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Describe tu rutina diaria en Inglés


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

Lee con detenimiento la rutina que se encuentra a continuación:

I wake up at 9 o’clock, and the first thing I do is make breakfast. Then, I have breakfast with my brother, clean up the dishes that I get for cooking, then I spend time with my computer at Platzi for over 3 hours. After that, I get dressed and go to the gym at my daily schedule. Later on, I go back home and take lunch with my brother. Following that, I take a shower and go to the office to check on my job. Then, I arrive home to have dinner and watch some shows in English on Netflix for practicing this new language. Finally, at 11 o’clock, I go to sleep.

Ahora, anímate a redactar tu propia rutina. Te puedes guiar por el ejemplo anterior y puedes usar el material complementario para encontrar vocabulario.

Recuerda que la práctica te ayuda a descubrir los aspectos que debes reforzar.

Contribución creada con aportes de Avilio Muñoz Vilchez y Yatziri Anayetzin Reynoso Cuevas.

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Preguntas 72

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My daily routine

I wake up at 8:00 am and I take a shower, then I have breakfast. At 11:00 am I start to study at Platzi until 2:00 pm so I have lunch and I’m going to study again at 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm, then I have dinner, after I’m watching a serie and finallly at 11 pm I’m going to bed.

Daily routine:

I wake up at 9 o'clock, and the first thing I do is make breakfast, then I have breakfast with my brother, clean up the dishes that I get for cooking, then I spend time with my computer at Platzi for over 3 hours , after that, I dressed up for go to the gym at my daily schedule, and I go back to home for cooking and eat also with my brother, finishing that I take a shower and go out for check how is going a project that I started , then I arrive home to have dinner and watch some shows in English on Netflix for practicing this new language. And then I go to sleep over 11 o'clock.

I usually do the same thing every day because I have a very stablished routine:
First I wake up at six thirthy then I wash my face and teeth
I eat my breakfast while getting ready to my daily classes (this during the week) and then I join the first meeting of the day
On my breaks I always watch Platzi courses
When I finish my schedule I eat my lunch and spend the afternoon doing homework and practicing violin or harop till six oclock when I join my French classes
At the end of the day I always watch a movie and chat with my friends and then I read a book while listening to BTS but if Im inspired I try to draw or write some stuff

I wake up at 7:00 a.m. every day, I feed my dogs and I drink tea, I work at home, I eat at 12:30 p.m. I study at platzi before dinner and I go to bed at 11:30 p.m.

Hey! I wake up at 6 am. I take a shower and comb the air. Then I go to work all at day. I go to house at 5pm. I get dressed and I go to gym. In the night I watch tv with my fathers.


**My Daily Routine:

I wake up every day at 5:00 am, The first thing that I do is brush my teeth, then I exercise for 40 minutes, after that I meditate for 10 minutes and finally I read a book (now is Many Lives, Many Masters). Then I take a shower and I study in Platzi In the Data Science School and English School. At 8:30, I eat breakfast and at 9: 00 I work at home. I have lunch at 1:30 pm and my work day finish at 6:30 pm. After that I study another time in Platzi. At 9:30 pm, I read a book and then I go to bed at 10:30 pm.

I wake up at 8:00 am, then I go to the University and I have the classes. In the afternoon I like to play soccer with my friends and finally in my home I take a shower and I go the bed.

I wake up at 6:00 am , I get up and brush my teeht. I exercise for a half on hour, then I take a shower and I make my breakfast. I work at home, so start at 9:00 am. I have a luch at 2:00 pm. Finish my work at 4:00 pm, but affter I estudy on Platzi programming and english until 7:00 pm. At night I cook dinner, I take a shower and before go to sleep I read a book.

hello this is my daily toutine
i wake up at 6:oo am and get up, then i take a shower and then get dressed . i eat breakfast and then brush my teeth and later go to university.

My daily routine.

I wake up at 4am  I talk to Good, I do  my devotional and drink a lot of water, then I do exercise  and meditate and more water.
Then I take a shower and I sit to study for 3 hrs or so.
At 9am, I eat breakfast.
Then I helped with the housework.
At 1-2pm, I eat lunch with my family.
And in the afternoon  I continue studying or whatever is pending the day.
I don’t have dinner and I go to be at 9-10pm.

I wake up very earlly at five and a half that is very early for me jeje, and then i take a shower, i make the breakfast for my husband and me, then, we go to walk around the park with our doggi daugther for 20 or 30 munites, and then we go to work at home office

I weak up at 4:30 but I get up at 6:00. Then I have a shower and I eat breakfast at 7:00 o clock. I start work at 8:00 am. I study Data Science at Coursera and Platzi. I go back home at 7:00 pm then i study English at Platzi . I read my favorite book and I go bed after watch short videos o my social medias.

This is my daily routine

I wake up at 5:15 am and I get ready to go to work. I don’t eat breakfast before work because I do it at work and I go to work.
After work, I take a break and I watch my favorite videos, read my favorite manga/book for 1 hour and then I study at Platzi for 3 hours.
Late at night, i go to bed and read more for a little time.

I wake up at 6:00am, then I brush my teeth, take a shower, and I prepare my cup of coffee. I study at University at 8:00 am to 4pm, but my mother prepares my lunch, because I’m studying all day. I go to the bed at 10:30pm after having dinner.

I wake up tal 8:30 hours, i make a breakfast, and I take a shower. AfIer that, I begin to study at Platzi during 3 or 4 hours daily. After, I make lunch un the afternoon and I read a book. :V

I wake up at 6: 00 AM, then I have breakfast. At 7:00 AM I start my work like nanny and I finish at 3:00 PM then I go to the Gym and come back to home at 5:00 PM because I start my classes at 6:00 PM. I go to bed at night

I wake up at 6:00am and I wear my daugther to school them I come to back home, i have a breakfast, I take a shower and I exercise for one hour. Them i go to work. i come back home at night and i go to bed after dinner.

I wake up at 8.30am Im going to buy bread to have breakfast with my mother and boyfriend, clean the house and my room. I do ligh exercises at home for half an hour , I have lunch at 12.30am with my sister, boyfriend and mother, in the afternoon i practice a a little italian and english, I listen to music and rest watching social networks. I sleep at 10 pm

i wake up very late and i take a shower.then i play videogames for 3 hour.i cook the dinner at night and after i go to bed after dinner

I wake up very early at 7:30 am and i make a breakfast then i take online lesson of my university At 1 pm when i finish university lessons. I eat lunch then i go to the gym at 2:00 pm then at 4:30 pm i work on my computer and take lessons platzi until 8:00 pm. Thwn i go to my mother work and we come back home. then at 9:00 pm i have a dinner with my family. Then continous work on my computer until 11:30 when take a shower and i going to bed

My daily routine;
i usually wake up at 6:30 am, I take a shower and then I eat my breakfast, I start work at 8, after work I usually watch tv or user my cellphone then I eat dinner and brush my teeth and I go to bed at 10

ok , this is my daily rutine,
I am wake up 5:am every day, and i go to run 30 minutes, come back to home, take a shower, eat, and work every day, for the evening study platzi, for the finish my day, read the book…

I wake up at 7:30, then I make my bed, I drink a water glass, and I sit on my bed to listen a meditation. After I take a shower and I brush my teeth, to be ready to pick up the car, then I read a book. I start my university classes at 9:00 until 13:00 to have lunch and continue with Platzi Academy, then I exercise roughly three hours, then I take a shower in order to go to bed.

My daily routine
I get up usually at 6am. I study for one hour, Then I take a shower and I have breakfast.
I work for eight hours and at nigth, I study a little more, I have dinner and I go to bed.

I wake up very early at 5 am, I take a shower, I have a breakfast and then I brush my teeth, I work at hospitals and my shift start at 7am, I work for 12 hours an I finish my shift at 7 pm , rest a little and continue work in another hospital, in this place mi shift start to 9pm and finish work at 7 am the next day, and very tired and hungry but I come back home and rest all day

I wake up at 8:15 am and I take a shower, then I prepare my breakfast and i connect to my work, i am actually teleworking and at 2 o’clock i have one hour for lunch, at 5 o’clock I finish my work day and begin to study in platzi.

I wake up seven -thirty or eight o’clock am.
I get up and go to brush my teeth.
Make my breakfast and eat my breakfast.
Start work at 9:00 am, work on my computer, at twelve o’clock eat my lunch, start work at one-thirty pm, finish to work at 7:00 pm. Fedd my dogs and waching tv.
At 10 pm take a shower and after go to bed.



Hi, my daily rutine
I wape up at 5:30 am and turn off my alarma, I take a shower, I eat breakfast and I go to work.
I come back home at night, I watch TV with my son and I got to bed after dinner

I wake up at 5 o’clock, and the first thing I do is prepare breakfast, then I take a shower and get dressed to work in the hospital, I finish my shift at 7 pm and go to the gym, then I have dinner at 9 pm and study two hours my english course in platzi

**My daily routine** I wake up at 5:00 am and clean my room then I start to do excercise for 90 minutes then I prepare the breakfast for my sister, my mother and me, when is finish to have my breakfast, I star to clean the kitchen and help to my mother to clen part of the house, next I take a shower and then get dressed I start to work at 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, I have my lunch and then I return to work at 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm, between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm I study courses from graphic design at platzi, then i have dinner, I play video games at 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm, then I take a shower to go to bed fresh.
I wake up at 6:00 am; I go out with my dog for a walk, I go back to my home and prepare breakfast , I take a shower and then I’m `started to work. In the night I have a dinner, I watch tv and go to the bed at 10:00 pm
I wake up at 6:00 am, I study english at Duolingo for over 30 minutes, then I eat breakfast, take a shower, get dressed, comb my hair, then brush my teeth and after all of that I go to work around 7:30 am. I arrive at my work place at 8:00 am, luckly I live near of my office. I start my work as a assistant accountant, during my day at work I answer emails, talk to the clients, organise sheets on excel and see number all day. I have lunch there at 12:00 pm with some of my co-workers. I restart my work things at 1:00 pm. My day work finish at 5:30 pm, so I go home and when I arrive home at 6:30 pm I start to study english and programming at platzi until 11:00 pm and lastly I go to bed.
I wake up very early and I exercise for 50 minutes at the GYM. After that, I prepare for the start of the day. I take a shower, I get dressed and I make breakfast. Then I go to work by motorcycle. I start work at 8:00 am. I usually check the emails and organize my daily tasks. I sometimes have a meethings. In the middle of the day I have lunch and I work until 5:00 pm. At 6:00 I study english for one hour, then I go back home. I eat dinner and I watch TV. I go to bed at 9:30 pm.
Hi, my dalily routine is wake up at 5:00am and I exercise for a 30 minutes. Then I learn next to Platzi for about an hour while I have a cup of coffee, then I have breakfast and I go in to shower and then go to work. At noon I go to lunch and return home around 8.30pm.
hi. my daily routine now is wake up at 8:00 am, i get up and go jump rope then breackfast. At 10:00 am i study english then i make lunch. At 4: 00 pm study programming, at 5:00 pm study finance. I don´t like dinner so read a book and go to sleep. I´m on vacation so sometimes i don´t shower 🤭

well I live with my boyfriend, We wake up aorund 5 am , My boyfriend put the alarm and he turns off the alarm daily. then he goes to the gym and I stay to home take a shower, I get dress, and comb my hair, I make a breakfast, and when he arrived, we take a breakfast, both we have workly remote, we love this, then each one worked in themselve, and around 11 am we begin to make a lunch, and a half day take a lunch. In the afternoon we follow work and around 6 pm we begin to make a dinner. after the dinner we likes to see a movies in neftlix

My dayli rutine
I wake up at 6:00 am and get dressed for do exercise, I take a shower at 8:30,
I have breakfast a big plate of food, I go to university at 10:00 am, I eat lunch at
12:30 pm, I come to back home at 4:00 pm, I eat a dinner and watch Netflix, I go
to bed at 10:00 pm

I wake up at 7 am and I walk with my dog. Later I do yoga and take a shower at 9 o´clock.
I Take a daily meet al 9:30 am and later work in my job´s tasks.
I walk with my dog and later I going to swim.
Finally I come back home. I watch the TV and later i go to bed after dinner.

I wake up at 8:00 am . and the first thing I do is go to the bathroom, then I wash my hands to prepare breakfast, I and my brother have breakfast with my mother, I read for 20 minutes, I turn on the computer for Platzi’s class, I take a bath, and I make food, we eat and watch TV, then we walk the dog and have dinner then I brush my teeth before sleeping.

Hello guys, nice to meet you. Today I will talk about ‘‘My Daily Routine’’. Always, I wake up at 7:00am and take a shower or sometimes, first, I prepare my breakfast. Then, I brush my teeth and comb my hair. I have my own business so, I work from home. At might day, I go to the gym. At night, I make the dinner and go to sleep at 9:00pm or 10:00pm.

I wake up at 6 o’clock. I turn off my alarm and I drink a glass of water. Then I get up and I brush my teeth. I make breakfast and have breakfast, always I drink coffee, I love it. I take a shower, get dressed. I study English for 30 minutes. I go to work, I start at 8. My day in the office end at 6 pm. I come back home at 7 pm. I go to the gym four times a week. I cook dinner, then I study English for another 30 minutes. I watch tv for a while. I wash my face and moisturize my skin, this is my skincare routine. I brush my teeth. and finally I go to bed about at 11 pm.

I Get up at 5 o’clock, and the first thing I do is Turn off my alarm. Then, I brush my teeth and I take a shower. At 5:40 a.m. I make breakfast for my daughter, while my wife combs her hair. At 6:30 a.m. I go to my daughter school. Then, I come home, I have breakfast with my wife, I clean up the dishes, then I spend time with my computer at Platzi for over 4 hours. After that, at 9:00 a.m. I have a cup of coffee and continue studying. Later on, I go back to school for mi daughter. Following that, we have lunch together.

I wake up very early and take my son to school. I go to the gym, after take my breakfast. I study 1 hour before taking a shower. then, i go to work. i come back home at night and i go to bed after dinner.

i wake up at 4:30 am, i get up take a shower, i get dressed then i brush my teeth, Go to work in bicycle, i start work at 6:00am, i eat breakfast at 9:00 am and eat lunch at 2:00pm
Finish work at 6:00 pm, i Go home arrive home at 7:30 pm,
i street workout for thirty minutes, arrive home, i have a shower then eat dinner, i brush me teeth and i Go to bed.

I wake up very early and start my day practicing languages, then I read a book for thirty minutes. Later I do physical exercise and to finish I study and work on my personal project

i wake up at 7:30 am and i walk with my dog, after have a break fast, then go to the gym for 1 hour and take a shower, after this i work at 10:00 am until 5:00 pm

Mi daily rutine

i wake up at 4:00 am, and i get up at 4:15 am, i take a shower and i go get dressed,
I make breakfast and then i have breakfast with mi family.
Later on, i go to the run with mi friends, and i back to my home at the 6:00 am.
Then, i brush my teeth , after that, i study in Platzi for 2 hours . Finally, at 10:00 o’clock i go to sleep.

My daily routine
I wake up time 8 :00 am , then i brush my teeth and going to shower, so later i wear the clothess, breakfast and going to study.

My name is Fernando and this is my routine I wake up at 5:40 am um I dress up for the gym um I clean my face and comb my hair, I go out to the gym for 1 hour then I go home I make breakfast I brush my teeth and I take a shower, get dressed and start work at 9 am My first activity in the job is a daily meeting know the activities for the day, I work in my computer I eat a lunch at 2 pm come back at 4 pm I finish work at 7 pm I take a break for 45-60 minuts in this time maybe I watch TV or reed a book after cook the dinner I study English class on platzi and finaly I go to the bed

I wake up at 5:30 am, take a shower, read ten pages of a book, study English at Platzi, prepare breakfast, at 8:00 am I start working on my computer. at 12:00 I go to the gym, at 13:45 p.m. I have lunch, at 14:00 I go back to work until 17:00, at 18:00 I have dinner, at 19:00 I study on the Platziuntil 9:00, at 10 :00 pm go to bed

I wake up at 5:00 o´clock, I do yoga and meditation for 45 minutes. Later, I make breakfast for my husband and me. During the breakfast we talk about a lot of things and we always laugh about anything. Then, I go to walk with my dog for one hour and come back for work on my computer for the rest of the day. I read a book at 8 o´clock during two hours and at 10 o´clock go to sleep.

My daily routine

I get up at 8: a.m. in the morning. I usually eat eggs for breakfast. I take classes at home. I watch my favorite series. I take a bath at night and I study at Platzi before go to bed.

I wake up at 9 o’clock, and the first thing I do is make breakfast. Then, I have breakfast with my brother, clean up the dishes that I get for cooking, then I spend time with my computer at Platzi for over 3 hours. After that, I get dressed and go to the gym at my daily schedule. Later on, I go back home and take lunch with my brother. Following that, I take a shower and go to the office to check on my job. Then, I arrive home to have dinner and watch some shows in English on Netflix for practicing this new language. Finally, at 11 o’clock, I go to sleep.

My Daily routine.

Often, I Wake up at 7:00 am and i take my breakfast. Then, I work in my house, because in this moment i have a job hibrid. i study in platzi at 10:00 am or more later. At 12:00 pm I cook my lunch and tray to make differente activities, for example, i like to watch TV, in special the big bang theory or i like to listen tu music. In the afternoon, i have meeting with my parents. At 6:00 pm i work in my

My daily routine in the afternoon

Usually, I exercise for 30 minutes, after that I frequently study English for 1 hour with 30 minutes, also I study Python for 3 or 2 hours. Occasionally I watch the sunset at 5:30 pm or walk with my dog. Finally, I have dinner at 6 or 6:30 pm 🐣

My daily routine:
I wake up at 9:00 am, feed my cat and I take a shower, then I make my breakfast, wash the dishes and clean up the house. At 12:00 pm I make and eat my lunch, then I brush my teeth and start study at platzi for over 3-4 hours. At 6:00 pm I get dressed for my workout routine. then I cook my dinner, take a shower again, read or watch a movie and then I go to sleep over 10:30 or 11 o’clock.

I wake up at 6 o’clock, the i brush my teeth, I take a shower and i get dreesed, then i have breakfast and i brush my teeht again, i work on my computer, then o have lunch at 2 o’clock and I finish work at 4 o´clock , then i go to the gym and i exercise fot at least one hour, after that i como back home and the i play some videogames with my siblings, then I study at platzi and then i eat dinne, finally i read a book for twenty minutes and the i watch tv in my bed.

I wake up at 5 am and I turn off my alarm. Then I get up to my brother and brush my teeth. I drink water. Then I turn on my computer and moderate the 5 am club. During the first minutes of our session, we share and reflect on our thoughts. Then we exercise. Then I plan and write my schedule for the day. Then I practice for the Duolingo English Test and reflect on the good and wrong answers of my daily practice. Then I prepare and eat my breakfast. Then I continue studying for the DET. Then I saw videos for my SAT preparation and take some notes. During my study sessions, I drink water and eat healthy food. I love learning and studying. Then I review my homework for my sociopolitics class and read the lectures. Then I try to summarize and learn as much as I can. I learned that you need to grasp the big picture for learning better. While I walk to my home I buy my menu for having lunch. Then I walked to my house and prepare mentally for my next SAT self-study session. I continue working and reviewing some Whatsapp group messages and helping more people. Then during the afternoon I continue reviewing my essay and do my homework on researching universities. Then I prepare and eat my dinner. I love eating homemade food and hearing podcast while I eat. Then I Learn English and continue to practice again a lot!. I love learning.

I wake up at 7 o’clock after turning off my alarm. I get up and take my blood pressure pill with a glass of water. Then I take a shower and get dressed quickly to start preparing breakfast.
I have a good portion of fried eggs for breakfast and then I brush my teeth. I go to work in my car and start my work on the computer answering a large number of queries.
After that I come home and have lunch with my mother and siblings. Then I rest for a few hours and get dressed to go to the gym.
I return to my house at 6 o’clock and I start to make dinner.
then I watch some movies on TV and finish going to bed at 10 o’clock

I wake up at 7 am, I exercise for 30 minutes, and take a shower, I work in my computer, then I read my book. finally I play the videogames after to sleep


My daily routine
I wake up at 11pm and i take a shower.
After i eat breakfast. Iam start to study English in Duolingo.
Then at 5Pm Im start to study in Platzi for 2 hours
In the night i read a book

I get up at 9:00 am I brush my theet and comb the hair then make breakfats. Eat breakfast and listening to the radio. After I study english until eat lunch. During the afternoon I exsercise cook dinner take a shower and go to bed.

My daily routine

I wake up at 8:00 am and I take a shower, then I have breakfast. At 11:00 am I start to study at Platzi until 2:00 pm so I have lunch and I’m going to study again at 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm, then I have dinner, after I’m watching a serie and finallly at 11 pm I’m going to bed.

I wake up at 7:00 a.m. every day, I feed my dogs and I drink tea, I work at home, I eat at 12:30 p.m. I study at platzi before dinner and I go to bed at 11:30 p.m.

**My Daily Routine:

I wake up every day at 5:00 am, The first thing that I do is brush my teeth, then I exercise for 40 minutes, after that I meditate for 10 minutes and finally I read a book (now is Many Lives, Many Masters). Then I take a shower and I study in Platzi In the Data Science School and English School. At 8:30, I eat breakfast and at 9: 00 I work at home. I have lunch at 1:30 pm and my work day finish at 6:30 pm. After that I study another time in Platzi. At 9:30 pm, I read a book and then I go to bed at 10:30 pm.

I wake up at approximately 8:00 a.m. I get up, get ready and have breakfast, then I go to school, I come back home and in the afternoon I study platzi

My daily routine:
I normally wake up at 6:00 am and take a glass of water. Then I take a shower and I go to work. I start to work at 08:00 am in the IT department. I have lunch at 12:00 while I watch my favorite serie or documental in Netflix. I come back home in the afternoon and I go to bed after dinner.

I wake up at 8:00 am and I take a shower, then I have breakfast. At 11:00 am I start to study at Platzi until 2:00 pm so I have lunch and I’m going to study again at 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm, then I have dinner, after I’m watching a serie and finallly at 11 pm I’m going to bed.

i wake up at 4:00 am or 4:10 and toke a shower, i start stading english at 4:30 am and finish at 5:30 am, them i have breakfast, them at 5:50 go to work and i satart work at 6 am and finish at 2 pm, them go to home, when i get homehave lunch and i start studing programmer until dinner time, them i studing a litlle until go to bet time .

I wake up at 8:00 am, then I go to the University and I have the classes. In the afternoon I like to play basketball with my friends and finally in my home I take a shower and I go the bed.

Hi, this is my daily routine.

I wake up very early, ay 6:00 am, I take a shower and I Brush my teeth. Then, feed the cat, and I study english. When it’s 8:00 am I go to work. I finish work at 5 pm, and then I have a dinner and Finally at 10 pm I go to bed.

i wake up at 5:50 am and take a shower, i get dresses and eat my brealfast. I Run to school.
at 12:30 eat my lunch and go study again.
in the night dinnered at 6:30, later study for the next day and i sleep at 10:00 pm

I wake up very early at 5:30am, I brush my teeths and preparing for the gym with my boyfriend, I work out for 1-2 hours at day, then I get my breakfast and relax bc later I cook the launch, and relax again for continue here in platzi academy, I study here 4 hours at day as much as study and practice, then I get dinner, read for 30 minutes, talk with my boyfriend and give him good night at 10:00pm

Daily routine:

I wake up at 9 o’clock, and the first thing I do is make breakfast, then I have breakfast with my brother, clean up the dishes that I get for cooking, then I spend time with my computer at Platzi for over 3 hours , after that, I dressed up for go to the gym at my daily schedule, and I go back to home for cooking and eat also with my brother, finishing that I take a shower and go out for check how is going a project that I started , then I arrive home to have dinner and watch some shows in English on Netflix for practicing this new language. And then I go to sleep over 11 o’clock.


Hi everyone I am new in this course
I want to share my daily routine:
I wake up at 12:40 am because I work at a contact center for Europe (specially for Germany), but I don’t take a shower at that time due it is too cold for me. I work at home, so it isn’t too bad.
My job allows me to study at Platzi between 3 and 5 am o’clock.
Then At 7:30am I have my break for 45 minutes, so I eat something, I take a shower and sometimes I do yoga for a few minutes.
Then at 10:30am I finish my work.
At 13:00 I have my lunch and most of the times my mom cooks (thanks mom<3 ). After that I watch a coople videos or a serie in english (to learn) or german (to practice because I speak german)…

This is my daily routine:
I wake up at 5:00 am and I watch the phone 1 hour the I get up and I turn on the computer to practice my knoladge how develoment when my grandmother ends the breakfast I have a breakfast whit her and I go to school at 9:00am and I house about 3:00 pm and in my house I have a lunch and I take a nap so i wake up at 4:00 pm and I turn my lap to realize homework, and I studies until 7:00 pm and I use to play league of legends betwwen one or two games, and when I finally my game i take shower and I continue study until 11:00pm and I go to sleep.

I would like to add that I don’t need a alarm to wake up, my body weke up alone even weekends so somtimes need to take longs naps in the evening
(Tomense la libertad de corregirme)

My daily routine:
I wake up at 4:00 a.m. and I make my breakfast. Then I a shower, I dress and comb my hair. At 5:20 a.m. I leave for work. At 6:30 a.m. I’m in a teacher meeting. At 1:00 p.m. I have lunch and at 3:30 p.m. finish my work. In my house I watch movies. At 8:00 p.m. going to bed.

Hello my name is Milagro my daily routine is
I get up at 5:00 in the morning, tidy my bed, take a shower and get ready to go to school at 6:20 am, breakfast at 6:40 am, then I go to class at 7:00 am, I receive classes from that time until 8:30 we go out to eat something and then I go back to class 8:50 to 10:20 another break and and back to class the last block in the morning 10:40 to 12:00
At 12:00 it is lunch time, I return at 1:00 to study the afternoon shift until 4:10 and at 2:30 I have a break
When I leave school at 4:10 I get home, I change, I do homework, I wash my uniform, I talk for a while on the phone and finally I go to sleep

I get up at 5:00 am and brush my teeth. then i get dressed with sportwear and i exercise for one hour. then i take a shower and go to work at 7:30 am. I finish work at 5:30 pm. I go home and i relax in the bed.

my daily routine

I wake up at 7:00 am I get up at 7:15 then I take a bath I brush my teeth, I comb my hair, I get dressed, I make my breakfast, I feed my dog ​​breakfast, I do homework, lunch, I brush my teeth , I take a nap, I make dinner, I have dinner, I watch TV and I go to sleep

I weke up six thery and I play game in my phone, then I go down to brekfast, I work in my computer and i see course platzi then i help my grandmother in your shop return my home and go to bad

Hi Friends, this is my Routine
I wake up at seven in the morning I take a shower, get dressed and make the bed, I work in my house and star work at eight, check mail and star meetings, I finish work at six and study at eight tonight, I eat dinner and go to bed

i wake up 6 ocloks , i eat breakfast , i get dressed and
I’m going to work, i eat dinner a 8 ocloks , i go to bed

I get up at 6:30 am, and i take my dog for a walk. I start work at 7:30 am. I work on my computer. Then, i take a shower and i go to the gym with my girlfriend. I arrivve home at 9:30 pm and i study english at platzi. The, i go to bed.

I wake up at 5 a.m.
I check social media for ten minutes and get up
I do my bed, brush my teeth, get dressed and make my break fast
Usually I eat oats and fruits.
I start work at 7 a. m. do my agenda for the day , answer emails and work on my computer.
I finish to work at 5 p.m. and go home.
I arrive home, take a shower, cook and eat dinner.
I go to bed at 9 pm.

I wake up very early and take a shower, then i go to work in bicycle, i come back home at night and study in platzi for maybe 4 hours, after i read my favorite book and going to bed

I wake up every morning at 6:00 am and i have breakfast, i see my calendar and begin my class of web developer. Then a go to work, and i finish at 6:00 pm. I come back home at night and go to bed after dinner. @gonzalo_catman

I wake up take a shower, make breakfast, brush my teeth, go to work, go home and learn at platzy

I wake up 6:00 am and turn of my alarm, I get up 6:20 am then I read a book and I take a shower then I get dressed, I eat brakfast, brush my teeth and I start work at 8:00 am I work from 8 to 12 and then I have lunch, At 1 P.M I go back to work until 6 and then i feed my dog, I do an hour of exercise, I watch netflix and have dinner before go to bed.

I wake up at 6:30 a.m. I take a shower, brush my teeth and go to the street with my dog for a walk. I come back home after an hour and a half, feed the dog and make breakfast. Then I start studying at Platzi.

My daily routine
I wake up at 6 every day, I watch news around 1 hour. I exercise 20 or 30 minutes. I take a shower and make breakfast. I finish work at 6:00 pm. I practice yoga and meditation, then I dinner (and wash the dishes). I study at platzi after dinner and before sleep I read a book.

Daily Routine:
I wake up at 6:00 a.m, I exercise for 20 minutes, after that, I take a shower and eat breakfast. I read some news from google feed and play mobile games for30 minutes. Then I go to work on my computer at 8:00 a.m. I finish work at 5:00 p.m. I eat dinner and take some time to relax before I watch series in streaming or play games. after that, I go to bed

My daily routine
_I wake up at 7:00 am, get up early for start tasks the adults.
in fisrt step i take a shower at 7:10, then make breackfast for my brother litle and me.
started my job at 8:00 i answer emails, make google analytics social network data monitoring, send reports and work up to 7:00 pm. then in the nigth i study in platzi betwen one or two hours for learn ingles and strengthen knowledge digital marketing.

i want learn make webscrapping for analyze the e-commerce the my competence_

Hi, my name is Andrea Bustos My daily routine is: I wake up at 9:00 am, I brush my teeth and take a shower after that, I make the breakfast, I eat my breakfast. I start to study English and sql for 3 hours after that I make the lunch, I eat with my boyfriend then I go to the gym I love it because for me it is a distraction then I come back at home I make the dinner, finally I am going to the bed at 11:00 pm

I wake up at 7:30 am I start meditating 30 minutes,At 8:00 ami read a book 30 minutes now i read “rich dad poor dad”. At 8:30 am i have breakfast and watch educational videos for example of the crypto,NFTs,financial education for 1 hour. At 9:30 am i start to study at Platzi. At 11:00 am i have lunch and prepare go to the gym at 13:00 hours and i return in my house at 15:00 pm hours. At 16:00 pm i study again in platzi until 20:30 pm hours this is much time so i use my phone somethings for example instagram, twitter or others. At 20:30 pm i have to lunch and for end at the 21:30 i watch nexflix somethings in idiom english with subtitles in spain my english so bad but i try to improve.

sorry for the mistakes but can you please correct me.

I wake up very late, at 2:00 pm. In the afternoon i read a comics and eat my favorite food (cookies and milk). I go for a walk and see the nature with my sister. Then i make a dinner, i take a bath and go to bed to chat with my boyfriend and my friends. At some point i fall asleep. That´s my daily routine