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"'s" para posesivos en Inglés


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

’s es una forma utilizada para indicar a quién o a qué pertenece algo. Es decir, establece una relación de pertenencia entre dos términos.

Se forma agregando un apóstrofo y la “s” al nombre del propietario.


John’s car is white.
(El auto de John es blanco).

Rachel’s coat is black.
(El abrigo de Rachel es negro).

Usos más comunes de 's para expresar posesivos

Dependiendo de quién es el sujeto de la oración, es decir, quien posee, la ’s se puede usar de varias formas.

Sustantivos en singular (singular nouns)

Cuando los sustantivos se encuentran en singular siempre se debe colocar 's.

  • My sister’s car is black.
  • My teacher’s house is big.
  • Peter’s shirt is blue.

Sustantivos en plural (plural nouns)

Si el sustantivo está en plural, solo se agrega el apóstrofo sin la letra ““s””. Lo mismo ocurre en el caso de palabras que terminan con ““s””.

  • The dogs’ plates are full.
  • The teachers’ desks are messy.

Nombres de personas

En el caso de nombres de personas se cumple la misma regla de los sustantivos en singular, es decir, se agrega el apóstrofo y la letra ‘s’.

  • Kaleb’s house is big.

Sin embargo, hay una excepción. En el caso de nombres de personas que terminen en la letra “s”, es opcional colocar ‘s’.

Es válido colocar únicamente el apóstrofo, pero es obligatorio pronunciar la letra “s” aun cuando no se escriba. Por ejemplo:

  • James’ house is very old.
  • James’s house is very old.

Se puede escribir James’ o James’s, pero siempre se debe pronunciar la ““s””, es decir, en ambos casos se debe pronunciar /yeimses/.

Dos o más personas

En el caso de dos o más personas poseedoras se deben considerar dos aspectos:

  1. Si dos o más personas comparten una cosa en común, basta con colocar el apóstrofo al final de la última persona a la que se haga referencia. Ejemplo:

    Mary and Jack’s car is new.

    Esta se traduce: el carro de Mary y Jack es nuevo.
    Es decir, el objeto pertenece a ambos.

  2. Si dos o más personas poseen de manera independiente su propio objeto, se debe colocar el apóstrofo en cada persona a la que se haga referencia. Ejemplo:

    Mary’s and Jack’s cars are new.
    Esta se traduce: el caro de Mary y el carro de Jack son nuevos.
    Es decir, son carros diferentes.

Nombres compuestos

En los nombres compuestos, se agrega el apóstrofo y la “s” al final de la última palabra. Ejemplo:

My brother-in-law’s cousin.
(El primo de mi cuñado.)

My mother-in-law’s house is on the hill.
(La casa de mi suegra está en la colina)

Let’s practice using possesives with 's

A continuación se presentan grupos de oraciones para que las transformes en una expresión posesiva.

  1. My mom have a dog.
    The dog is big.

  2. Lucas has a car.
    The car is new.

  3. Steve has a daughter.
    Anna has a daughter.
    The daughters are smart.


  1. My mom’s dog is big.
  2. Lucas’ car is new.
  3. Steve’s and Anna’s daughters are smart.

Mira el siguiente arbol familiar. Observa los ejemplos.

![Family tree.jpg]( tree.jpg ““Family tree””)

● Jack is Miranda’s father
● Scott is Kira’s brother
● Sarah is Steven’s wife

Ahora, responde las siguientes preguntas:

Who is Lorrie to Steven?
Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Who is Kira to Allison?


Who is Lorrie to Steven?
Lorrie is Steven’s mother.

Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Jackson is Sarah’s son.

Who is Kira to Allison?
Kira is Allison’s cousin.

Contribución creada con aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez.

Aportes 1025

Preguntas 55

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

You can have a big question, when can I use 's or of?

Okey, We don’t use ’s when the noun is not a person, animal, country, organisation, etc., or when the noun phrase is very long, for example:

  • The house of the oldest woman in the village.

And, we don’t use of when we are talking about things that belong to us, relationships and characteristics of people, animals, countries, categories, groups or organisations made up of people, we usually use ’s:, for example:

  • The men’s dressing room is on the left at the end of the corridor.

Some examples:

  1. 1st rule: Singular
  • Jessica´s notebook is red.
  • Jhon´s ball is big.
  1. 2nd rule: (cuando un objeto pertenece a dos personas, el apóstrofe unicamente va en la ultima persona mencionada, en este caso será Maria)
  • Peter and Maria´s laptop.
    (cuando en una misma oracion mencionamos a dos personas y cada persona tiene su propio objeto, el apóstrofe va en las dos personas mencionadas)
  • Peter´s and Maria´s laptops.
  1. 3rd rule: (si el sustantivo termina en > S solo se agrega el apostrofe ´, o sustantivos plurales)
  • Carlos´ tape is cheap
  • Luis´ box is small
  • The teachers´ classes are fun.
  1. 4th rule: (con sustantivos plurales irregulares agregamos apostrofe S)
  • The children´s books are interesting.
  • The men´s speakers are black.
  1. 5th rule: (con expresiones de tiempo agregamos ´S)
  • Today´s class is interesting.
  • Tomorrow´s party will be amazing.
  1. 6th rule: (diferentes posesiones, ej.: El carro del hermano de Pedro es Elegante)
  • Pedro´s brother´s car is elegant.

S´ to express possession

Se utiliza cundo un objeto pertenece a una persona o a otro objeto (Definición que aparece en Google) Es como la contracción de “has”

Laura has a dog -> Laura´s a dog
Laura tiene un perro

Ese “tiene” traducido a ingles es el “has”, se pone como apóstrofe. (Por favor comenten si mi explicación es correcta y denle like para saberlo.)

En cada caso donde está subrayado tiene unas reglas para poner el apóstrofe.

  • Singular Nouns: (Sustantivos singulares)
    My sister´s car is black
    El auto de mi hermana es negro

  • Plural Nouns: (Sustantivos plurales)
    The dogs´plates are full
    Los platos de los perros están llenos

  • Names: (Nombran a alguien)
    Kaleb´s house is big
    La casa de Kaleb es grande

  • Two or more people (Nombran a dos o más personas)
    Mary and Jack´s car is new
    Mary´s and Jack´s car is new

Completen también en los comentarios.

  • Who is Lorrie to Steven?
    Lorrie is Steven’s Mother
  • Who is Jackson to Sarah?
    Jackson is Sarah’s Son
  • Who is Kira to Allison?
    Kira is Allison’s cousin


Class notes:

Messy: desordenado (a)
Belong : pertenece a

Wow, I am surprised! There are many things to learn every day!!! Thank you very much, I’ll try to do my best and as you always say: never stop learning 💚💪🤓

My examples

She and he’s house is cute and expensive

(In this case is one thing

Who is Lorrie to Steven?
Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Who is Kira to Allison?

Lorrie is Steven’s Mother
Jackson is Sarah’s Son
Kira is Allison’s cousin

Excellent class.

Lorrie is Steven’s mother
Jackson is Sarah’s son
Kira is Allison’s cousin


Mario’s pizza

My Practice
Who is Lorrie to Steven?
A//Lorrie´s son is Steven
•Who is Jackson to Sarah?
A//Sarah´s son is Jackson.
•Who is Kira to Allison?
A//The Kira´s cousin is Allison

  • Who is Lorrie to Steven?
    Lorrie is Steven´s mother.

  • Who is Jackson to Sarah?
    Jackson is Sarah´s son

  • Who is Kira to Allison?
    Kira is Allison´s cousin

Me gusta la manera en que lo explica

Who is Lorrie to Steven?
Lorrie is Steven’s mother
Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Jackson is Sarah’s son
Who is Kira to Allison?
Kira is Allison’s cousin

Who is Lorrie to Steven? Lorrie is Steven’s mother
Who is Jackson to Sarah? Jackson is Sarah’s son
Who is Kira to Allison? Kira is Allison’s cousin

Who is Lorrie to Steven?
Lorrie is Steven´s mother

Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Jackson is Sarah´s son

Who is Kira to Allison?
Kira is Allison´s cousin


Lorrie is Steven’s mother
Jackson is Sarah’s son
Kira is Alisson’s cousin

Lucas’s car is new
Steve’s and Anna’s daughters are snart

My moms dog is big. Lucas car is new.
Steven and Anna`s daughter are smart.

Lorrie is Stevens mother Jackson is Sarahs son.
Kira is Allison`s cousin.

My practice:

  1. Lucas’ car is new
  2. Steve’s and Anna’s daughters are smart


  1. Who is Lorrie to Steven?
    Lorrie is Steven’s mother
  2. Who is Jackson to Sarah?
    Jackson is Sara’s son
  3. Who is Kira to Allison?
    Kira is Allison’s cousin

Who is Lorrie to Steven? Lorrie is Steven´s mother
Who is Jackson to Sarah? Jackson is Sarah´s son
Who is Kira to Allison? Kira is Allison´s cousin

  • Who is Lorrie to Steven?
    Lorrie is Steven’s mother
  • Who is Jackson to Sarah?
    Jackson is Sarah’s son
  • Who is Kira to Allison?
    Kira is Allison’s cousin
  • Luca’s car is new.
  • Steve’s and Anna’s daughters are smart.
  • Lorry is Steven’s mother.
  • Kira is Allison’s cousin


Who is Lorrie to Streven?
Lorrie is Steven’s mother

Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Jackson is Sarah’s son

Who is Kira to Allison?
Kira is Allison’s cousin

S´ to express possession

Se utiliza cundo un objeto pertenece a una persona o a otro objeto (Definición que aparece en Google) Es como la contracción de “has”

Laura has a dog -> Laura´s a dog
Laura tiene un perro

Ese “tiene” traducido a ingles es el “has”, se pone como apóstrofe. (Por favor comenten si mi explicación es correcta y denle like para saberlo.)

En cada caso donde está subrayado tiene unas reglas para poner el apóstrofe.

Singular Nouns: (Sustantivos singulares)
My sister´s car is black
El auto de mi hermana es negro

Plural Nouns: (Sustantivos plurales)
The dogs´plates are full
Los platos de los perros están llenos

Names: (Nombran a alguien)
Kaleb´s house is big
La casa de Kaleb es grande

Two or more people (Nombran a dos o más personas)
Mary and Jack´s car is new
Mary´s and Jack´s car is new

Completen también en los comentarios.

You can have a big question, when can I use 's or of?

Okey, We don’t use ’s when the noun is not a person, animal, country, organisation, etc., or when the noun phrase is very long, for example:

The house of the oldest woman in the village.
And, we don’t use of when we are talking about things that belong to us, relationships and characteristics of people, animals, countries, categories, groups or organisations made up of people, we usually use ’s:, for example:

The men’s dressing room is on the left at the end of the corridor.

Hola a



1st rule: Singular
Jessica´s notebook is red.
Jhon´s ball is big.
2nd rule: (cuando un objeto pertenece a dos personas, el apóstrofe unicamente va en la ultima persona mencionada, en este caso será Maria)
Peter and Maria´s laptop.
(cuando en una misma oracion mencionamos a dos personas y cada persona tiene su propio objeto, el apóstrofe va en las dos personas mencionadas)
Peter´s and Maria´s laptops.
3rd rule: (si el sustantivo termina en > S solo se agrega el apostrofe ´, o sustantivos plurales)
Carlos´ tape is cheap
Luis´ box is small
The teachers´ classes are fun.
4th rule: (con sustantivos plurales irregulares agregamos apostrofe S)
The children´s books are interesting.
The men´s speakers are black.
5th rule: (con expresiones de tiempo agregamos ´S)
Today´s class is interesting.
Tomorrow´s party will be amazing.
6th rule: (diferentes posesiones, ej.: El carro del hermano de Pedro es Elegante)
Pedro´s brother´s car is elegant.

Who is Lorrie to Steven?
Lorry is Steven’s mom
Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Jackson is Sarah’s son
Who is Kira to Allison?
Kira is Allison’s cousin

Who is Lorrie to Steven?
Lorrie is steven’s grandmother
Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Jackson is Sarah’s son
Who is Kira to Allison?
Allison is Kira´s cousin

Contribution I

Q= Who is Lorrie to Steven?
A= Lorrie is Steven's mother

Q=Who is Jackson to Sarah?
A= Jackson is Sarah's son

Q=Who is Kira to Allison?
A= Kira is Allison's cousin

1Who is Lorrie to Steven?
-Lorrie is Steven’s mother
2Who is Jackson to Sarah?
-Jackson is Sarah’s son
3Who is Kira to Allison?
-Kira is Alisson’s cousin

Lorrie is Steven´s mother
Jackson is Sarah´s son
Kira is Allison´s cousin

Who is Lorrie to Streven?
Lorrie is Steven’s mother

Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Jackson is Sarah’s son

Who is Kira to Allison?
Kira is Allison’s cousin


-My mom’s dog is big.
-Lucas’ car is new.
-Steve’s and Anna’s daughters are smart.

Who is Lorrie to Steven?
Lorrie is Steven´s mother.

Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Jackson is Sarah´s son

Who is Kira to Allison?
Kira is Allison´s cousin

Who is Lorrie to Streven?
Lorrie is Steven’s mother

Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Jackson is Sarah’s son

Who is Kira to Allison?
Kira is Allison’s cousin

1|°Dana has a cousin.
peter has a cousin.
the cousin’s are tall.

2°the sparrow has chick’s.
the chick’s has the sparrow.
the chick’s are small.

3°Betty has a backpack.
the backpack is black.
Betty’s backpack balck.

4° Jhon and Saul’s bicycle is old.
Jhon’s and Saul’s bicycles are

5°My sister’s blue dress.
Rachel’s blue dress.

I was thinking that the posesion 's only apply on singular
  1. My brother´s sun is wonderful with the piano.
  2. Hanna and Jhon´s desk is broken.
  3. The Children´s toys are new

Lucas´s car is new
Steve and Anna´s daughters are smarts

Who is Lorrie to Steven?
Lorrie is Steven’s mother.
Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Jackson is Sarah’s son.
Who is Kira to Allison?
Kira is Allison’s cousin


Good exercise!

My contribution:

  • Who is Lorrie to Steven?

    Lorrie is Steven’s mother.

  • Who is Jackson to Sarah?

    Jackson is Sarah’s son.

  • Who is Kira to Allison?

    Kira is Allison’s cousin.

Steven´s and Anna´s daughters are smart

Gracias por este curso estoy aprendiendo mucho sobre ello

\- Lorrie is Steven's mother \- Jackson is Sarah's son \- Kira is Allison's cousin
  • Cesar’s grandfather’s name was , and John’s grandmother’s name is Alcira.

  • Juan’s father’s favorite hobby is play soccer, while Juan’s mother’s passion is tailoring.

  • Juan’s brother’s car blue, so Juan’s brother’s picking him up from work.

  1. Who is Lorrie to Steven?
  • Lorrie is Steve’s mother.
  1. Who is Jackson to Sarah?
  • Jackson is Sarah’s son.
  1. Who is Kira to Allison?
  • Kira is Allison’s cousin.
  1. Who is Scott to Lorrie?
  • Scott is Lorrie’s grandson.
  1. Who is Jack to Jackson?
  • Jack is Janckson’s grandfather.
  1. Who is Miranda to Sarah?
  • Miranda is Sarah’s sister-in-law.
  1. Who is Sarah to Jack?

Time to practice!

  • My mom’s dog is big

  • Lucas’s car is new

  • Steve’s and Anna’s daugthers are smart


membership relationship between my family members, using “s”:
My father´s car is blue
My sister´s drees is pink and pretty
My mom´s blond hair

Who is Lorrie to Steven?
Lorrie is Steven’s mother
Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Jackson is Sarah’s son
Who is Kira to Allison?
Kira is Allison’s cousin

This is the class I’ve needed in all the time I have been studying English. 12/10

Who is Lorrie to Steven?
Lorrie is Steven’s mother.

Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Jackson is Sarah’s son.

Who is Kira to Allison?
Kira is Allison’s cousin.

● Jack is Miranda’s father
● Scott is Kira’s brother
● Sarah is Steven’s wife

Ahora, responde las siguientes preguntas:

Who is Lorrie to Steven?
Lorrie is Steven’s mother
Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Jackson is Sarah’s son
Who is Kira to Allison?
Kira is Allison’s cousin

She can: use python and javacript she too know speak portuguese
She can’t: work the weekend She can’t speak speak freach

jess´s dog is pretty
jess´ dog is pretty

Hi class!


  • Who is Lorrie to Steven?
    Lorrie is Steven’s mother.
  • Who is Jackson to Sarah?
    Jackson is Sarah’s son.
  • Who is Kira to Allison?
    Kira is Allison’s cousin.


Never Stop Learning!

Lorrie is Steven’s mother.
Jackson is Sarah’s son.
Kira is Alison’s cousin.

  1. Lorrie is Steven’s mother.
  2. Jackson is Sarah’s son.
  3. Kira is Alison’s cousin.

Lorrie is Steven´s mother
Jackson is Sarah´s son
Kira is Allison´s cousin

Hello!!! Here are my answers:

  • Lorrie is Steven’s mom.
  • Jackson is Sarah’s son.
  • Kira is Allison’s cousin.

My answers’ worksheet is:

  • Who is Lorrie to Steven?
    Lorrie is Steven’s mother.
  • Who is Jackson to Sarah?
    Jackson is Sarah’s son.
  • Who is Kira to Allison?
    Kira is Alisson’s cousin.


  1. My mom’s dos is big
  2. Lucas’s car is new
  3. Steve’s and Anna’s daugthers are smart

Lorrie is Steven’s mother.
Jackson is Sarah’s son.
Kira is Allison’s cousin.

'S to express possession - Family Tree

Who is Lorrie to Steven?

  • Lorrie is Steven’s mother
    Who is Jackson to Sarah?
    -Jackson is Sarah’s son
    Who is Kira to Allison?
  • Kira is Alisson’s cousin

Hello, my name is Jhordy. This is my task.
Who is Lorrie to Steven?
Lorrie is Steven’s mother.
Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Jackson is Sarah’s son.
Who is Kira to Allison?
Kira is Allison’s cousin.

Despite, I have an intermediate lavel, I decided to study from the beginner levels at Platzi, and now I am very happy … I don´t t regret having done it! … I ´ve learnt or remembered a lot of new issues , e.g. ´s possessions : There were many things I didn´t know or remember: Thanks a bunch, dear teacher : I have liked the whole course, especially this class. Best wishes!

My practice of Class

Who is Lorrie to Steven?
Lorrie is Steven´s mother.
Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Jackson is Sarah´s son.
Who is Kira to Allison?
Kira is Allison´s cousin

My parent’s house is pretty and we can enjoy together in the garden. The last week my sister’s boyfriend visit us. I think that they get married. Their party will be fantastic.

- Who is Lorrie to Steven?
Lorries is Steven´s grand mother.

- Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Jackson is Sarah´s son.

**- Who is Kira to Allison? **
Kira is Allison´s cousin.

Lorrie is Steven´s mother
Jackson is Sarah´s son
Kira is Allison´s cousin

Who is Lorrie to Steven?
Lorrie is Steven’s mother.
Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Sarah is Jackson’s son.
Who is Kira to Allison?
Kira is Allison’s cousin

Hello there! Here my answers:
Who is Lorrie to Steven?

  • Lorrie is Steven’s mother

Who is Jackson to Sarah?

  • Jackson is Sarah’s son.

Who is Kira to Allison?

  • Kira is Allison’s cousin.

Lorie is Steven’s mother
Jackson is Sarah’s son
Kira is Allison’s cousin

Who is Lorrie to Steven?
Lorrie is Steven’s mother

Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Jackson is Sarah’s son

Who is Kira to Allison?
Kira is Allison’s cousin

🔰 Possession: When an object belongs to a person or even to another object.

Who is Lorrie to Steven?
Lorie is Steven’s mother
Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Jackson is Sarah’s son
Who is Kira to Allison?
Kira is Allison’s cousin

  • Who is Lorrie to Steven?
    Lorrie is Steven´s mother.

  • Who is Jacjson to Sarah?
    Jackson is Sarah son.

-Who is Kira to Allison?
Kira is Allison cousin.

Who is Lorrie to Steven?
Lorrie is Steven’s mother

Who is Jackson to Sarah?
Jackson is Sarah’s son

Who is Kira to Allison?
Kira is Allison’s cousin