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A continuación Jess, Ravee y Elena nos comentan aspectos de su vida. Lee detenidamente y te responde las preguntas sobre la lectura.
My name is Jess, J E S S, Jess, and I’m a professional photographer. I enjoy cooking, but I’m not an expert. I watch tutorials and I like to create my own recipes. I’m in Sydney right now, but I live in Canada. Australia has wonderful landscapes, and I’m sure I can capture great pictures here.
- What’s his name?
- Where is he?
- What’s his job?
- Where does he live?
Hey there. I’m Ravee, R A V E E, Ravee. I’m late for work, so I need to get a taxi. I work at Central Park at the zoo. I’m a veterinarian. I love taking care of animals. On the weekends, I am the manager of a pizza restaurant “Pizza Comic”. We have the best pizza in Manhattan, New York.
- What’s his name?
- Where is he?
- What’s his job?
- Where does he live?
This is Elena, E L E N A, Elena. I travel a lot for work. I’m in Russia right now but I live in Argentina. I’m a tour guide and a journalist. Yes, I know that’s an interesting combination. I like to document my trips and help others.
- What’s her name?
- Where is she?
- What’s her job?
- Where does she live?
Contribución creada con aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez
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