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Cuándo usar "a" y "an"


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

Se usa “a” antes de las palabras que tienen un sonido consonante. Se usa “an” antes de las palabras que comienza con un sonido vocal:

  • A mechanic
  • An apple
  • A doctor
  • An economist

Importante. Es el sonido de la palabra que le sigue la que determina si se usa A o An. No se trata de que la palabra inicie en vocal o no.

Por ejemplo.

A university. En este caso, aunque University comienza en vocal su sonido es similar a “yours”

An hour. En este caso, la “h” es muda, por tal motivo se usa “an” en lugar de “a”.

Principales usos de A y AN

Los usos principales de a y an son:

1. Identificar que se trata de una sola cantidad de algo (singular):

  • I need a car.
  • I want an apple.

2. Delante de las profesiones:

  • She’s an actress.
  • He’s a photographer.

Contribución creada con aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez

Aportes 932

Preguntas 57

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

A honest or an honest person…chaN chan chan


A vs An

We use A and An when we want to talk about something general or that it’s not particular or very specific.

An: When the next word starts with a vowel.

A: When the next word starts with a consonant sound.

It’s the sound and not the letter, because we have some exceptions

  • We say a University, because the “u” sounds like “your”
  • We say an Hour, because the “h” is silent.

Usas “a” antes de las palabras que comienzan con un sonido consonante
Usas “an” antes de las palabras que comienzan con un sonido de vocal.
● a computer
● an orange


  1. Usamos “an” antes de un “h” silencioso o sin sonido.
    ● An honest person
    ● An hour

  2. Usamos “a” cuando la U hace el sonido de Y (por ejemplo, USTED).
    ● A Unicorn
    ● A University

Note: there are some other minor exceptions but these are the most common

There is a black marker on the table.

  • She’s reading an old book.
  • She is a a pilot.
  • See you in an hour.
  • I don’t have time for a movie tonight.
  • Rachel works at an hospital.

-There is a black marker on the table.

  • She’s reading an old book.
  • She is a pilot.
  • See you in an hour.
  • I don’t have time for a movie tonight.
  • Rachel works at a hospital.

17. A and An

Here I share an image related to this lesson 🖼️:


  1. There is a black marker on the table.
  2. She’s reading an old book.
  3. She’s a pilot.
  4. See you in an hour.
  5. I don’t have time for a movie tonight.
  6. Rachel works at a hospital.
  • There is a black marker on the table.
  • She’s reading an old book.
  • She is a pilot.
  • See you in an hour.
  • I don’t have time for a movie tonight.
  • Rachel works at a hospital

Exercise =>

There is a black marker on the table
She´s reading an old book
She is a pilot
See you in an hour
I don’t have time for a movie toninght
Rachel works at a hospital

There is a black marker on the table.

  • She’s reading an old book.
  • She is a pilot.
  • See you in an hour.
  • I don’t have time for a movie tonight.
  • Rachel works at a hospital.


    1. There is a black marker on the table.
    1. She’s reading an old book.
    1. She is a pilot.
    1. See you in an hour.
    1. I don’t have time for a movie tonight.
    1. Rachel works at an hospital. BAD
    1. Rachel works at a hospital. WELL
  • There is a black marker on the table.
  • She’s reading an old book.
  • She is a pilot.
  • See you in an hour.
  • I don’t have time for a movie tonight.
  • Rachel works at a hospital
  • There is a black marker on the table.
  • She’s reading an old book.
  • She is a pilot.
  • See you in an hour.
  • I don’t have time for a movie tonight.
  • Rachel works at a hospital.

Complete the following sentences:

  • There is a black marker on the table.
  • She’s reading an old book.
  • She is a pilot.
  • See you in an hour.
  • I don’t have time for a movie tonight.
  • Rachel works at a hospital.

Homework ;0

  • There is a black marker on the table.
  • She’s reading an old book.
  • She is a pilot.
  • See you in an hour.
  • I don’t have time for a movie tonight.
  • Rachel works at a hospital.

There is __a___black marker on the table.

  • She’s reading an___ old book.

  • She is a __ pilot.

  • See you in an hour.

  • I don’t have time for a_ movie tonight.

  • Rachel works at _an hospital.

## **Uso de "A" y "An" en Inglés 🇬🇧✨** ### **Regla General** 📏 1. **"A"** se usa antes de palabras que comienzan con un **sonido consonante**. 🅰️ * Ejemplo: A dog 🐶, a car 🚗, a banana 🍌. 2. **"An"** se usa antes de palabras que comienzan con un **sonido vocal**. 🅰️🅽 * Ejemplo: An apple 🍎, an elephant 🐘, an igloo 🧊. ### **Reglas Especiales** 🌈 * **Palabras que comienzan con "h" muda**: Usar "an". * Ejemplo: An hour ⏰, an honest person 👩‍⚖️. * **Palabras que comienzan con sonido de vocal pero se escriben con consonante**: Usar "a". * Ejemplo: A university 🏫, a uniform 👮‍♂️. * **Acronimos y siglas**: Depende del **sonido inicial** del acrónimo. * Ejemplo: An MBA 👩‍🎓, a UFO 🛸. ### **Ejemplos Prácticos** 🛠️ * **Correcto**: An umbrella ☔️, a user 🧑‍💻. * **Incorrecto**: A apple 🚫🍎, an dog 🚫🐶. ### **Consejos** 💡 * 🎧 **Escucha** el sonido inicial de la palabra, no solo la letra con la que comienza. * 🤔 Si dudas, **pronuncia** la palabra en voz alta para escuchar el sonido inicial. * 🌍 Recuerda, algunas palabras pueden tener pronunciaciones diferentes en inglés americano y británico. ### **Practica Haciendo Oraciones** 📝 * I saw **a** beautiful bird. 🐦 * She is **an** amazing artist. 🎨 * They bought **a** new house. 🏡 * We need **an** hour to finish. ⏳
  • There is a black marker on the table.
  • She’s reading an old book.
  • She is a a pilot.
  • See you in an hour.
  • I don’t have time for a movie tonight.
  • Rachel works at a hospital.
  • She is a doctor
  • He is an artist
  • He is a chef
  • She is a enginer
  • There is _____black marker on the table. (a)
  • She’s reading _______ old book. (an)
  • She is a _______ pilot.
  • See you in ______ hour. (an)
  • I don’t have time for _________ movie tonight. (a)
  • Rachel works at _________ hospital. (a)

There is a black marker on the table.

  • She’s reading an old book.
  • She is a great pilot.
  • See you in an hour.
  • I don’t have time for watch a movie tonight.
  • Rachel works at an hospital.

Other words to be careful with: Unicorn, Uniform, Honor

My Practice:

  • There is a black marker on the table.
  • She’s reading an old book.
  • She is a pilot.
  • See you in an hour.
  • I don’t have time for a movie tonight.
  • Rachel works at a hospital.



There is a black market on the table
She’s reading an old book
She is a Pilot
See you in an hour
I don’t have time for a movie tonight
Raechels works at a hospital

There is ___a__black marker on the table.

  • She’s reading _an old book.
  • She is a pilot.
  • See you in an hour.
  • I don’t have time for ___a movie tonight.
  • Rachel works at _a hospital.
  • There is a black marker on the table
  • She’s reading an old book
  • She is a pilot
  • See you in an hour
  • I don’t have time for a movie tonight
  • Rachel works at a hospital

This class is great.

1. There is \_\_a\_\_\_black marker on the table. 2. She's reading \_an\_\_\_\_\_\_ old book. 3. She is a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ pilot. 4. See you in \_an\_\_\_\_\_ hour. 5. I don’t have time for \_\_\_a\_\_\_\_\_\_ movie tonight. 6. Rachel works at \_\_\_\_a\_\_\_\_\_ hospital.
Responses There is a black marker on the table. She's reading an old book. She is a pilot. See you in an hour. I don’t have time for a movie tonight. Rachel works at a hospital.
very good. thanks
1. There is a black marker n the table. 2. She’s reading an old book. 3. She is a pilot. 4. See you in an hour. 5. I don’t have time for a movie tonight. 6. Rachel works at a hospital.
Exercise: * There is **<u>a</u>** black marker on the table * She's reading **<u>an</u>** old book * She is **<u>a</u>** pilot * See you in **<u>an</u>** hour * I don´t have time for **<u>a</u>** movie tonight * Rachel works at **<u>a</u>** hospital
1- There is a black marker on the table. 2- She's reading an old book. 3- She is a pilot. 4- See you in an hour. 5- I don’t have time for a movie tonight. 6- Rachel works at a hospital.
\- There is a black marker on the table. \- She's reading an old book. \- She is a pilot. \- See you in an hour. \- I don’t have time for a movie tonight. \- Rachel works at a hospital
Good Night 🎇 TIME TO PRACTICE A = Una AN = Un An Apple 🍎 An Egg 🥚 An Elephant 🐘 A Laptop 🖥️ A Bicycle 🚴 A Chid 🧘 A Univercity 🏢 Hour ⏱️ ?
\- There is \_a\_\_\_\_black marker on the table. - She's reading \_\_\_\_an\_\_\_ old book. - She is a \_\_\_\_a\_\_\_ pilot. - See you in \_\_\_an\_\_\_ hour. - I don’t have time for \_\_\_\_\_\_a\_\_\_ movie tonight. - Rachel works at \_\_\_\_an\_\_\_\_\_ hospital.
* an apple * an egg * an elephant * a laptop * a bicycle * a child *
* There is **a** black marker on the table. * She's reading **an** old book. * She's **a** pilot. * See you in **an** hour. * I don't have time for **a** movie tonigth. * Rachel works at **a** hospital.
Exercise: Complete the following sentences: - There is _A_black marker on the table. - She's reading _A_ old book. - She is a _A_ pilot. - See you in _An_ hour. - I don’t have time for _An_ movie tonight. - Rachel works at _A_ hospital.
\- There is a black marker on the table.  - She's reading an old book.  - She is a pilot.  \- See you in an hour.  \- I don’t have time for a movie tonight.  \- Rachel works at  a  hospital.
\- There is \_\_a\_\_\_black marker on the table. \- She's reading \_\_an\_\_\_\_\_ old book. \- She is a \_\_\_a\_\_\_\_ pilot. \- See you in \_\_\_an\_\_\_ hour. \- I don’t have time for \_\_\_\_a\_\_\_\_\_ movie tonight. \- Rachel works at \_\_\_a\_\_\_\_\_\_ hospital.
En la oración Rachel works at\_\_\_ hospital Porque es "a"? Si la h es muda
Homework Complete the following sentences * There is a black marker on the table * She's reading and old book * She is a pilot * See you in an hour * I don't have time for a movie tonight * Rachel works at an hospital
Cuándo usar "a" y "an" Se usa "a" antes de las palabras que tienen consonantes Se usa "an" antes de las palabras que tienen vocales Examples A mecanic An apple A doctor An economist A university aunque comienza en vocal su sonido es similar a you An hour en este caso la h es muda por tal motivo se usa an Principales usos de la "a" y "an" * Identificar que se trata de una sola cantidad de algo ( singular) I need a car I want an apple * Delante de las profesiones She's an Actress He's a photographer


there is a black marker on the table she´s reading an old book she is a pilot see you in an hour I don´t have time for a movie toninght rachel works at a hospital rachel works at a hospital
Diferencias entre a y an
**Exercise: Complete the following sentences:** * There is **a** black marker on the table. * She's reading **an** old book. * She is **a** pilot. * See you in **an** hour. * I don’t have time for **a** movie tonight. * Rachel works at **a** hospital.
**I notice that the pronunciation of "a" is not "a" as in Spanish but "ei", I do the test by pronouncing "a dog" in the translator and it presents difficulties in identifying; but I pronounce "ei dog" and he immediately identifies her.**
**noto que pronunciación de "a" no es "a" como en español sino "ei", hago la prueba pronunciando "a dog" en el traductor y presenta dificultades para identificar; pero pronuncio "ei dog" e inmediatamente la identifica. Pasa lo mismo con "an", me toca pronunciarlo como "en", es decir "en elephant".**
nice class

There is a black maker on the table.
She’s reading an old book
She is a pilot
See you in an hour.
I don’t have time for a movie tonight.
Rachel works at a hospital.

There is a black marker on the table. She's reading an ld book. She is a pilot. See you in an hour. I don't have time for a movie tonight. Rachel works at a hospital.
\- There is \_\_a\_\_\_black marker on the table. \- She's reading \_\_an\_\_\_\_\_ old book. \- She is \_\_\_\_a\_\_\_ pilot. \- See you in \_\_an \_\_\_\_ hour. \- I don’t have time for \_\_\_\_\_a\_\_\_\_ movie tonight. \- Rachel works at \_\_\_a\_\_\_\_\_\_ hospital
Homework finished: - There is a black marker on the table - She's reading an old book - She is a pilot - See you in an hour - I don't have time for a movie tonight - Rachel works at a hospital
There is a black market on the table She is reading an old book She is a pilot See you in an hour I don't have for a movie tonight Rachel works at a hospital
  • I am a social worker.

  • My boyfriend is an engineer.

  • You are a baker.

  • There is a pencil on my desk.


1. there is <u>a</u> black market on the table. 2. she's reading <u>an</u> old book 3. she is <u>a</u> pilot 4. see you in <u>an</u> hour 5. I don't have time for <u>a</u> movie tonight 6. Rachel works at <u>a</u> hospital
There is \_a\_black marker on the table. She's reading \_an\_ old book. She is \_a\_ pilot. See you in \_an\_ hour. I don’t have time for \_a\_ movie tonight. Rachel works at \_a\_ hospital. Rachel works at \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ hospital.

-There is __a___black marker on the table.

  • She’s reading an_ old book.
  • She is a a_ pilot.
  • See you in an hour.
  • I don’t have time for _a movie tonight.
  • Rachel works at a___ hospital
\- There is \_\_\_\_\_black marker on the table. \- She's reading \_\_\_\_\_an\_\_ old book. \- She is a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ pilot. \- See you in \_\_\_\_ana\_ hour. \- I don’t have time for \_\_\_\_\_\_a\_\_\_ movie tonight. \- Rachel works at \_\_\_\_an\_\_\_\_\_ hospital.
Always Singular = A / AN A: the first letter doesn't have a vowel song * A dog * A university An: The first letter has a vowel song * An orange * An hour

There is a__black marker on the table.
-She’s reading an
old book.
-She is a _______ pilot.
-See you in an__ hour
-I don’t have time for a_ movie tonight
-Rachel works at a_ hospital.

Answer key Lectura A vs An \- There is a black marker on the table. \- She's reading an old book. \- She is a pilot. \- See you in an hour. \- I don’t have time for a movie tonight. \- Rachel works at a hospital.


  • there is a black marker on the table
    hay un marcador negro sobre la mesa
  • she´s reading an old book
    ella esta leyendo un libro viejo
  • she is a pilot
    ella es piloto
  • see you in an hour
    te veo en una hora
  • i don´t have time for a movie tonight
    no tengo tiempo para ver una pelicula esta noche
  • rachel works at a hospital
    rachel trabaja en un hospital
1. She is a doctor. 2. Hi is an artistic. 3. he is a chef. 4. she is an engineer.
\- There is **a** black marker on the table. \- She's reading **an** old book. \- She is **a** pilot. \- See you in **an** hour. \- I don’t have time for a movie tonight. \- Rachel works at an hospital
We can also use A and AN for: jobs, professions, or occupations. She is **a** doctor He is **an** artis He is **an** engineer
An apple An egg An elephant A laptop A bicycle A child
  • There is a black marker on the table.
  • She’s reading an old book.
  • She is an pilot.
  • See you in an hour.
  • I don’t have time for a movie tonight.
el "an" se utiliza cuando a pesar de que inicie con una consonante la siguiente palabra tenga su sonido de inicio como una vocal.
Here is \_a\_\_black marker on the table. \- She's reading \_\_an\_\_\_ old book. \- She is a \_\_a\_\_\_ pilot. \- See you in \_\_an\_\_\_\_ hour. \- I don’t have time for \_\_\_a\_\_\_ movie tonight. \- Rachel works at \_\_\_\_a\_\_\_\_\_ hospital.
-There is a black marker on the table. -She's reading an old book. -She is a pilot. -See you in an hour. -I don’t have time for a movie tonight. -Rachel works at \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ hospital.
* There is **a** black marker on the table * She's reading **an** old book * She is **a** pilot * See you in **an** hour * I don't have time for **a** movie night * Rachel works at **an** hospital
* There is a black marker on the table. * She's reading an old book. * She is a pilot. * See you in an hour. * I don’t have time for a movie tonight. * Rachel works at a hospital.

Clase 17 - Cuándo usar “a” y “an”

Summary Class

¿Cómo se deben usar las palabras “a” y “an”?

  • Normalmente las personas creen que “A” y “An” se usan dependiendo de la primera palabra seguida de esta, técnicamente es correcto, pero se debe de tener en cuenta el sonido, es decir, usamos “A” cuando el sonido de la siguiente palabra es de una letra consonante y usamos “an” cuando el sonido de la letra inicial de la siguiente palabra es de una vocal.
  • Ejemplos básicos:
    • A mechanical
    • An apple.
    • A doctor.
    • An economist.
  • Ejemplos avanzados:
    • A University -> En este caso usamos la palabra “A” porque la palabra University suena muy parecida a la palabra “Yours”.
    • An hour -> En este caso usamos la palabra “An” porque la letra “h” de la palabra hour es muda.

¿Cuáles son los principales usos de las palabras A y “An”?

  • Indicar que se trata de una sola cantidad (singular). Por ejemplo:
    • I need a car
    • I want an apple.
  • Se antes de escribir una profesión:
    • She’s an actress.
    • He’s a photographer.
```js a vs an ``` ![](
There is a black marker on the table. \- She's reading an old book. \- She is a pilot. \- See you in an hour. \- I don’t have time for a movie tonight. \- Rachel works at \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ hospita
Person 1: I really like Italian food, it's my favorite. Person 2: Oh, I don't like pasta much. I prefer Asian cuisine. Person 1: That's interesting! I also like hiking. Person 2: I don't like outdoor activities. I prefer reading at home. Person 1: Fair enough, everyone has different preferences!
Estos ejemplos muestran cómo se utilizan "an" antes de palabras que comienzan con vocales o con el sonido de una vocal, y "a" antes de palabras que comienzan con consonantes o con el sonido de una consonante. I have **an** apple. 1. She bought **a** car. 2. He is **an** excellent dancer. 3. I need **a** book to read. 4. It's **an** honor to meet you. 5. I want to be **a** teacher. 6. He has **an** interesting story. 7. This is **a** beautiful painting. 8. She is **an** expert pianist. 9. I need **a** moment to think. 10. It's **an** old tradition. 11. He is **a** friend of mine. 12. That's **an** unusual choice. 13. I'll take **a** sandwich, please. 14. She has **an** appointment. 15. This is **a** good opportunity. 16. He has **an** amazing talent. 17. We need **a** new strategy. 18. It's **an** incredible journey. 19. She has **a** cat and **a** dog. 20. I'd like **an** ice cream. 21. He's **a** reliable colleague. 22. This is **an** important decision. 23. I saw **a** shooting star. 24. She is **an** experienced pilot.
My mother is a enterpreneur
an apple a laptop an egg a bicycle an elephant a child she is a doctor he is an artist he is a chef she is a engineer
name of class: A vs An important notes: when we use "a", the next word starts with a consonant sound (not the letter) have some excepptions like, we say "a university" because the "u" sounds like "your"; we say "an hour" because the "h" is silent and we pronunced like the "o". Apple Egg Elefant --> An Laptop Bicycle Child ---> A activity: \- There is a black marker on the table. \- She´s reading an old book. \- See you in an hour. \- I don´t have time for a movie tonight. \- Rachel works at a hospital.
she is a doctor. he is an artist. he is a cheff. she is an engineer

Exercise: Complete the following sentences:

  • There is a black marker on the table.
  • She’s reading an old book.
  • She is a _______ pilot.
  • See you in an hour.
  • I don’t have time for a movie tonight.
  • Rachel works at a hospital.


  • There is a black marker on the table
  • She is reading an old book
  • She is a pilot
  • See you in an hour
  • I don’t have time for a movie tonight
  • Rachel works at a hospital
There is a black marker on the table. She’s reading an old book She is a pilot See you in an hour I don’t have time for a movie tonight Rachel works at an hospital

Rachel works at a hospital


  1. She is a doctor
  2. He is an artist
  3. He is a chef
  4. She is an engineer

There is a black marker on the table.

  • She’s reading an old book.
  • She is a a pilot.
  • See you in an hour.
  • I don’t have time for a movie tonight.
  • Rachel works at a hospital.