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Practica tu "listening" en Inglés


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

A continuación Jess, Ravee y Elena nos comentan aspectos de su vida. Lee detenidamente y te responde las preguntas sobre la lectura.

My name is Jess, J E S S, Jess, and I’m a professional photographer. I enjoy cooking, but I’m not an expert. I watch tutorials and I like to create my own recipes. I’m in Sydney right now, but I live in Canada. Australia has wonderful landscapes, and I’m sure I can capture great pictures here.

  • What’s his name?
  • Where is he?
  • What’s his job?
  • Where does he live?

Hey there. I’m Ravee, R A V E E, Ravee. I’m late for work, so I need to get a taxi. I work at Central Park at the zoo. I’m a veterinarian. I love taking care of animals. On the weekends, I am the manager of a pizza restaurant “Pizza Comic”. We have the best pizza in Manhattan, New York.

  • What’s his name?
  • Where is he?
  • What’s his job?
  • Where does he live?

This is Elena, E L E N A, Elena. I travel a lot for work. I’m in Russia right now but I live in Argentina. I’m a tour guide and a journalist. Yes, I know that’s an interesting combination. I like to document my trips and help others.

  • What’s her name?
  • Where is she?
  • What’s her job?
  • Where does she live?

Contribución creada con aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez

Aportes 1832

Preguntas 39

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

what is his or her name?
1-his name is jess
2-his name is rabee
3-her name is elena
where are they?
1-he is in sydney
2-she is in russia
3-he is in the central park
what is their job?
1-he is a profesional photogrape
2-she is a journalist
3-he is a veterinarian
where do they live?
1-he lives in canada
2- she lives in argentina
2-he lives in manhattan

What is his or her name?

  1. His name is Jess
  2. His name is Rabee
  3. Her name is Elena

Where are they?

  1. He is in Sydney
  2. He is in the central park
  3. She is in Russia

What is their job?

  1. He is a professional photographer
  2. He is a veterinarian
  3. She is a tourist guide and a journalist

Where do they live?

  1. He lives in Canada
  2. He lives in Manhattan
  3. She lives in Argentina
  1. His name is Jess, he is a photographer, He is in Sidney but lives in Canada.
  2. He is Rabee, He is a vet and he is in NY, lives there.

What’s his or her name?
where are they?
What’s their job?
Where do they live?

1.His name is Jess. He is professional phtographer. He is in Sidney but he lives in Canada.
2.His name is Rabee. He is a veterinarian. He lives in New York.
3. Her name is Elena. She is in Russia but she lives in Argentina. She is a tour guide and a journalist.

what´s his name? My name is Jess.
What´s his job? He is a professional photographer.
where is he? He is in sydney.
where does he live? He live in Canada

What´s his name? Rabee
what´s his job? He is veterinarian and the manager of a pizza restauran.
where is he? He is in New york

What’s his name? Jess
Where is he? He is in Sydney
What’s his job? He is a professional photographer
Where does he live? He lives in Canada

What’s his name? Ravee
Where is he? In New York
What’s his job? He is a veterinarian and the manager of a pizza restaurant
Where does he live? He lives in New York.

● What’s his name? Jess
● Where is he? He is in Sydney
● What’s his job? He is a professional photographer
● Where does he live? He lives in Canada.
● What’s his name? Ravee
● Where is he? In New York
● What’s his job? He is a veterinarian and the manager of a pizza restaurant
● Where does he live? He lives in New York.
● What’s her name?Elena
● Where is she? She is in Russia
● What’s her job? She is a a tour guide and a journalist
● Where does she live? She lives in Argentina

What is his or her name?

  1. His name is Jess
  2. His name is Ravee
  3. Her name is Elena

Where are they?

  1. Jess is in Sidney
  2. Ravee is in New York
  3. Elena is in Russia

What is their job?

  1. Jess is a professional photographer
  2. Ravee is a veterinarian and he is a manager of a pizza restaurant
  3. Elena is a tour guide and a journalist too

Where do they live?

  1. Jess lives in Canada
  2. Ravee lives in New Yok
  3. Elena lives in Argentina

Where are they?
What’s his or her name?
Her name is Jess
Her name is Ravee
She name is Elena

where are they?
He is in Sydney
He is in the central park
She is in Russian

What’s their job?
he is a professional photographer an the manager of a restaurant
he is a veterinary
She is a tour guide and a journalist

Where do they live?
He live in Canada
He live in New York
She live in Argentinia

What´s his or her name?
His name is Jess.
Where are they?
He is in Sídney
What´s their job?
He is a proffessional photographer
Where do they live?
He lives in Canada
What´s his or her name?
His name is Rabee
Where are they?
They are in New York
What´s their job?
He is an veterinarian and on weekends are manager of the pizza restaurant
Where do they live?
He lives in Ney york
What´s his or her name?
Her name is Elena
Where are they?
She is in Russia
What´s their job?
She is a tour guide and journalist
Where do they live?
She lives in argentina

what’s his or her name?
-his name is jess
-his name is rabee
-her name is elena

Where are they?
-he is in sydney
-he is in central park
she is in rusia

what’s their job?

  • he is a photographer
    -he is a veterinarian
    -she is a journalist

where do they live?
-he lives in canada
-he lives in new york
-she lives in argentina

My name is Jess, J E S S, Jess, and I’m a professional photographer. I enjoy cooking, but I’m not an expert. I watch tutorials and I like to create my own recipes. I’m in Sydney right now, but I live in Canada. Australia has wonderful landscapes, and I’m sure I can capture great pictures here.

What’s his name?
Where is he?
What’s his job?
Where does he live?
Hey there. I’m Ravee, R A V E E, Ravee. I’m late for work, so I need to get a taxi. I work at Central Park at the zoo. I’m a veterinarian. I love taking care of animals. On the weekends, I am the manager of a pizza restaurant “Pizza Comic”. We have the best pizza in Manhattan, New York.

What’s his name?
Where is he?
What’s his job?
Where does he live?
This is Elena, E L E N A, Elena. I travel a lot for work. I’m in Russia right now but I live in Argentina. I’m a tour guide and a journalist. Yes, I know that’s an interesting combination. I like to document my trips and help others.

What’s her name?
Where is she?
What’s her job?
Where does she live?

What’s his or her name?
Where are they?
He is in Sydney right now. Australia has wonderful landscapes and he’s sure he can capture great pictures there
What’s their job?
He’s a professional photographer
Where do they live?
He lives in Canada

What’s his or her name?
Where are they?
He’s late for work, He needs to get a taxi , he works at central park, at the zoo
What’s their job?
He’s a veterinarian, he loves taking care of animals
Where do they live?
On the weekends, He’s the manager of a pizza restauran, Pizza Comic! The have the best pizza in Manhattan. He lives NY
What’s his or her name?
She’s name is Elena
Where are they?
She is in Russia right now
What’s their job?
She is a tour guide and a Journalist, she has an interesting combination!. She likes to document her trips and help others
Where do they live?
She lives in Argentina

What´s hes or her name?

  1. His name is Jess
  2. His name is Ravee
  3. She is Enena

Where are they?

  1. He is in Sydney
  2. He is at central park
  3. She is in Russia

What´s their job?

  1. He is professional photographer
  2. He is veterinarian and manager of a pizza restaurant
  3. She is a tour guide and a journalist

Where do they live?

  1. He lives in Canada
  2. He lives in Manhattan
  3. She lives in Argentina

This practice is very useful.

what is his or her name?

  • His name is Jeff
  • His name is Rabee
  • Hes name is Elena

where are they?

  • He is in Sidney
  • He is in New York
  • She is from Russia
    what is their job?**
  • He is a professional photographer
  • Rabee is a veterinarian
  • She is a tour guide and journalist

where do they live?

  • He is from of Canada
  • Rabee lives in Manhattan, New York
  • Elene lives in Argentina
  1. His name is Jess
    His name is Rabee
    Her name is Elena
  2. Jess is in Sidney, Rabbe is in New York and Elena is in Russia
  3. Jess is a professional photographer, Rabee is a vetetinarian and Elena is a journalist
  4. Jess live in Canada, Rabee live in Manhattan NY and Elena live in Argentina
  1. What´s his name?
  2. Where is he?
    He is in Sidney.
  3. What´s his job?
    He is a professional photographer.
  4. Where does he lives?
    He lives in Canada.
  5. What´s his name?
  6. Where is he?
    He is in New York.
  7. What´s his job?
    He is a Veterinarian.
  8. Where does he lives?
    He lives in New York.
  9. What´s her name?
  10. Where is she?
    She is in Russia.
  11. What´s her job?
    She is a tour guide and a journalist.
  12. Where does she lives?
    She lives in Argentina.

What’s his or her name? Jess/Rabee/Helena
Where are they? Sydney/New York/Rusia
What’s their job? Professional photographer/Veterinarian and the manager of a pizza restaurant/Tour guide and Journalist
Where do they live? Canadá/New York/Argentina

my name is jess, J-E-S-S. and i am a professional photographer, i´m ENJOY cooking, but i´m not a expert. i watch tutorials, and i like to create my own recepies. im in sidney rigth now, but i live in CANADA. australia has WONDERFULL landscapes, and im sure i can capture freat pictures here. kisses 😗

What's his or her name? * He is name is Jess * He is Ravee * She is ELENA Where are they? * Jess is in Sidney * Ravee is late for work * Elena is in Russia What's their job? * Jess is a professional photographer * Ravee is a veterinarian * Elena is Guide tour and journalist Where do they live? * Jess live in Canada * Ravee live in Manhattan, NY * Elena lives in Argentina
what is his or her name? 1- His name is Jess. 2- His Name is Ravee. 3- Her name is Elena. Where are they ? 1- He is in Sidney. 2- He is in New York. 3- She is in Russia. What´s their job? 1- He is a professional photographer. 2- He is Veterinarian. 3- She is Tour guia and Journalist. Where do they live? 1- He is in Canada. 2- He is in New York. 3- She is in Argentina.
* What's his or her name? The first person is Jess; the second person is Rabee and the third person is Elena. * Where are they? Jess is in Sidney. Rabee is in Central Park in New York. Elena is in Rusia * What's their job? Jess is a photographer. Rabee is a veterinarian. Elena is an a tour guide and a journalist. * Where do they live? Jess lives in Canada. Rabee lives in United States. Elena lives in Argentina.
  • What’s his or her name ?
  • His name is Jess
  • His name is Ravee
  • Her name is Elena
  • Where are they ?
  • Jess is in Sydney
  • Ravee is in Central Park
  • Elena is in Rusia
  • What’s their job ?
  • Jess is a photogrape
  • Ravee is a veterinarian
  • elena is a tourist guide
  • Where do they live?
  • Jess live in Canada
  • Ravee live in Manhattan
  • Elena live in Argentina

1.- What’s his or her name?
a.- His name is Jess.
b.- His name is Ravee.
c.- Her name is Elena.
2.-Where are they?
a.- Jess is in Sidney
b.- Ravee is in New York.
c.- Elena is in Russia.
3.-What’s their job?
a.- He is a professional photographer.
b.- He is a Veterinarian and a manager of a pizza restaurant.
c.- She is a tour guide and a journalist.
3.- Where do they live?
a.- Jess lives in Canada.
b.- Ravee lives in New York
c.- Elena lives in Argentina.

  1. What is his or her name?
  2. Where are they?
    New York
  3. What is their job?
    Professional photographer
    Tour guide and journalist
  4. Where do they live?
    New York

His name is Jess
His Name is Rabee
Her name Elena
Jess is in Sydney
Rabee is in the taxi
Elena is in Rusia

He is a Professional Photographer

He is a Veterinary and Manager

She is a Tour guide and a Journalist

He lives in Canadá
He lives in New York
She lives in Argentina

  1. Jess, Rabee, Elena
  2. Canadá, New York, Argentina

Listening exercise: Where are they?


  • What’s his or her name?
    Jess, Ravee and Elena


  • Where are they?
    Jess’s in Sydney.
    Ravee is in New York City.
    Elena’s in Rusia.


  • What’s their job?
    Jess is a Professional Photographer.
    Ravee is a Veterinarian at zoo and on the weekends is a manager of a pizza restaurant.
    Elena is a tour guide and a journalist.


  • Where do they live?
    Jess lives in Canada.
    Ravee lives in Manhathan.
    Elena lives in Argentina.

Listening exercise: Where are they?




  • What’s his name?
    His name’s JESS.
  • Where is he?
    He is from Sydney right now.
  • What’s his job?
    He is a Professional Photographer.
  • Where does he live?
    he lives in Canada.




  • What’s his name?
    His name’s RAVEE.
  • Where is he?
    He is in New York City.
  • What’s his job?
    He is a Veterinarian at zoo and on the weekends is a manager of a pizza restaurant.
  • Where does he live?
    He lives in New York.




  • What’s her name?
    Her name’s ELENA.
  • Where is he?
    She is in Rusia.
  • What’s his job?
    SHe is a tour guide and a journalist.
  • Where does he live?
    She lives in Argentina.
What is his or her name? His name is Jess His name is Ravee Her name is Elena Where are they? He is in Sydney He is in New York She is in Russia What is their job? He is a professional photographer He is a veterinarian and manager of a pizza restaurant She is a tourist guide and a journalist Where do they live? He lives in Canada He lives in New York She lives in Argentina

What is his or her name?
1- His name is Jess
2-His name is Ravee
3-Her name is Elena
Where are they?
1-He is in Sydney
2-She is in Russia
3-He is in the central park
What is their job?
1-He is a professional photographer
2 She is a journalist
3-He is a veterinarian
Where do they live?
1-he lives in Canada
2- she lives in Argentina
2-he lives in manhattan

What is his or her name?
his name is Camilo.
her name is Susana.
Where are they ?
They are in front of the bakery.
What is their job?
She is a nurse.
Where do they live?
They live in Spain.

what´s his or her name?

  1. jess
  2. Rabee
  3. helena
    Where are they?
  4. Sidney
  5. Central Park

what´s their job?

  1. phofogrape
  2. veterinarian / manager
  3. Journalist
    where do they live?
  4. Canada
  5. NY
  6. Argentina

-what is his or her name?
1-his name is jess
2-his name is rabee
3-her name is elena
-where are they?
1-he is in sydney
2-she is in russia
3-he is in the central park
-what is their job?
1-he is a profesional photogrape
2-she is a journalist
3-he is a veterinarian
-where do they live?
1-he lives in canada
2- she lives in argentina
2-he lives in manhattan

Prepositions of places

  1. Where are you at this moment?
    I’m in front of my laptop.
    I’m sitting on a chair.
  2. Where is my laptop?
    The laptop is on the table
  3. Where is my bed?
    My bed is the bedroom.
  4. Where is your TV?
    My TV is in front of the living room.
    The TV is on the wall.

what is his or her name?
1-his name is jess
2-his name is rabee
3-her name is elena
where are they?
1-he is in sydney
2-she is in russia
3-he is in the central park
what is their job?
1-he is a profesional photogrape
2-she is a journalist
3-he is a veterinarian
where do they live?
1-he lives in canada
2- she lives in argentina
2-he lives in manhattan


  1. His name is Jess.
  2. He is in Sydney.
  3. He is a profesional photogrape
  4. He lives in Canada
  5. his name is Ravee
  6. He is in the central park
  7. He is a veterinarian
  8. He live in New York
    1.Her name is Elena
  9. She is in Russia
  10. She is a tour guide and a journalist
  11. She lives in Argentina

what is his or her name?
1-his name is jess
2-his name is rabee
3-her name is elena
where are they?
1-he is in sydney
2-she is in russia
3-he is in the central park
what is their job?
1-he is a profesional photogrape
2-she is a journalist
3-he is a veterinarian
where do they live?
1-he lives in canada
2- she lives in argentina
2-he lives in manhattan

His name is Jess
He is in sidney
He is a photographer
He lives in Canada

His name is Rabee
He is in Central Park
He is veterinarian
He lives in Manhattan, New York

Her name is Elena
She is in Russian
She is a tour guide and jorunalist
She lives in Argentina

His  name is Jess 
He is a profesional photographer
He enjoy cooking but not is an expert
He watch tutorials and he likes create his  own  recepies 
He is in Sydney right now but he lives in canada
Autralia has a wonderful landscapes, he is sure, he  can capture great pictures here .
His name is  Ravee
He is late for work so he need get a taxi
He work  at central park at the Zoo
He is a veterinarian, he loves to taking  care the animals
On the weekends he is a manager on the pizaa restaurant, pizza comic.
They have the best pizza in Manhattan New York
This is a Elena
She travel a lot of world
She is in Russia right now, but she lives in Argentina
She is a  tour guide and a journalist

She likes document her trips and help others

  • He is Jess is photographer he is in Sydney, Australia but he lives in Canada
  • He is Ravee is veterinarian and manager in pizza comic. He is in central park and he lives in NY
  • She is Elenna. She is a tour guide and a journalist from Russia and she lives in Argentina

He name is Jess, He is a professional photographer, He lives in Canada.
He is Rabee, He works at central park at the zoo, He is a veterinarian, He lives in New York.
She is Elena, She lives in Argentina, She is a Journalist.

What are their names?
Their names are Jess, Ravee and Elena
Where are they?
Jess is in Sidney Australia, Ravee is in New York and Elena is in Russia
What are their jobs?
Jess is a professional Photographer, Ravee is a veterinarian and Elena is a tour guy and a journalist
Where do they live?
Jess lives in Canada, Ravee lives in USA and Elena lives in Argentina

He name is Jess, he is a professional photographer, he is a beginner cooker and he watch cooking videos on youtube, he lives in Sidney Australia right now but he lives in Canada. He likes Australia because he takes a beautiful photos off the landscapes.

Ravee, he takes everyday takes a taxi to his work, he works in Central Park, he is a veterinarian, he loves animals. On the weekends he works as a manager of a pizzeria. His pizzeria is the best on New York.

Elena, elena travels around the world, becuase she is a tour guide and is a journalist. She is in Russia right now, but she lives in Argentina

What his name?
His name is Jess
Hiis name is rabii
Her name is Elena
Where are they?
He is inSydney, Australia
He is in Central Park
She is in Russia
What’s their job?
He works as a Professional photographer
He works as a Veterinarian
She works as a Tour Guide and Journalist
Where do they live?
He lives in Canada
He lives in Manhattan, New york
She lives in Argentina

What’s his or her name?
Where are they?
New York
What’s their job?
Jess is a professional photogapher.
Ravee is veterinarian in the Central Park’s zoo. Also, he is manager of the pizza restaurant.
Elena is a tour guide and journalist.
Where do the live?
New York

First person

  • Jess
  • He is in Sidney
  • He is a Professional Photographer
  • He lives in Canadá

Second Person

  • Ravee
  • He Walks in Central park
  • He is Veterinarian
  • Manhatan New York

Third Person

  • Elena
  • She is in Rusia
  • she is Journalist
  • She lives in Argentina
  1. His name is Jess. He is in Sydney. He is a photographer. He lives in Canada.
  2. His name is Ravee. He is in New York . He is a veterinarian and manager of a pizza restaurant. He lives in New York.
  3. Her name is Elena. She is in Russia. She is tour guide and journalist. She lives in Argentina.


  • What’s his or her name? His name is jess
  • Where are they? He is in Sidney, Australia
  • What’s their job? He is a professional photographer
  • Where do they live? He live in Canada


  • What’s his or her name? His name is Ravee
  • Where are they? He is in Central park
  • What’s their job? He is a veterinarian. On weekends he is a manager of a pizza restaurant
  • Where do they live?


  • What’s his or her name? Her name is Elena
  • Where are they? She is in Russia
  • What’s their job?
  • Where do they live? She lives in Argentina

Person 1
His name is Jess, he is in Sidney, he is a professional photographer and lives in Canada

Person 2
His name is Rabee, he is in Central Park, he is a veterinary and lives in NY

Person 3
Her name is Elena, she is in Russsia because she is journalist, she lives in Argentina

Talking in third person: His name is Jess.J-E-S-S, Jess is a professional photographer. He enjoys
cooking but he is not an expert. He watches tutorials and he likes to create his own
recipes. He is from Sydney, but now he lives in Canada. He thinks Australia has wonderful
landscapes and is very sure he can capture great pictures here


¿What is his name?: His name is Jess
¿Where is he?: He is in Sydney
¿What’s his job?: He’s a Professional Photographer.
¿Where does he live?: He lives in Canada, but he’s in Sydney at the moment to take pictures.

¿What is his name?: His name is Rabee
¿Where is he?: He is in NewYork
¿What is his job?: He is Veterinarian and on weekends, he’s a Manager in Pizza Comic
¿Where does he live?: I think that he lives in New York

¿What is her name?: Her name is Elena
¿Where is she?: She is in Russia
¿What is her job?: She is a Tour Guide and Journalist
¿Where does she live?: She lives in Argentina

  1. his name is jess, he is in Sidney, he is a photographer professional and lives in Canada
  2. his name is Rabee, he is from new york, he is a veterinarian and management of pizza comics, and lives in manhattan NY.
  3. her name is Elena, she is in Russia, she is a journalist and lives in Argentina
I felt very good, I understood many things but I wrong many times, I am lose
Listening activity:
Listening activity:
* What’s his or her name? * The first person, his name is Jess. * The second person, his name is Ravee * The third person, her name is Elena * Where are they? * Jess is in Sydney, Australia * Ravee is walking at the Central Park * Elena is in Russia. * What’s their job? * Jess is a Professional Photographer * Ravee is a Veterinarian and a Manager of a pizza restaurant. * Elena is a Tour guide and a Journalist * Where do they live? * Jess lives in Canada * Ravee lives in Manhattan, New York * Elena lives in Argentina
What is her/his Name? His name is Jess His name is Ravee Her name is Elena Where are they? He is in Sidney He is in Central Park She is in Russia What is their job? He is a Professional photographer He is a Veterinarian She is a Tour guide and a journalist Where do they live? He lives in Canada He lives in Manhattan New York She lives in Argentina
***What's his or her name?*** 1. his is Jess 2. his is Ravee 3. her is Elena ***where are they*** 1. *he is in Sydney Australia* 2. *he is in New York* 3. *she is in Rusia* ***what's their job*** 1. *he is a professional photographer* 2. *he works in central park, in zoo, he is veterinarian and he is manager of pizza restaurant your name is pizza comic* 3. she is a tour guide and journalist ***where do they live*** 1. *he lives in Canada* 2. *he lives in New York* 3. *she lives in Argentina*
What's his or her name? His name is Jess His name is Ravee Her name is Elena Where are they? He is in Sydney Australia He is in New York She is in Russia What´s their job? He is a profesional photographer He is a veterinaian and on the weekends He is too a manager of a pizza restaurant She is a tour guide and a journalist Where do they live? He lives in Canada He lives in New York She lives in Argentina
Thanks teacher, this class is very insteresting
1. Jess: Su trabajo es fotógrafa, está en Sydney y vive en Canadá. 2. Ravee: Necesita tomar un taxi, es veterinario y le encantan los animales; los fines de semana trabaja en un restaurante. 3. Elena: Viaja mucho por el mundo, actualmente está en Rusia, vive en Argentina y su trabajo es como periodista.
**First person** **What is his or her name?** 1. His name is Jess 2. His name is Rabee 3. Elena **where are they?** 1. He is in Sydney 2. He is in a zoo 3. She is in Russia **what are their job?** 1. He is a professional photographer 2. He is a veterinarian and a manager in a pizza restaurant. 3. She is a Tour guide and a journalist **where are their live?** 1. He lives in Canada 2. He lives in New York 3. She lives in Argentina
Question: What's his name or her name? Where are they? What's their job? Where do they live? 1: His name is Jess he is in Sydney, Australia, his job is Professional Photographer, he lives in Canada 2: His name is Ravee, he is in Central Park, his job is Veterinarian, he lives in Manhattan, New York. 3: Her name is Elena, she is in Russia, she is a Tourist Guida and Journalist, she lives in Argentina
What’s his or her name? Where are they? What’s their job? Where do they live? 1\) His name is Jess He is a professional photographer He’s in Sydney He lives in Canada 2\) He is Ravee He is Veterinarian He’s in Central Park He lives in Manhattan 3\) She is Elena She is a tourist guide and a journalist She’s in Russia She lives in Argentina
1. His name is Jess. 2. He's a professional photographer. 3. Right now he's in Sidney. 4. He lives on Canada. 1. He's rabee. 2. He's at the central park. 3. He's a vetenarian. 4. He lives in Manhattan, Ne York. 1. Her name is Elena. 2. She's in Rusia. 3. She's a journalist. 4. She's from Argentina
Elena, she travels a lot for your work, she lives in Argentina, she is a journalist, and she documents the activities for each trip
What's his or her name? 1- His name is Jess 2- His name is Rabie 3- Her name is Helena Where are they? 1- He is in Sidney 2- He is New York Whats their job? 1- He is a professional photographer 2- He is a veterinarian 3- She a journalist Where do they live? 1- He lives in Canada 2- He lives in United State of America 3- She lives in Argentina
TIME TO PRACTICE What's his or her name? His name is Jess His name is Ravee Her name is Elena Where are they? Jess is in Sydney, Ravee is in Manhattan Elena is in Russia What's their job? Jess is a professional photographer Ravee is a veterinarian Elena is a tour guide and journalist Where do they live? Jess lives in Canada Ravee lives in New York Elena lives in Argentina
Whats his or he name His name is Jess His name is Ravee Her name is Elenna Where are they? He is in Sydney He is in Central Park She is in Russia Where do the live? He live in canada He live in Mannthans She live in Argentina
● What’s his or her name?: Jess, Ravee, Elena ● Where are they?: Sidney, New York, Argentina ● What’s their job?: Photographer, Veterinarian, Tour Guide ● Where do they live?: Canada, New York, Argentina
Name: Jess/Rabi/Elena Where: Sidney/Rusia Job: Photographer/veterinarian & manager pizza/Tour guide & journalist Live in: Canada/New York/Argentina
They name are Jess, Rabee, Elena. Jess is in Sidney, he is a professional photographer, he lives in Canada. Rabee is veteriarian, he lives in New York, he is in the Central Park Elena is a tourist guide and journalist, she lives in Argentina but she is in Russia right now.
1. His name is Jess Jess lives in Canada, but he was born in Australia He is a professional photographer He is in Sidney 1. His name Rabee Rabee walks for The Central Park, he goes late to the zoo He is a veterinarian Rabee loves pizza in Manhattan, Does he live in Manhattan? I Think so 1. Her name is Elena Elena is in Russia, She is from Argentina She is a tourist guide and journalist
What’s his or her name? 1 his name is Jess 2 His name is ravee 3 Hir name is elena Where are they? 1He is in Sidney, Australia 2Hi is in New york 3She is in Rusia What’s their job? 1He is professional photographer 2He is veterinarian 3 She is tour guide and a journalist Where do they live? 1He lives in Canada 2He lives in New york 3She lives Argentina :)))))
What's his or her name? His name is Jess, his name is Rabee, her name is Elena Where are they? he is in Sidney Australia, He is in Central park, she is in Rusia What's their job? he is a professional photographer, he is a veterinarian and he is a manayer of a pizza restaurant, she is a journalist Where do they live? he lives in Canada, hi lives in Manhathan new york, she lives in Argentina
What his or her name: His name is Jess His name is Ravee Her name is Elena Where are they? He is in Sidney He is in New york, central park Her is in Russia What´s their job? His job is a Professional Photographer His job is a veterinarian and mannager of the pizza restaurant Her job is a tour guide and journalist Where to they live? He lives in Canada He lives in Manhattan She lives in Argentina
What’s his or her name?: His names is Jess. His name is Ravee. Her names is Elena. Where are they?: He is in Sydney. He is in New York She is in Russia. What is their Job: His job is a Professional photographer. He is a veterinarian and the manager of a pizza restaurant. She is a tour guide and a journalist. Where do they live?: He lives in Canada. He lives in Manhattan. She lives in Argentina.
Name: His names is Jess. His name is Ravee. Her names is Elena. Where: He is in Sydney. He is in New York She is in Russian. Job: His job is a Professional photographer. He is a veterinarian and the manager of a pizza restaurant. She is a tour guide and a journalist. Live: He lives in Canada. He lives in Manhattan. She lives in Argentina.
Practice !!!! * What´s his or her name? * Where are they? * What´s ther job? * Where do they live? \------------------------------------------------ **<u>Person 1</u>** His name is Jess, he is a professional photographer, he is in Sidney but he lives in canada. \------------------------------------------------ **<u>Person 2</u>** His name is Rabee, he is an betterenary, he is in the central park, he is from New York. \------------------------------------------------- **Person 3** Her name is Elena, she is a tourist guide and a journalist, she is in Russia but she lives in Argentina
-Their names are Jess,Ravee,Elena -They are in Sidney,New York and Russia -Their jobs are photographer, veterinarian,tour guide and journalist -They live in Canada,USA and Argentina
Good Night 🎆 TIME TO PRACTICE! What's His or her name? Her name is Tina. Where Are they? they are in Santa Martha. What's Their job? Their job is Pilot. Where do they live? They live in Alaska.
What's his or her name? * A: Her name is Jess * B: His name is Rabee * C: Her name is Elena Where are they? * A: He is on Sidney, but he lives in Canada * B: Manhatan * C: She lives in Argentina ⭐⭐⭐ What's their job? * A: Jess is a professional photographer * B: He work as a Veterinarian at the zoo * He is a tour guide and Journalist Where do they live? * A: he lives in Canada * B: He lives in NY * C: She lives in Argentina
their names. 1 his name is jess .2 his name is ravee. 3 his name is alena. where ar they.1 jess is in sydney.2 ravee is in central park.3 elena is in rissia.their job .1 he is a photogrape.2 he is aveterinarian.3 she is ajournalist.where do they live.1 jess live in canada.2ravee live inmanhattan.3 elena live in argentina
Questions: 1. What's his or her name? 2. Where are they? 3. What's their job? 4. Where do they live? Answers: 1. Jess 2. Sidney 3. Photography 4. Canada
**What's his or her name?** His name is Jess His name is Ravee Her name is Elena **Where are they?** Jess is in Sidney Australia Ravee is in New York Elena is in Russia **What's their job?** Jess is a professional photographer Ravee is an veterinarian and a manager of a pizza restaurant Elena is a tour guide and a journalist **Where do they live?** Jess lives in Canada Ravee lives in New York Elena lives in Argentina
What’s his name? 1.- His name is Jess Where is He? 1.- He is in Sidney What’s his job? 1.- He is Professional Photographer Where does He live? 1.- He lives in Canada What’s his name? 2.- Her name is Ravi Where is He? 2.- He is In New York What’s his job? 2.- He is Veterinarian Where does He live? 2.- He lives New York What’s her name? 3.- Her name is Elena Where is She? 3.-She is In Russia What’s her job? 3.- She is a Tour guide and Journalist Where does She live? 3.- She lives Argentina
* **His name is Jess His nanme is Rabee Her Name is Helena** * **He is in Sydney He is in the Cehtral Park She is in Russia** * **He is a Photogrape He is a Veterinarian She is a Journalist** * **He lives in Canada He lives in Manhatan She lives in Argentina**
1. He's name is Jess 2. He is in Sidney Australia 3. He is a profesional photographer. 4. He lives in Canada 1. His name is Rabee 2. He is in the Central Park 3. He works as a veterinarian in a zoo 4. He lives in Manhatan 1. Her name is Elena 2. She is in Russia 3. She is tour guide and journalist 4. She lives in Argentina
What´s his o her name? His name is Jess His name is Ravee Her name is Elena Where are they? He is in Sydney He is in the Central Park She is in Russia What´s their job? He´s a professional photographer He´s a veterinarian and the manager of a pizza restaurant She is a tour guide and a journalist Where do they live? He lives in Canada He lives in NY She lives in Argentina
1- What´s his or her name?My name is Jess 2- Where are they? I am in Sydney 3-What's their job? I am Photographer 4-Where do you live? I live in Canada. 1- What´s his or her name?He is Rabee 2- Where are they? he going to central park 3-What's their job? he is veterinarian 4-Where do you live? he live in New York 1- What´s his or her name?she is Elena 2- Where are they? She is in Russia 3-What's their job? she is a tour guide 4-Where do you live? she live in Argentina
<u>Homework:</u> **What's his or her name?** * His name is Jess * His name is Ravee * Her name is Elena **Where are they?** * Jess is in Sidney * Ravie is in New York * Elena is in Russia **What's their job?** * Jess is a professional photographer. * Ravie is a veterinary and pizza manager * Elena is a tour guide and journalist **Where do they live?** * Jess lives in Canada. * Ravee lives in New York. * Elena lives in Argentina.
1\. What is his / her name? His name is Jess His name is Ravee Her name is Elena 2\. Where are they? He is in Sidney He is at Central Park NY She is in Russia 3\. What's their job? He is a professional photographer He is a veterinarian and he is a manager of a pizza restaurant She is a tour guide and a journalist 4\. Where do they live? He lives in Canada He lives in Manhathan New York She lives in Argentina
1.What’s his name? Jess ● Where is he? He is in Sydney ● What’s his job? He is a professional photographer ● Where does he live? He lives in Canada 2.Hi ame is Ravee. He is a veteriarian. He lives in canada. 3.Her name is ELENA. She live in Argentina. She is a journalist and she too is a tour guide. Betty Ocando
Questions Q1: What is his/her name? A1: His name is Jess His name is Rabee Her name is Elena Q2: Where are they? A2: Jess is in Sidney Rabee is in New York Elena is in Rusia Q3: What's their job? A3: Jess is a Professional photografer Rabee is a Veterinarian Elena is a tour guide Q4: Where do they live? A4: Jess live in Canada Rabee live in Manhatan Elena live in Argentina
1. What's his or her name? 1. Jess 2. Rabee 3. Helena 2. Where are they? 1. Jayce is in Sydney 2. Rabee is in Central Park 3. Helena is in Russia 3. What's their job? 1. He is a photographer 2. He is a Vetinarian 3. She is a Journalist 4. Where do they live? 1. Jess live in Canada 2. Rabee live in New York 3. Helena live in Argentina
Time to practice JESS * What's his name? Jess * Where is he? He is in Sydney * What's his Job? He is professional photographer * Where does he live? he lives in Canada RAVEE * What's his name? Ravee * Where is he? In New York * What's his Job? He is a veterinarian and the manager of a pizza restaurant * Where does he live? He lives in New York ELENA * What's her name? Elena * Where is she? She is in Rusia * What's her job? She is a tour guide and journalist * Where does she live? She lives in Argentina
His name is Jess His nanme is Rabee Her Name is Helena He is in Sydney He is in the Cehtral Park She is in Russia He is a Photogrape He is a Veterinarian She is a Journalist He lives in Canada He lives in Manhatan She lives in Argentina
`What is his or her name?` 1. His name is Jess 2. His name is Rabee 3. Her name is Elena `Where are they?` 1. He is in Sydney 2. He is in the central park 3. She is in Russia `What is their job?` 1. He is a professional photographer 2. He is a veterinarian 3. She is a tourist guide and a journalist `Where do they live?` 1. He lives in Canada 2. He lives in Manhattan 3. She lives in Argentina