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Ejercicios adicionales de gramática en Inglés


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀


  • Usamos el tiempo presente simple para hablar sobre acciones, hechos y hábitos regulares y rutinarios.
  • Los auxiliares do y does nunca se usan con el verbo to be. Solo se usan con el resto de los verbos.
  • Necesitamos añadir las letras -s, -es, -ies a las acciones en oraciones afirmativas de la tercera persona del singular (he, she, it). Nunca se agregan estas terminaciones en las oraciones negativas e interrogativas.

Practica usando cada pronombre personal (I, you, he, she, it, we and they) escribiendo oraciones en forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. Hazlo con el verbo to be y otros verbos.

¡Felicitaciones por haber llegado al final de este curso!

¡Nunca pares de aprender!

Contribución creada con aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez.

Aportes 378

Preguntas 36

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

This course is amazing (insert facherita face)

Wow! John is one of the best teachers in platzi

My Practice:

  1. I am a doctor
    I am not a doctor
    Am I a doctor?

  2. You like to dance
    You don’t like to dance
    Do you like to dance?

  3. He is at home
    He isn’t at home
    Is he at home?

  4. She loves to play video games
    She doesn’t love to play video games
    Does she love to play video games?

  5. It is my dog
    It isn’t my dog
    Is it my dog?

  6. We watch a movie every Sunday
    We don’t watch a movie every Sunday
    Do we watch a movie every Sunday?

  7. They are best friends
    They aren’t best friends
    Are they best friends?

Great course!

see you next time!

Thanks for sharing Mr Carvajal.

Excellente class. !

Hey Platzi Team, I think there’s an error in the title, it says excercise

Thanks fot the class!

Amazing job teacher John, I very like this course

Thank you Jhon.
See you. 😃

¡Nunca pares de aprender!

Thank you for this course.
Let's practice. I recommend you apps as Duolingo or Tandem.
This course is amazing (insert facherita fac

Grammar consolidation
● We use simple present to talk about regular or repeated actions, facts and
● We use the auxiliaries DO and DOES with other verbs, never with the verb
To Be.
● We need to add -S, -ES, -IES to the actions in affirmative form in third
person singular (he, she, it). We never add -S, -ES, -IES to negative or
interrogative sentences. Practice: Using every personal pronoun (I, you,
he, she, it, we and they) write sentences in affirmative, negative and
interrogative form. Do this with the verb “To Be” and other Verbs.

My practice:
simple present

verb to be

i am a good person, i am patience person, i am intelligent
i am not a good person, i am not a patience person, i am not intelligent
am i a good person? am i an intelligent? am i a paciente person?

you are my girlfriend, you are my boss, you are my best friend
you arent my girlfriend, you arent my boss, you arent my best friend.
are you my girlfriend? are you my boss? are you my best friend?

we are the best, we are perfect , we are stronger
we arent the best, we arent perfet, we arent stronger
are we the best? are we pefect? are we stronger?

he is the best, he is perfect, he is stronger
he isnt the best, he isnt perfect, he isnet stronger
is he the best? is he perfect, is he stronger?

other verbs
i go to the beach, i watch movies, i love training
i don’t go to the beach, i don’t watch movies, i don’t love traiining
do i go to the beach?, do i watch movies? do i love training?

they go to the beach, they watch movies, they love training
they don’t go to the beach, they don’t watch movies, they don’t love training
do they go to the beach?, do they watch movies? do they love training?

he goes to the beach, he watches movies, he loves training
he doesn’t go to the beach, he doesn’t watch movies, he doesn’t love training
does he go to the beach, does he watch movies? does he love training?


Very well

Thanks for the information! 😄


Grammar consolidation
My Practice:
I am a doctor
I am not a doctor
Am I a doctor?

You like to dance
You don’t like to dance
Do you like to dance?

He is at home
He isn’t at home
Is he at home?

She loves to play video games
She doesn’t love to play video games
Does she love to play video games?

It is my dog
It isn’t my dog
Is it my dog?

We watch a movie every Sunday
We don’t watch a movie every Sunday
Do we watch a movie every Sunday?

They are best friends
They aren’t best friends
Are they best friends?

My practice

  • I love eat hamburgers.
  • They don’t have a car, they walk to school.
  • You are my first cat, Lucas.
  • She doesn’t love me, she loves Vladimir.
  • Does he run in the morning?
  • We aren’t hamburgers, we are humans.
  • Am i the best Bloodborne player? Not really.
  • She is my number one sister.
  • We don’t like beer.
  • Do they go to the beach?
  • Is she Maria, mother of Jesus?
  • Does she exercise every night?


We use the auxiliaries DO and Does with other verbs, never with the verb To Be.

I like

Excellent class!

am a doctor
I am not a doctor
Am I a doctor?

You like to dance
You don’t like to dance
Do you like to dance?

He is at home
He isn’t at home
Is he at home?

She loves to play video games
She doesn’t love to play video games
Does she love to play video games?

It is my dog
It isn’t my dog
Is it my dog?

We watch a movie every Sunday
We don’t watch a movie every Sunday
Do we watch a movie every Sunday?

They are best friends
They aren’t best friends
Are they best friends?

I´m a butcher.
I´m not a butcher.
Am I a butcher?

You go to work.
You don´t go to work.
Do you go to work?

He dances all week.
He doesn´t dance all week.
Does he dance all week?

She walks in the mornings.
She doesn´t walk in the mornings.
Does she walk in the morning?

It´s a good idea.
It´s not a good idea.
Is it a good idea?

We cook every days.
We don´t cook every days.
Do we cook every days?

They are athletes.
They´re not athletes.
Are they athletes?

You are a very good teacher, Thanks Bro !

yo tengo una clase de desventaja, los adultos ya pasaron la universidad y los niños que están estudiando aquí ingles tales estén en primaria o secundaria, como yo que estoy en sexto grado
this course is very good. I can easily understand. thank you
is amagazing lo disfrute demasiado y estoy orgullosa de lo mucho que he avanzado ademas ya puedo ver las clases con subtitulos en ingles al 100% y lo entiendo y es graciosos porque inicie viendolo en español thank you very much
they are working very hard they aren't working very hard are they working very hard? i call my father i don't call my father do i call my father?
Great course
Gramática del Inglés * Usamos el tiempo presente simple para hablar sobre acciones, hechos y hábitos regulares y rutinarios * Los auxiliares do y does nunca se usan con el verbo to be. Solo se usan con el resto de los verbos * Necesitamos añadir las letras s, es,ies a las acciones en oraciones afirmativas de la tercera persona del singular ( he, she, it). Nunca se agregan estas terminaciones en las oraciones negativas e interrogativas
Thanks You, Jhon for your dedication to explaining English grammar to us. With practice we will become experts
Expresa Preferencias con " Like" y " don't like" John: Hi, Anna Anna: Hi, John John: Anna, I love pizza, but I don't like hot dogs, and you? Anna: oh, John, I love hot dogs and hamburguers, what about you? John: Yeah! I love hamburguers, but I don't drink soda. Do you drink soda? Anna: Yes, I do. Do you drink tea, John John: Yes, I drink tea and I drink coffee. What about you? Anna: No, I don't drink coffee I prefer water John: Ok, thanks You Homework: * Who doesn't like hot dogs? John doesn't like hot dogs * Who doesn't drink soda? John doesn't drink soda * Who doesn't drink coffee? Anna doesn't drink coffee

I am beautiul.
You don’t have windows
Is he your boyfriend?
She speaks Spanish and a little Engilsh.
Does It read books?
Are we type in Whatsapp?
They don´t work

well, the course is really fun, and has much subjects interesting.

Oh my god, I love this ourse.

Jhon is amaizing.

(Le temia al ingles por la gramatica pero este curso me la presento de una forma distinta y divertida)

I love you Jhon Carvajal!

Oh thanks for this course! :D


+ He is a sportsman.
- He isn’t a sportsman.
? Is he a sportsman?

+ They practice swimming
- They don’t practice swimming.
? Do they practice swimming?


i am a graphic designer
1.i am not a graphic designer
am i a graphic designer?

.you are a good studiend are not a good studient
are you a good studient?

he is a soccer player
  1. hi isn´t a soccer player
    is he asoccer player?

    she is a great person

  2. she is not a grat person
    is she a great person?

    it is is a fantastic conclusion

  3. it is not a fantastic conclusion
    is it a fantastic conclusion?

    we are united group
    6.we are not a united group
    are we a united group?

    they are happy rigth now
    7.they are not happy rigth now
    are they happy rigth now?

Thanks for course…very great!

Thank You SO much

Teacher Jhon, we loves you (jajaja dont worry I am kiding you)

I like to travel
She is stronger
I want to go.
He is a blacksmith

I don’t want to see you anymore.
She doesn’t want to see me anymore.
They Don’t like to walk

Do you like to travel?
Does he speak English?
Is she your sister?

My practice:

  • You have a dog.
    You don’t have a dog.
    You have a dog?

  • She has a dog.
    She doesn’t have a dog.
    Does she have a dog?

I have a doubt, please someone can hel me?
what is the right way to say this?
1- She does like or
2- She does likes

and why? thankssss

please someone can help me? what is the right way to write this?
1- I do like to cook
2- i do like to cooking
1- I like to travel by car but I do not like traveling by plane
2- I like to travel by car but I do not like travel by plane?

please and thank you

Thank You, John excelent your class

Thanks for the classes

Thank you!!!


an apple. an egg. an elephant. A a lap top. a bicycle. a child.
Ser you nex time!

My Practice:

  1. I am a doctor
    I am not a doctor
    Am I a doctor?

  2. You like to dance
    You don’t like to dance
    Do you like to dance?

  3. He is at home
    He isn’t at home
    Is he at home?

  4. She loves to play video games
    She doesn’t love to play video games
    Does she love to play video games?

  5. It is my dog
    It isn’t my dog
    Is it my dog?

  6. We watch a movie every Sunday
    We don’t watch a movie every Sunday
    Do we watch a movie every Sunday?

  7. They are best friends
    They aren’t best friends
    Are they best friends?

Curso de Inglés Básico A1
Presente Simple y Vocabulario Común.

Important notes and activities:
I am a doctor
I am not a doctor
Am I a doctor?

You like to dance
You don’t like to dance
Do you like to dance?

He is at home
He isn’t at home
Is he at home?

She loves to play video games
She doesn’t love to play video games
Does she love to play video games?

It is my dog
It isn’t my dog
Is it my dog?

We watch a movie every Sunday
We don’t watch a movie every Sunday
Do we watch a movie every Sunday?

They are best friends
They aren’t best friends
Are they best friends?



Thank you

muy bueno

thank you

Excelente curso he aprendido mucho gracias. 🙂👍

you are


My Practice:

I am a doctor
I am not a doctor
Am I a doctor?

You like to dance
You don’t like to dance
Do you like to dance?

He is at home
He isn’t at home
Is he at home?

She loves to play video games
She doesn’t love to play video games
Does she love to play video games?

It is my dog
It isn’t my dog
Is it my dog?

We watch a movie every Sunday
We don’t watch a movie every Sunday
Do we watch a movie every Sunday?

They are best friends
They aren’t best friends
Are they best friends?

i’m in night class at university
i’m not in night class at university
Am I in night class at the university ?

we are eating at the corner restaurant
we aren’t eating at the corner restaurant
Are we eating at the restaurant on the corner?

he wants to travel to europe in december
he doesn’t want to travel to europe in december
Does he want to travel to Europe in December?

Thank you so much Jhon


  • I have a new laptop

  • I am excited to finish this course

  • You don’t like eat pizza

  • Do you have a good idea?

  • We study at Platzi.

  • We can learn English!

  • He has a beutiful dog

  • She cooks very good.

  • They can win!

Excellente class. !

thanks a lot


Amazing course 🤧

Thanks very much teacher Jhon!


Thanks for sharing Mr Carvajal soy tu fan

Excellente class. !

Thank you John, you are an excellent teacher.

thank you very much

Thank you



Hermoso video

Gracias por sus aportes

Sus aportes nos ayudan mucho

Hermoso video ❤️

Practica usando cada pronombre personal (I, you, he, she, it, we and they) escribiendo oraciones en forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. Hazlo con el verbo to be y otros verbos.


congragulations teacher is a nice course of platzi english academy great !!!

Nos ayudan mucho

Muchas gracias por su apoyo

This course is amazing