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Relative clauses


Una cláusula relativa (relative clauses) es una oración dependiente, es decir, es una parte de una oración que no tiene sentido por sí sola. Son usadas para dar más información sobre el sujeto de la oración y muestra una relación entre ideas.

Pronombres relativos

Los pronombres relativos se utilizan para unir dos oraciones, donde una de estas es una cláusula relativa.

Person Thing Place
Subject who which -
Object who/whom which where
Possessive whose - -

Qué es una cláusula definitoria

Una cláusula definitoria (embedded defining clause) tiene las siguientes características:

  • Usualmente, comienza con un pronombre relativo
  • Se sitúa en la mitad de la oración
  • Define o identifica al sustantivo

Ejemplos usando cláusulas definitorias

  • The man who was looking for you has just gone.
  • The car, which was blocking the way, is no longer there.
  • Julia, despite the rain, went for a walk.

Qué es una cláusula no definitoria

Una cláusula no definitoria (non-defining clause) tiene las siguientes características:

  • Comienza con un pronombre relativo
  • Puede situarse en la mitad o al final de una oración
  • No define, ni identifica al sustantivo

Ejemplos usando cláusulas no definitorias

  • John’s, who lives in Colombia, has three children.
  • My friend John, who also works as a teacher, is traveling to New York.
  • Yesterday, I met a man named Andrés, whose wife works in New York.

Practiquemos el uso de pronombres en cláusulas relativas

Completa la oración con el pronombre relativo correcto.

  1. I’ve just come back from Paris, ____ Andres lives.
  2. I went paragliding, ____ I had never done before.


  1. where
  2. which

Ejercicios de cláusulas relativas

  1. Completa las siguientes oraciones utilizando cláusulas relativas ¡Comparte tu trabajo en la sección de aportes!
  • The man _____ asked for help.
  • The car, _____, has been sold.
  • My friend Jess, _____, is traveling to Paris.
  1. Entra en el siguiente enlace y resuelve la actividad.

Contribución creada por Andrés Guano (Platzi Contributor).

Aportes 402

Preguntas 8

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

  • The man who is the best lawyer asked for help.
  • The car, which has three wheels, has been sold.
  • My friend Jess, who is engineer, is traveling to Paris.

Where is the apple that I told you to not to eat?

This is the cat which I adopted.

That’s the woman who stole my coat.

she considers me her best friend
my dad bought a new car
I got a raise after two years of work

  • My pet, which is a chihuahua, is very fast.
  • I love the coffee that my mom bought.
  • My sister, with whom I live, knows a lot about nursing.

1 The man who is sick asked for help
2 the refrigerator could be sold
3 My friend Carmen who is a lawyer traveled to Italy

1She helped me with my homework
2always saw him on my way to work in the morning
3He found her in the bedroom upstairs

1- My friend Federico, who lives in London. is traveling through central america

2- Fabián’s mother, who works at the supermarket. Live in apopa

3- My cousin Kathy, who is studying medicine. Work in a pharmacy

1-Where is your food?
2-which of these is your car?
3-who is outside my house?

my father bought a red car

my friend juan is traveling through ameria

Pepe’s mother has 4 children

  1. My mother will buy me a pair of shoes, which we saw in the
  2. Tomorrow I will go for a walk with Amanda, who is my
    favorite aunt.
  3. I have two puppies that I love very much.

That’s the woman who stole my coat.

That’s the man that I spoke to last week.

This is the cat which I adopted.

1-Where is the apple that I told you to not to eat?
2-This is the cat which I adopted.
3-The hospital where I was born is being knocked down.

that this is used to join 2 sentences
and there are different types in them, we are talking about 2, one with interesting data and the other with not so relevant data

. I told you about the woman who lives next door.

. Do you see the cat lying on the roof?

.He couldn’t read which surprised me.

The man who is my boss, asked for help.
The car, which I had last year, has been sold.
My friend Jess, who is a singer, is traveling to Paris.

-they don t know where the keys are
-he eats what he likes
-that is why they are happy

These shoes, which I bought last week, are very uncomfortable.

My dog, which is called Pancake, is a vegetarian.

My sister, who lives in New York, is pregnant.

What is the correct?
Andrew and myself will conduct the meeting tomorrow.
Andrew and I will conduct the meeting tomorrow.

-I’ve been told a lot about you.
-My teacher, who has been teaching for 35 years, has gotten sick.
-We love each other very strongly.

This topic talked about two types of pronouns and about what each one was used for

the man who is the best lawyer asked for help
the car which has three wheels has been sold
my friend jess who is engninerr is traveling to paris

Relative clauses:

  • Can be used to join two sentences
    I bought a car that drives itself
  • To give extra information
    My boss, who lives in Seattle, is very nice

Embedded defining clause

  • Usually begins with relative pronouns. The man who was looking for you has just gone
  • Goes in the middle of the sentence. The car, which was blocking the way, is no longer there
  • Defines or identifies the noun. Julia, despite the rain, went for a walk

Non - defining clause

  • Begins with relative pronouns. John’s mother, who lives in Colombia, has three childrens.
  • Can go in the middle or at the end of the sentence. My friend John, who also works as a teacher, is traveling to New York
  • Does not define or identify the noun. Yesterday I met a man named Andrés, whose wife works in New York.

The cat hurt itself when it jumped over the fence
I like to see myself in the mirror
my mom burned herself

1-The jewels which she bought are from India.
2-The girl who was dancing at the party is my sister.
3-The soldiers who fought in that battle were very young.

  1. My friend Carlos works as a doctor, but he travels to Mexico
  2. Fran’s dad is a teacher but. travel to colombia
  3. yesterday I met a girl named Kenya, she lived in Spain

1 The man who is sick asked for help
2 the refrigerator could be sold
3 My friend Carmen who is a lawyer traveled to Italy

I can do it myself.
The president himself must put his own house in order.
She makes a living by herself.

Who will come to your party? …
“The woman who is wearing a pink dress ir my mother”. …
“Who is your favorite writer?

enjoy my christmas alone
The can duck swim by itself
My friend jose , who has a salvadoreña girlfriend, is traveling to honduras .

1-These shoes, which I bought last week, are very uncomfortable.

2-My dog, whose name is Mike, is very sleepy.

3-This is the cat which I adopted.

1-That’s the woman who stole my coat.
2-That’s the man that I spoke to last week.
3-Where is the apple that I told you to not to eat?

She has a cottage which they can use for the weekend. Those are the trains which always break down. The book, which costs 20€, is a bestseller.

1.- The man who just got out asked for help.
2.- The car, which plates finish with number 2, has been sold.
3.- My friend Jess, whose sister is my neighbor, is traveling to Pais.

  • The man, who has a lot of experience, asked for help.

  • The car, which is the latest model, has been sold.

  • My friend Jess, who is architect, is traveling to Paris.

• The man who asked for help • The car, which has been sold • My friends jess, who is traveling to paris

1- The man who is sick asked for help.
2- The refrigerator could be sold.
3- My friend Carme who is a lawyer traveled to Italy.

The man who is the best lawyer asked for help.
The car, which has three wheels, has been sold.
My friend Jess, who is engineer, is traveling to Paris.

  1. The actor who shot the director by accident feels extremely sad.
  2. Martin Luther King Jr., whom many people admire, died in 1968.
  3. My friend Andrés; whose wife works as a teacher at Harvard University, is coming to visit us.
  4. My teacher, who has been teaching for 35 years, has gotten sick.
  5. The building, which was supposed to be fully built by this year, will be demolished.

*The man who is the best lawyer asked for help.
*The car, which has three wheels, has been sold.
*My friend Jess, who is engineer, is traveling to Paris.

-The man who is the best lawyer asked for help
-The car, which has three wheels, has been sold
-My friend Jess, who is enginer, is traveling to Paris

1 The man who is sick asked for help
2 the refrigerator could be sold
3 My friend Carmen who is a lawyer traveled to Italy

The man who carries books asked for help
-The car who is blue has been sold
-My Friend Jess who has two brothers is traveling to paris

On Tuesday I went to the city of Xela near my aunt’s house, where I will be for a week.
the man who asked for help
This is the cat which I adopted.

*The man, who played soccer today with us, asked for help
**The car, which was of my brother, has been sold
***My friend Jess, who is travelling to Paris

The man is a firefighter asked for help.
The car, old has been sold.
My friend Jess, Whose grandmother works in a restaurant, is traveling to paris.

1- The man who is sick asked for help
2- The car which is of your friend, has been sold
3- My friend Geral who is a lawyer traveled to Italy

-the Man Who is the best lawyer asked for help -the car which has three wheels has been sold -my friend jess Who is engineer is traveling yo Paris

the man who is a architect asked for help
the car that had an accident, has been sold
My friend Jees, who is a singer, travels to Paris

The Man who was looking for hoy
The car which was blocking the way
My friend jess who despite the rain is traveling to paris

  • to join two sentences
    I bought a car. That drives itself

  • To give extra information
    My boss who lives in seatttle, is very nice

the man who is the best lawyer asked for help
the cr which has three wheels has been sold
my friends jess who is engineer is travelig to paris

How are defining clauses used? How are non-defining clauses used? How do you use the Union of words in the sentence?
  • The man whose wife was a convict, asked for help
  • The car, that was found in the river, has been sold
  • My friend Jess, who is a kind teacher, is traveling to Paris.

the man who is working with you asked for help.
The car which is of your friend, has been sold.
My friend Jess, who bought your bike, is traveling to Paris.

The man who came yesterday asked for help.
The car, which was in the garage, has been sold.
My friend Jess, who is a famous singer, is traveling to Paris.

* The man, who was desperate, asked for help. * The car, which is Bugatti, has been sold. * My friend Jess, who is a businessman, is traveling to Paris.
* the man, who is a professional player , asked for help * the car which doesn't work , has been sold * my friend Jess, who is a busy woman, is travelling to paris
- The man, **who lost his wallet** asked for help. - The car, which was on sale, was sold - My friend Jess, who is learning French, is traveling to Paris.
the man who asked for help the car, which has been sold my friend jess whom is traveling to paris
*the man, whose car broke down, asked for help *the car, whose owner was my brother, has been sold *my friend Jess, who is singer, is traveling to Paris.
1. The man who asked for help. 2. The car, which has been sold. 3. My friend Jess, where is traveling to Paris.
I´ve just come back from Paris, Where Andrés lives. I went paragliding, Which i had never done bedore. Practice: The man who never speaks, asked for help. The car that is outside, has been sold. My friend Jess, who life in colombia is traveling to paris.
👌Relative clauses can be used in two different ways. The fist one , we can use them to join two different sentences. example TO JOIN TWO SENTENCES: * I bought a car. The car drives itself. * I bought a car that drives itself. TO GIVE EXTRA INFORMATION: * My boss , who lives in seattle, is very nice. RELATIVE PRONOUNS: WHO-WHICH-WHERE- WHOSE. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Embedded clause. * The man who was looking for you has just gone . * The car , which was blocking the way , is no longer there. * Julia , despite the rain , went for a walk. NON- DEFINING CLAUSE. * Begins with realative proniuns. * Can go in the middle or at the end of the sentence. * Does not define or identify the noun. Examples: John´s mother , who lives in colombia, has three children. My friend john , who also works as a teacher , is traveling to New York. Yesterday i met a man named Andrés, Whose wife works in New York.
I remember who he was They cant ask who the owner of the cellphone is
The man who passed us minutes ago asked for help. The car, which we are so in love with, has been sold. My friend Jess, who lives in Colorado, is traveling to Paris.
1. I've just come back from Paris, <u>where</u> Andrés lives. 2. I went paragliding, <u>which</u> I had never done before. 3. The man <u>who is new here</u> asked for help. 4. The car, <u>which we saw yesterday</u>, has been sold. 5. My friend Jess, <u>who sold his car the last month</u>, is travelling to Paris.
Non-defining clause * begins with relative pronouns. * can go in the middle or at the end of the sentence. * does not define or identify the noun. 1. John's mother, who lives in Colombia, has three children. 2. My friend John, who also works as a teacher, is traveling to New York. 3. Yesterday I met a man named Andrés, whose wife works in New YorK.
Embedded defining clause: * usually begins with relative pronouns. * goes in the middle of the sentence. * defines or identifies the noun. 1. The man who was looking for you has just gone. 2. The car, which was blocking the way, is no longer there. 3. Julia, despite the rain, went for a walk.
Relative clauses * to join two sentences: * I bought a car **that** drives itself. * to give extra information: * My boss, **who lives in Seattle**, is very nice.
The man, who was injured, asked for help. The car, which I have never seen, has been sold. My friend Jess, with who I have a good relationship, is traveling to Paris
  • The man who have a red cap asked for help
  • The car, which had a white tire, has been sold
  • My friend Jess, who we meet the last summer,is traveling to Paris.
I was a little confused about one of the practice sentences in the slides, but then I realized that the past participle of come is come
* The man, who seemed like lost, asked for help. * The car which I recently painted in red, has been sold. * My friend Jess, whose mother is so hot, is traveling to Paris.
* the man, we meet yesterday at the club, asked for help * the car, which you saw on ebay, has been sold * my friend jess, who was living on new york, is traveling to paris
The man who is the bodyguard asked for help. The man whose car was in front of mine asked for help. The car, which was shut down last month, has been sold. The car, despite the lost color, has been sold. My friend Jess, who has 6 cats , is traveling to Paris. My friend Jess, whose cat Pinktomate is always meow to loud, is travelling to Paris.
* The man who is the mecanice asked for help. * The car, which is old, has been sold. * My friend Jess, who is a model, is traveling to Mexico.
* The man, who was lost asked for help. * The car, which we liked, has been sold * My Friend Jess, who is teacher, is traveling to Paris.
The man who was leader of the team asked for help. The car, that was red, has been sold. My friend Jess, who is ciclyst, is traveling lo paris.
The man, **who never** asked for help, finally called us The car, **wich i was dreaming of,** has been sold My friend Jess, **who doesn't speak french,** is traveling to Paris.
**Relative clauses.** Practiquemos el uso de pronombres en cláusulas relativas Completa la oración con el pronombre relativo correcto. 1\. I’ve just come back from Paris, \_where\_ Andres lives. 2\. I went paragliding, \_which\_\_ I had never done before. Ejercicios de cláusulas relativas 1\. Completa las siguientes oraciones utilizando cláusulas relativas ¡Comparte tu trabajo en la sección de aportes! \- The man \_who had to lift a heavy chair\_\_ asked for help. \- The car, \_which have a window broke\_, has been sold. \- My friend Jess, \_who is on vacation\_, is traveling to Paris. Worksheet. Relative clauses Complete the sentences with the right relative pronoun. (who, which, whom, whose). 1\. The actor \_who\_ shot the director by accident feels extremely sad. 2\. Martin Luther King Jr., \_whom\_ many people admire, died in 1968. 3\. My friend Andrés; \_whose\_ wife works as a teacher at Harvard University, is coming to visit us. 4\. My teacher, \_who\_\_ has been teaching for 35 years, has gotten sick. 5\. The building, \_which\_ was supposed to be fully built by this year, will be demolished.
The man who won the lottery last month asked for help. The car, which has a smart gear, has been sold. My friend Jess, whose grandma cooks deliciously, is traveling to Paris.
The man who asked for help. The car, which is large, red and classic has been sold. My friend Jess, whom I want with all my hearth, istraveling to Paris.
Complete the sentence: * The man, who has white hair, asked for help. * The car, which has no windows, has been sold. * My friend Jess, who is a nurse, is traveling to the North. 3 sentences more: 1. My mother, who is the best mother in the world, made waffles this morning. 2. The laptop, which had a big sticker, has been sold. 3. My friend Allan, who is a good chess player, won the competition.
* The man, <u>who was lost</u> asked for help. * The car, <u>which we liked</u>, has been sold * My Friend Jess,<u> who is teacher,</u> is traveling to Paris.

Complete the sentence 👇🏻✏️ 📖🥳

✨ The man who asked for help

✨ The car which was broken, has been sold

✨ My friend Jess, who was in love with you, is traveling to Paris

✨ The actor who shot the director by accident feels extremely sad

✨ Martin Luther King Jr whom many people admire, died in 1968

✨ My friend Andrés; whose wife works as a teacher at Harvard U, is coming to visit us

✨ My teacher who has been teaching for 35 years, has gotten sick

✨ The building, which was supposed to be fully built by this year, will be demolished

The man who is in the middle of the street asked for help. The car, which was very fast, has been sold. My friend Jess, who is a programmer, is traveling to Paris
* The man who insulted me asked for help * the car. that has been gathering dust, has been sold * My friend Jess, who is pregnant, is travelling to Paris
  1. The man who had a lot of work asked for help
  2. The car, which we saw yesterday, has been sold
  3. My friend Jess, who you met the other day, is traveling to Paris
The man who is a programmer asked for help. The car, which arrived this week, has been sold. My friend Jess, who is doctor, is traveling to Paris.
The man who won the math contest asked for help. The car, which my dad had for ages, has been sold. My friend Jess, Who studied with me, is traveling to Paris

.“Relative Clauses”

  1. I’ve just come back from Paris, WHERE Andrés lives.
  2. I went paragliding. WHICH I had never done before.

I can´t find the worksheet. Where is it?

The man who i have hit, asked for help.
The car, wich i wanted the last month, has been sold
My friend Jess, who is a prestigious doctor, is traveling to Paris

  • The man who is a homeless , asked for help
  • The car, wich i wanted to buy, has been sold
  • My friend Jess, whose mother recently pass away, is traveling to Paris.

the man who asked for helpthe car
the car that has been sold
my friend jess who is traveling to paris


  • The man, who we met yesterday, asked me for help.
  • The car, which I wanted to buy, has been sold.
  • My friend Jess, who lives in Mexico, is traveling to Paris.

The car, the amazing car!, which Walter bought for junior, has been sold. Or destroyed?

My sentences:
1. The man, who was lost in the forest, asked for help.
2. The car, that my mom bought 3 months ago, has been sold.
3. My friend Jess, who graduate from Physics, is traveling to Paris

The man, who is unemployed, asked for help.
The car,which was on sale, has been sold.
My friend Jess, who is a teacher, is traveling to Paris.