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Cause and effect


So es una conjunción usada para causas y efectos. Existen dos estructuras para una oración:

  • so + adjective + that + clause (result)
  • so + quantifier + noun + that + clause (result)

Ejemplos utilizando “so” para causas y efectos

  • She’s so famous that she has to go out in disguise.

  • She’s so beautiful that I can’t take my eyes off her.

  • It was so cold that we all went home.

  • She has so many books that she has to buy another bookshelf.

  • He ate so much that he became ill.

  • There was so little time that we had to take a taxi.

Ejercicio de writing

Escribe cinco oraciones sobre causas y efectos utilizando las siguientes palabras: interesting, disgusting, fascinating, few y little.

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Contribución creada por Andrés Guano (Platzi Contributor).

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  • so + adjective + that + clause (result)
    She’s so beautiful that I can’t take my eyes off her.
  • so + quantifier + noun that + clause (result)
    She has so many books tha she has to buy another bookshelf.

The movie is so interesting that I wanna watch it again.

  • The last book i read was so interesting that I plan to read it again.
  • The pizza we ordered was so disgusting that I think we won’t order in that place anymore.
  • I find ancient history so fascinating that I can’t stop reading books about it.
  • I noticed there was so little milk left that I had to go buy another carton.
  • She had so little money that I had to led them some to pay rent.
  • She was a so interesting human that Invited for ice cream, the conversation went so good that mostly 7 years later she continues amusing me.
  • Their attitude was so disgusting that I stopped hanging out with them.
  • It by Stephen kind is so fascinating that after finishing it I’m reading it again but in English.
  • There are so few bananas in the kitchen that my brother and I fight to win the last one.
  • Your favorite t-shirt was so little that I have to buy another

The movie is so interesting that whose produced by Stephen Stroc
The waste are so disgusting that the garbage have mouses.
The New York City is so fascinating that it doesn’t never sleep
The meal is so few that we have hungry
The pincher’s dog is so little that it eat few

* The conversation with my girlfriend was so interesting that I slept very late. * The restaurant service was so disgusting that I will never go back. * Playing the guitar is very so fascinating that now I am studying to be a musician. * He has so few opportunities that he makes the most of his time.
  • This book is so interesting that I am finishing to read it very quickly.
  • yesterday I met a girl so interesting that I want to talk to her everyday
  • at this restaurant I had a so disgusting moment that I will never return
  • My childhood was so fascinating that I want this for my children
Very good

1- The girl who was dancing at the party is my sister.
2-Who took the money that was in my wallet?
3-The jewels which she bought are from India.

Some examples:
-There are so many intersting places In this city that will stay here.

  • Yestarday i went to a new restaurant near of my house and the food was so disgusting that i didn’t so much.
  • I met a new friend so fascinating to talk to.
The movie was so interesting that I had to see it twice  That food was so disgusting that I thrown up  That city is so fascinating that I have to come back next year  There was so few people that the concert was canceled  The haus is so little that it only has a room
### Activity * The book was so interesting that I didn’t go to sleep last night to read it. * The smell was so disgusting that all the people left the place. * The view was so fascinating that I stood frozen in contemplation. * There are few songs so beautiful that you can’t forget them once you have heard them * The elephants was so little that he had to bend down to see they
She is so interesting that we need to make an appointment with her. Cleaning the bathrooms was so disgusting that I had to take a shower. The movie was so fascinating that I will see it again. She gave me so few gifts that I had to buy many gift. There was so little opportunity that we did not waste it.
STRUCTURE: SO+ ADJECTIVE+THAT+CLAUSE(RESULT) EXAMPLES: She´s so famous that she has to go out in disguise. She´s so beautifuk that i can´t take my eyes off her. It was so cold that we all went home. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ SO+QUANTIFIER+NOUN THAT+ CLAUSE(RESULT) EXAMPLES: She has so many books that she has to buy another bookshelf. He ate so much that he became ill. There was so little time that we had to take a taxi.
* Talking with him is so interesting that I can't wait to hang out with him again. * Oh no, her way of eating was so disgusting that I had to leave immediately. * I had so few moments with Luisa that I barely remember her. * I drank so many margaritas tonight that I can't drive home.
The Conference was so interesting that it’s theme was ecosystems. The food in the new restaurant is so disgusting that people left bad comments on their website. The city is so fascinating that the snow on the top of the mountain looks like a painting. The are so few customers in the company that its employee treat custumers badly. I need so little food that I need to lose weight
Cause and effect * So + adjective + that + clause (result) * She's so famous that she has to go out in disguise. * She's so beautiful that I can't take my eyes off her. * It was so cold that we all went home. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ * So + quantifier + noun + that + clause (result) * She has so many books that she has to buy another bookshelf. * He ate so much that he became ill. * There was so little time that we had to take a taxi.


This book is so interesting that I haven’t stopped reading


That dinner was so disgusting that I have puke when I see it


This tv show is so fascinating that I haven’t sleep to watch it


This pozole has so few corn that it looks like a soup


That course have so little lessons that we finish it this morning

* Her speech is so interesting that everybody gave her an applause at the end. * Your room is so disgusting that your girlfriend get out running from there. * This book is so facinating that now is one of my favorites. * We lived so few moments together that I even don't remember your face. * The car was so little that only fifteen clowns got out of it.
the martian was an interesting movie about how a person can survive on mars yesterday I went with my family to a new italian restaurant to try the exotic food but was so disgusting that none of us finished our meals I´m waiting to the news about spacex and starship, this whole topic is interesting to me I bought few books last week, they were on sale alex was watching a little chicken cross the road
1.- The tacher was explaining an interesting topic for the first time, thay I didn´t have the need to sleep in the class. 2.- The market I use to go is so disgusting, that I hate every time I need to use the bathroom there. 3.- The tecnology is so fascinating that I can´t stop reading new advances and all news that mencion one. 4.- I had a few notebooks, that I gave them all to my client´s team 5.- I was so thirsty that the liitle water she gave me was not enough to quench my thirst.
1. This class was so interesting that I have to investigate for more information 2. His action was so disgusting that we decided to not contract his 3. This book is so fascinated that I want more about this writer 4. Last month I see a little few class that i have to study more for my exam 5. My daughter is so little that her friends have to be careful with she
They are talking about a very interesting topic that I can't to refuse to hear them. It was so disgusting that I had to leave of the place. I was so fascinating her eyes that my girlfriend got jealous There are so few books at the store that we have to come back another day.
The class topic is so interesting that I should practice this several times this food looks disgustin that you shouldn't eat this They are fascinating for the new video game that they will play it all day.
The food at that restaurant was so disgusting that some diners felt nauseous The movie was so fascinating that it left us completely mesmerized until the very end. The movie was so interesting that it kept the audience captivated throughout the entire screening. There were so few stars visible in the city due to the bright lights Despite having little experience in painting, she created a masterpiece that captured the attention of art enthusiasts worldwide.
**Exercise:** * She’s so **interesting** that <u>I really love hang out with her to anywhere.</u> * The food it's so **disgusting** that <u>we had to talk with the waiter to get a food change</u>. * She’s so **fascinating** that <u>I want to protect, love and take care of her in any moment.</u> * She has been here so **few** hours that <u>believe I never had to let her go</u> * The time with people that we love is so **<u>l</u>ittle** that <u>we really need be careful with every moment in life.</u>
The book is so interesting that I couldn't stop reading it. Michael's breath is so disgusting that I had to leave the room. The pyramids are so fascinating that they are always visited by millions of persons every year.
There was so interesting that I had to keep in the table she was so disgusting that she get a headache the show was so fascinating that all the poeple had keep they see in it there was few popcorn that we had to bought more the hamburger was little that I had to bought other
The movie was so **interesting** that I saw it several times that day I found the food so **disgusting** that I almost puked The first Pink Floyd album is so **fascinating** that I listened to it daily over a month When we arrived to the restaurant there were so **few** tables available that we literally ran to get one. We had so **little** time to finish our homework. We just couldn't finished it.
**Cause and effect** Ejercicio de writing Escribe cinco oraciones sobre causas y efectos utilizando las siguientes palabras: interesting, disgusting, fascinating, few y little. 1\. That Documentary was so interesting that I forgot to call her. 2\. The old house’s bathroom was so disgusting that it had to be rebuilt. 3\. Claudia’s painting was so fascinating that it won the contest. 4\. Junior was so few socks that I lent him one pair. 5\. I had so little time that I couldn’t make it to the meeting.

The movie was so intersting in their climax that it became my friend’s favorite
This episode is so dissgusting to the young people that I have to avoid my little brother for see it
My favorite book si so facinating that I recomend it to every person that I meet
when I was a child I had few interest in the learning of english so because that I’m here now
I have very little desire to get up in the mornings that I have to use 7 alarms

I was so interested in her that I bought the products she sells. That was so disgusting that I blocked the website. The city was so fascinating that I wanted to visit everywhere. There was so few pokeballs in my stock that I took my time to finish the game. The new clothes were so little that I had to shop again to change everything.
1. The book was so interesting that I read it the whole night. 2. The dish was so disgusting that everyone in the restaurant left. 3. The movie was so fascinating that everyone watched it twice. 4. There were so few bananas that the monkeys were fighting. 5. There was so little water that I barely drink a glass of it.
* We spoke so little, that I couldn't invite him. * There were so few days, that I preferred to rest at home * The movie was so interesting, I would watch it again. * The smell was so disgusting, I felt bad. * Traveling is so fascinating, I would do it once a month

I have so little time that I have to complete this course before the end of the year.

* She is so interesting that I don't want to leave to talk with her <3 * I'm so disgusting in this room that I should get out of here. * He is so fascinating that I want to be like him someday. * He has so few minutes that he won't be able to explain the project to me. * I have so little money that I should find a new job
* he is so dirty that the other day I saw him I gave him a perfume * they are so gorgeous that every time I look at them I find myself drooling * it has so many floors that the next time I find myself here I will put myself in the lift * he was rude so by that time I encourage myself to get out of the situation unchalant
  1. That movie was so interesting that I saw it twice
  2. The food is so disgusting that we couldn’t eat it
  3. This history book looks so fascinating that I bought it
  4. He had so little time that he ate the whole meal at once
  5. Halley’s comet can be observed so few times that a human can see it twice a maximum in a life
I'm so fascinating with harry potter that I have a lot of things about it.
Courses, teachers and konwledgment from platzy are so interesting that I spend arround three hours learning on this platform.

“Cause and effect”

  1. Yesterday I met a boy so Interesting that I want to talk to him everyday.
  2. The waste are so Disgusting that the garbage have mouses.
  3. I get so Fascinating with this new song.
  4. There are so Few cookies in jar that I need more for breakfast.
  5. We have so Little time that we prefer don’t go out.
  • He’s so fascinating that the girls see him every day.
  • She is so interesting that I always admire her.
  • My uncle was so disgusting that they all walked out.
  • My sister is so little that i always bothered her
  1. This movie was soointresting that i wanted to see it twice
  2. This foos is so disgusting that i have to throw to the garbage
  3. I get so fascinating with this new song
  1. This book was so interesting that i want to read the next one.
  2. This meal was so disgusting that i have to throw it away.
  3. I’m so fascinating for your help that i will give you a reward.
  4. There are very few strawberry that it will be difficult to make the juice.
  5. We’re so little that they will crush us.


  • She seems so interesting that I want to talk to her.
  • The guy at the gym left so much sweat on the machine seat that is so disgusting.
  • I listened this so beautiful [artist] album that I am so fascinated.
  • There are so few cookies in jar that I need more for breakfast.
  • We have so little money that we can’t buy the car.
  • We talked about so many interesting things that we exchanged our numbers instantly.

  • It was so much disgusting that she throw up.

  • The surprise was so fascinating that she broke down on tears.

  • there were so few avocados that we couldn’t made the guacamole.

  • his school pants were so little that looked like if he was about to cross a river.

She was incredibly captivating; I can’t stop thinking about her.
It’s extremely revolting; I won’t ever go there again.
They are utterly captivating; I’ve become their fan completely.
The party was hardly enjoyable; I left the place just five minutes later.
My stomach is so small that I feel full with just one piece of bread.

This lesson was son interesting that i had to see again

I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end, it doesn’t even matter

  • It was so interesting that I watched it every day
  • The trash smelled so disgusting that I had to take out it of my home
  • Studying is so fascinating that I have explored many resources for many hours
  • I drank so few that I stayed thirsty
  • She slept so little that she had to lie down at noon

The play was so interesting that we’ve been concentraded all the time
The smell of the garbagage is so disgusting that we’ve decided to throw it away
The architecture of this town is so fascinating that we are taking pictures in all the places
The zoo has so few persons today that they’ve had to close early
The food has been so little in the restaurant that i thougth about living without paying

  • This book is so interesting that I can’t stop reading it
  • The pepper on the pizza is so disgusting that I can’t even see it
  • My future job is so fascinating that I can’t wait to work there
  • there are so few classes in this course that I think that is boring
  • There is so little water in my botle that I have to fill it in

My task:

  • This job’s so fascinating that I can’t stop studying
  • Her job’s so interesting that she hasn’t time for going to eat one ice crem
  • There was so little flour that she had to go out to buy more flour to have breackfast
  • There were so several swimmer that they had to swim in all the pool

thanks to read

Hello 👋

  • She’s so interesting that I can’t stop listening to her.
  • That was so disgusting that she got angry.
  • This is so fascinating that he can’t help but be exited.
  • This food is so few that I can’t feed the dog.


  • This book is so interesting so I am going to buy it.
  • That trash is disgusting so my brother is going to take it out.
  • Her life is so fascinating so she is going to make a conference.
  • We have a few connections so we have to do more.
  • He has very a very little keyboard so he have to buy another one.


  1. Her talk was so interesting that I stayed there.
  2. Yuck! That is so disgusting that I prefer to leave.
  3. Your voice is so fascinating that I can listen to it all day.
  4. There were so few oranges that she took lemons.
  5. I have so little information on that subject that I am going to change it.

The class was so interesting that I coldn’t breath.
The attention was so disgusting that I have to make a claim.
The movie was fascinating that I want to watch it again.
We have so few months that I’m hesitate.
The food is so little that they have buy more.

The movie is so interesting that I can´t go to the bathroom
The food was so disgusting that I had to throw it in the trash
The scenery is so much fascinanting that there are a lot of people
This shirt is so ugly that they can´t sell it
I need a new pant, this is so little that I can´t wear it

I was so interested in the movie that I finished to see.

nteresting → That movie was so interesting that became in one of our all-time favourites.

Disgusting → That place looked so disgusting that I had to close my eyes and to stop breathing.

Fascinating → This exhibition seems so fascinating that I want to buy a souvenir of it.

few → He has few pairs of shoes that he now can’t go out when is raining.

little → The teacher gave us little of details of the project that we don’t know what to do.

the book “La chica en el tren” is so interesting that i would read again.
i have so few desire to work that i prefer to take the day.
my brother has so little money that it is not enough to buy a new car
New York city is so fascinating that everybody wants to know it

  • the lunch was so desgusting that i couldn’t eat it.
  • The movie was so fascinating that i didn’t see the time.
  • There was so few cars that we couldn’t choose anyone
  • The shirt is so little that i can’t wear it

Practicing 🔥

  1. The game was so interesting that we had buy it.
  2. She was so disgusting at restaurant that we had leave fastly.
  3. I was so fascinating with the movie that i went to see it again.
  4. My dad bought so few nachos that i buy more at the market.
  5. My mother took so little travels that she didn’t needed to pay much.

This guy is so interesting that I can’t stop listening to him
The food was so disgusting that I gave it to the dog
The class was so fascinating that I watched it again
There were so few stock that we had to sell the store
I had so little money that I learned how to live of the air

  • This documental it’s so interesting I will watch the second part later.

  • The food was so disgusting I won’t eat it anymore.

  • Andes mountains are so fascinating I want go to met them one day.

  • You have in the fridge so few food you need to buy more.

  • This dog is so little and cute who every person want it.

  • The smell has been so disgusting that I have to clean my house twice a day.
  • The rides look so interesting that I want to go up in some of them.
  • The concert was so fascinating that we bought a ticket again to watch the band in another date.

  • They receive so few recommendations that they are searching another company to do their internship.
  • There were so little guests that the party was a disaster.
  • My teacher is so interesting that nobody wants the class ends.
  • The food from that restaurant is so disgusting that nobody eats there anymore.
  • This book is so fascinating that I want to read it again.
  • My parents’ house had so few beds that my friends had to go to a hotel.
  • My friend Paul paid so little attention that he failed the test.

My practice:

  • She´s so interesting that everyone wants to be her friend.

  • He´s so disgusting that no one wants to be his friend.

-The movie was so fascinating that everybody applauded at the end.

-There were so few people that the meeting was canceled.

  • There is so little coffee that It won’t be enough for everyone.

Ialways so interesting study english to me

1.- Yesterday, I met with a man so interesting that I’ve ever knew.
2.- That new is so disgusting that I have thought.
3.- He’s so facinating that my mother told me.

  1. Last night, I was watching a video so interesting that I had to keep awakened until late at night
  2. I ate, by error, a portion of food so disgusting that I almost throw up
  3. I find language learning so fascinating that I want to learn other languages, besides English, in the near future
  4. I was trying to buy some specific shoes in the mall last weekend, but there were so few of them left that I couldn’t buy them because everyone wanted the same model as me
  5. A friend of mine sent me a photo of his dog, but it was so little that I barely saw it

The movie is so interesting history that it was about a real history.
This food is so disgusting that we don’t want pay.
these book is so fascinating that I can’t stop read.
I ran a little distance that feel like a miles kilometres.
I ate a few that mini hot dogs at the party.

This course is so interesting that i can’t stop watching.
Roquefort is so disgusting that i almost vomit when i see it
Programming is so fascinating that I can`t stop reading about it

The lunch was so delicious that I wanted to repeat.
There was so many dogs that she took one for her.

The class was so interesting that I had to finish it.
The old food was so disgusting that we had to throw it.
Our trip is so fascinating that we don’t want to go back home.
There are so few apples left that we need to go to the supermarket.
There is so little milk left that we need to go to the supermarket again.

  • You are very interesting, so that I want to go out with you.
  • They are so disgusting that they won´t be my friends.
  • There city was so fascinated, that I like to live here.
  • There is so few of students, that I won´t to teach nothing.
  • This car is so little, that we are travel uncomfortable.
  • She’s papers are so interesting that i read them all.
  • The bathroom of the restaurant was so disgusting that i had to wait get home.
  • The topic of today was so fascinating that we lost all sense of time.
  • There was so few TV channels that we subscribed to Netflix.
  • There was so little food that we need to order some pizza.


  • the book is so interesting that She has to buy it.
  • I’m so disgusting with her that I have to block in anything
  • The movie was so fascinating that my children had to watch it again
  • There were a few apples for the salad that We had to buy more.
  • It is so little that I have to look for other bigger

This class is so interesting that I am learning this grammar rule.
That experiencie was so disgusting that I do not want to talk about it.
This discourse was so facinated that I want to hear it again.
I have so few friends that I need to be more polite.
This food has so little salt that I do not like.

The game was so interesting that I didn’t want to go home
The dinner was so disgusting that I almost threw up
He was so fascinating that I miss him so much
There were so few apples that we needed to buy some more
The town was so little that everybody knew each other

This lesson is very interesting that I want to do it and I want to learn more.
This is homework is very disgusting that I don’t want to do it.
This clothes is very fascinating that I want to buy this clothes.

the food was so disgusting that I cant ate it
the music is so fascinating that I fell in love with the singer
the book is so interesting that I cant stop reading
He has so few money that he dont eat
she is so little that she cant entry to play

Exercise 😉

  1. I am so interested that I see this museum.
  2. She is so disgusting that She has paid more for this car.
  3. They are so fascinating that They play football gamer.
  4. He runs so few times that in the park.
  5. She sings so little that she has scared.
The concert had so few people that had to be canceled
This book is so interesting that I read many hours at day

The book was so interesting that I went to buy the second part.
The food was so disgusting that I decided to never go back to that restaurant again.
The movie is so fascinating that everyone is concentrate.
There was left so litle oxigen in my lungs that I had to swum to the surface kickly

  • I’ve been working out so hard that I feel more confident about myself

  • She is so intelligent that she even knows about rocket science

  • The class was so interesting that everyone was paying attention to it

  • Your speech was so fascinating that we all felt inspired by your ideas

  • The book was so interesting that I bought another one
  • The meat was too much disgusting that i had to trow it
  • The movie is so fascinating that I need to see it again
  1. She is so intresting that i can’t stop talking to her
  2. That meeting, in which i was yesterday, was son disgusting that I prefered to leave
  3. I whatched a movie so facinating that I stayed awake too late
  4. My friend Carlos whose brother work abroad, has so many books that he has not had enough time to read them
  5. We have had so little problems that we are trying to get better
  1. Our talk was so interesting that I didn´t want to leave.
  2. Smoking is so disgusting that I hope never tries it.
  3. The Harry Potters Saga is so fascinating that I couldn’t stop read it.
  4. There were so few places to sit and so many people that I had to stand.
  5. That was so little tricky that I do it over.


  • Chek it out here:



  • Chek it out here:

he is so interesting that never is only.
this place is so disgusting that i don’t want back.
this museum is so fascinating that i don’t want to go out.
In this country has so many people that there are many unemployment.
I want so much learn that i can’t wait for i know it all.

  • Her class was so interesting that the college started to charge admission.

  • His art was so disgusting that in the beginning no one wanted to buy it.

  • The first trailer of Batman in 1989 had been so fascinationg that some people Bought several movie ticket to see again it.

1. San Pedro la Laguna is so interesting that you can find a variety os things to do 2. This food was so disgusting that I didn't eat it. 3. Our trip was so fascinating that we can repeat it again. 4. There were so few days that we couldn't finish the homework. 5. It has so little space that no one can enter.

-The pool had so little water that no one were able to go into

  1. France is so interesting that I plan to live there in a couple of years.

  2. That meat was so disgusting that I don’t want to eat it again.

  3. The trip was so fascinating that she wants to do it again.

  4. There were so few tourists that we were able to swim in the pool all morning.

  5. That salesman has so little patience that we prefer to buy in another store.

The show was interesting that I can’t stop watching.
The street food is disgusting, that I had to throw away
She’s fascinating, that I couldn’t help but be in love with her
I have a little money that I shouldn’t buy the car of my dreams
They are too small that they are not allowed to see