I wake up at 2 am, i’m morningman, you know!. Because I work for a Spain Company, so my sheadule is very different than general people. Every mornings the first thing that I do is clean my body, internally and externally, with the meditation and the peace of the silence, it’s a winner’s hour. I don’t eat nothing, only I drink a cup of coffe and maybe a cook. When I finish my workday, starting my other life like a Emma’s father. I go to the park with my dougther and we go to eat a ice cream, it’s absolutelly amazing share time whit the people that charger your battery for the next day. The next of my day, is very secret, it’s my secret of my happiness, if you want to know what is my secret, close your eyes and think: How will be the perfect day tomorrow, imagine all pictures, from sensations, feelings, and imagine to share your time of quality with the important peoplefor you. See you latter! Thanks for read me, and I apologize if my english isn’t very well.
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