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Uso de la preposición "in"


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Preposition of time "in"
In is a preporsition of time used for talk about:

  • parts of the day
  1. In the morning

  2. In the afternoon

  3. In the evening

  • Months
  1. In January

  2. In February

  3. In March

  4. In April

  5. In May

  6. In June

  7. In July

  8. In August

  9. In September

  10. In October

  11. In November

  12. In December

  • Seasons
  1. In spring

  2. In summer

  3. In fall (or autum)

  4. In winter

  • Years (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023…)

  • Decades (60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s)

  • Long periods of time

We like to go skiing in winter.
I’ll call you back in 10 minutes.
In the 1990s Tamagotchi became popular.
Their anniversary is in May.
I usually read to unwind in the evening.

Preposition of time "in"
In is a preporsition of time used for talk about:

parts of the day
In the morning

In the afternoon

In the evening

In January

In February

In March

In April

In May

In June

In July

In August

In September

In October

In November

In December

In spring

In summer

In fall (or autum)

In winter

Years (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023…)

Decades (60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s)

Long periods of time

We like to go skiing in winter.
I’ll cal you back in ten minutes.
In the 1990s tamagotchi became popular.
Theri anniversary is in May.
I usually read to unwind in the evening.

![]()![]( ![]()![]( ![](
1. We like to go skiing in winter. 2. I'll call you back in 10 minutes. 3. Their anniversary is in May. 4. In the 1990s tamagotchi became popular 5. I usually read to unwid in the evening.

We like to go sking in winter.
I’ll call you back in 10 minutes.
In the 1990s tamagotchi became popular.
Their anniversary is in May.
I usually read to unwind in the evening

**Instructions: Match the two parts to form complete sentences.** 1. We like to go skiing in winter,✅ 2. I’ll call you back in 10 minutes.✅ 3. In the 1990s tamagotchi became popular.✅ 4. Their anniversary is in May.✅ 5. I usually read to unwind in the evening.✅
La preposición "in" se utiliza para referirse a momentos específicos en el tiempo, como partes del día, meses, estaciones y años. En el contexto de la clase, se explicó que "in" se emplea, por ejemplo, para decir que algo sucede "in the morning" (por la mañana) o "in 2020" (en 2020). Esto ayuda a situar acciones en un marco temporal claro, lo cual es fundamental para formular oraciones coherentes en inglés.
Hi! My worksheet is here: ![](
1. We like to go skiing in the winter 2. I'll call you back in 10 minutes 3. In the 1990s tamagtchi became popular 4. Their anniversary is in May 5. I usually read to unwind in the evening
We like to go skiing in winter. I'll call you cack in ten minutes. In the 1990s tamagotchi became popular. Their anniversarie is in May. I usually read to unwind in the evening.
**|** Worksheet *(class10)* * We like to go skiing E) **In** Winter. * I'll call you back C) **In** 10 minutes. * **In** the 1990s D) Tamagochi became popular. * Their anniversary is A) **In** May * I usually read to unwind B) **In** the evening.
We like to go skiing in winter.  I’ll call you back in 10 minutes.  In the 1990s tamagotchi became popular.  Their anniversary is in May.  I usually read to unwind in the evening.
1.- We like to go skiing e) - In winter 2.- I'll call you bank c) In 10 minutes 3.- In the 1990's d) Tamagotchi became popular 4.- Their anniversary is a) In May 5.- I usually read to unwind b) In evening
**“In”** is a preposition of time used with: * Parts of the day, Months, Seasons, Years, Decades, Long periods.**In** the morning, **In** the afternoon, **In** the evening.**In** January, **In** February, **In** March…**In** spring, **In** summer, **In** fall (autumn), **In** winterMy sister was a teenager **in** 1985, I used a corded phone **in** the 90s.*Complete the follow exercise: Match the two parts to form complete sentences.* 1. We like to go skiing… E. **In** winter 2. I’ll call you back… C. **In** 10 minutes 3. **In** the 1990s… D. tamagotchi became popular 4. Their anniversary is… A. **In** May 5. I usually read to unwind… B. **In** the evening
  • I was born in 1998.
  • My girlfriend was born in 1999.
  • We went to high school in 2017.
  • My parents got married in the 90s.

2020 💀

Preposition “In” is to talk in general (Years, months) and parts of the day.

1.-We like to go skiing…in winter
2.-I’ll call you back…in 10 minutes.
3.-In the 1990s… Tamagotchi became popular.
4.-Their anniversary is…in May.
5.-I usually read to unwind…in the evening.

Utilizando la preposición de tiempo “in”.

Instructions: Match the two parts to form complete sentences.

  1. We like to go skiing… E. in winter.
  2. I’ll call you back… C. in 10 minutes.
  3. In the 1990s… D. tamagotchi became popular.
  4. Their anniversary is… A. in May.
  5. I usually read to unwind… B. in the evening.

*At night

  • In the morning.
  • In the afternoon.
  • In the evening.
  • There is still sunlight.
  • The sun is out.
  • In spring, flowers bloom.
  • In summer, I go to the beach because it’s sunny.
  • In fall, we celebrate holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving.
  • In winter, I go skiing.
  • My sister was a teenager in 1985.
  • I went to school in 2001.
  • I traveled with my family in 2020.
  • I used a corded phone in the 90s.
  • My brother was born in the 70s.
  • My parents got married in the 60s.
  • I was really tired, so I took a powerful snap.
  • I didn’t have lunch, so I was very hungry in the afternoon
  • I missed a deadline, so I did a new reservation.

Practice using “in” with the activities in the worksheet.

  1. We like to go skiing in winter.
  2. I’ll call you back in 10 minutes.
  3. In the 1990s Tamagotchi became popular.
  4. Their anniversary is in May.
  5. I usually read to unwind in the evening.

Utilizando la preposición de tiempo "in"

“In” is a preposition of time used with:

  • Parts of the day.
  • Months.
  • Seasons.
  • Years.
  • Decades.
  • Long periods.

In + parts of the day

  • In the morning.
  • In the afternoon.
  • In the evening.

In + seasons

  • In spring.
  • In summer.
  • In fall (otoño).
  • In winter.

In + years/decades

  • My sister was a teenager in 1985.
  • I used a corded phone in the 90s.
  • My parents god married in the 70s.


  • We like to go skiing in winter.
  • I’ll call you back in 10 minutes.
  • In the 1990s tamagotchi became popular.
  • I usually read to unwind in the evening.

1- we like to go skiing in the winter
2- i´ll call you back in 10 minutes
3- in the 1990s tamagotchi became popular
4- their anniversary is in may
5- i usually read to in the evening

We like to go skiing in winter.
I’ll call you back in 10 minutes.
In the 1990s tamagotchi became popular …
Their anniversary is in May.
I usually read to unwind in the evening.


Prepositions "in"
Parts of the day:

  1. in the morning
  2. in the afternoon
  3. in the evening
  4. in January
  5. in February
  6. in March
  7. in April
  8. in May
  9. in June
  10. in July
  11. in August
  12. in September
  13. in October
  14. in November
  15. in December
  16. in Spring
  17. in Summer
  18. in Fall (or Autumn)
  19. in Winter
    2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 2024, 2025
    60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 2000’s
    Long periods of time


My practice:

Match the two parts to form complete sentences.

  1. We like to go skiing in winter.
  2. I’ll call you back in 10 minutes.
  3. In the 1990s Tamagotchi became popular.
  4. Their anniversary is in May.
  5. I usually read to unwind in the evening.

In the morning, in the afternonn in te evenig,
In spring, in summer, In Fall, In winter
In 1985, In the 90s

"In" is a preposition of time used with:

Parts of the day

  • In the morning
  • In the afternoon
  • In the evening


  • In January
  • In February


  • In spring
  • In summer
  • In fall
  • In winter

Example: My sister was a teenarger in 1985.

Example: I used a corded phone in the 90s.

    • E
    • C
    • D
    • A
    • B

Making the worksheet. but recording my voice to practice English…

  • We like to go skiing in winter

  • I’ll call you back in 10 minutes

  • In the 1990 tamagotchi became popular

  • Their anniversary is in May

  • I usually read to unwind in the evening

We like to go skiing in winter
I’ll call you back in 10 minutes.
In the 1990s Tamagotchi became popular.
Their anniversary is in May
I usually read to unwind in the evening


In + parts of the day
in the morning
in the afternoon
in the evening

in + season
in spring
in summer
in fall
in winter

in + years/decades
in 1985
in the 90s.

  1. E.
  2. c.
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B

My practice:

  1. We like to go skiing in winter.
  2. I’ll call you back in 10 minutes.
  3. In the 1990s tamagotchi became popular.
  4. Their anniversary is in May.
  5. I usually read to unwind in the evening.
  • my practice:

we like to go sking in winter
i’ll call you back in 10 minutes
in the 1990’s tamagotchi became popular
their anniversary is in may
i usually read to unwind in the evening

  1. We like to go skiing in winter.
  2. I’ll call you back in 10 minutes.
  3. In the 1990’s tamagotchi became popular.
  4. Their anniversary is in May.
  5. I usually read unwind in the evening.

We like to go skiing… in winter.
I’ll call you back… in 10 minutes.
In the 1990s… tamagotchi became popular.
Their anniversary is… in May.
I usually read to unwind… in the evening.

  • We like to go skiing in winter.
  • I’ll call you back in 10 minutes.
  • In the 90’s Tamagotchi became popular.
  • Their anniversary is in May.
  • I usually read to unwind in the evening.

I was born in 1998 and mi mom born in 1963, to be more especific on march of 1963, she would have liked to born in fall because she loves watching the colours of the trees, that sort of colours are beautiful and nostalgic.

Extra Practice

Thank you

Preposition “in”

  1. We like to go skiing in winter.
  2. I’ll call you back in 10 minutes.
  3. In the 1990s Tamagotchi became popular.
  4. Their anniversary is in May.
  5. I usually read to unwind in the evening
  1. We like to go skiing…in winter
  2. I’ll call you back…in 10 minutes.
  3. In the 1990s…tamagotch became popular,
  4. Their anniversary is…in may
  5. I usually read to unwind…in the evening.

in the morning is good to go for a walk with your dogs.

Practice using “in” ツ㋡

  • We like to go skiing… E

  • I’ll call you back… C

  • In the 1990s… D

  • Their anniversary is… A

  • I usually read to unwind… B


  • We like to go skiing in winter.
  • I’ll cal you back in ten minutes.
  • In the 1990s tamagotchi became popular.
  • Their anniversary is in May.
  • I usually read to unwind in the evening.
good lecture


  • Activity#1
  1. E
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B


using in
in is a preposition of time used with
Parts of the day
Long periods
In + Parts of the day
In the morning
in the afternoon
In the evening
In +seasons
In spring
In summer
In fall or autum
In winter
In years/ decades
My sister was a teenager in 1985
I used a corded phone in the 90´s



1-We like to go skiing…IN WINTER
2-I’ll call you back…IN THE EVENING
4-Their anniversary is…IN 10 MINUTES
5-I usually read to unwind…IN MAY

What a good class

  1. We like to skiing in winter
  2. I’ll call you back in 10 minutes
  3. In the 1990’s tamagotchi became popular
  4. Their anniversary es in the May
  5. I usually read unwind in the evening
I didn't know about the thing with the night. I just thought that we use night when we are greeting. Good to know the difference :D
  1. We like to go skiing in winter
  2. I’ll call you back in 10 minutes
  3. In the 1990s, tamagochi became popular.
  4. Their annivrsary is in May
  5. I usually read to unwind in the evening
  1. We like to go skiing in winter.
  2. I’ll call you back in 10 minutes.
  3. In the 19990s tamagotchi became popular.
  4. Their anniversary is in May.
  5. I usually read to unwind in the evening.


We like to go skiing in winter
I’ll call you back in ten minutes
In the 1990’s tamagochi became popular
Their anniversary is in May
I usually read to unwind in the evening

We like to go skiing in winter.
I’ll cal you back in ten minutes.
In the 1990s tamagotchi became popular.
Theri anniversary is in May.
I usually read to unwind in the evening.

here is my completed worksheet practice
