This is an excellent course, I hope you do more courses asap 😃 Thx. 😁
Inglés Básico
Domina el Inglés Básico
Cómo presentarse en Inglés
Presenta a otras personas en Inglés
Preséntate en Inglés
Quiz: Cómo presentarse en Inglés
"Presente simple" en Inglés
Cómo usar el verbo “to be”
Presente Simple con otros verbos en Inglés
Describe personas en Inglés
Describe tu rutina diaria en Inglés
Describe la rutina de alguien en Inglés
Quiz: "Presente simple" en Inglés
Preguntas y preposiciones en Inglés
Preposiciones de lugar en Inglés
Preguntas con "wh" en el presente simple
Practica tu "listening" en Inglés
Quiz: Preguntas y preposiciones en Inglés
Vocabulario fundamental en Inglés
Diferencia entre "have" y "has"
Plurales irregulares en Inglés
Practica con verbos en presente simple
Verbos imperativos en Inglés
Cómo usar "and" y "but"
Cuándo usar "a" y "an"
Quiz: Vocabulario fundamental en Inglés
Expresa gustos en Inglés
Expresa preferencias con "like" y "don't like"
Ejercicios adicionales de gramática en Inglés
Quiz: Expresa gustos en Inglés
¡Continúa aprendiendo!
Ahora dominas el Presente Simple en Inglés
No tienes acceso a esta clase
¡Continúa aprendiendo! Únete y comienza a potenciar tu carrera
Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀
En este curso vimos varios temas de inglés básico que incluyeron:
¡Felicitaciones por llegar hasta aquí! Te invitamos a continuar con el Curso de Inglés Básico A1: Fechas, Horas y Expresiones Simples.
Ánimo, ¡Nunca pares de aprender!
Aportes 2190
Preguntas 67
This is an excellent course, I hope you do more courses asap 😃 Thx. 😁
Thank you, you are a excelent teacher!
Very good course, I learned many things very small but very important for my learning of English. I am very happy.
This type of topics are very interesting to people who want to start to learn the language, Thank you Jhon!
Excellent course, Thank you very much professor Jhon…
Love the photo at Twitter XD
this was an amazing course, great teacher.
more courses with this tecaher.
Thank yoy for the course
I share my workbook
Thanks, Jhon!
I learn new words and practise more my english.
Excellent course as always, congratulations!
Curso de Inglés Básico A1
Presente Simple y Vocabulario Común.
Important notes and activities:
This course is amazing!
I stopped taking the course for a few weeks and decided to finish it to learn more and help people. I feel very happy to be able to finish it. Thanks for your help comrades.
my favorite pharse in this course is i will see you next class haha thanks
Excelente course teacher John, 👏 thank You for sharing your knowledge😉
HELLO i am peruvian , I would like to practice the classes, I leave you my whatsapp is +51946214739
Thanks this course is excellent .
Este curso de 1 hora de grabación me ha tomado dos semanas y media en terminarlo. La razón?. Me he tomado la molestia de no solo desarrollar cada uno de los ejercicios, sino que además desde la clase No 1 comencé a escribir en mi cuaderno de notas todas y cada una de las palabras que escuchaba durante las clases. Por supuesto me he apoyado mucho en (Google traductor) y el resultado es increíble pues llegado a este punto siento que he aprendido muchísimo vocabulario, además de que ahora puedo comprender perfectamente frases completas, escribo un buen numero de palabras y textos cortos en ingles con correcta ortografía y puedo pronunciar mucho mejor. Es un método impresionante que complementado con estas excelentes clases me ha servido para avanzar en mi proceso. Saludos.
Congratulations to you too.
You are an excellent teacher !
I learned many things in this course, thank to you.
Excellent teacher
Thank’s This is an excellent course!
Never stop to learn!
Excellent teacher
I learned many things in this course, I appreciate your dedication and teaching, I am very excited to finish this course.
Thanks Jhon.
Excelent course
Thank you Jhon! You rock! Never stop learning 💚😊
hI Jhon, I´m very excited with this course. You are an excellent teacher. I hope see you soon.
Thank you so much, Jhon!
Very good course, I learned many things very small but very important for my learning of English. I am very happy.
I like the course, you are very good professor. I will follow learning at platzi. Thanks!
Hello team.
I’m proud, it’s amazing how in such a short time my girlfriend and I have made so much progress.
Congratulations 🎉🎊🎈🍾
Thanks, Jhon! exelent
I learn new words and practise more my english.
thank you so much
This is an excellent course. thanks
It’s always fun to practice basic things 😃, great course
Jhon is the best, thank you for this amazing course, It was very funny and useful for me. Thank you John, and thank you Platzi team
I really like this course, I enjoyed it
As I said in other course with teacher Jhon, here at Platzi, I really enjoy his classes beacuse he has a good way to teach and I like the methodology with activities and quizzes during all the course.
Thanks for helping us with our process.
I really like this course, thank you ✌
I really liked this course, Thank you John
Excellent course teacher thanks
This course was great! Jhon was really clear with all the ideas and exmples. Thank you!
Thank you Jhon, I am very excited to finish this course, I appreciate your dedication to teaching. 😃
Your classes are very dynamic and the information is very important, thank you techar Jhon
You’re awesome Jhon! Thank you!
Nice, nice!
Thank you teacher Jhon Carvajal.
This course was great!
So nice! It´s a good course 💪
Great course ! I liked it so much.
Thanks I learned some importants thinks. For example, how use irregular nouns, prepositions in simple present verbs.
Thanks teacher, it’s an amazing course
Thank you
Thank you Jhon, step by step I go learning.
You are amazing teacher!
I am very happy by my progress, again thank you.
Thank you so much for this course!
This course is very excellent, the listening and speaking are necessary. The teacher is very good. Congratulations.
very thanks for the course Jhoon, Now i can understand more of the english
this class is very cool
Thank you. We will see you in the next courses.
Thank you , it was an amazing course and I´m happy to be at Platzi.
Good course, you explain very well
Hi Theacher Jhon. This is a excellent cours, these is a very complete course. Thank you very mouch.
Thanks is an excellent course!!
Excellent course!
it was a great course and very well explained
I am using chatgpt to plactice my english. i am focusing on improving my grammar and my vocabulary.
I would like to invite you to try.
Jhon, you are a great teacher!
Thnaks Jhon, yue’re amazing
Thank you very much. Greetings and blessings!
Hello teacher…this is an excellent course, thank you!!!
thank you teacher
Excellent teacher, I was able to understand his English, without much difficulty.
thank you
Thank you Jhon, you are a good teacher.
I hope to see you again in other courses.
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