English is needed if you are a Developer


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y descúbrelo. 🚀

Bienvenido o bienvenida al Curso de Inglés para Developers. Si estás aquí, es probable que te dediques al desarrollo profesional de software y quieres mejorar tu inglés para comunicarte con tus compañeros o compañeras de trabajo. Estás en el lugar correcto.

¿Qué aprenderás?

Por suerte, en esta ruta de aprendizaje podrás aprender todo lo que necesitas para ser un referente en tu campo.

  • Cómo desarrollar software en inglés.
  • Cómo comunicarse con otras personas acerca de desarrollo de software.
  • Vocabulario relacionado con el desarrollador de software.
  • Palabras técnicas y siglas para mejorar tu pronunciación.
  • Aspectos del idioma inglés en torno a la lectura, escritura y comunicación sobre código.
  • Vocabulario sobre diferentes partes de la experiencia del desarrollador de software.

¿Cómo pronuncias las siguientes palabras?

Una de las dificultades más importantes que tienen las personas que no dominan un nivel de inglés nativo es la pronunciación. El desarrollo de software no es la excepción. Existen múltiples palabras técnicas que tienes que practicar, ya que son frecuentes su mala pronunciación y tienes que practicar para evitar malentendidos.

  • Cache /kæʃ/

  • Queue /kjuː/

  • Segue /ˈseɡweɪ/

  • Genre /ˈʒɑːnrə/

  • Focus /ˈfəʊkəs/

  • Debugger /ˌdiːˈbʌɡər/

  • Array /əˈreɪ/

  • Java /ˈdʒɑːvə/

  • Deployed /dɪˈplɔɪd/

  • Gigabyte /ɡɪɡə/

  • Data /ˈdætə/

  • API /eɪ/ /piː/ /aɪ/

  • NOTA: Si no estás familiarizado con esos símbolos raros para escribir la pronunciación de las palabras, se trata del Alfabeto Internacional de Pronunciación o IPA en el cual puedes apoyarte para mejorar tu pronunciación.

Por supuesto que Platzi tiene una variedad de cursos para que mejores tu pronunciación:

Si quieres continuar practicando tu inglés en esta área en específico, te invitados a ver Curso para Developers en Inglés 🚀

Contribución creada por Kevin Fiorentino, con aportes de Lina López.

Aportes 149

Preguntas 12

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

I’m very happy to start this course ❤️

Una pronunciación acercada al español de algunas palabras:
Cache (kaSH)
Queu (kyu)
Segue (Següi)
Genre (Yanra)
Focus (Foukes)
Debugger (Dibaguer)
Hardcoded (Jarcouded)
Gigabyte (Guigabait)

Que buena pronunciación tiene este bro.


Cache /kæʃ/

an area or type of computer memory in which information that is often in use can be stored temporarily and gotten to especially quickly

Cue /kjuː/

a signal for someone to do something

Queue /kjuː/

a list of jobs that a computer has to do

✨ Segue /ˈseɡ.weɪ/

to move easily and without interruption from one piece of music, part of a story, subject, or situation to another

✨ Genre /ˈʒɑːn.rə/

a style, especially in the arts, that involves a particular set of characteristics

✨ Focus /ˈfoʊ.kəs/

the main or central point of something, especially of attention or interest

✨ Debugger /diːˈbʌɡə(ɹ)/ /dēˈbəɡər/ /dee · buh · gr/

a computer program that assists in the detection and correction of errors in other computer programs.

✨ Hard-code /härd kōd/

verb; past tense: hardcoded; past participle: hardcoded

fix (data or parameters) in a program in such a way that they cannot be altered without modifying the program.

✨ Gigabyte /ˈɡɪɡ.ə.baɪt/

a unit of computer information consisting of 1,024 megabytes

✨ Giga - /ɡɪɡ.ə-/


1,000,000,000 times the stated unit

✨ Data /ˈdeɪ.t̬ə, dæt̬.ə/ /ˈdadə,ˈdādə/

information in an electronic form that can be stored and processed by a computer

✨ API /ˌeɪ.piˈaɪ/

abbreviation for application programming interface: a way of communicating with a particular computer program or internet service

Developing in English

This course is about:
 How to do software development in English
 How to communicate with other people about software development
 How to understand what they mean when you’re working with them

Your experience:
Probably, most of your software development knowledge comes from reading and you have very little experience talking about software development or listening to other people talking about software development.

You´re likely to have learned most of terms from a page, so you’re not sure how to pronounce them. For example, how do you pronounce the following words?
Cache /kæʃ/: a part of a computer’s memory that stores copies of data that is often needed while a program is running. This data can be accessed very quickly.
o Yep! The same way you pronounce cash /kæʃ/
o Words that sound the same are called homophones.

Queue /kjuː/: a list of items of data stored in a particular order.
o Yep! Cue /kjuː/ is pronounced the same.

Segue /ˈseɡweɪ/: to move smoothly from one song, subject, place, etc. to another.
o According to Oxford Learners Dictionary it comes from Italian, literally ‘follows’.

Genre /ˈʒɑːnrə/: a particular type or style of literature, art, film or music that you can recognize because of its special features.

o Protip: (Internet slang, often sarcastic) A tip given by a professional.
Native English speakers also make a lot of mistakes in the opposite direction. They have problems with homophones. So, they miswrite homophones like its/it’s, capital/capitol, principle/principle, meet/meat.
So, no worries, we all make mistakes 😉 just learn from them.

Focus /ˈfəʊkəs/
Debugger /ˌdiːˈbʌɡər/ a computer program that helps to find and correct mistakes in other programs.
Array /əˈreɪ/ a way of organizing and storing related data in a computer memory.
Java /ˈdʒɑːvə/ coffee.
Hardcoded /ˌhɑːrd ˈkəʊdɪd/ to write data so that it cannot easily be changed.
Deployed /dɪˈplɔɪd/ to install, test and implement a computer system or application.
Gigabyte /ɡɪɡə/ 109, or 1 000 000 000
Data /ˈdætə/ it´s also pronounce /ˈdtə/ both in American and British English. [uncountable, plural]. The singular form is datum.
You may say “pieces of data” or “piece of data" to avoid confusion.

API /eɪ/ /piː/ /aɪ/ a set of programming tools that enables a program to communicate with another program or an operating system, and that helps software developers create their own applications (= pieces of software) (the abbreviation for ‘application programming interface’).

Please, I know that course is intermediate level but I think the subtitles would help a lot.

Awesome!!! this course is so valuable to our profesional growth.
thanks Platzi to give us this important asset!!!

Hasta ahora agarro lo del focus JAJAJAJAJJA

Quizlet: Inglés para Developers [2022 - Platzi]

👋Hey Devs! I just created some units in Quizlet with the vocabulary and phrases in this course.
📚Quizlet is a very famous app to study and create Learning Cards.
I suggest that you study on the ‘Fichas’ mode and set Quizlet to show you the definitions first (I put the clues on ‘Definition’) and try to remember the term on the other side of the card (I put the term to remember on ‘Terms’).
🎉Hope this is useful for you!
Quizlet: Inglés para Developers [2022 - Platzi]

I’m just preparing myself for interviews with US companies, this course is exactly what I needed ❤️

Les comparto una página donde pueden verificar la transcripcion fonetica de algunas palabras, que puede servir a la hora de pronunciar. https://tophonetics.com/es/

I´m Seba too!
Hugs from Chile

Legué acá por Freddy

I didn't realize how much I need this course until I got to the 'focus' and the 'giga' parts 😂 (I don't know If I said it well)

wow… pense que era el profe Alberto Alcocer, se parecen un buen y hasta hablan similar

Very nice tshirt iron-git

I’m loving this course Just what I needed for my pronounce at my career. Thanks Platzi and Sebastián for bring us this opportunity.

I love this man, xd

Focus 😹😹😹

Ok, if you need to learn how to pronounce something, you can search on Google how to pronounce (“your word”)

If you do this, Google will teach you how to pronounce it, and obviously, you can practice simultaneously.

The course that I needed, very excited to get started. 😁

i would like to thank you for this introduction, i have the same as you for some words, nice course

focus = fow kuhs

Great beginning the course, I like it


i´m goint to have my first Technical interview and i expect that´s doing well

i think that ThisVariable is PascalCase, should be in the options, i had to choose camelCase, but i think thats wrong. Thanks Sebastian, great course!

like if you are #tecnologosglobales

Recomiendo esta web para ver como se pronuncia en cada país… https://es.youglish.com/pronounce/data/english/us?

Jajaja, ya entendi
"Focus" esta ahora en mi lista de palabras peligrosas justo al lado de “coke”

I'm very excited about this course!

Man I’m so glad I can take this course! 😄
I hope to learn a lot, now that I have the opportunity working in a development company

WoW! I’ve always mispronounced ‘Giga’ as ‘Yiga’ even if I was talking in spanish. Something new I learned today : )

I’m so excited about this new learning path for improving my English skills.

I didnt know this course was here, just found out and I´m very happy to be here.
jajaja buena clase aprendí mucho y tambié me he reído mucho
Let's go
This course seems interesting
**This course is focused on:** * How to communicate in English about software development. * How to understand others when working in English on development projects. ### **Learning from pronunciation mistakes** It’s important to remember that mispronouncing words is normal, especially when you've learned them by reading. Don’t feel discouraged.  ### **Course structure** This course is divided into two main modules: 1. **Module 1**: Focuses on the English language in the context of reading, writing, and communicating about code. We will cover: * Acronyms * How the language of technology has evolved 2. **Module 2**: Covers software development vocabulary, including terms related to: * Technologies * Workplace communication * Project management
F\*ck u$
**Starting this course, let's do this!** Words in the class with **IPA** **pronunciation:** * Cache: US /kæʃ/ same as cash * Queue: US /kjuː/ same as cue. * Segue: US /ˈseɡ.weɪ/ * Focus: US /ˈfoʊ.kəs/ * Debugger: US /ˌdiːˈbʌɡər/ * Hardcoded: US /ˈhɑːdkəʊd/ * Giga: US /ɡɪɡ.ə-/ * Data: US /ˈdeɪ.t̬ə/ /dæt̬.ə/ * API: US /ˌeɪ.piˈaɪ/ Resources: Cambridge Free English Dictionary and Thesaurus oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com
**Words** in the class with **IPA pronunciation:** **Cache: US** /kæʃ/ *<u>same as **cash**</u>**.*** **Queue: US** /kjuː/ <u>same as **cue.**</u>**** **Segue: US** /ˈseɡ.weɪ/ **Focus: US** /ˈfoʊ.kəs/ **Debugger: US** /ˌdiːˈbʌɡər/ **Hardcoded: US** /ˈhɑːdkəʊd/ **Giga: US** /ɡɪɡ.ə-/ **Data: US** /ˈdeɪ.t̬ə/ /dæt̬.ə/ **API: US** /ˌeɪ.piˈaɪ/ Resources: [Cambridge Free English Dictionary and Thesaurus](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/) [Oxford Learner's Dictionaries | Find definitions, translations, and grammar explanations at Oxford Learner's Dictionaries (oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com)](https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/)
Starting new course. Let's do this.
This course is a dream come true, thank you!!!
Just the first video and dont regret to take this course
very interesting new words for improve my vocabulary 💚💚💚
Hay una trampa en el examen, precisamente con la dichosa palabra FOCUS, porque en la clase no se usa la representación fonética exacta. Así que en esta pregunta hay una trampa. Recomiendo tomar precaución en esta clase. La detesto.
**Thank you so much** for teach us this new english vocabulary. God bless You.
I'm very good

The best of English courses, are this courses never expires!

This course is just what I am looking for to be able to improve both my English and my programming words
I'm so excited to start this course 🤓
This course is amazing

i need explend my vocabulary

toy perdido…ha estudiar

excellent content!

That’s de kind of curse I was looking for!!

I hope to improve my english skills

I came across this course through a tweet today, I think it's great, just what I needed to advance a little more in the mastery of the language in my work environment.

ok lets do it !!!

Cache /kæʃ/, that blows my mind xD

some people pronounce " deita " referring to Data.

Thanks for the subtitles

I’m happy for take the course!


The quote by anonymous …it is said by Ted Mosby on How I met your mother

Time to learn something new 😃

Segue = segway /ˈseɡweɪ/

Cache = Cach /kæʃ/

I use to miss Cache (Cach) and Queue (Quiu) from now I going to rewire my brain 🤩

This course is just I need to get a new english job and remote.

La pronunciación del maestro es mortal

I have spoken English for over 10 years now. However, this video taught me many things about technical voc. Thank you!

Excellent course!!

I’ve been saying DATA as deira

Emocionado por este curso!!!1

Debugger pronunciation

Focus pronunciation

Genre pronunciation

Thanks so much for this course, I watched the first video and i feel that is a little advanced, however I will continue because it look really interesting.

Thank you fo this!!!

I’ve been learning English by reading documentation of some technologies, and I’ve learned how to use some tools in my browser that help me to figure it out how to pronounce some strange words when reading. I use: “Quick Translation” and “Readme - Text to Speech TTS”: the first one is for to know the meaning of some words in my native language (Spanish in this case), and the second one is for hearing the pronunciation of a selected word or paragraph. They’re awesome and very useful!

  • Queue = A list of things in order to arrange.
  • Don’t pretend to be perfect.
  • Even the native speakers make mistakes.
  • Even if you think you are pronouncing well, you could be making mistakes.



Thank you very much

I was surprised by the course. very true I didnt even know I was not pronouncing those words correctly

Ufff, no había visto este curso, creo que puede ayudarnos a muchos.

Excited about its coming!

I didn’t know there was a phonetic alphabet!!

How to pronounce FOCUS correctly and don’t be embarrasing for a pronunciation mistake.

American English Pronunciation Lesson

Esta primera lección es súper acertada, la mayoría creo aprendemos inglés con la lectura y por eso nuestra pronunciación a veces falla.
Pero que genial contar con este curso como herramienta para aprender a defendernos en el mundo de la tecnología.
Desde que el profe pronunció correctamente Queue, mi mente explotó 🤯 y entendí que este era un curso para mí.
Éxito a todos los que se sumen 💪🏻.

I know what you mean by mispronounce FOCUS. It happened to me as well. It was funny, but not funny haha, funny weird.

Que buen curso! A aprovecharlo!

Be careful with the way you mention SAP technology. In Spanish we say “SAP” but in English you should say each letter like “ES-EI-PI”

Wow, al principio me asusté porque todo era en inglés pero soy capaz de entender casi todo

The classes are good, I have learned a lot about the pronunciation of many words that I used to pronounce wrong

Algo de lo que me he dado cuenta luego de estudiar una carrera en ciencias exactas y ahora estudiar programación, es que en áreas técnicas y de ciencias se tiende a “españolizar” palabras del inglés porque en español no existe una traducción directa de dichas palabras y, si existieran, casi nadie las usa. De ahí es donde radica la importancia de utilizar cada palabra correctamente porque nos acostumbramos a “españolizar” las palabras y luego cuando llega la hora de utilizarlas con personas de habla inglesa no nos comprenden.