Simon say never stop dreaming
Inglés Básico
Domina el Inglés Básico
Cómo presentarse en Inglés
Presenta a otras personas en Inglés
Preséntate en Inglés
Quiz: Cómo presentarse en Inglés
"Presente simple" en Inglés
Cómo usar el verbo “to be”
Presente Simple con otros verbos en Inglés
Describe personas en Inglés
Describe tu rutina diaria en Inglés
Describe la rutina de alguien en Inglés
Quiz: "Presente simple" en Inglés
Preguntas y preposiciones en Inglés
Preposiciones de lugar en Inglés
Preguntas con "wh" en el presente simple
Practica tu "listening" en Inglés
Quiz: Preguntas y preposiciones en Inglés
Vocabulario fundamental en Inglés
Diferencia entre "have" y "has"
Plurales irregulares en Inglés
Practica con verbos en presente simple
Verbos imperativos en Inglés
Cómo usar "and" y "but"
Cuándo usar "a" y "an"
Quiz: Vocabulario fundamental en Inglés
Expresa gustos en Inglés
Expresa preferencias con "like" y "don't like"
Ejercicios adicionales de gramática en Inglés
Quiz: Expresa gustos en Inglés
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Los verbos en forma imperativa se usan para dar:
Consisten en frases con el verbo en infinitivo sin estar acompañadas de un sujeto. Indican una acción directa. Por ejemplo:
Come here!
Sit down!
Don´t go!
Look out!
Close the door, please.
Switch the TV off.
Put the flour, milk and eggs in a bowl.
Take a selfie and post it on Twitter.
Contribución creada con aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez.
Aportes 663
Preguntas 38
Simon say never stop dreaming
supercalifragilisticoespialidoso Expresión popularizada por la película Mary Poppins (1964) que parece usarse para indicar que todo puede ir más que bien.
Se dice que la palabra en inglés (supercalifragilisticexpialidocious) ya la usó Helen Herman en 1931 con un sentido de grande, genial, glorioso, espléndido, superior, maravilloso. También se dice que las distintas partes se deben interpretar de la siguiente manera: super- ‘encima’, -cali- ‘belleza’, -fragilistico- ‘delicado’, -expiali- ‘expiar, purificarse al cumplir una pena’ y -doso, a partir de -docious ‘educable’, lo que todo junto significaría algo como ‘expiación por la belleza extrema y delicada al ser altamente educable’.
Resumen: Quitar Pronombres
We use this structure when we want to give instructions, when we want to give orders or adive. For instance, instructions.
We don’t mention the pronouns (I, You, He, She, It). We only say the action (Go, Do, Practice)
Simon says, go to drink juice of the #NeverStopLearning
Don’t do it!
Don’t touch it.
Take a breath.
Do your homework
Cook your dinner
Wash the dishes.
Simon say never stop learnig.
Simon say: Go anywhere. Money is recovered, Time does not
I don’t understand ni potato
Go to the Church
Study too much
Work in your projects
My notes:
Verbs in the imperative form. We use that structure when we want to give instructions, when we want to give orders or advice. we do not mention the pronoun, we only say the verb
Move, get ready in your chair, in your bed,
Simon says to stretch out your arms and give yourself a hug.
Simon Says…
Practice this topic on this website
-I always give thanks after I finish eating
-They send me to wash the dishes when everyone finishes eating
Simon says : You can do it
Simon says follow your path ninja
And right now, I don’t want to stop hugging me. 😣
¿Para qué nos sirven los verbos en forma imperativa?
Simon says take this course it´s awesone
I´m still learning. “I´m still on day one” mantra Jeff Bezos.
You must like it!
Jefferson does cleaning is the last time I tell you.
stop playing that you have to eat now.
Go get the tortillas now, what do you have to eat?
Go take a bath since you have to go to study.
stop wasting time you have tasks to do.
top looking at the phone and have dinner
stop fighting with your brother
stop doing homework it’s too late
stop being so toxic
You can stop eating in class
The Imperative or Exhortative Sentences are those that we use to give orders, beg, request, prohibit, command… such as: Bring me the bath towel. Don’t cross the road! Walking on the grass is prohibited.
Shine your shoes up
that look like a mirror.
Stepping on the grass is prohibited.
Everyone come see this!
Please go to the resource section. -Instruction
Don’t do that. -Order
Go in the morning. -Recomendation
We don’t mention the pronouns (I, You, He, She, It). We only say the action (Go, Do, Practice)
Thank you teacher Jhon!
Yes, Simon says is very good
simon says never stop learning.
Take a selfie and posting on twitter
strech your arms and give yourself a hug
Go for this way
In the corner, turn left
Apply the product in the required area
Don’t do it
Get out of there
Open the door
Take careful
Practice English
Do exercise
Simon Say:
Esa palabra larga me recuerda el 2do toponimo mas largo que existe en el mundo el cual en enero visitare queda en Gales y el nombre es:
Lo sé, parece que hubiese escrito teclas al asar, pero no, es el nombre de un pueblo en Reino Unido.
Simon says : Never Give Up
Simon says "take a selfie and post on twitter"
Simon says "say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"
Simon says “strage your arms and give yourself a hug”
Marcela get up now, it’s already late
put down the phone and do homework better
prepare the meat that I told you a while ago
do homework early so you don’t stay awake
buy the tortillas now
Imperative verbs are verbs that tell someone to do something. They are usually placed at the beginning of sentences used to give orders. This class of verbs creates imperative sentences, which are the sentences that indicate orders, requests, wishes or mandates.
1-tell me if you have any problem
1-Cut the vegetables for the soup
1-I would like you to share that with me
The imperative is one of the ways in which Spanish verbs are conjugated, used exclusively to give orders, requests, prayers or requests of any kind, that is, to make the recipient act in some desired way:
1 Go slower I sprained an ankle.
2 “Pray for me,” the Pope said.
3 Let’s buy some sodas for dinner.
4 Stop jumping.
5 Write what I am going to dictate.
6 Don’t think badly of me.
7 Let’s buy a present for the children here.
8 Try the drinks at that bar.
In the video he talks about superlative verbs, they are used to give orders using the verb “go to” which is imperative, imperatives can be used to give advice such as: go tomorrow, an example of superlatives would be giving orders such as: no do that etc.
some sentences in superlatives would be:
-Go to the square and buy me some fruits
-Tomorrow is Thursday and you have to come in your daily uniform.
-Thursday I want you to be home early
supercalifragilisticoespialidoso Expresión popularizada por la película Mary Poppins (1964) que parece usarse para indicar que todo puede ir más que bien.
Se dice que la palabra en inglés (supercalifragilisticexpialidocious) ya la usó Helen Herman en 1931 con un sentido de grande, genial, glorioso, espléndido, superior, maravilloso. También se dice que las distintas partes se deben interpretar de la siguiente manera: super- ‘encima’, -cali- ‘belleza’, -fragilistico- ‘delicado’, -expiali- ‘expiar, purificarse al cumplir una pena’ y -doso, a partir de -docious ‘educable’, lo que todo junto significaría algo como ‘expiación por la belleza extrema y delicada al ser altamente educable’.
A esta clase le falta mucho más por mencionar. 😥 Recomiendo este link:
Simon say never stop dreaming
Simon say never stop learning
simon says, stop waiting for the perfect time and just do it what you know you have to do
Simon Says never stop to be how you be
Simon says: Don´t be afraid, just do it !!
Simon say never stop learn at Platzi
Super califragilistic expialidocious
Verb in imperative form
Instruccions, Orders, Advice
Dont use pronouns
Simon Says
Give you a hug
Hug: Abrazo
es ingles
Take a selfie and post it to twitter.
Says Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious post the video and do it with me.
Stretch your arms give yourself a hug
I love this teacher, it so funnig this clase and I learnd to much. Simon say take a new course and never stop learning
Practice to improve your english
Never give up
Don’t stop
goodbye excuses
Never stop smiling
Oh but…the teacher Jhon doesn’t have Twitter :'c
And here is my supercalifragilisticexpialidocious hehehehee XD
🦄jajaj Es poco pero es trabajo honesto supercalifragilisticexpialidocious✨
Here is a list of 50 tongue twisters:
simon says, super cali fraggi listics expli ali delicius.
Simon says: “never stop learning” 😃
Imperative = Instructions // Orders // Advice
Simon says: Be kind with yourself.
simon say never stop learnig. i love this pharase.
Never stop learning.
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