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Preguntas con "wh" en el presente simple


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

WH Questions Structure
WH questions in the simple present use “do” or “be”. Take a look at the structure for each of these verbs.

  • Do/Does

Take a look at some examples:

Where do you work?
When does she wake up?
Who is your brother?

  • Verb To-Be

Here are the examples:

Where are you from?
Who is that man?
When is your class?

Las WH questions son preguntas cuya respuesta no puede ser cerrada (sí o no). Estas inician con palabras que incluyen las letras w y h como Who o Where.

Principales WH Questions

Hay varios tipos de WH Questions. Algunas de las más comunes son las siguientes:


Se usa para preguntar sobre personas (people).

  • Who is that person in the window?
  • Who is that woman?
  • Who is your brother?
  • Who is your favorite writer?


Se usa para preguntar sobre lugares (places).

  • Where is the supermarket?
  • Where does she live?
  • Where are my car keys?
  • Where is the elevator?
  • Where is your pet?


Se usa para preguntar sobre un espacio temporal o momento en el tiempo (times).

  • When is your class?
  • When is your birthday?
  • When do you go to the gym?
  • When do you study your English class?
  • When does she wake up?


Se usa para preguntar sobre un objeto o sobre varios aspectos en general (things).

  • What is your phone number?
  • What time is your class? (This is another question for time)
  • What’s your name?
  • What is your favorite beach?
  • What time is it?
  • What is that?


Se usa para pedir información sobre algo, pedir justificación, motivos, amerita un razonamiento (reasons).

  • Why do you do that?
  • Why not?
  • Why do you study English?
  • Why does she look so happy?


Se usa para solicitar información que amerita escoger entre opciones (options). La pregunta presenta pocas opciones de respuesta. Se diferencia de What en que esta última es más general y sus opciones de respuestas son muy amplias.

  • Which is your favorite color, blue or black?
  • Which of these do you like best?
  • Which one is your dog?
  • Which is the correct answer?
  • Which of these cars do you prefer? Red or White?

Contribución creada con aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez.

Aportes 1392

Preguntas 130

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

WH Questions in Simple Present (Meaning)

Who : ¿Quién?

What: ¿Qué - Cúal?

Where : ¿Dónde?

Why: ¿Por qué?

Whose: ¿De quién?

When: ¿Cuándo?

Which : ¿Cúales?


  • Verb to be: Where is the car?

  • Other verbs: Where do you live


  • Verb to be: Who is this phone?

  • Other verbs: Who goes tomorrow?


  • Verb to be: When is the event?

  • Other verbs: When he arrives?


  • Verb to be: Why aren’t they studying?

  • Other verbs: Why I pain my knee?


  • Verb to be: What is that?

  • Other verbs: What I do?


  • Verb to be: Which is your favorite color?

  • Other verbs: Which one fell down?

  • Who is your favorite singer?
  • Where are you going for vacation next year?
  • When are you going to finish this course?
  • What do you thing about online education?
  • Why are you studying web development?
  • Which is your favorite Platzi School?

What time is it?
What place do you prefer?
Where is your house?
Where does he eat?
When is your birthday?
When do you want to go?
Why are they happy?
Why do they sing at work?
Who is the man in black shirt?
Who play the piano better?
How is your city?
How can I do this?

Es interesante saber que si se le agrega “ever” a cualquiera de estas WH questions se transforman en algo que se usa muchisimo. Ej:
Whoever= Quien sea
Whatever= Lo que sea
Wherever= Donde sea
Whenever= Cuando sea
Whichever= El que sea / cualquiera

9. Wh Questions in Simple Present

Here I share my notes 📝 of the class:

WH Questions:

  1. Who? People
  2. Where? Places
  3. When? Times
  4. What? Things
  5. Why? Reasons
  6. Which? Options

Here I share an image related to this class 🖼️:

  1. Who
    Who is that tall person?
    Who does homework a Sunday at 9 pm?
  2. Where
    Where is the Eiffel Tower?
    Where do you leave the keys?
  3. When
    When is the meeting?
    When does she come?
  4. What
    What are those things?
    What do you do for a living?
  5. Why
    Why are they there?
    Why do you sing?
  6. Which
    Which is the correct answer, a or b?
    Which does bark, a dog or a cat?


Who = people
Where = places
When = times
What = things
Why = reasons
Which =options



-Verb to be: Where is my book?
-Other verbs: Where do you work?


Verb to be: Who are them?
-Other verbs: Who goes to the party tonight?


-Verb to be: When is karla’s birthday?
Other verbs: When he will be back?


-Verb to be: Why is my dad singing in the park?
-Other verbs: Why did you do that?


-Verb to be: Wich is your favorite book?
-Other verbs: Wich teacher do you like the most?


-Verb to be: What are you saying?
-Other verbs: What do you do for a living?

Who - People: Who is that woman in the house?
Who do you call on Mondays?
Where - Places: Where is the park?
Where do you work?
When - Times: When is your party?
When do you exercise?
What - Things: What is your nationality?
What do you do for a living?
Why - Reasons: Why do you speak slowly?
Why are you angry?
Which - Options: Which is your favorite food, pasta or pizza?
Which dress do you like, blue or white?

who created the bitcoin

where they created the bitcoin

when they created bitcoin

what is bitcoin

why use bitcoin

which is better bitcoin or ethereum

  • Who is she?
  • Where can I buy this painting?
  • When is your party?
  • What do you need?
  • why do you play today?
  • which is your favorite food, pasta or chiken?

WH Questions in Simple Present (Meaning)
Who : ¿Quién?
What: ¿Qué - Cúal?
Where : ¿Dónde?
Why: ¿Por qué?
Whose: ¿De quién?
When: ¿Cuándo?
Which : ¿Cúales?

Who : Who is the person that sit next to you ?
What: What is your favorite meal ?
Where : Where do you want to go in your next vacations?
Why: Why do you wear this jacket ?
Whose: Whose is it, this car ?
When: When does she go to concert ?
Which : Which one that cars do you want of birthday ?

Who > People
Where > Places
When > Times
What > things
Why > Reasons
Wich > options

  1. Who
  • Who is She?
  1. Where
  • Where is the park?

  • Where do you eat lonch?

  1. When
  • When do you return?

  • When is your Graduation?

  1. What
  • what is your hause?

  • What do you do?

  1. Why
  • Why do you eat cake?

  • Why are you with her?


  • Which is your frien?

  • Which movie are you watching?


  • Who’s the actor that appears in “Avatar”?
  • Who sing that song?


  • Where’s your green book?
  • Where does he run?


  • When are you here?
  • When do we study?


  • What are you doing?
  • What does he say?


  • Why are the polish tall?
  • Why do you need my phone?


  • Which is the kind of film?
  • Which mark of laptop do you prefer?


Who is he?
Who buys the tickets?

Where are the keys?
Where do you work?

Whe is your graduation?
When will you learn to drive?

What´s this?
What color do you like?

Why are you angry?
Why do you like to walk?

Which is your address?
Which flavor do you like more?

WH Questions in Simple Present (Meaning)
Who : ¿Quién?
What: ¿Qué - Cúal?
Where : ¿Dónde?
Why: ¿Por qué?
Whose: ¿De quién?
When: ¿Cuándo?
Which : ¿Cúales?

My practice:
Who-People: who is he? - Who you play football?
Why-Reasons: Why are the bored? - Why you cook today?
When-Time: When is she at home? - When you work in the office?
Where-Places: Where are you in the morning? - Where you run in the morning?
What-Things: What is you think? - What do you do?
Which-Options: Which is you want? - Which homework you have?

Who: People
Where: Places
When: Time
What: Things
Why: Reasons
Which: Options

who does she live?
who are we talking about?
what is you last name?
what do you mean?
where are the children’s?
where do you want to go?
why are you happy?
why do you want eat pizza?
when do you cook?
when is he funny?
which is your favorite sport, football or basketball?
which do you want, cake or ice cream?

  1. Where is the cat? Where do you buy your lunch?
  2. Who is Luis? Who eat pizza?
  3. When is your birthday? When do you go on Italy?
  4. What is your favorite food? What do yo ask me?
  5. Why do you do that? Why is your fault?
  6. Which is more cheaper? Which do you like more?

Who? -> People
Where? -> Places
When? -> Times
What? -> Options
Why? -> Reasons
Which? -> Things

Who? —> People
Where? —> Places
When? —> Times
What? —> Things
Why? —> Reasons
Which? —> Options

Where is the car?
the car is on the street
Where do you live?
I do you live in Perú
What is name your mother?
My mother is name Lucy
Why do you study english?
I’m studyng for travel a EE.UU
When is your birthday?
My birthday is 14 october
Where are your fathers?
My Fathers are in the work

Ok here we go:

What is that?
What does he do?
Where is my video concole?
Where do you sing?
Who is this guy?
Who are they doctors?
When do you make the cake?
When is your date?
What are you doing?
What does she like?
Why is the kitchen dirty?
Why does it(dog) look sad?
Which are your favorite team?
Which of those is his shirt?

Where is your dog?
Where does she live?
What is your favorite color?
What do you think about my new car?

Practice time:
Who is heinserberg?
Where is the money skyler?
When you are gona leave the town?
What is this?
Why you give the money to Beneke?
Which one we are gonna take??

  • Who?-people
  • Where?-places
  • When?-times
  • What?- things
  • Why?-rearsons
  • Which?-options

Verb to be: Where are you from?
Other verbs: Where do you live?
Verb to be: Who is she?
Other verbs : Who do play today?
Verb to be: What’s your name?
Other verbs : What do you doing?
Verb to be: When are you at home?
Other verbs : When can you come?
Verb to be : Which is your favorite actor?
Other verbs : Which city do you know in Europe?
Verb to be : Why are you angry?
Other verbs : Why do you scream?

Who work in the gym?
Where do you play soccer?
When do you go to the gym?
What do you do?
Why do you brush your teeth?
Which is your favorite movie? Monster Inc or Mulan?

Who? - People
Where? - Places
When? Times
What? - Things
Why? - Reasons
Which? - Options

Who is it? It’s my dog, I love it so much.
Where is your job? My job is in the other city
When is your wedding? My wedding is on August 15.
What happen yesterday? Sebastian’s friends got drank.
Why do you do that? I don’t know, I’m sorry.
Which do you like more, that or this? That’s what I like more.


  1. Who?

who ate the bread?
who is that woman?

  1. Where?

where is the car?
where do you like it?

  1. What?

what time is it?
what do you care?

  1. when?

when can I see you?
when did you last see him?

  1. why?

why do you smile that way?
Why was he late?

  1. which?

which color do you like best? blue or red?
which of the applicants has got the job?

Who is the studio?
**Do **you Know Who is him?
Where is that awsome palce?
Where does he live?
When can I see that?
When do you want?
What is this?
What do you do?
Why I said that?
Why does she said that?
**Which **color blue or red?
Which color do you choose?

you are from El Salvador

WH Questions in Simple Present (Meaning)
Who : ¿Quién?
What: ¿Qué - Cúal?
Where : ¿Dónde?
Why: ¿Por qué?
Whose: ¿De quién?
When: ¿Cuándo?
Which : ¿Cúales?

WH Questions in Simple Present (Meaning)
Who : ¿Quién?
What: ¿Qué - Cúal?
Where : ¿Dónde?
Why: ¿Por qué?
Whose: ¿De quién?
When: ¿Cuándo?
Which : ¿Cúales?

¿Who am I ?

Who is the new partner?
Who are neighbor across the street?

Where do you work?
Where is your house?

When I go vacation?
When you go to the gym?

What time is it?
What is your favorite car?

Why don’t you go to work?
Why don’t you eat a fish?

Which is your favorite pet cat or dog?
Which is the best option to travel, higway or fly?

Hi, I share my exercise

Who is she?
Who are they?
Who do you believe would win?
Who has to cook?

Where is it?
Where are they?
Where is she?
Where does she live?
Where have you put your shoes?

What is on the TV?
What do you want to do?

Why is he so kind?
Why does she like these?

Which is your favorite?
Which does he use?

My favorite color is blue jeje

Who : Who is the person that sit next to you ?
What: What is your favorite meal ?
Where : Where do you want to go in your next vacations?
Why: Why do you wear this jacket ?
Whose: Whose is it, this car ?
When: When does she go to concert ?
Which : Which one that cars do you want of birthday ?

Where is my house?
Where do you study?
Who is your favorite singer?
Who do yo homework?
What is your name?
What do you do?
Why do you live in Peru?
Why is your favorite music?
When is the concert of BTS?
When do you go to the supermarket?
Which is your favorite color?
Which are your favorite places?

Who is this child?
Who took you home?
Where is my phone?
Where do you live?
What time is it?
What do you do for living?
Why ask me?
Why does she make me this?
Which do you prefer?
Which is you favorite singer?

Who? - People Where? - Places When? - Times What? Things Why? - Reasons Which? - Options
En inglés, "do/does" y "to be" se utilizan en diferentes contextos. 1. **"Do/Does"**: Se emplea en preguntas y negativas en presente simple cuando el verbo principal no es "to be". Ejemplo: "Do you like pizza?" (¿Te gusta la pizza?). "Does he play soccer?" (¿Él juega al fútbol?). 2. **"To be"**: Se usa para describir estados, características o identidades. Ejemplo: "Are you happy?" (¿Eres feliz?) o "He is a teacher" (Él es un maestro). Recuerda practicar creando ejemplos para cada caso.
### WH Questions in Simple Present (Meaning) #### Who : `People` #### What: `Things` #### Where : `Places` #### Whose: `Properties` #### When: `Times` #### Which : `Options`
* Who? => People * Where? => Places * When? => Times * What? => Things * Why? => Reasons * Which? => Options
En el minuto 0:41 yo escucho "And for this, I have some special vocabulary. " pero los subtitulos dicen " I have brought a special" Me pueden decir cuál es cierto. Gracias
1- Who : Person. 2-Where : Places. 3- When : Times. 4- What : Things. 5 -Why : Reasons. 6 - Which : Options
1. Who? -> People 2. Where? -> Places 3. When? -> Times 4. What? -> Things 5. Why? -> Reasons 6. Wich? -> Options
Good Night 🎇 Who Are You? Quien eres? Where Are You from? De dónde eres? When do You arrive? Cuando vas a llegar? What is Your name? Cómo te llamas? Why isn't the train lesving? Porque no sale el 🚂 tren. Which is Your favorite colour the Blue or the red 🥅 one? Cuál es tu color favorito el 💙 o el ❤️? 💤
Who? = People Where? = Places When? = Times What? = Things Why? = Reasons Which? = Options
`who? => people` `when? => times` `what? => things` `why? => reasons` `which? => options`
What: qué. Se usa para preguntar sobre cosa, objeto, idea o animal que no conoces Where: Dónde. Se usa para preguntar sobre: lugar, destino ( a donde va) y origen ( de donde viene) When: Cuándo. Se usa para preguntar sobre: hora, día, mes y año. Para saber cuando sucedió algo Who: quien. Se usa para preguntar sobre: una persona, animal que no conoces Why: Por qué. Se usa para preguntar por razón, excusa o causa
Who? - People Where? - places When? - Times What? - things Which? - options Why - reasons

who is the doctor?
who do you live with?
where is the high school?
where does she come from?
when is your vacation?
When do you go to the supermarket?
what is your site?
what do you do?
why do you dance again?
why isn’t make you happy
which do you prefer cats or dogs?
which is better png or jpg?

`Where do you study? ` `Where do you work? ` `Where is my food? ` `Where are you from? `
why the dog it's green
His name Jes, she is in Rusia, she is a journalist, she lo es in argentina
Who • Who is your mom? • Who paint the house? Where • Where is the camara? • Where do they wash cars? When • When is the party? • When do you do the homework? What • What is your Phone number? • What do you do? Why • Why are you crying? • Why do you have that tatto? Which • Which child are you in that photo? • Which choose a dress??
WHO?--------PEOPLE WHERE?---------PLACE WHEN?-------TIMES WHAT?----------THINGS WHY?-----------REASONS WHICH?---------OPTIONS
Who? - People Where? - Places When? - Times What? - Things Why? - Reasons Which? - Options
Who-People Where-Places When-Times What-Things Why-Reasons Which-Options
Examples: * Who - Verbo to be: Who is your mother? - Other verbo: Who talk with me? * Where - Verb to be: Where is the school? - Other verbo: Where can I find you? * When - Verb to be: When Is your meeting? - Other verb: When Will I leave to my home? * What - Verb to be: What are your favorite foods? - Other verb: What does He do? * Why - Verb to be: Why are you tired? - Other verb: Why do you speak too slow? * Which - Verb to be: Which pencil is bigger? - Other verb: Which soda do you want?
Exercise Who ? People \[Quien] Where ? Place \[Donde] When ? Time \[Cuando] What ? Things \[Que] Why ? Reasons \[Quien] Which ? Options \[Cual]

Who is that woman with red hair?
Who wants to eat cake?
Where is your home?
Where do you dance every monday?
When do you have time for a break?
When is she in the office?
What time is it?
What is your favorite movie?
What do you like to eat at this restaurant?
Why are you taller than your brother?
Why do you sing in the shower?
Which would you like to drink, coffee or tea?
Which is your favorite skirt, this one or that one?




who - people where - places when - times what - things why - reasons which - options

Where does she live?
Where is the car?

Who are you?
Who do you know?
Who are you talking to?
who is she?
who does she like?

When do you eat?
When we go to Guatemala?
When does he go to sleep?

What time is it?
What do you buy?
What does she look?

why does she bring him?
why did you do that?
why is so difficult?

Which are your favorite?
which do you choose?
which is better for you?

How many = cuantos How much = cuanto How often = qué tan a menudo Others: ![](
What = When I don't know options Which= When I know options ![](
For me, the corresponding uses for wh questions is: Who? -> People. Where? -> Places. When? -> Times. What? -> Things. Why? -> Reasons. Which? -> Options.

*Who is she? / *Who eats pizza or hamburger?
*Where do you study? / *Where is the dog?
*When is your birthday? / *When go to the mall?
*What is your name? / *What is your favorite color?
Why are you learning english? / Why she doing that?
*Which apple is more little? Which juice do you prefer?

* **Who** (¿Quién?): "Who is your teacher?" (¿Quién es tu profesor?) * **What** (¿Qué?): "What is your name?" (¿Cuál es tu nombre?) * **When** (¿Cuándo?): "When is your birthday?" (¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?) * **Why** (¿Por qué?): "Why are you sad?" (¿Por qué estás triste?) * **Where** (¿Dónde?): "Where do you live?" (¿Dónde vives?) * **Whose** (¿De quién?): "Whose book is this?" (¿De quién es este libro?) * **Which** (¿Cuál?, ¿Qué?): "Which color do you prefer?" (¿Qué color prefieres?) * **How** (¿Cómo?): "How are you?" (¿Cómo estás?)


  • who - people
  • where - places
  • when - times
  • what - things
  • why - reasosns
  • which - options
  • who is your teacher?
  • who washes te car?
  • where is my pen?
  • where does she throw the trash?
  • when is the meeting?
  • when is it your turn?
  • where do i make food?
  • where is the spoon?
  • what is this?
  • what is behind?
  • why is she crying?
  • why is it taking so long?
  • which is your favorite food? rice or spaguety ?
  • which ione is your house? this or this?

Who is your proffesor?
Who makes the donuts?
Where is the after?
where do you play at nigth?
When is your party?
When do you work?
What is your favorite color?
What day you travel?
Why is your friend?
Why return to home?
Which is the best cofe?
Which dog do you like?

* **Who? → People** * Who is she? * She is my girlfriend! * **Where? → Places** * Where is your university? * My university is in California * **When? → Times** * When do you go to school? * Today i’ll go to school * **What? → Things** * What color is your phone case? * My phone case is color blue * **Why? → Reasons** * Why do you study english? * Because I want to travel * **Which → Options** * Which team is better, Red or Blue? * The blue team is better
Who * Verb to be: Who is that girl? * Other verbs: Who wins the game? Where * Verb to be: Where is the supermarket? * Other vebsr: Where do yo go in the mornings? When: * Verb to be: When is your birthday? * Other verbs: When does she come home? What: * Verb to be: What is your favorite sport? * Other verbs: What do you do in your class? Why * Verb to be: Why are you alone? * Other verbs: Why does he run at this hour? Which: * Verb to be: Which is the best soccer team in Spain? * Other verbs: Which ice cream flavor do you like more?
Hola, tengo una leve confusión con "Who" es correcto agregarle "Do" o "Does"? si me pueden dar ejemplos, por favor.
Anwers: * Who --- People. * Where --- Places * When --- Times * What --- Thing * Why --- reasons. * Which --- Options.

Clase 9 - Preguntas con “wh” en el presente simple

Sumary Class

¿Cuál es la estructura para hacer preguntas con “wh” en presente simple usando un verbo diferente al verbo To be?

  • Recordemos que dependiendo del pronombre personal, es decir:
    • Do: I / you / we / they
    • Does: It / he / she.
  • Teniendo en cuenta estos dos datos la estructura para hacer preguntas “wh” en presente simple con un verbo diferente al To be es la siguiente:
    • Wh + Do / Does + Subject + Verb
  • Por ejemplo:
    • Where do you work ?
    • When does she wake up ?
  • Ahora la estructura para hacer preguntas “wh” con el verbo To be es la siguiente:
    • Wh + Be + Subject
  • Por ejemplo:
    • Where are you from ?
    • Who is that man ?
    • When is your class ?

¿Cuál es la característica más importante que debemos de tener con las preguntas “wh”?

  • Las respuestas que hagamos con estas preguntas no pueden ser cerradas, es decir, si o no, estas deben dar un poco más de contexto para responderlas.

¿Cuáles son las preguntas “wh” más usadas?

  • Who -> Quién.
  • Where -> Dónde.
  • When -> Cuándo.
  • What -> Qué.
  • Why -> Por qué.
  • Which -> Cuál.

¿Para qué usamos las preguntas hechas con la palabra Who?

  • Para preguntar cosas sobre personas.
  • Por ejemplo:
    • Who is that person in the window -> ¿Quién es la persona en la ventana?
    • Who is that woman? -> ¿Quién es esa mujer?
    • Who is your brother? -> ¿Quién es tu hermano?
    • Who is your favorite writer? -> ¿Quién es tu escritor favorito?

¿Para qué usamos las preguntas hechas con la palabra Where?

  • Para preguntar sobre lugares.
  • Por ejemplo:
    • Where is the supermarket? -> ¿Dónde está el supermercado?
    • Where does she live? -> ¿Dónde vive ella?
    • Where are my car keys? -> ¿Dónde están las llaves de mi carro?
    • Where is the elevator -> ¿Dónde está el elevador?
    • Where is your pet? -> ¿Dónde está tu mascota?

¿Para qué usamos las preguntas hechas con la palabra When?

  • Para preguntar por un espacio temporal o momento en el tiempo
  • Por ejemplo:
    • When is your class? -> ¿Cuándo es tu clase?
    • When is your birthday? ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
    • When do you go to the gym ? ¿Cuándo vas al gimnasio?
    • When do you study your English class? -> ¿Cuándo estudias tu clase de inglés?
    • When does she wake up? -> ¿Cuando se despierta?

¿Para qué usamos las preguntas hechas con la palabra What?

  • Para preguntar sobre un objeto o varios aspectos en general.
  • Por ejemplo:
    • What is your phone number? -> ¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono?
    • What time is your class? -> ¿A qué hora es tu clase?
    • What’s your name -> ¿Cómo te llamas?
    • What is your favorite beach -> ¿Cuál es tu playa favorita?
    • What time is it? -> ¿Qué hora es?
    • What is that? -> ¿Qué es eso?

¿Para qué usamos las preguntas hechas con la palabra Why?

  • Para pedir información sobre algo, pedir justificación, motivos.
  • Por ejemplo:
  • Why do you that? -> ¿Por qué haces eso?
  • Why not? -> ¿Por qué no?
  • Why do you study english? -> ¿Por qué estás estudiando inglés?
  • Why does she look so happy? -> ¿Por qué ella luce tan feliz?

¿Para qué usamos las preguntas hechas con la palabra Which?

  • Se usa para hacer que una persona tome una opción entre algunas opciones que le presenta la persona que está preguntando.
  • Por ejemplo:
    • Which is your favorite color, blue or black ? -> ¿Cuál es tu color favorito, azul o negro?
    • Which of these do you like best? -> ¿Cuál de estos te gusta más?
    • Which one is your dog? -> ¿Cuál es tu perro?
    • Which is the correct answer? -> ¿Cuál es la respuesta correcta?
    • Which of these cars do you prefer? Red or white? -> ¿Cuál de estos carros prefieres? ¿El rojo o el blanco?
**Where** * Verb to be: Where is my wallet? * Other verbs: Where do you Study? **Who** * Verb to be: Who is this jacket? * Other verbs: Who knows how to program? **When** * Verb to be: When are you in Colombia? * Other verbs: When do they star building the metro in Bogota? **Why** * Verb to be: Why am I so pretty ? * Other verbs: Why do I have so much work? **What** * Verb to be: What is programming? * Other verbs: What do you know how to do? **Which** * Which programming language do you like ? Java or C++
Who - People Where - Places When - Times What - Things Why - Reasons Which - Options Which - Options
Who? People Where? Places When? Times What? Things Why? Reasons Which? Options