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Either and neither


Either y neither son dos palabras muy usadas, sin embargo, existen varias situaciones para utilizarlas dependiendo del mensaje que quieras transmitir.

Cómo usar Either … or

Either … or es una estructura que expresa dos opciones o posibilidades, de las cuales deberás elegir una u otra.

  • Either my mother or my fatter will call. (Alguno de los dos)
  • We can either eat now or after the show. (Alguno de los dos)

Cómo usar Not either

La negación de either es usada en oraciones negativas en lugar de “too” o "also". El verbo deberá ser igual a la oración que estés contestando.

Your friend: I haven’t visited New York.
You: I haven’t either. (Yo tampoco)

Cómo usar Neither … nor

Neither … nor es una estructura que expresa dos opciones o posibilidades, de las cuales ninguna será la correcta. Las oraciones con neither tienen un significado negativo.

  • Neither my mother nor my father went to university. (Ninguno de los dos)
  • Edward likes neither soda nor beer, he prefers water. (Ni una, ni la otra)

Conjugación en singular o plural

Si ambos elementos están en singular, el verbo también estará en singular.

  • Neither my mother (singular) nor my father (singular) needs to attend the meeting.

Si uno de los elementos está en plural, el verbo también estará en plural.

  • Neither John (singular) nor his friends (plural) are going to make dinner.

Practiquemos el uso de either y neither

Completa los espacios en blanco con la respuesta correcta.

  1. ____ Juan nor Leila passed the exam.
  2. Juan didn’t pass the exam and Leila didn’t ____.
  3. ____ you like chocolate, or you don’t.


  1. Neither
  2. either
  3. Either

Ejercicio de writing

Escribe una oración utilizando either o neither con los siguientes elementos:

  • France and Germany
  • Fast food and soda
  • Cars and motorcycles

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Contribución creada por Andrés Guano (Platzi Contributor).

Aportes 254

Preguntas 9

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  • Either - or
    Referring to a choice between two possibilities
    Either my mother or my father will call
  • Not either
    Used in negative sentences instead of “too” or "also"
    I haven’t visited New YorkI haven’t either
  • Neither - nor
    Used in negative sence with two nouns.
    Neither my mother nor my father went to university

Singular or plural

  • If both elements are singular, the verb is singular too.
    Neither my mother nor my father needs to attend the meeting
  • If one of the elements is plural, the verb is plural too.
    Neither John nor his friends are going to make dinner
  • My father says I can either visit France or Germany for my 15th birthday. But I like neither.
  • What would you like to order? | Idk, I like neither fast food nor soda. | I haven’t either. | Let’s see the vegetarian menu.
  • Cristian likes neither cars nor motorcycles, he prefers bycicle, he loves it more than his own girlfriend:(

He explain more about this topic, in the “Curso de Inglés Intermedio B1: Prefijos y Adjetivos Compuestos”

  • Neither France nor Germany has the true Latino vibe
  • Either, fast food or soda both lowers your testosterone levels and makes you weak and sickly.
  • I go to work neither by car nor by motorcycle, I prefer a flyer saucer
Examples: - Neither the parents of France nor the parents of Germany have the same education. - She doesn't eat fast food and drink soda doesn't either. - Mateo didn't buy either a car or a motorcycle, because he hadn't money.

Either - or
Referring to a choice between two possibilities
Either my mother or my father will call
Not either
Used in negative sentences instead of “too” or "also"
I haven’t visited New YorkI haven’t either
Neither - nor
Used in negative sence with two nouns.
Neither my mother nor my father went to university
Singular or plural
If both elements are singular, the verb is singular too.
Neither my mother nor my father needs to attend the meeting
If one of the elements is plural, the verb is plural too.
Neither John nor his friends are going to make dinner

  • Neither Germany nor France eat Paella.
  • Carla likes neither soda or fast food, she has a fitness life.
  • We can either buy toy cars or motorcycles for the Pedro’s party.

we can either eat now or after the movie.
I visited Neither France nor Germany.
you can either eat fast food or soda because you diet.
You can either buy a car or a motorcycle.
Neither my brother or my father works as a Teacher.
We can either watch a movie or go for dinner.

Neither the people in France nor Germany are like Mexicans.
I didn’t eat either fast food or drink soda, but now I do both
With 5 000 pesos can you buy neither a car nor a motorcycle

1. I would like visit either France or Germany. 2. I occasionally eat either fast food or soda. 3. I like drive neither cars nor motorcycles.
1. <u>Neither</u> Juan nor Leila ppassed the exam. 2. Juan didn't pass the exam and Leila didn't <u>either</u>. 3. <u>Either</u> you like chocolate, or you don't.
Either - or * We can **either** eatnow **or** after the show. * **Either** my mother **or** my father will call. * I haven't visited New York - I haven't **either**. * Jim doesn't drink alcohol and his wife doesn't **either**. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Neither - nor (negative sense) * **Neither** my mother **nor** my father went to university. * Edward likes **neither** soda **nor** beer, he prefers water.
I want to visit either France or Germany. I eat neither fast food nor drink soda. I would like to drive either cars or motorcycles.
have visited neither France nor Germany only Mexico We have just One dollar so do you want either Fast Food or soda Do you prefer either a car or a motorcycle.
* Neither France nor Germany use Spanish as an official language. * Talking about health, neither fast food nor soda fits on the topic. *  We can either go to the motorcycles show or the cars show.
* we can either travel to germany or france * you cant drive either cars or motorcycles because you dont have a license * since I work out I dont eat either fast food or soda
1.- You can either go France or Germany at summer 2.- I neither consume fast food nor soda very often. 3.- I don't like motorcycles, She doesn't either, she prefers moving either by car or by bus.
* He has to travel to France or German but not both * They don't consume neither fast food nor soda that they are healthy * either cars or motorcycle have themselfs advantages. those depends either context or situation
-My brother likes neither France nor Germany. -The Vegetarians eat neither fast food nor soda. -You can buy either a car or a motorcycle.
# Either and neither. Practiquemos el uso de either y neither Completa los espacios en blanco con la respuesta correcta. 1\. \_Neither\_ Juan nor Leila passed the exam. 2\. Juan didn’t pass the exam and Leila didn’t \_either\_. 3\. \_Either\_ you like chocolate, or you don’t. Ejercicio de writing Escribe una oración utilizando either o neither con los siguientes elementos: \- France and Germany Neither France nor Germany has a warm climate. \- Fast food and soda Neither fast food nor soda is a healthy food. \- Cars and motorcycles Either cars or motorcycles consume fossil fuels.

I want to visit either France and Germany
he Saw that he didn’t was going to eat neither fast food nor soda, he wants to avoid the junk food
You can give me either a car or a motorcycle, but give me something please

I have not yet traveled to either France or Germany. I have just started at the gym, so I can neither have fast food nor soda. I don´t like either cars or motorcycles.
Neither Juan nor Leila passed the exam. Juan didn't pass the exam and Leila didn't either Either you like chocolate or you don't.
I like neither tea nor soda, I love coffe
**Let's practice!** * I want to visit either France or Germany this year. * Neither fast food nor soda is allowed in this place. * Neither cars nor motorcycles are nice here. * I haven't visited neither France nor Germany and my brother either.

What sentences can you make about:

  • France and Germany

    We can either go France or Germany for our honeymoon

  • Fast food and soda

    The doctor said I can’t eat fast food or soda either

  • Cars and motorcycles

    She is a very nervous person and likes neither cars nor motorcycles

  • we can go to either France or Germany as well.
  • I like neither Fast food nor soda
  • I love either cars or motorcycles
  1. We can visit either France or Germany this summer, but not both
  2. My sister likes neither fast food nor soda
    • I don’t have either a car or a motorcycle
  • I don’t either
* I don’t want to visit either France or Germany, nonetheless, I'll have to do it as long as I want to go to Italy. * Neither cars nor motorcycles work. We ran out of fuel. We have to walk and find a gas station.

“Either and Neither”

  • Let’s practice!
    What sentences can you make about
    France and Germany
    Fast food and soda
    Cars and motorcycles
  1. I would like to know about Either France or Germany.
  2. Neither do I prefer fast food nor do I like soda.
  3. I like Either see cars and motorcycles.

Neither France nor Germany could win the World Cup in 2022
I like either cars or motorcycles

  • Either france or germany i prefer visit other country
  • Neither fast food nor soda will help you to take a healthy life
  • Either cars or motorcycles, you have to be careful
  • Neither France nor Germany wins the second world war
  • I don’t like to consume either fast food or soda
  • I will be happy if someone gives me either a car or a motorcycle
  1. My father doesn’t decide to travel either France or Germany.
  2. Neather fats food nor soda, i prefer some salad with green tea.
  3. I prefer to drive my car instead of a motorcycle, i dont like the motorcycles. - Me neather
  • In yesterday’s soccer game neither France nor Germany played well.

  • Have you heard about the overweight in diferent countries? this happens due to bad daily habits, neither fast food nor sodas are good for health.

  • If you’re looking foward to buy either a car or motorcycles this place is for you!

  • France has neither imposed mandatory military service nor Germany has enforced it either in recent years.

  • You can enjoy either fast food or soda occasionally, but moderation is key to maintaining a balanced diet.

  • She showed interest in neither cars nor motorcycles, leaning towards public transportation as her preferred mode of travel.

When I traveled to The UK I visited neither France nor Germany.
A time ago he would’ve chose either fast food or soda but now he is incredibly healthy.
To close trips I prefer either cars or motorcycles.

  • Either France or Germany can save the planet
  • I haven’t eaten fast food and soda for years! I haven’t either
  • Neither cars nor motocycles are faster than a plane
  • I would like to know about either France or Germany
  • He likes neither fast food nor soda
  • Either cars or motorcycles have wheels

neither my brother nor sister has been in france or germany
i dont like fast food and soda. - i dont either
You can either use a car or a motorcycle to travel across the country

My task:

  • Either France or Germany are places that I don’t know
    -I love eat eather fast food or soda for stresss
    -Neither I have a car nor a motorcycle , both are very expensive for me in this moment

thaks to read

Hello 👋
This is my practice:

  • Have you visited France or Germany? No, I haven’t visited either France or Germany
  • I don’t like neither fast food nor soda, I prefer water with a piece of salt.
  • Neither my sister nor my dad has cars and motorcycles.


  • Either France or Germany have a common border with each other.
  • Either Fast food or soda are bad.
  • Miguel likes neither Cars nor motorcycles, he prefers bicycles


  1. Neither France nor Germany knows me yet.
  2. You don´t want fast food and soda, either? What are you going to eat?
  3. Either cars or motorcycles need some energy to move.

I haven’t visited either France or Germany.
Who is cooking? Neither Michael nor Maria are cooking.
I love drive either cars or motorcycles.

We can either go to France or go to Germany.
Neither do I prefer fast food nor do I like soda.


My parents neither go to France nor Germany. They prefer to travel inside our Country before go to others.

Neither soda nor fast food are healthy.

That car can’t drive itself, those motorcycles can’t either.

  • Neither____ Juan nor Leila passed the exam
  • Juan didn’t pass the exam and Leila didn’t _either
  • Either____ you like chocolate, or you don’t

What sentences can you make about: France an Germany, Fast food and soda, Cars and motorcycles.

  • Neither France and Germany are from America
  • Neither Fast food nor soda taste good without each other
  • I don’t like either cars or motorcycle. I’m a lier, I love motorcycles.

Neither France nor Germany i have visited
my sister likes neither cars nor motorcycle, she is ecological
What do you want to have first either fast food or soda?

  • Neither Juan nor Leila passed the exam.

  • Juan didn’t pass the examn and Leila didn´t either

  • Either you like chocolate or you don’t

  • I haven’t gone to France, and Germany either

  • Neither soda nor fast food I can it for health

  • I don’t know how to drive cars and either motorcycles

Practicing 🔥

  1. Neither France nor Germany is spoken by my brother in law.
  2. I don’t like either fast food or drinking soda.
  3. I could don’t think of cars and motorcycles if you don’t either.

Either … or 💚

  • Here i have two choices, and i’m talking about them.

Either my mother or my father will call.

  • It can works as “too” or “also” but to negatives.

I haven’t went to NY, i haven’t either.

💡 Here some interesting: if i’m going to use “either to negate” i must negate at first with auxiliar verb.


Neither … Nor 🟢

  • Neither is always to make negative sentences.
  • It works to talk about two things in negative.

💡 We use them in affirmative sentences because their function is negate.


Edward likes neither soda nor beer, he prefers water.

Rules to work with “Neither” 🗝️

  1. If both elements are singular, the verb is singular too.
  2. If just one of the elements is plural, the next verb is plural.
  • My university gave me the opportunity to travel Either france and germany.

  • Neither Fast food nor soda it’s healthy.

  • Neither Cars nor motorcycles are sustainable I prefer bicycles.

  • I would like to do tourism in either France or Germany.
  • I would live in neither France nor Germany.
  • You can only buy either fast food or soda.
  • Theresa likes neither fast food nor soda.
  • Either cars or motorcycles are awesome to travel across the country.
  • Neither cars nor motorcycles are allowed in this area.

“You can either study for the test or go out with your friends.” What is the difference in this sentence if I remove “either”?

  • I asked to AI
    If you remove “either” from the sentence “You can either study for the test or go out with your friends,” the meaning of the sentence will change slightly.

Without “either,” the sentence would read: “You can study for the test or go out with your friends.” This version of the sentence suggests that the person has two options, but it does not emphasize that only one of the options can be chosen.
In contrast, the original sentence with “either” emphasizes that the person must choose between studying for the test or going out with friends - they cannot do both. So, the difference between the two sentences is that the first one using “either” makes clear that the options presented are mutually exclusive and the person can only choose one of them.

“You can either take the train or drive to work.”
“Either my sister or my brother will pick me up from the airport.”
“You can have either chocolate or vanilla ice cream for dessert.”
“Either the blue shirt or the red shirt would look good on you.”
“I can meet you either tomorrow morning or next week.”
“You can either study for the test or go out with your friends.”
“Either the movie was really long, or I was just tired.”
“Either you pay me back the money you owe me, or I’ll take legal action.”
“You can choose either to do the dishes or to vacuum the floor.”
“Either you come with us to the beach, or you stay home alone.”

My practice:

  • I have not visited either Germany or France.
  • I like neither fast food nor soda, I prefer juice and homemade food.
  • I like either cars or motorcycles.
.Neither I visited France nor Germany .What would you like either soda or fast food? .What do you prefer either cars or motorcycles?
  • Neither France nor Germany is near to me.
  • My husband prefer either fast food or soda.
  • I frecuently used either cars or motorcicycles.
  • I’ve been to neither France nor Germany
  • I don’t like to eat on lunch either fast food or soda
  • I’m a big fan of neither Cars nor motorcycles

Neithers France nor German require visa.
She likes neither fast food nor soda, she prefers make dinner.
Either cars or motorcycles he will buy next year.

  • I like traveling either France or Germany

  • I like neither fast food nor soda

  • He knows how to drive either cars or motrocycles

  • I have traveled neither France nor Germany
  • There’s just enough money for either fast food or soda
  • I draw neither cars nor motorcycles

Neither France nor Germany I would like to visit.
Isn’t fast food healthy and isn’t soda either.

Neither France nor Germany is on America.
I like either fast food or soda.
Neither cars nor motorcycles have five wheels.

Both countries are completely excellent to visit either France or Germany.
Neither fast food nor soda , we prefers another food please.
a) I can’t drive either motorcycles or cars. b) I can’t either.

  • Neither France nor Germany are my favorites cities.
  • Either you eat fast food and soda or you don´t.
  • This year we should travel either to France or to Germany.
  • Neither Fast Food nor Soda are my daily diet.
  • He sells everything either cars or motorcycles.


  • Neither Juan nor Leila passed the exam
  • Juan didn’t pass the exam and Leila didn’t either
  • Either you like chocolate or you don’t

Exercise 2

  • I have visited neither France nor Germany
  • I like going out for either fast food or soda
  • My father is a big fan of either cars or motorcycles

There are different ways you can use this word.
 when you want to refer to a choice between two possibilities:
o We can either eat now or after the show. [So you are essentially offering two options and the idea here is to choose one of them].
o Shall we either go to the mall or the cinema?
o Either my mother or my father will call.

 Use the word either in negative sentences. Instead of words like “too or also”:
o I haven’t visited New York yet. –I haven’t visited either.
o I couldn’t finish the exam before 09:00 p.m. – I couldn’t finish either.
o I don’t think that I will be able to join the new group because of my grades. – I don’t think either.
 To complement or to complete the sentence.
o Jimmy doesn’t drink alcohol and his wife doesn’t either.
o I don’t practise any martial arts and my boyfriend doesn’t practice either.
o My dog Gottmik hasn’t enjoyed taking a shower since he was a puppy, Khloe my other dog hasn’t either.

 We use this word in a negative sense with two nouns as well.
o Neither my mother nor my father went to university.
o Neither my parents nor my siblings helped me with my depression.
o Neither my friends nor my boyfriend will support me with my decisions.
o r didn’t go to university, you could put these two sentences into one and say, neither my mother, nor my father went to university, Neither my mother. Nor my father went to university. Neither my mother know. My father went to university. Neither my mother. Nor my father went to university, went to university.
 Used in positive sentences to indicate a dislike for something
o Edwards likes, neither soda nor beer. He prefers water.
NOTES: I have some questions for you. According to this sentence. Does he like soda? No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t like so and he doesn’t like beer.

If one of the elements it’s plural, the verb needs to be in the plural form, for example:
Neither John nor his friends are going to make dinner.
John = singular / Friends = Plural. Then the verb “to be” needs to be collocated in the plural form.

 We might either visit France or Germany, what do you think?
 I like neither fast food nor soda, I preferred Italian food.
 Neither cars nor motorcycles call my attention.

Neither France nor Germany is a speaking English country.
Neither fast food nor soda is good for your healthy.
Either cars or Motorcycles are good kind of transports for people.

  • I haven’t visited neither France nor Germany.
  • Emily doesn’t likes neither fast food nor soda.
  • I really feel well either with cars or motorcycles.

I don’t know France or Germany, me either
neither France nor germany are good countries
You can either travel around France or Germany

I eat neither fast food nor soda since 2020
Neither Fast food nor soda are healthy
You can either eat fast food and soda now or vegetables more late

I haven´t Cars and Motorcycles, I haven’t either
I like Neither cars nor motorcycles, I prefer walk down the street
You can either drive cars or motorcycles, it’s your choose

Either France or Germany is nice to visit.
Neihter France nor Germany is in Africa.
She likes neither Fast food nor soda.
She does not like either Fast food or soda.
Either cars and motorcycles are necessary.
Neither cars and motorcycles are necessary.
He likes either cars or motorcycles.
He doesn´t like either cars or motorcicles.

We can either travel to France or Germany.
My diet allow me eat neither fast food or soda, just healthy food.
My first transport will be either a car o a motorcycle

Neither France nor Germany won the FIFA world´s cup.
Because Argentina won it.

Do you like either France or Germany?
I like neither fast food nor soda
I know how to drive either cars or motorcycles

  • neither France nor Germany have won a Copa America
  • Fast food is really popular and soda either is
  • He just uses two means of transportation, either cars or motorcycles

I haven’t visited neither France and Germany.
I don’t like neither fast food and soda.
I like neither card nor motorcycle, I prefer bicycles.

  • Either France or Germany team is going to win the world cup.
  • Neither fast food nor soda is healthy food.
  • Either a cars or motorcycles sports are good for me

We can travel either france or Germany because both of them is in Europe
she likes neither fast fod nor soda
I love either cars or motorcycles they are absolutelly wonderful

Neither Juan nor Leila passed the exam.
Juan didn’t pass the exam and Lila didn’t either.
Either you like chocolate, or you don’t

  • I haven´t been going neither france or germany
  • I don’t like fast food and soda either
  • I dont pretend to drive neither cars and motorcicles the next year

I haven’t been to neither France nor Germany
My wife likes neither fast food nor soda, and her mother likes them neither
He wants to buy either a car or a motorcycles

  • We will go to visit either France or Germany some day.
  • I believe that neither fast food nor soda is healthy food
  • Either Cars or motorcycles are a great way of transportation.

I would like to visit either France or Germany

I don’t want either fast food or soda

i have neither cars nor motorcycles

-Neither fast food not soda are good for your healthy.
-Either fast food or soda, you have to chose one of them, i don´t have enough money to buy both one

-Neither france not german will win the competition
-Either france or german, i know one of them will win the competition.

-Neither cars not motorcycle are as fast as a boat competition
-We can either swim now or after lunch

  1. I haven´t visited either France or Germany.
  2. I seldomly eat either fast food or soda.
  3. I usually go to work either car or motorcycle.

I like neither France nor Germany
Either Fast food or soda is bad for your health
He can choose either car or motorcycles

1. Neither France nor Germany I have visited. 2. We can either choose fast food or soda. 3. You can either drive cars or motorcycles.
  1. Neither France nor Germany is in America.

  2. They like neither fast food nor soda.

  3. You can either buy a car or a motorcycle.

I don't like neither fast foot nor soda. Neither France nor Germany are located in Central America. She can't drive neither cars nor motorcycles.
Ame este curso
  • Neither France nor Germany are Latin countries.

  • Neither fast food nor soft drinks are healthy foods

  • Either you want car or you want a motorcycle.

  • People have possibility either eat fast food or drink soda.

  • Neither my parents nor my friends think that is a good idea travel to germany or france alone.

  • i will particularly would visite either france or germany
  • today it´s terrible hot, neither fast food nor soda, i would eat, i would like drinking something of water
  • i didn´t buy neither cars or matorcycles, they did´t either
  1. Neither Juan nor Leila passed the exam.
  2. Juan didn´t pass the exam and Leila didn´t either.
  3. Either you like chocolate or you don´t .

Either France or Germany has really nice people.
Neither Fast food nor soda are good for you health.
Neither cars nor motocycles are fast enough to go to Brazil in one day.

I like neither fast food nor soda, I prefer a salad and orange juice.
We can go either to France or Germany.
Either you like cars or motorcycles.

  • I have the opportunity to go either France or Germany

  • I like neither fast food nor soda

  • She enjoys either cars or motorcycles

  • Neither France nor Germany has a border with Portugal

  • Neither cars nor motorcycles are adequate vehicles for inter-oceanic travel