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Pronombres de sujeto y objeto en inglés


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En inglés es importante aprender la diferencia entre subject pronouns y object pronouns, ya que se establece un tratamiento diferente para ambos.

Pronombres personales o en función del sujeto

El sujeto de una oración es la persona, animal o cosa que realiza la acción del verbo. Se utilizan los pronombres en función del sujeto cuando el pronombre es el sujeto de la oración. Este pronombre en inglés, a diferencia del español, debe figurar siempre.

Los subject pronouns son:

  • I
  • You
  • He
  • She
  • It
  • We
  • They

![Subject pronouns]( ““Subject pronouns””)

Pronombres en función del objeto

En este caso, el sujeto de una oración es la persona, animal o cosa que recibe la acción del verbo. Generalmente, este pronombre se coloca a continuación del verbo al que complementa o a continuación de preposiciones como “for”, “to”, “with” y “at”.

Los object pronouns son:

Ejercicios con subject pronouns y object pronouns

Según lo que has estudiado, selecciona el pronombre correcto en los siguientes casos:

  1. Charles, where are _____ (you, them)?
  2. It’s _____ birthday present (she, her).
  3. I don’t like ____ (him, he).
  4. ____ have three brothers (I, Me).
  5. Tom is my friend. ____ ( He, Him) is very intelliget. I often play football with _____ (he, him).
  6. I need some help. Can you help ____ (I, me)?
  7. ____ (She, Her) needs some help. Please help ____(She, Her).
  8. The children are thirsty. Give ____ (they, them) a glass of water.

Ahora, revisa tus respuestas:

  1. Charles, where are you?
  2. It’s her birthday present.
  3. I don’t like him.
  4. I have three brothers.
  5. Tom is my friend. He is very intelligent. I often play football with him
  6. I need some help. Can you help me?
  7. She needs some help. Please help her
  8. The children are thirsty. Give them a glass of water.

Contribución creada con los aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez

Aportes 717

Preguntas 40

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

Como diferenciarlos y aprenderlos fácilmente?

  • The subject pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they)
    For example: I’m very happy


  • The object pronouns (Me, you, him, her, it, us, them)
    For example: I’m very happy with her

We use subject pronounced when we refer to a person animal or thin that does the action that performs the action. The most common subject pronounce are:

Dear teacher, I think that the answer # 2 in the TIME TO EXERCISE part of the video is not correct.

I think the answer # 2 is wrong:

  1. It´s her birthday present.

I´m almost sure that the answer #2 (HER) is not an object pronoun, but a possessive adjective (SU de ella).

Best wishes!

Es como es español para expresar quien soy yo y lo que es mío, solo hay que grabarse cuál es cuál

Charles, where are you?
it’s her birthday present.
I don’t like him
I have three brothers

I see her everyday, that’s because i hate the social networks so what i can do to avoit any moments that we spend togheter, all of them still in our line time. Somebody told me that i can erase them from my laptop and my cellphone but i let it in a technical service and anything works.
Now i’ve try ones more, i sold it, a good guy bought it, now he is carrying all the someone’s memories and maybe he knows as well, but the only thing is that him lives in a city futher from home.
And i am okay, everthing gonna be okay… what about you?


16. Subject and object pronouns:

Here I share an image related to this lesson:

Practice 1:

  1. Charles, where are you?
  2. It’s her birthday present.
  3. I don’t like him.
  4. I have three brothers.
  1. charles, where are you?
  2. it´s her birthday present
  3. i don´t like him
  4. i have three brothers

The exercise

  • Charles, where are you?
  • it’s her birthday present.
  • I don’t like him
  • **I** have three brothers

Charles, where are you?
It’s her birthday present.
I don’t like him.
I have three brothers.

-> Charles, where are you?
-> It’s her birthday present
-> I don’t like him
-> I have three brothers

  1. Charles, where are you?
  2. It´s her birthday present.
  3. I don´t like him.
  4. I have three brothers.

My Practice

Charles, Where are you? (you/them)
It´s her birthday present. (her/she)
I don´t like him. (him/he)
I have three brothers. (I/me)

  • Where are you?
  • It’s her birthday present.
  • I don’t like him.
  • I have 3 brothers.

Charles, where are you?
It’s her birthday present.
I don’t like him.
I have three brothers.

My practice:

  1. Charles, where are you?
  2. It’s her birthday present
  3. I don’t like him
  4. I have three brothers

1.Charles, where are you?
2. It’s her birthday present
3. I don’t like him
4. I have three brothers

The apartment has 5 bedrooms, 3 of them are large.

Charles, where are you ?
It´s her birthday present
I don´t like her
I have three brothers

I think that “It’s her birthday present” is not a good example because she is not recieving an action.
If you want to use object noun you should say “The birthday present is for her/him”

  • Contribution I
  1. Charles, where are you?
  2. It’s her birthday present.
  3. I don’t like him.
  4. I have three brothers.

1.- Charles, where are you?
2.- It’s her birthday present.
3.- I don’t like him.
4.- I have three brothers.

1 Charles, where área You?
2 It’s her birthday present.
3 I dont like him.
4 I have three brothers


  1. Charles, where are you?
  2. It´s her birthday present.
  3. I don´t like him.
  4. I have three brothers.
Sure! Understanding subject pronouns and object pronouns is important in English. Here is a simple explanation with examples at an A1-B1 level. \### Subject Pronouns \*\*Subject pronouns\*\* are used as the subject of a sentence. They tell us who is doing the action. The subject pronouns in English are: \- \*\*I\*\* \- \*\*You\*\* \- \*\*He\*\* \- \*\*She\*\* \- \*\*It\*\* \- \*\*We\*\* \- \*\*They\*\* \*\*Examples:\*\* 1\. \*\*I\*\* am a student. 2\. \*\*You\*\* are my friend. 3\. \*\*He\*\* likes soccer. 4\. \*\*She\*\* is a teacher. 5\. \*\*It\*\* is a cat. 6\. \*\*We\*\* are going to the park. 7\. \*\*They\*\* are eating lunch. \### Object Pronouns \*\*Object pronouns\*\* are used as the object of a sentence. They tell us who is receiving the action. The object pronouns in English are: \- \*\*Me\*\* \- \*\*You\*\* \- \*\*Him\*\* \- \*\*Her\*\* \- \*\*It\*\* \- \*\*Us\*\* \- \*\*Them\*\* \*\*Examples:\*\* 1\. John likes \*\*me\*\*. 2\. I will help \*\*you\*\*. 3\. The teacher called \*\*him\*\*. 4\. We saw \*\*her\*\* at the store. 5\. The dog followed \*\*it\*\*. 6\. She gave the book to \*\*us\*\*. 7\. Can you see \*\*them\*\*? \### How to Use Them in Sentences \*\*Subject Pronoun:\*\* \- "She" loves pizza. (She is the subject doing the action.) \*\*Object Pronoun:\*\* \- I saw "her" at the park. (Her is the object receiving the action.) \*\*Examples with Both:\*\* 1\. \*\*He\*\* gave the book to \*\*me\*\*. 2\. \*\*We\*\* watched a movie with \*\*them\*\*. 3\. \*\*They\*\* invited \*\*us\*\* to the party. 4\. \*\*You\*\* told \*\*him\*\* the truth. By understanding these pronouns and practicing their use, you will be able to make clear and correct sentences in English.

1._ Charles, where are you?
2._ It’s her birthday present
3._ i don´t like him
4._ i have three brothers


Practice 1:

Charles, where are you?
It’s her birthday present.
I don’t like him.
I have three brothers.

Como diferenciarlos y aprenderlos fácilmente?

The subject pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they)
For example: I’m very happy

The object pronouns (Me, you, him, her, it, us, them)
For example: I’m very happy with her

  • Charles, where are you (you, them)?

  • It’s her birthday present (she, her).

  • I don’t like him (him, he).

  • I have three brothers (I, Me).

  • Tom is my friend. He ( He, Him) is very intelligent. I often play football with him (he, him).

  • I need some help. Can you help me (I, me)?

  • She (She, Her) needs some help. Please help her (She, Her).

  • The children are thirsty. Give them (they, them) a glass of water.

  • Charles, where are you?

  • it’s her birthday present.

  • I don’t like him

  • I have three brothers

Como diferenciarlos y aprenderlos fácilmente? The subject pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) CREAN LA ACCION For example: I’m very happy EN CAMBIO The object pronouns (Me, you, him, her, it, us, them) RECIBEN LA ACCION For example: I’m very happy with her

Charles, where are you?
it’s her birthday present.
I don’t like him
I have three brothers

1- Charles, where are you?
2- It´s her birthday present
3- I don´t like him
4- I have three brothers

  1. Charles, where are you?
  2. It’s her birthday present.
  3. I don’t like him.
  4. I have three brothers.
  5. Tom is my friend. He is very intelliget. I often play football with him.
  6. I need some help. Can you help me?
  7. She needs some help. Please help her.
  8. The children are thirsty. Give them a glass of water.

Como diferenciarlos y aprenderlos fácilmente?

The subject pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they)
For example: I’m very happy

The object pronouns (Me, you, him, her, it, us, them)
For example: I’m very happy with her

  • Charles, where are you (you, them)?
  • It’s her birthday present (she, her).
  • I don’t like him (him, he).
  • I have three brothers (I, Me).
  • Tom is my friend. He ( He, Him) is very intelliget. I often play football with him (he, him).
  • I need some help. Can you help me (I, me)?
  • She (She, Her) needs some help. Please help her(She, Her).
  • The children are thirsty. Give them (they, them) a glass of water.

Charles, where are you_ (you, them)?
It’s her birthday present (she, her).
I don’t like him_ (him, he).
I have three brothers (I, Me).
Tom is my friend. He ( He, Him) is very intelliget. I often play football with him_ (he, him).
I need some help. Can you help me (I, me)?
She (She, Her) needs some help. Please help _her (She, Her).
The children are thirsty. Give _them (they, them) a glass of water.

  • Charles, where are you?
  • It’s her birthday present.
  • I don’t like him.
  • I have three brothers.
  • Tom is my friend. He is very intelligent. I often play football with him
  • I need some help. Can you help me?
  • She needs some help. Please help her
  • The children are thirsty. Give them a glass of water.

Time to practice

  1. Charles, where are you?
  2. It’s her birthday present.
  3. I don’t like him.
  4. I have three brothers.
  1. Charles, where are you?
  2. It’s her birthday present.
  3. I don’t like him.
  4. I have three brothers.
  5. Tom is my friend. He is very intelligent. I often play football with him.
  6. I need some help. Can you help me?
  7. She needs some help. Please help Her .
  8. The children are thirsty. Give them a glass of water.

Subject and Object Pronouns
These two terms sounds very similar. This class will help you identify which one is which and also when how to use it.
We use subject pronouns when we refer to a person, animal or thing that DOES the action, that PERFORMS the action.
The most common pronouns are:

  • I, you, he, she, it, we, they.


We use object pronouns RECEIVES the action.
These are the persons, the animal, the objects, the place that receive the action.
They don’t do the action, they receive it.
We use:

  • Me, you, him, her, it, us, them.

I - Me
You - Your
He - His
She - Her
It - It
We - Us
They - Them


If we got this knowledge its belong for us forever. It is the only thing that anybody can take away. Thats Because is very important that you never stop learning.

  1. Charles , where are you?
  2. It’s her birthday present.
  3. I don’t like him
    4 I have three brothers.

Thanks for the class , i will practice

  1. Charles, where are You
  2. It’s her birthday present
  3. I don’t like him
  4. I have three brothers

Where are you?
It’s her birthday present.
I don’t like him.
I have three brothers.

1.Charles, where are you?
2. It`s her birthday present.
3. I don’t like him.
4. I have three brothers.

1. Charles, where are you\_? 2. It’s her\_\_\_\_\_ birthday present (she, her). 3. I don’t like \_him\_\_\_ (him, he). 4. \_I\_\_\_ have three brothers (I, Me). 5. Tom is my friend. \_he\_\_\_ ( He, Him) is very intelliget. I often play football with \_him\_\_\_\_ (he, him). 6. I need some help. Can you help \_me\_\_\_ (I, me)? 7. \_\_She\_\_ (She, Her) needs some help. Please help \_her\_\_\_(She, Her). 8. The children are thirsty. Give \_them\_\_\_ (they, them) a glass of water.
1. Subject pronouns: Person, animal or thing that does the action. (I, YOU, HE, SHE, IT, WE, THEY) 2. Object pronouns: Person, animal or thing that "RECEIVES" the action. (ME, YOU, HIM, HER, IT, US, THEM).
1. Tom is my friend. He is very intelligent. I often play football with him. 2. I need some help. Can you help me? 3. She needs some help. Please help her. 4. The children are thirsty. Give them a glass of water.
1. Charles, where are you? 2. It's her birthday present 3. I don't like him 4. I have three brothers
charles, where are you? it´s her birthday prensent? i don´t like him i have three brothers
1 Charles, where are you? Its her birthday present. I Dont like him I Have three Brothers. Tom is my friend. He is very intelligent. I often play football with him. I need some help. Can you help me? She needs some help. Please help her. The children are thirsty. Give them a glass of water.

Charles, where are you (you, them)?
It’s her birthday present (she, her).
I don’t like him (him, he).
I have three brothers (I, Me).
Tom is my friend. He ( He, Him) is very intelliget. I often play football with him (he, him).
I need some help. Can you help me (I, me)?
she (She, Her) needs some help. Please help her (She, Her).
The children are thirsty. Give them (they, them) a glass of water.

1. Charles, where are you (you, them)? 2. It’s her birthday present (she, her). 3. I don’t like him (him, he). 4. I have three brothers (I, Me). 5. Tom is my friend. He ( He, Him) is very intelliget. I often play football with him(he, him). 6. I need some help. Can you help \_me\_ (I, me)? 7. \_\_She\_\_ (She, Her) needs some help. Please help \_\_\_her\_(She, Her). 8. The children are thirsty. Give \_\_them\_\_ (they, them) a glass of water.
1. Charles, where are **you**? 2. It’s **her** birthday present. 3. I don’t like **him**. 4. **I** have three brothers. 5. Tom is my friend. **He** is very intelligent. I often play football with **him** 6. I need some help. Can you help **me**? 7. **She** needs some help. Please help **her** 8. The children are thirsty. Give **them** a glass of water.
  1. Charles, where are you (you, them)?
  2. It’s her birthday present (she, her).
  3. I don’t like him (him, he).
  4. I have three brothers (I, Me).
  5. Tom is my friend. He ( He, Him) is very intelliget. I often play football with him (he, him).
  6. I need some help. Can you help me (I, me)?
  7. She (She, Her) needs some help. Please help her (She, Her).
  8. The children are thirsty. Give them (they, them) a glass of water.

Charles, where are you?
It’s her birthday present .
I don’t like him .
I have three brothers .
Tom is my friend. He is very intelliget. I often play football with him .
I need some help. Can you help me ?
She (She, Her) needs some help. Please help her
The children are thirsty. Give them a glass of water.

  1. Charles, where are YOU ?
  2. It’s HER birthday present.
  3. I don’t like HIM.
  4. I have three brothers.
1. Charles , Where are you? (you, them)
2. It's her birthday present. (She, her)
3. I don't like him  . (him, he)

4.I have three brothers. (I, me)

  1. Tom is my friend. he ( He, Him) is very intelliget. I often play football with him (he, him).

  2. I need some help. Can you help me (I, me)?

  3. She (She, Her) needs some help. Please help Her(She, Her).

  4. The children are thirsty. Give them (they, them) a glass of water.

  1. Charles, where are you? (you, them)
  2. It’s her birthday present. (she, her)
  3. I don’t like him. (him, he)
  4. I have three brothers (I,me)
  • You
  • Her
  • Him
  • I

Charles, where are you? I’m waiting you for two hours.
It’s her birthday present. I bought her a Dress.
I don’t like him. I said it something rude to him the last year.
I have three brothers. I am the eldest.


  1. Tom is my friend. He ( He, Him) is very intelliget. I often play

  2. football with Him (he, him).

  3. I need some help. Can you help Me (I, me)?

  4. She (She, Her) needs some help. Please help her (She, Her).

  5. The children are thirsty. Give Them (they, them) a glass of water.

Time to Practice

  1. Charles, where are you?
  2. It’s her birthday present?
  3. I dont’t like him.
  4. I have three siblings.
  5. This car is her.
  6. Invite him. Surely. He will happy.
  7. Talk with them.
  8. Do you prepare her food?
  9. Yes, I make dinner for all hem.
  1. Charles, where are you (you, them)?
  2. It’s her birthday present (she, her).
  3. I don’t like him (him, he).
  4. I have three brothers (I, Me).
  5. Tom is my friend. He ( He, Him) is very intelliget. I often play football with him (he, him).
  6. I need some help. Can you help me (I, me)?
  7. She (She, Her) needs some help. Please help Her (She, Her).
  8. The children are thirsty. Give them (they, them) a glass of water.

this is a recommendation for platform :
I have to configure the subtitles of each video, this is very uncomfortable for me

Time to practice! 1. Charles, where are you? (you/them) 2. It's her birthday present. (she/her) 3. I don't like him. (him/he) 4. I have three brothers. (I/me)
1. Charles, where are you?
2. It's her birthday present
3. I don't like him
4. I have three brothers


1.- Charles, where are you?
2.- It’s her birthday present.
3.- I don’t like him.
4.- ++I ++ have three brothers.

1.- Charles, where are YOU (you, them)?
2.- It’s HER birthday present (she, her).
3.- I don’t like HIM (him, he).
4.- I have three brothers (I, Me).
5.- Tom is my friend. HE ( He, Him) is very intelliget. I often play football with HIM (he, him).
6.- I need some help. Can you help ME (I, me)?
7.- SHE (She, Her) needs some help. Please help HER (She, Her).
8.- The children are thirsty. Give THEM (they, them) a glass of water.

Charles, Where are You?. (you, them)
It’s her birthday present. (she, her)
I don’t like him. (him, he)
I Have three brother. (I, me)
2.- her
3.- him
4.- I

Time to practice!

  1. Charles, where are you?
  2. It’s her birthday present.
  3. i don’t like him.
  4. i have three brothers.
  1. Charles, where are you (you, them)?

  2. It’s her birthday present (she, her).

  3. I don’t like him (him, he).

  4. I have three brothers (I, Me).

  5. Tom is my friend. He ( He, Him) is very intelliget. I often play football with him (he, him).

  6. I need some help. Can you help me (I, me)?
    She (She, Her) needs some help. Please help her (She, Her).

  7. The children are thirsty. Give them (they, them) a glass of water.

Charles, where are you?
It’s her Birthiday present
I have three brothers
Tom is my friend He is very intelligent. I often play football with him
I need some help.Can you help me?
She needs some help. Please help Her
The children are thirsty. Give Them a glass of water.

Charles, where are you?
It’s her birthday present?
I don’t like him.
I have three brothers.
Tom is my friend. He is very intelliget. I often play football with him.
I need some help. Can you help me
She needs some help. Please help her.
The children are thirsty. Give them a glass of water.

Tom is my friend. he is very intelliget. I often play football with him.
I need some help. Can you help me ?

She needs some help. Please help her.
The children are thirsty. Give them a glass of water.

Charles, Where are You.

It´s Her Birthday presente

I don´t like him

I have three brothers

Charles, where are YOU?
It´s HER birthday present
I don´t like HIM
I have three brothers
Tom is my friend. HE is very intelliget. I often play football with HIM
I need some help. Can you help ME?
SHE needs some help. Please help HER
The children are thirsty. Give THEM a glass of water.

The subject pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they)
For example: I’m very happy


The object pronouns (Me, you, him, her, it, us, them)
For example: I’m very happy with her

Yeison Betancourt

  1. Charles, where are you?
  2. It’s her birthday present
  3. I don’t like him
  4. I have three brothers
  5. Tom is my friend. He is very intelligent. I often play football with him
  6. I need some help. Can you help me?
  7. She needs some help. please help her
  8. The children are thirsty. Give them a glass of water

I study with you

Us (us, us, us, us) and them (them, them, them, them)
And after all we’re only ordinary men
And you (you, you, you)
God only knows
It’s not what we would choose (choose, choose) to do (to do, to do)…

Charles, where are you?
It’s her birthday present.
I don´t like him.
I have three brothers.

  1. You
  2. Her
  3. Him
  4. I

Subject pronouns
Do the action
Object pronouns
Recibe the action

  1. Charles, where are you?
  2. It’s her birthday present.
  3. I don’t like him.
  4. I have three brothers.
  5. I like her.
  6. I play football with them.
  7. Come to play with us.
  8. Let’s do it.
  9. Let’s get it.


  1. Charles, where are you?

  2. It’s her birthday present.

  3. I don’t like him.

  4. I have three brothers.

  5. Tom is my friend. He is very intelligent. I often play football with him

  6. I need some help. Can you help me?

  7. She needs some help. Please help her

  8. The children are thirsty. Give them a glass of water.

Charles, where are you?
It’s her birthday present.
I don’t like him.
I have three brothers.
Tom is my friend. He is very intelligent. I often play football with him