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Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns


Los pronombres reflexivos (reflexive pronouns) son utilizados cuando el objeto es el mismo que el sujeto del verbo.

Personal pronoun Reflexive pronoun
I myself
you yourself
he himself
she herself
it itself
we ourselves
you (plural) yourselves
they themselves

Verbos comunes para utilizar pronombres reflexivos

Existen algunos verbos que por su significado tienden a referirse al mismo sujeto, los más comunes son:

amuse blame
cut dry
enjoy help
hurt introduce
kill prepare
satisfy teach

Ejemplos utilizando pronombres reflexivos

I help me.
I help myself.

❌ Be careful with that knife, you might hurt you.
✅ Be careful with that knife, you might hurt yourself.

❌ Would they like to pour them a drink?
✅ Would they like to pour themselves a drink?

¿Cuándo no utilizar pronombres reflexivos?

No se utilizan los pronombres reflexivos después de verbos que describan acciones que la gente usualmente realiza para sí mismos. Por ejemplo, vestirse, es una acción que en la mayoría de los casos se lo puede hacer uno mismo.

  • He always shaved before going to bed.
  • Kim got dressed and got ready for the party.

Sin embargo, se puede utilizar los pronombres reflexivos, si se quiere realizar un énfasis sobre la acción.

  • She dressed herself, even though she’s only three.
  • He is old enough to shave himself.

Pronombres recíprocos

Los pronombres recíprocos (reciprocal pronouns) se utilizan para expresar una acción mutua entre dos o más personas u cosas. Los pronombres recíprocos son: each other y one another. Ambos pronombres se emplean indistintamente.

Sentence 1: Mark helped John.
Sentence 2: John helped Mark.
Complete sentence: Mark and John helped each other.

Diferencia entre pronombres reflexivos y recíprocos

No confundir con los pronombres reflexivos, la oración tiene un significado diferente dependiendo del tipo de pronombre que se utilice.

We sent one another a gift. (se dieron un regalo mutuamente)
We sent ourselves a gift. (cada uno se dió un regalo a sí mismo)

Ana and Cesar talk to each other regularly. (mutuamente)
Ana and Cesar talk to themselves regularly. (a sí mismos)

Ejercicio de writing

Escribe una oración para las siguientes condiciones:

  • Refer to the subject
  • Emphasize
  • Reciprocal pronouns

¡Comparte tu trabajo en la sección de aportes!

Contribución creada por Andrés Guano (Platzi Contributor).

Aportes 205

Preguntas 6

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

they loved each other

When the object is the same as the subject of the verb.

We don’t use a reflexive pronoun after verbs which describe things people usually do for themselves.
However, we can do it to emphasize.

Reciprocal pronouns
Each other / One another

  • Since i learnt about nutrition, i´ve been having care of myself

  • I´ll do it by myself

  • Tony and Rebeca loves each other, but neither of them know that

  1. You can take all you want, but that tv i’ll take it to myself.
  2. My dog is meek enough that can run in the park by itself.
  3. Jade and candy are playing with each other gently in the park.

Let’s Practice:

  • Reflexible pronouns
    Take time to enjoy yourself
  • Emphasize
    He has learned himself to speak english
  • Reciprocal
    In platzi we share knowledge to each other regularly

Reflexive Pronouns 📗

I - Myself

You - Yourself

He - Himself

She - Herself

It - Itself

We - Ourselves

You (plural) - Yourselves

They - Themselves

How to use Reflexive Pronouns 🟢

  • We use them when the object is the same as the subject of the verb.


  1. Be careful with that knife, you might hurt yourself.
  2. Would you like to pour yourself a drink?

Common verbs to introduce reflexive pronouns 🍏

  1. Cut.
  2. Enjoy.
  3. Hurt.
  4. Kill.
  5. Satisfy.
  6. Dry.
  7. Help.
  8. Prepare.
  9. Teach.
  10. Introduce.

Some rules 🥬

  1. There is a big rule; We don’t use reflexive pronouns when a verb contain an action done by someoneself implicit.
    • However, we can make a emphasize in some cases.

Reciprocral Pronouns 📗

  • Each other.
  • One another.

Each other 🥬

Mark helped Jhon.

Jhon helped Mark.

  • Mark and Jhon helped each other.

    We use it at the end of sentence.

One another 💚

I sent Ana a gift.

Ana sent me a gift.

  • We sent one another a gift.
    • We use it at the middle of sentence.

Differences 🔫

  1. To each other in this case means; Ana talks to Cesar, and Cesar talks to Ana.
  2. Themselves i this case; Ana talks to herself, Cesar talks to herself.
  • Would you like to drive by yourself until gas station?
  • He can drink all the beer of party by himself
  • We stayed on classroom working on a project at night, each other on own laptop
1. If I have to cook, you will serve yourself. 2. My dog used the pad, even though is his first day at home. 3. Every Christmas day, we gave gifts each other.
* Refer to the subject: *She herself realized her mistake* * Emphasize: *My nephew learned to comb his hair himself* * Reciprocal pronouns: *Flora and fauna help each other*
My brother driving your car with precaution for care himself My brother and I watch each other's series
  • My daughter are teaching herself English.
  • She is smart enough to learn herself
  • She and I helped each other.

I know her by social media.
She told me she can fly a plane by herself.
Juan and Maria hate one another

  • You shouldn’t drink and drive. You might have an accident and hurt yourself.
  • My niece bathes herself, even though she is only 6 years old.
  • My mom and my dad bought the same christmas present for each other.
  1. My uncle usually blames himself for the accident.
  2. My nephew plays himself the guitar really excellent, even though he has only practiced for two weeks.
  3. Maria Paula and me gave one another a book for Christmas.
  • Every day you can talk to yourself.
  • He does it by himself.
  • They love each other.

I have been study pythom by myselft because I want a new you

I´m the old enought to learn python by myselft

My wife and I help each other to do all the home duties

## Activity 1. Refer to the subject * As a teacher he himself must introduce himself to the students * You must prepare yourself the dinner 1. Emphasize * He is old enough to order him room himselft 1. Reciprocal pronouns * They are a good couple, they complement each other * They are a good team, they complement one another
I’ll introduce myself when I arrived at the meeting We enjoy keeping each other company.
Un pronombre reflexivo en inglés es una palabra que se utiliza cuando el sujeto y el objeto de la oración son la misma persona o cosa. Los pronombres reflexivos en inglés incluyen: myself (yo), yourself (tú), himself (él), herself (ella), itself (eso), ourselves (nosotros), yourselves (ustedes), y themselves (ellos). Se usan para enfatizar que la acción recae sobre el sujeto, como en "I hurt myself" (me lastimé).
My daughter can eat by herself, she is only one year old. Be careful with your fingers, you can smash yourself. We had to talk to each other, because we needed a solution.
my girlfriend and me love each other. i can walk by myself after six months since the accident.
* I'm happy with the way I learned English by myself * She is fast enough to catch the ball herself * Juan and Camilo spar with each other to improve for the UFC
Reciprocal pronouns: * Each other * One another 1. Mark and John helped each other. 2. We sent one another a gift. 3. Ana and Cesar talk to each other regularly. 4. Ana ans Cesar talk to themselves regularly.
* Refer to the subject * My cat bite itself, it is too little * Emphasize * My dog can feed itself, it has learned how to turn on the stove! * Reciprocal pronouns * So my cat and my dog can take care each other.
* My favorite football team have just lost a match, and now they are blaming thierselves. * Jacob learned how to brush his teeth by himself when he was four. * Today at training session Paul and I punch one another at the same time.
they love each other that`s right
Refer to the subject Carlos use to talk to himself when he is alone Emphasize Ana learned herself how to prepare a cake. Reciprocal Tom and Tiago use to cook to each other.
You should introduce yourselves. She is too young to make herself up. My ex-girlfriend and I waited for each other after work. My ex-girlfriend and I waited for one another after work.
In this home, they soport each others.
* My cat cleans itself * She go to the restroom by herself, although she has a leg cast * They soport theirs house by themselves
1-I help to myself hard-working for my goals. 2- My dog caught the ball for itselves even when it's a puppy. 3- My parents help to much each other.
# Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns. Ejercicio de writing Escribe una oración para las siguientes condiciones: \- Refer to the subject Junior likes to give gifts himself. \- Emphasize She has to pack herself to go to the airport. \- Reciprocal pronouns Maria and Jose always talk to each other before starting the meeting.
I was afraid of speaking in public, but I overcome it the moment I introduced myself in the stadium. She has enough knowledge to create the presentation by herserf. We were tired, but we kept looking at each other in the distance.
* I like to cut my hair by myself. * He walks alone in the street even though he's only 8 years old. * Marco and Christian used to hug each other when they were kids.
I practice yoga for myself My mom don't aswear her phone in the morning for herself My mom and my dad give lover each ather

Let’s practice! 🎉 📚 ✏️ ⏰

  • Refer to the subject

    When she was younger she needed someone to do her homework, now she can do it by herself

  • Emphasize

    Pedro has improved his English skills practicing by himself

  • Reciprocal pronouns

    It simply happened that we were attracted to each other

Este cuadro de pronombres reflexivos y otros cuadros que salen en nuesetras clases no se pueden adaptar para que los podamos directamente imprimir para tner a mano ell material. thank you veryl much for your attention.
  • I love to work on my self discipline.
  • I’m responsible enougth to keep me my self.
  • She and I love each other.
  1. Let me introduce myself, nice to meet you!
  2. This morning I woke up myself! I even didn’t need an alarm
  3. She is amazing! we send messages to each other all the time!

“Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns”

  1. I cooked myself a delicious pasta.
  2. He is too ill to walk himself.
  3. Arturo and I send one another text messages every day.
  • Because he was distracted, he cut himself
  • She solved this advance exam herserlf, she is only 6 years old.
  • They’re in love to each other
  • I need to be more presistent with myself
  • Stop blaming yourself about problems of other people
  • Here we try to motivate one another every day

Can introduce yourself?
He prepared himself for school although he is 2 years old
We are family and we care for each other

He prepared the cake to himself, because todat is him brithday
she blames herself
Esme and Norman make the love each other

Lastly I’ve been working hardly on myself.
The lights turned on by itself.
I gotta raise each member of my family.

You should study, you could blame yourself in the future for not doing it.

My little cat is now able to jump to my bed by itsel.

We can love eachother eternally, if you want it too

  • I help myself to do a task in the work

  • She can dressed herself, she is 20 years old

  • Samuel and Jasiel talk each other

  • You should go to the pool to relax yourself
  • Now we can drive a car by ourselves
  • They are sending messages each other every day

my task:

refer to the subject:

  • I always cut the meat by miself


  • My father is experience enough killing chicken , that he can kill one by himself

reciprocal pronouns

  • Daniel and Robert have been learning a lot each other

thanks to read =D

  • Refer to the subject

    We can use this game by ourselves

  • Emphasize

    I learned myself, even without a teacher face-to-face

  • Reciprocal pronouns

    Juan and Marcos work earch other on weekdays


  1. I usually cut my hair myself.
  2. Yeah, trust me, I know he is super skinny, but he lifted that heavy box by himself.
  3. Luis and I send one another text messages every day.

Hello 👋

  • I would like to talk in English by myself, without google translate.
  • Students in Platzi help each other to improve their English skills.
  1. I introduced myself to the team during the daily scrum call.
  2. Despite of being cut his hand, he was able to dreseend himself.
  3. Peter and Tom helped each other to finish their task at time.


  • He works just for himself.
  • She arrived at the finish line by herself, without help.
  • Daniela and David ate with each other.
  1. I cooked myself a delicious pasta.
  2. My mom walked by herself after the surgery.
  3. I hope we help us one another.
She washes the car herself That child can brush his teeth himself Elena y Carlos send messages to each other every day

Reflexive pronouns

  • Do you enjoy the day by yourself?

  • Let me introduce myself

  • She can prepare by herself

Reciprocal Pronouns

  • We can learn from each other

  • They talk to each other on the phone every night

  • They were sitting next to each other


  1. Refers to the subject. (Reflexive pronoun)→ She went to Paris by herself.
  2. Emphasize (Reflexive pronoun) → My dog can move normally for the house, even though it’s blind.
  3. Reciprocal pronouns → My two brother argue for all, but they call each other everyday.
  • You need to stop blaming yourself, it’s not your fault.
  • He is bathing himself, surprisingly he’s only two.
  • What a beautiful couple, they are always helping each other
* You could hurt yourself if you try to jump that fence * Ana puts on makeup herself * My parents have been together for many years, they love each other a lot
  • If you don’t stop playing with fire, you will burn yourself.
  • I can brush by myself even though I only have one arm.
  • My girlfriend and I love each other.

I work for myself everyday
I perfectly capable to brush my own theeth
My boyfriend and me love each other

  • My brother comb his hair himself.

  • I can learn english myself.

  • They take care each other.

  • Lisa gave herself a gift.
  • My boss praised himself for the successful conclusion of the project.
  • I could send my son to the store, but I prefer to buy all by myself.
  • Tom insisted in finish the baking himself.
  • They looked into each other’s eyes.
  • To the end of the mass, everyone gives one another the peace salutation.


  • Last semester she was teaching herself how to eat better.


  • He is too ill to walk himself.


  • We play soccer with one another on different teams.
  1. take care of yourself
  2. He is painting a draw of himself
  3. we love one other as too much as them
  4. I can buy myself flowers and write my name in the sand
  • Jonas will travel around the country with his motocycle, i can do it by myself, but i don’t have one.

  • I helped my cousin to move his new refrigerator, is too heavy to do it himself.

  • My cousin and i grew up together, like brothers, always helping each other.

My practice

  • He found the keys by himself.
  • She broke her arm, so she couldn’t eat by herself very easily.
  • Marco and Maria gave each other a gift.

What’s the difference between using “each other” and “one another”

  • “Each other” is used to refer to two people or things. For example, “John and Mary hugged each other”
  • “One another” is used to refer to more than two people or things. For example, “The members of the team congratulated one another”.
  • I’m learning English by myself outside of courses
  • Many people are willing to lie, even to themself, to feel better sometimes
  • We can help each other to learn almost any skill

I’m careful with the shave tool because I can hurt myself if i do a wrong motion

She’ll do it by herself

We love each other

  • The people say that house is haunted, the lights turn on and off themselves
  • My nephew hasn’t grown enough to brush his teeth himself
  • The last time I hung out with a friend, we showed new notebook games to each other

-You shouldn’t have your phone near while studying, you might distract yourself.
-This movie is home-made, the director said they did it by themselves with a low average.
-Everyone in my room help each other on the exercises.
-My parents bought one another a gift.

  • In times of unknown musing I discover myself.
  • He outdid himself despite being just a kid.
  • Every day all the members of my family greet each other.
  • He always take care himself.
  • Would you like to dress yourself?
  • My husband and I helped each other.
  • It is necessary to take a break for ourselves.
  • He did his first scientific paper by himself, even if he’s just a freshman.
  • They take care of each other since they live together.

We look after each other.
They enjoy by themselves.
He brushes himself even though he is only 4.

  • My husband hurt himself when he cut the tomatoes for a new recipe.

  • My son puts on his shoes himself, he is early 3 yeas old.

  • My friend Astrid and I share the same books of each other.

I don’t like to stay with her, because she’s always talking about herself
Plants feed by themselves
We have to take care one another

She is looking at herself.
She is combing herself.
They are looking at each other.

  1. My friend blames himself for the breakdown of his marriage
  2. Mi wife eats her cake herself
  3. People gives gift one another on Christmas

He introduce herself before to start his speech
My sister is old enough to balance herself
We wrote one another a letter

Ana and Carlos prepare themselves food.
Ana and Carlos prepare each other food.

  • in the first class we had to introduce ourselves
  • even though he is sick, he brushed his teeth himself
  • we don´t have to fight each other
  • I want to do this myself

  • My cat is so smart to take a shower itself.

  • We chat each other everyday.

  • I talk to myself every night
  • The dog can stand up like an human by itself
  • Ana and Jose love each other

I take care of myself

We fight each other often

are too big to defend themselves

-Would you like to take care of yourself?
-He is as old as us, he can pay it by himself.
-We love each other.

  1. You can find yourself in a hurry if you do not your homework now.

  2. Mi cousin only has 2 years and he take a shower himself.

  3. A couple need to love each other to strengthen the relationship.

  1. Go ahead, introduce to you by yourself.
  2. He can take a bath by herself even though he’s injured.
  3. Miriam and Javier helped each other

My sentences:

He prefer did all by himself. The experience tech that to him.

Plz dont move, you can hurt yourselves.

They call one another at the same time.

Tomas and i think that its important to work each otrher for separate, but in differents task, what it means, that we need to approach the time cauze the problem that we had in tour hands it’s too big. Then, than we have some knowlegd we can tell one another what we have.

  • I build my house myself

  • My granpa have so autonomie that he can eat himself.

  • Juan and Miguel care their sons each other

1 Condición: I cut myself my finger

2 Angélica got dressed herself, even though she has just been operated
3. My son and I love each other

1. My son did his homework himself. 2. Peter and Mary love each other. 3. He bought himself a new tablet.

what a great party! Did you prepare everything yourself?
She learned to read by herself.
My mother and sister talk to each other every day.

1.- he introduce himself perfectly with that hip hop base.

2.- she prepare herself everyday for the Thriatlon.

3.-they blow up themselves after they seen that movie.

1. She paid herself for her work. 2. She cleaned her house herself even though her arm is broken. 3. Emily and Joana blame each other for the accident.
  • Mary is rare, she always speaks with herself

  • The girls brush their hair each other

  • The new teacher introduces herself in the group

  • My son is growing up quickly, he eats himself his meals and takes showers himself

  • i can do the work meself
  • she like doing her job only herself
  • i and my wife love one another