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Cómo usar "can" y "can't"


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

Can es un verbo modal que se usa para cuatro propósitos:

  1. Para expresar alguna habilidad o capacidad (ability).
    I can ride a bicycle.

  2. Para solicitar permiso (permission).
    Excuse me, teacher. Can I go to the bathroom?

  3. Para hacer una petición o solicitud (request).
    Excuse me, can I use your cell phone for a moment?

  4. Para expresar posibilidad (possibility).
    It can rain tonight.

Ejemplos de oraciones usando el verbo modal can

  • Affirmative sentence:
    He can speak three languages.

  • Negative sentence:
    He can´t speak three languages.

  • Interrogative sentence:
    Can he speak three languages?

Let’s practice

Responde las siguientes preguntas:

Can you drive?
Can you play the piano?
Can you swim?
Can you speak French?

Escribe cinco oraciones de cosas que puedes hacer, por ejemplo:

I can speak Spanish.
I can play the guitar.
I can do visualizations in Tableau.
I can use Python.
I can use Excel and Power BI.

Escribe cinco oraciones de cosas que no puedes hacer, por ejemplo:

I can’t speak Italian.
I cant’ dance very well.
I can’t play basketball.
I can’t ride a horse.
I can´t cook very well.

Escribe cinco oraciones de cosas que otra persona que tú conozcas puede hacer, por ejemplo:

My wife can dance very well.
My wife can cook delicious.
My wife can ride a bike.
My wife can sing.
My wife can drive.

Escribe cinco oraciones de cosas que otra persona que tú conozcas no puede hacer, por ejemplo:

My wife can’t play chess.
My wife can’t draw.
My wife can’t speak English.
My wife can’t write computer programs.
My wife can’t play the violin.

Escribe cinco preguntas usando la palabra can, por ejemplo:

Can you play the piano?

Contribución creada con aportes de Avilio Muñoz Vilchez.

Aportes 1344

Preguntas 59

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?


  • I can ride a bicycle.


  • Can I go to the bathroom?


  • Can I use your cellphone?


  • It can rain tonight.


  • He can speak three languages.


  • He can’t speak three languages.


  • Can he speak three languages?


  1. Can you drive? Yes, I can drive.

  2. Can you play the piano? No, I can’t.

  3. Can you swim? Yes, I can.

  4. Can you speak French? No, I can’t speak French

My list of five sentences with can or can’t:

  1. I can understand Japanese.

  2. I can memorize fast.

  3. I can sleep for a long time.

  4. I can hear little sounds.

  5. I can finish a course in one day.

  6. I can’t listen to music while I’m studying.

  7. I can’t sleep late.

  8. I can’t leave home.

  9. I can’t stop learning

  10. I can not get bored at Platzi💚

My mom’s list:

  1. She can communicate in sign language.

  2. She can cheer people up.

  3. She can sing Chayanne’s songs.

  4. She can draw.

  5. She can stay calm.

  6. She can’t lie.

  7. She can’t watch horror movies.

  8. She can’t watch anime series.

  9. She can’t listen to K-pop music.

  10. She can’t drive.

Can I give up?
Yes , I can,but I don’t want

i love this course

I can speak french also I am trying to speak chinese.



1. He can walk.
2. She can speak english.
3. I can ride motorcycle.
4. You can run in the moorning.
5. We can play guitar.
6. I can cook rice.


1. He can't fly.
2. She can't speak English.
3. I you can't ride motorcycle.
4. You can't run in the moorning.
5. You can't play guitar.
6. I can't cook fish.

My practice:

  1. Can you drive?
    No, I can’t
  2. Can you play the piano?
    Yes, I can
  3. Can you swim?
    Yes, I can
  4. Can you speak French?
    Yes, a little bit


  • My mom can cook
  • I can read books in English
  • My brother can speak two languages
  • My dad can play the charango
  • I can play videogames
  • I can’t play the drums
  • My brother can’t dance
  • My dad can’t speak German
  • My mom can’t ride a bycycle
  • I can’t cook pancakes
  • Can you drive?

Yes, I can. But I do it sometimes, not always. I like drive, its some funny.

  • Can you play the piano?

No, I can’t. Who can do it is my father, he can play the piano and the guitar and huculele, some instruments.

  • Can you swim?

Yes, I can. Realy I like it.

  • Can you speak french?

No, sorry. I haven’t got that abilitie but a can speak English and I want to learn Portugues.


  • I can read.
  • I can be your boyfriend.
  • I can learn English.
  • I can watch the tv.
  • I can walk.


  • I can’t fly.
  • I can’t breath on the water.
  • I can’t survive at the impact of a bullet.
  • I can’t talk with the animals.
  • I can’t exploit a volcano.
Contribution I 

1. Q= Can you drive?
A= Yes, i can drive

2. Q= Can you play the piano?
A= No, i can't play the piano but i can play the guitar

3. Q= Can you swim?
A= Yes, i can swim

4. Q= Can you speak French?
A= No, i can't speak French but i'm learning speak English

Contribution II 


1- I can learn to program
2- You can do it !
3- He can play Basketball
4- She can dance
5- We can are your friends


1- I can't eat liver
2- You can't see horror movies
3- He can't sing 
4- She can't float
5- They can't come today

  • Can you drive? No, I can’t drive.

  • Can you play the piano? Yes, I can.

  • Can you swim? Yes, I can.

  • Can you speak French? No, I can’t speak French


  1. I can play videogames.
  2. I can ride a bicycle.
  3. I can drive a truck.
  4. I can speak Spanish.
  5. I can swim.


  1. I can´t speak Chinese.
  2. I can´t play the guitar.
  3. I can´t play baseball.
  4. I can´t sing.
  5. I can´t draw
  6. I can´t speak French.


  • My friend´s list:


  1. She can speak English
  2. She can sing in English
  3. She can drive a car
  4. She can swim.
  5. She can speak Spanish


  1. She can´t drive a truck.
  2. She can´t speak French.
  3. She can´t play football.
  4. She can´t play the piano.
  5. She can´t read arabic.
this guy speak very very well, i can understand everything what he says. thanks for that

I can’t drive
I can play the piano
I can swim
I can’t speak french

I can eat a lot
I can play the guitar
I can travel this year
I can learn to play bass
I can sleep early

I can’t eat soursop
I can’t understand baseball
I can’t go to the party
She can’t ride a bicicle
He can’t go to the movie


  1. I can play soccer
  2. He can play the guitar
  3. She can go to the movie theater
  4. We can go on a trip
  5. I can cook pasta


  1. I can’t sleep very well
  2. She can’t drive a car
  3. He can’t go to the party
  4. They can’t do their homework
  5. I can’t ride a bicycle
  1. Can you drive? No, I can’t drive.
  2. Can you play the piano? No, I can’t but I can play the guitar.
  3. Can you swim? No, I can’t swim.
  4. Can you speak French? No, I can’t speak French

I can drive a car
I can’t play the piano
I can swim
I can’t speak French

My list “can”:
I can study English all the day
You can sing very well in the bathroom
She can be happy with her life
He can run very fast
They can travel the world

My list “can’t”:
I can’t sit in that chair dirty
You can’t move!
She can’t sing and dance at the same time
He can’t talk to his phone while driving
They can’t go to school

I can drive.
I can´t play the piano.
I can swim.
I can´t speak French.

  1. Can you drive?
    I can drive a car and motorcycle.
  2. Can you play the piano?
    No, I can’t play the piano.
  3. Can you swim?
    I can swim in a pool in the river or sea is very different.
  4. Can you speak french?
    No, I can’t speak french.
  1. Can you drive?
    R/ Yes, I can drive.
  2. Can you play the piano?
    R/ No, I can’t play the piano.
  3. Can you swim?
    R/ Yes, I can swim.
  4. Can you speak French?
    R/ No, I can’t speak French.

I can play videogames.
I can cook breakfast.
I can study English.
I can travel on vacations.
I can drive car and motorcycle.

I can’t speak Italian.
I can’t paint.
I can’t sing.
I can’t dance.
I can’t wake up early.

  1. Can you drive?
    Yes, I can.
    2.Can you play the piano?
    No, I can´t.
  2. Can you swin?
    Yes, I can.
  3. Can you speak French?
    No, I can´t.
  1. Can you drive?
  • i can drive, I drive bike
  1. Can you play the piano?
  • I can’t play the piano, because I don’t like that
  1. Can you swin?
  • Yes, I can swim, i’m from Colombia and here there are very rivers, so I and my family go to rivers and swim
  1. Can you speak French?
  • Not, I can’t speak french, but maybe after, for the moment I’m concetration in the english

I can drive
I can play the piano
I can fly a ULM plane
I can swim
I can do yoga
I can do Pilates

  1. Yes, I can.
  2. No, I can’t.
  3. Yes, I can, I like it.
  4. No, I can’t

I can cook
I can make a cake
I can drive my car very well.
I can drive a motorcycle
I can play football

I cant swim I cant speak Italian
I cant run very fast I cant play videogames
I can`t drive a plane

  1. Can you drive?
    Yes. I can drive.
  2. Can you play the piano?
    No, I can`t play the piano.
  3. Can you swim?
    No I can`t swim but I want to learn.
  4. Can yoy speak French?
    No, I can`t speak French.

Hello there! Here my homework:
List of I can do:

  1. I can design a web.
  2. I can do a keyword research.
  3. I can drive a car and bicycle.
  4. I can cooking.
  5. I can swimming.

List of I can’t do:

  1. I can’t play the guitar.
  2. I can’t drive a motorcycle.
  3. I can’t make a cake.
  4. I can’t speak Chinese.
  5. I can’t play polo.

List of my sister can do:

  1. My sister can play the guitar.
  2. She can heal wounds and prescribe medicine.
  3. She can make cakes and desserts.
  4. She can play tennis.
  5. She can take care her baby.

List of my sister can’t do:

  1. My sister can’t drive a car.
  2. She can’t use the grill
  3. She can’t speak Chinese.
  4. She can’t programing.
  5. She can’t play table tennis.

No, I can’t drive.
No, I can’t play the piano.
Yes, I can swim.
Yes, I can speak French.

OMG! I cannot do anything mentioned by Mr. Carvajal in his presentation 😅

I can’t love anymore 😔

I can

I can play basquetball
I can jumping tall
I can see movies
I can smaile
I can cook fisher

I can’t
I can’t speak italian
I can’t dance tango
I can’t swim
I can’t play videogame
I can’t run

I can play guitar
I can’t play violin

Can you drive? Yes, I can
Can you play the piano? No, I can´t
Can you swim? Yes, I can.
Can you speak French? No, I can´t speak French.


  • Yes, I can drive a car.

  • No, I can´t play the piano.

  • Yes, I can swim.

  • No, I can´t speak french.


I can program in C#.
You can´t eat candies at night.
He can cook a lasagna.
She can´t see that movie.
It can work very well.
we can´t fail the exam.
They can go the concert.
I can´t speak loud.
You can run 5 km.
He can´t drive a plane.

Can you drive?
No I can´t drive, I can´t even ride a bike.
Can you play the piano?
No, I can´t play the piano, but I can play the violin.
Can you swim?
Yes, I can swim.
Can you speak French?
No, I can´t speak French, but I can´t speak a little english.

  1. Yes, I can driver car and bike.
  2. No, I can´t play the piano, I play guitar.
  3. Yes, I can swim very well.
  4. No, I can´t speak French.

Yes, I can drive the car
Sure, I can play piano
Of course, I can swim at Cauca river
Yes, I can speak French

  • I can play football.

  • I can speak Portuguese.

  • I can draw.

  • I can read a lot.

  • I can run fast.

  • I can’t play any instruments.

  • I can’t speak German.

  • I can’t ride a motorbike.

  • I can’t lie.

  • I can’t fly.


  1. I can ride on roller skates
  2. I can play the guitar
  3. I can swim
  4. I can play soccer
  5. I can use a programming language


  1. I can’t drive
  2. I can’t play the piano
  3. I can’t walk for a long time
  4. I can’t speak Korean
  5. I can’t play basketball


  1. I can play videogames
  2. I can clean my car
  3. I can ride a bicycle
  4. I can swim
  5. I can drive


  1. I can´t speak French
  2. My brother I can´t sing in english
  3. I I can´t play the guitar
  4. I can´t eat milk
  5. I can´t swim in the sea

I can

  • I can play bass guitar
  • I can learn about new things
  • I can play video games with my friend.
  • I can ride my bike.
  • I can develop an app

I can’t

  • I can’t sing very well
  • I can dance
  • I can’t swim in the sea
  • I can’t talk in Portuguese
  • I can’t draw

My friend can

  • He can draw very well
  • He can play the guitar
  • He can drive cars
  • He can travel to Uruguay
  • He can avoid bad things

My friend can’t

  • He can’t develop
  • He can’t cook
  • He can’t speak a foreign language
  • He can’t swim in the sea
  • He can’t dance in the snow
I can drive, and i love it I can't play the piano I can swin I can´t speak french
I can't drive I Can't play the piano I can swim I Can't speak French
1. Can you drive? No, I can't 2. Can you play the piano? Yes, I can 3. Can you swim? Yes, I can 4. Can you speak French? Yes, a little bit **PART II** * My mom can cook * I can read books in English * My brother can speak two languages * My dad can play the charango * I can play videogames * I can't play the drums * My brother can't dance * My dad can't speak German * My mom can't ride a bycycle * I can't cook pancakes
**Can you drive ?** I can't drive **Can you play the piano ?** Yes, I can play the piano. **Can you swim?** I can swim **Can you speak French?** I can speak French

Can you drive? I can’t drive.
Can you play the piano? I can’t.
Can you swim? I can swim.
Can you speak French? I can’t.

I can speak Spanish.
I can dance Latin rhythms.
I can watch movies and series.
I can use Excel and Power BI.

I can’t speak Korean.
I can’t do advanced math problems.
I can’t stand still for long.
I can’t play rugby.
I can’t help thinking you looked different last night.

My cousin can dance very well.
My cousin can speak English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.
My cousin can drive.
My cousin can try going to the gym.
My cousin can learn another language.

My uncle can’t live in the city.
My uncle can’t speak English.
My uncle can’t walk at night.
My uncle can’t play soccer.
My uncle can’t visit his mother.


Can you play the piano?
Can you repeat that question?
Can you tell me slowly?
Can you dance tonight?
Can you exercise daily?

Can you drive? Yes, I can drive Can you play the piano? No, I cant play piano Can you swim? Yes, I cant Swim Can you speak French? No, i can´t speak French
  1. I can drive a car
  2. I can´t speak latin
  3. My girlfriend can write poems
  4. My father can´t cook chinese food
  5. Can She sing at San Marcos University?
  1. Yes, i can
  2. No, i can´t
  3. Yes, I can
  4. No, I can’t

I can speak english
I can ride a motorcycle
I can do crafts.
i can dance.

i can’t sing
i can’t cook
i can’t work today.
i can’t to go with you

1.- Can you drive?
Yes, I can drive.
2.- Can you play the piano?
Yes, I can play the piano.
3.- Can you swin?
Yes, I can swim.
Can you speak French?
No, I can’t speak French.

Escribe cinco oraciones de cosas que puedes hacer:
1.- I can read.
2.- I can cook.
3.- I can play piano.
4.- I can run fast.
5.- I can do Trx.

Escribe cinco oraciones de cosas que no puedes hacer:

1.- I can’t drive a motocycle.
2.- I can`t make pancakes.
3.- I can’t drink milk.
4.- I can’t eat sweet things.
5.- I can’t use the phone near water.

Escribe cinco oraciones de cosas que personas que tú conozcas que puede hacer:
1.- My mother can drive a truck.
2.- My dad can play the guitar.
3.- My sister can do chemical research.
4.- My brother can program any computer.
5.- My husband can move his arms.

Escribe cinco oraciones de cosas que otra persona que tú conozcas que no puede hacer:
1.- My husband can’t walk.
2.- My aunt can’t do exercise.
3.- My sister can’t drive a bicycle.
4.- My mother-in-law can`t eat vegetables.
5.- My son can’t drive a car.

Escribe cinco preguntas usando la palabra can:
1.- Can you take a shower, please?
2.- Can you cook for me, please?
3.- Can you put the music?
4.- Can she turn off the light?
5.- Can I see your passaport, please?


  1. Can you drive?
  • I can’t drive.
  1. Can you play the piano?
    I can’t play the piano.
  2. Can you swim?
    I can swim.
  3. Can you speak French?
    I can’t speak French.

My brother’s name is Erick.

  • He can play video games.

  • He can speak English.

  • He can ride a bike.

  • He can fix the computer.

  • He can drive a car.


  • He can’t sing.
  • He can’t speak French.
  • He can’t drive a motorcycle.
  • He can’t swim in the sea.
  • He can’t play soccer.

My name is Cristhian


  • I can play video games.
  • I can ride a bike long distances.
  • I can cook some dishes.
  • I can read a book per month.
  • I can drive a car.


  • I can’t speak German.
  • I can’t play any instruments.
  • I can’t run long distances.
  • I can’t sing.
  • I can’t cook Chinese food very well.


  • Can you dance the Bachata?
  • Can we go to the restaurant before 10 p.m.?
  • Can he play and sing at the same time?
  • Can she jump higher?
  • Can we get more early the next time?

Responde las siguientes preguntas:

  • Can you drive?
    R. Yes I can drive.
  • Can you play the piano?
    R. No, I can’t play the piano.
  • Can you swim?
    R. No, I cannot swim.
  • Can you speak French?
    R. No, I can’t speak French
    Escribe cinco oraciones de cosas que puedes hacer, por ejemplo:
  • I can drive my bike.
  • I can speak English Basic.
  • I can run around twenty minutes.
  • I can use Python (Basic)
  • I can use MS project management.
    Escribe cinco oraciones de cosas que no puedes hacer, por ejemplo:
  • I cannot swim
  • I can’t speak German
  • I can’t read without glasses
  • I can’t travel for my work.
  • I can’t dance very good.

Can you drive?

  • I can’t drive.
    Can you play the piano?

  • I can’t play the piano.
    Can you swim?

  • Yes, I can swim.
    Can you speak French?

  • No, I am no study French or speak French.

  • My father can cook very well.

  • My mother can rida a bicycle.

  • My brother can me get angry fast.

My list of five sentences with can or can’t:

  1. I can cooking very fast and delicious.
  2. I can help to the others to construct new habits.
  3. I can’t studying too much because almost I don’t have time.
  4. Can I let of eating chocolate for many weeks?
    R/ I can’t, I love chocolate
  5. I can sing beautiful
Ejemplos de oraciones usando el verbo modal can Affirmative sentence: He can speak three languages. Negative sentence: He can´t speak three languages. Interrogative sentence: Can he speak three languages?

Can you drive? Yes, I can drive.

Can you play the piano? No, I can´t play the piano.

Can you swim? Yes, I can swim.

Can you speak French? No, I can´t speak French.

I can play table tennis.
I can cook delicious food.
I can read a book a week.
I can go to the park with tem.
I can travel to New York next week

I can´t ride a motorcycle.
I can´t play video games.
I can´t sing very well.
I can´t practice extreme sports.
i can´t go to the party on saturday.

She can dance very well.
She can sing with her friends.
She can listen to rock music.
She can do aerobics on tuesday an thursday.
She can walk for a long time.

She can´t draw pretty.
She can´t cook for a lot of people.
She can´t play volleyball.
She can´t eat much meat.
She can´t wash the furniture.

I can sing.
I can ride a bike.
I can’t drive a car.
I can’t speak four languages.

  • Yes, I can drive.
  • No, I can’t play the piano.
  • Yes, I know how to do it. So, I can swim.
  • I can’t speak French.
  • I can speak English.
  • I can bake a cake.
  • I can design simulations using Matlab.
  • I can cook beans with meat.
  • I can’t design a marketing campaign.
  • I can’t speak Portuguese.
  • I can’t run a marathon.
  • I can’t see in the dark
  • My father can walk
  • My father can talk easily with others.
  • My father can’t speak French.
  • My father can’t run a marathon.

I can speak espanish
I can learn to speak english
i can to teach maths
i can read a book
I can to teach physics
I can’t swim
I can’t drive
I can’t play to piano
I can’t speak french
I can’t drive a car
He can build buildings
She can weave
He can drive a car
They can eat all time
She can run


  • I can play the flute transverse
  • He can drive a car
  • She can play a volleyball match
  • They can learn English
  • We can go to the cinema


  • I can´t speak germanian
  • He can´t ride a motorcycle because he had an accident
  • They can´t go to the party
  • I can´t use the metro


1.I can drive motorcycle, but I can´t driver car.
2. I can´t play the piano.
3. I can swim
4. I can´t speak french.

  1. Can you drive ?
    I can’t drive
  2. can you play the piano?
    I can’t play piano,
  3. can you swim?
    Yes, I can swim
  4. Can you speak French?
    I can’t speak French

No, i can´t drive
No, I can´t play the piano
Yes, I can swim
No, I can´t speak french

  1. can you drive? I can
  2. can you play the piano? I can’t
  3. can you swim? I can
  4. can you speak freach? I can’t

I feel so good going from not understanding anything to understanding some things

Can you drive? Yes, I can drive.

Can you play the piano? No, I can´t play the piano.

Can you swim? Yes, I can swim.

Can you speak French? No, I can´t speak French.

I can play table tennis.
I can cook delicious food.
I can read a book a week.
I can go to the park with tem.
I can travel to New York next week

I can´t ride a motorcycle.
I can´t play video games.
I can´t sing very well.
I can´t practice extreme sports.
i can´t go to the party on saturday.

She can dance very well.
She can sing with her friends.
She can listen to rock music.
She can do aerobics on tuesday an thursday.
She can walk for a long time.

She can´t draw pretty.
She can´t cook for a lot of people.
She can´t play volleyball.
She can´t eat much meat.
She can´t wash the furniture.

  1. Yes, I can drive
  2. No, I can’t play de piano
  3. Yes. I can swim
  4. No, I can’t speak fresh my friend

1.- Yes, i can.
2.- No, i can’t
3.- Yes, i can
4.- No, i can’t


1.- He can swim
2.- He can repair anything
3.- He can cook
4.- He can work
5.- He can talk about anything


1.- She can’t jump higher
2.- He can’t run without shoes
3.- He can’t talk withour think
4.- He can’t sleep in the afternoon
5.- He can’t laugh louder


I can ride a bicycle.

Can I go to the bathroom?

Can I use your cellphone?

It can rain tonight.

He can speak three languages.

He can’t speak three languages.

Can he speak three languages?

Can you drive? Yes, I can drive.

Can you play the piano? No, I can’t.

Can you swim? Yes, I can.

Can you speak French? No, I can’t speak French

My list of five sentences with can or can’t:

I can understand Japanese.

I can memorize fast.

I can sleep for a long time.

I can hear little sounds.

I can finish a course in one day.

I can’t listen to music while I’m studying.

I can’t sleep late.

I can’t leave home.

I can’t stop learning

I can not get bored at Platzi💚

My mom’s list:

She can communicate in sign language.

She can cheer people up.

She can sing Chayanne’s songs.

She can draw.

She can stay calm.

She can’t lie.

She can’t watch horror movies.

She can’t watch anime series.

She can’t listen to K-pop music.

She can’t drive.

More clearly it is not possible, thank you very much Jhon.


  1. Yes, I can drive car and motorcicle
  2. No, I can´t play the piano
  3. Yes, I can swim
  4. No, I can´t speak French

I can draw
I can paint
I can tattoo others peoples
I can dance
I can read six book in the same time

I can´t speak portuguese
I can´t cook soups
I can´t drink coffee
I can´t eat milk
I can´t eat cheese

·I can pay attencion to people
·I can write in cursive
·I can bathe my dogs
·I can make desserts
·I can put on makeup
·I can’t speak English
· I can’t swim
·I can’t instruments
·I can’t play videogames
·I can’t ride a bike


  1. I can read very fast.
  2. I can ride a horse.
  3. I can sing in English.
  4. I can learn very fast.
  5. I can daw cartoons.


  1. I can´t speak German.
  2. I can´t run long distances.
  3. I can´t dance.
  4. I can´t program.
  5. I can´t travel to other countries 😦.
  1. Can you drive?
    No, I can´t I never learn.

  2. Can you play the piano?
    No, I can´t. I don´t play any instrument.

  3. Can you swim?
    Yes, I can. I like to swim on the cenotes.

  4. Can you speak French?
    No, I can´t. But I like to learn how to speak it.

“Can” examples:

  1. I can only drive motorcycle
  2. He can speak French fluently
  3. She can dance different genres of music
  4. We can cook a delicious soup
  5. You can sing my favorite song

“Can’t” examples:

  1. I can’t play the piano
  2. He can’t speak French
  3. She can’t sing this song in English version
  4. I can’t drive your car
  5. She can’t jump on the bar

Yes, I can drive very well
No, I can´t play the piano
No, I can´t swim
No, I can´t speak french

Ability: (capacidad)

  • I can play the piano.
  • I can´t play the guitar.
  • Can I play the violin?
    Permission: (permiso)
  • Can I ask a question?
  • Can I come in?
  • Can I go outside, please?
    Requests: (peticiones)
  • Can I sit down?
  • Can I call you?

yes, I can drive
yeah, I am very good player
I am an excellent swimmer
No, I can’t speak french

I can drive but I am still learning
I can’t play the piano, I had never taken piano classes.
I can swim but I am not very good at it.
I can’t speak french, I don’t know anything about the language

  1. Can you drive?
    I can drive.
  2. Can you play the piano?
    I can’t play the piano. 😦
  3. Can you swim?
    I can swim.
  4. Can you speak French?
    I can’t speak French, but I would like to learn French.

1.-Yeah, I can drive,well only automatic cars
2.-I was practiced how to play the intro about some songs but nothing significant yet
3.-I can float on water
4.-unfortunately I can’t

  1. I can’t drive. I don’t know-how.
  2. I can play the keys of a piano, but I can’t touch a melody.
  3. I can swim. I love it.
  4. I can’t speak French, I don’t know.

I can play soccer
I can go to the gym
I can’t play the guitar
I can’t fly
I can run

Can you drive ?
**Yes, I can drive, and i have license **
Can you play the piano?
I can play the piano, but only know play little star where you are, hahah.
Can you swim?
**Yes, I can **
Can you speak french?
**No, I can´t **

My examples:

  1. I can play soccer
  2. Can you pass me the phone please?
  3. He can walk to the school, every morning
  4. Can you see the TV from there?
  5. They can speak chinese, because they´re chinese

Can you driver ? Yes I can
Can you play the piano ? No i can’t play the piano
Can you swim ? Yes I can swim
Can You speak french? No I can’t speak french

  • I can’t drive a plane.

  • I can’t have a bear.

  • I can’t speak french.

  1. I cant speak catalan.

  2. She can play the guitar.

  3. They can dance.

  1. I can ride motorcycle and car
  2. I can’t play the piano
  3. I can swim
  4. I can´t speak french
  • I can:
    I can bake cakes.
    I can grow sunflower.
    I can make content for my business.
    I can repair my motorcycle.
    I can swim in the river.
  • I can’t
    I can’t speak English(so far)
    I can’t drink soda
    I can’t wath anime without subtitles
    I can’t die without seeing Dua Lipa
    I can’t dance

Can you speak english?
can you draw something?
Can i go to the restroom?

can somebody said me when is the class online please?

Here my answers:

  1. Can you drive?
    Yes, I can drive, but I haven’t practiced in a long time.

  2. Can you play the piano?
    No, I can’t play the piano because I don’t have good hearing.

  3. Can you swim?
    Yes I can, in fact I really like swiming.

  4. Can you speak French?
    No, I can’t speak Frech. I never tried.

My list:
I can

  • Develop web pages.
  • Organize my time.
  • Teach my knowledge.
  • Swim.
  • Program using JavaScript
    I can’t
  • Develop a web app.
  • Play the drums.
  • Speak Chinese.
  • Dance.
  • Draw.
    My mom can
  • Paint.
    -Play basketball.
    My mom can’t
  • Program.
  • Drive.
  • Surf.
  • Speak Italian.
  • Play the guitar.

My list of five sentences with can ot can´t:

  1. I can drive cars and motorcycles.
  2. I can use firearms.
  3. I can keep my house tidy.
  4. I can meditate.
  5. I can be quiet.
  6. I can´t fly airplanes.
  7. I can´t repair boats.
  8. I can´t lift a ton.
  9. I can´t drive a tank.
  10. I can´t juggle.
    My wife´s list:
  11. She can cook.
  12. She can watch movies.
  13. She can listen to music.
  14. She can play video games.
  15. She can take care of her younger brother.
  16. She can´t keep quiet for long.
  17. She can´t be alone in the dark.
  18. She can´t repair cell phones.
  19. She can´t dive.
  20. She can´t rock dance

Can you drive? Yes, I can because, I have driver’s license.
Can you play the piano? Yes, I can but i don´t know how to play the piano.
Can you swim?** Yes, I can swim.**
Can you speak French? No, I can´t because I don´t speak French.

The five sentences with CAN - CAN´T

  • I can speak portugues

  • My son can run very quickly

  • Platzi can challenge his students

  • I can cook pastries very delicious!

  • I can lift a lot of weight

  • I can´t touch a spider

  • I can´t sleep fast

  • I can´t stop learning

  • My son Dario, can´t go to school alone

  • I can´t eat much chocolate

1 i can drive
2 i cant play the piano
3i can swim
4 i cant speak french

1.- Can you drive?
I can’t drive.
2.- Can you play the piano?
I can’t play the piano. I’m really bad.
3.- Can you swim?
Yes, I Can Swim.
4.- Can you speak French?
I can’t speak french.