her name is Angelica. She’s 30 years old
She lives with me in Mexico City
Angelica is a dentist
She loves study
She doesnt like terror movies
I love her, is my inspiration

Hello people! This is my exercise: Describing my friend Any

This is my best friend Any. She’s 20 years old and she is a Software Engineer student at the University “Santa Maria” in Venezuela.

Any speaks English and Spanish, but she does not speak Chinese. To my friend really like hamburgers.

I love to my best friend with all my heart!

This is my mother. She is 41 years old She lives in Peru and she sells delicious food.She likes to being with family and love eating vegetables.

She is a good person and is best person in the family, because she is strong and every day makes productive tings,she are more intelligent and beautifull.

this is my exercise
this is mi father, he´s 68 years old, he lives in bogota whit my mom
he doesn´t speak English, he speaks Spanish
he¨s retired.

This is my brother, He is 13 years old, He lives in Peru,
He is a student of highschool, He likes to play videogames in the morning and He loves eating potato.
He doesn’t play volleyball but He always plays soccer .
He doesn’t speak chinese , He speak spanish and He is learning to speak english.
He is a good person👍

Hi, everyone! This is my excercise: I’m gonna introduce my dog.

This is my dog. (I know that we have to use “it” to refer an animal, but my dog is like family to me, so I’m gonna say “he”).
This is my dog. His name is Rufus. He is nine years old. He likes to play with his ball, but for us is the-thing-that-can-not-be-named, because when he hears the B word, he gets crazy. He traveled through almost every country in south america to came to me. I love my litlle dog.

This is my mother. She is 45 (forty five) years old. She lives in Mexico and she is a lawyer for a government since 2009. She likes read in the morning before going to work, and she loves cooking sea food. She doesn’t read the exercise, but she go for a walk. She doesn’t speak English, but she speaks Spanish. Her name is Yeni and I love her.

Hello classmates, This is my exercise.

  • This is my mother. She is 55 years old. She lives in Nicaragua and she is a teacher. She likes watches movies and she loves drinking fruit juice.
    She doesn´t dance very well but she listens to music all time. She doesn´t write a book but she reads book
    I love my mom!

This is my exercise.

This is my sister, she’s 55 years old, she lives in Apopa and she’s accounting assistant. She likes to listen to music at Spotify and she loves eating vegetables.

She doesn’t cook very often but she cleans the house. She doesn’t speak English but she speaks Spanish.

I love my sister!


This is my husband, your name is Miguel Ramirez, he is electronic engineer. now he works at the home, he is 32 years old, he doesn’t like vegetables but, he loves to eat meat, we live in the Bogotá city and we are very happy.
I love my husband.

Hello, This is my exercise
This is my mother, she is 52 years old, she lives in Caracas-Venezuela, she is teacher, she likes to dance everything, she doesn’t speak English but she speak Spanish.
I love my mother.

Hi there, this is my writing exercise.
This is my mother, she is 62 years old, she lives in Santa Marta and she’s a housewife. She likes to embroider clothes.
She doesn’t go to the sea but she likes to walk the streets. She doesn’t speak English but she speaks Spanish because she is Colombian. I love my mom.

this is my mother. He is 56 years old, She lives in Colombia with my brother and my father, she works at marketing. She doesn’t like see me suffer for women, she doesn’t talk about politics.

This is my father, he is 56 (fitty-six) years old, he loves the dogs, he dosen’t live with me because he lives with his couple. He likes sing and playies the guitar also he likes run in the morning and does excersise.

this is my beatifull mother , she is forty nine years old, she is inteligent, shi live in caldas, she is lernning english, too speak spanish, she liked every food, she doesn’t read the newspaper, but she watches nwes in the tv,. her name is Luz and i love her

This is my mother. she is 50 years old. She lives in Medellin and she is a talented woman. she loves cooking for the all people

My mom’s name is Griselda, she is 52 years old, lives in Mexico, and is secretariat
she likes to watch TV in the afternoon ,she loves to watch tv soap and also she likes to cook delicious food
she doesn’t like to wait because she will stress, she doesn’t speak english but say that she will like to learn

My sister is very beatiful, she is tall, she likes basket ball, chess and soccer, she is a funny person, is very inteligent, she has 13 years old .

She likes the color purple, the rings,and more accesories, she oves BTS is her favorite band.

Hello my friends of Platzi, This is my exercise

This is my mother, she’s 56 years old, she lives in Arequipa-Peru whit my brothers and she likes to knit sweaters.

She doesn’t speak English but she speaks Spanish and Quechua.

I love my mom!!!

Hello, this is my mother, she lives in Chile and she is eighty six years old, she doesn;t speak english, she speaks spanish.

It’s my dog, his name is Akira, it have two years old and a live in my house whit my family.
she likes play whit the ball and sleep.

This is my father, his name is Orlando. He is 71 years old. He lives in zulia, Venezuela, with his son and daughter-in-law. He likes to watch TV like movie and news. Likewise, he doesn't like mess and eating very late.

My mother is Lina. She is 40 years old. She is an accountant. she is from San Andres island but she lives in colombia.

She likes to watch movies and she loves running in the morning with my father.

This is my sister, she’s 25 years old, she is a doctor, she have a boyfriend. She likes the movies. She is bolivian now she is in vacation.

Hello dudes! Here we go.
This is my sister, she is twenty two years old and she lives in Cuba with my parents. She loves to watch tv shows and to study. She really likes fashion and to travel. She doesn’t speak English very well yet but she is learning a lot with Platzi’s teachers.

This is my mother. She is 36 years old, he live en Colombia, she is a Business administrator, She likes to sleep.
She doesnt speak English but she speak Spanish.

I love my mom!! 😃

My exercite
This is my brother. He is a 30 years old
He lives in Mexico and he is father the kid 2 years old. He likes to the videogame play. He doesn`t speak English. He speak spanish.

Hi everyone,
This is my cat Teo. Sometimes i call him Teodoro. He´s a boy. He´s 4 years old. He lives with me in my house.
I love him so much. He´s my son.

This is my mother . She is 68 years old he lives in Guadalajara de Buga and she likes watch TV, listen music and sleep. she doesn´t like watch news because she gets streesed.

I’m going to tell about my daughter. She is 2 years old, She lives in Maryland with me, She lives to play all day, She likes watch TV, your favorite foods are fruits and chips, She also has a sister and three brothers, She likes them to read a story before bed.

Hello classmates
This is my father, He is 50 years old, he live in Villavicencio- Colombia, He is a spanish teacher, He has 3 sons, I’m the oldest of my 3 brothers. My father and I live in differents places, I live with my mother and 4 cats, My father live with my brothers and 2 cats (Yes, we like cats).

Hi friends, My name is Edgar and I’m a software engineer. I live in Guatemala and I love programming.

This is my exercise. Tanks to all.

This is my mother, Silvia. She is 47 years old. She lives in Lima (Peru) and her profession is accountant. She likes to sleep and loves to teach at Certus.
One scary fact about her is that she doesn’t tolerate the consecutive delays, she turns into a demon and forgets who her son is. Changing the subject, she speaks basic to intermediate English but it is hard for her to understand what someone says in english.
I love my mom!

Hi, This is my dog, Choco, he’s 10 years old, he lives with me and my Mom, He’s a Poodle. He loves play with other dogs and eats meat.

This is my Sister, she´s 26 years old, she live in Argentina with me, she likes view movies in her room

This is my wife, She’s 31 years old, she lives in Mexico City,
She likes eat ice cream with chocolate. She’s really intelligent and great person.
I really really love her.

My mother is a preschool teacher and has taught in some rural kindergartens. She is very attentive and always cares about hers.

She likes the Mexican music of the eighties and exercise sometimes. She hates to be exposed to the sunlight more than five minutes.

She actually cooks very well especially if the recipe needs cheese. She loves it.

My father 54 years old, his live in bogota he like to drive car in the city, he doesn’t speaking much, his love to drink coffee.
My mother 52 years old, her live in bogota her like speaking whit family, she doesn’t disscution, her love your family.

My brother 24 year old, student engineer his like to motyclite, his doesn’t like the loganiza, his love to candy.

Hello!! my dog is Max, he is four years old, he wants get out every time at the park, he plays whit your blanket and he eats a lot, his breed is pug.

I love my dog, and my girlfriend?
yes, she loves the dog

hi! everyone, this is my exercise, this is my mother, she is 50 years old, she is student and she is living Costa Rica, she is learning english every days.

I will talk about my mom: She is 55 years old. She lives in Manizales, Colombia. She is a housewife and she likes to go to the church every Sunday.

She doesn’t speak english and she loves TV shows.

Hi for all, this is my mother, she is the most beautiful woman i know, she is very very friendly and his greatest passion is cooking.
I love my mom

Hello everybody, this is my mother, she is 51 years old, she lives in Lima Perú with my father, she likes songs by Jenny Rivera and other mexican artist. She doesn’t speak English very well, she knows many words, but she can’t speak fluidly. She is a housewife.
Love you mom 😄

I describe my husband. He is 31 years old, he lives in Alajuela, Costa Rica. He has one brother and one sister. He is a personal trainer in Essential Workout. He has three dogs and one cat. He studies in Platzi too.

This is my dad, His name is Juan Carlos. He is Mexican, he is 58 years old and he is a public acconuntant. he loves read of the history and animals, he watches his cellphone everytime to learn about animals and history.

He only speak Spanish but probably he gets platzi to learn english too.

I love my dad too much.

Here is my exercise:

This is my dog, his name is Otto. He is eleven months old. He likes to play with me and walk in the street. He doesn’t speak any language but he makes a very funny sound: woof, woof. I love him with all my heart!

Reading and writing exercise: describing people!
I describe my brother:

This is my brother. He is 48 years old. He lives in Lima, Perú, and he is a Mechanical Engineer. He likes to bake bread, and he loves eating roast beef.
He doesn’t read books very often, but he plays computer games. He doesn’t speak French, but he speaks Portuguese. He has a big rabbit, and two daughters.