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To write a review is to give your opinion about something. It can be about a book, a movie, a TV show, a restaurant, any place that provided you a service…

It is necessary to present arguments to support your opinion. In this way, the reader can better understand your point of view. You also should offer some information about what you are reviewing to give context to the reader.

The activity for this class is to write a review about a movie or a TV series.

In the resources section, there is a worksheet to help you. Use the information you find online about the movie or TV show to complete it. That will help you to have a clear idea of what to talk about in each paragraph. There is also an example of how to complete the worksheet.

Also, here is the structure your review should have:

  • Paragraph 1: Include the name of the movie/series, stars, director, basic setting (time and place), and genre (comedy, adventure, drama, thriller, etc.).

  • Paragraph 2: Write a plot summary of the movie/series. Discuss the movie/series events, but be careful, do not give spoilers!

  • Paragraph 3: Discuss some aspects of the movies/series justifying why you like or dislike it. Be sure you are specific, and you can cite examples of the movie/series.

  • Paragraph 4: Give your overall opinion and reaction to the movie/series. Also, include your recommendations for potential viewers.

Example of a series review:

“Law and Order SVU (Special Victims Unit)” is one of my favorite TV shows. It is a drama mixed with mystery and crime. It stars Mariska Hargitay, Ice-T, Christopher Meloni, Kelli Giddish Different, and has different directors.
The series is about the routine of lieutenant Olivia Benson and her squad at the Special Victims Unit police station in New York City. Also, it shows the stories behind the crimes. Law and Order SVU is the TV’s longest-running primetime drama (22 seasons), and it is part of a successful media franchise called Law and Order. There are eight different shows.
There are two things I like about this series. The first one is the character Olivia Benson because she is a fierce and very brave woman. The second is all the stories behind the cases, especially when there is a lot of drama. On the other hand, I do not like when there are similar stories, but I understand. It is difficult to be always original after many seasons.
Overall, it is a fantastic series, and you have to watch it if you like a good drama and police series.

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Banana fish is based on an action shoujo manga by Yoshida Akimi. 1973, Vietnam - an American soldier goes mad and guns down his buddies. Since then, the only words he has uttered are “Banana Fish”… Nowadays, in New York City, police investigate a series of puzzling suicides and a dying man gives a charismatic young gang leader named Ash Lynx a vial of a mysterious substance.
Ash Lynx is a teenage gang leader in New York City, Eiji Okumura, a Japanese photographer’s assistant.
Ash, Ash’s best friends, and Eiji end up investigating the origin of ‘Banana Fish’, uncovering a conspiracy that threatens the world.
Banana Fish is a masterpiece. When I started, my first thought was “Oh my god, another yaoi without plot” But I was so wrong!!!
Every episode destroys your mental health, hurts like hell. I couldn’t stop crying in every episode. I seriously recommend Banana fish. It’s my favorite anime, every detail is amazing.

“Mr. Robot” is one of my favorite TV series. It is a techno-thriller
mixed with drama. His director was Sam Esmail.
The series is about the history of an engineer that works in an
informatic security corporation named AllSafe. Also shows the
importance and aims of a group of hackers named fsociety that
pretend to use different strategies to destroy the bank records of
There are two things that I like about this series. The first one is
the way in that you can interpret the history and assume a
personal perspective of the serie. The second is the excellent
performance and professionalism of the characters; for this reason
in the other hand, I do not like the short participation of some
Overall, it is an interesting and amazing series, and you have to
watch if you like hacking and informatic security.

My Review about Shingeki No Kyojin:

Shingeki No Kyojin or Attack on Titan (in english) is an “anime” series emitted in 2013. It’s based on the original manga, written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama. The first 2 chapters introduce the main characters (Eren, Mikasa and Armin), we know about their personalities, dreams or objectives, except for Mikasa; but also introduce the world wich in they are. These kids, and apparently all the humanity, lives protected by 3 massive and spectacular walls. Protected from what? Titans, a giant beings that only eat people. Everybody lives in peace, until one day… A colossal titan makes a breach in the Wall Maria, and all the titans can enter.

Now, i’m gonna fu*k this show: Only 6 or 7 characters are good. Abuse of the mistery. They try to give shock scenes hiding information to us. The author easily excuses himself from any complicated situation by inventing anything. Too many times is inverosimil. If you are a relevant character, you survive, if not… good luck (there are a clearly exceptions). Of course, this series is very epic and very well animated.

To enjoy this series you just have to disconnect your brain and that’s it. Now you can say “Itz a m4ztErPIZ”. Rating: 3/5.

Record of Ragnarok is an anime based on a manga called Shūmatsu no Warukyūre. The story is about an event to define the destiny of mankind because humanity destroyed the earth, in this event are going to face gods vs humans. The teams are 13 gods more incredible vs 13 most incredible humans of history. We have amanzing fights like Zeus vs Adan for example, the audince are people who influeced in the human history like Miguel Ángle, Sebastian Bach and others. Has good references about historic events, masterpieces of painting and music.

Big Mouth

In this class, the series I chose is called Big Mouth from Netflix, it’s a very funny animated series for adults, it’s based on stories about the puberty stage, In my opinion, I like the series and it’s very good; it deals with the bodily and sexual development that we live during puberty, both for men and women and touches in issues of various sexualities, In addition, it’s usually usual the appearance of other humorous references to political, social family or cultural situations. However, not everything is perfect, it’s a series of adult content that requires a degree of emotional maturity to understand the humor. It relates the feelings and changes of that stage and the way we feel in different situations without being prepared for all those feelings such as embarrassment, confusion, anxiety, disgust, fed up, angry, depressed and others; it makes you feel identified with the series because at some point you thought or felt it, but do not dare to say it and the genius of the show focuses on how it portrays these emotions through other animated characters.

Review: (is about bitcoin, but wherever, nobody goes to read this)
So bitcoin is based on blockchain technology, wich is a software who has differents receptors around the world. Many people have invested in bitcoin.
Bitcoin suggest a decentralized economic system, this is about no governments, no giants enterprises, only P2P, person to person.
I think this is a revolucionary idea, 'cause this is the moment in human history that technology change the entire world.
What about you?, do you think bitcoin is treasure or it going to change the world?

Review of The Flash:
When it first started, the flash was an exciting new addition to the arrowverse, with its first season being exceptional. My favorite character is Grant Gustin’s Barry Allen (AKA The Flash). The first season was amazing and enjoyable, and the story was very complex. 🤯
In general, the series is awesome, and I recommend it to everyone, all the characters are awesome and unique with their own admirable personality, the unique thing that I don’t like was that in some seasons you need to see other series to understand everything perfectly, and I just wanted to see one series, no 4 😅
And finally, in the last season, I think there are serious errors in the trama, which I won’t say because it would be a big spoiler.
I would give 4.7 stars of 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 👍

“The boys” review
“The boys” ‘was the most unexpected series that I’ve watched on prime video this quarantine. I think it’s the answer for: “What would happen if you mix Marvel and DC superheroes and then you would add some asteroids on it?” Its fusion between known actors like Karl Urban and Antony Starr and new talents like Erin Moriarty and Jack Quaid feels like fresh air for our eyes.
The series is about a world where the people who born with superpowers are managed by private companies in the classic capitalistic way; marketed as gods who live between us. Here’s when “The Boys’ come into the scene, a group of normal humans who seek justice for the crimes committed by superheroes who hide themselves behind the mask of saints.
The things that I like the most in this series is, first, how they created a more realistic characterization about the behavior of a person with superpowers has a human part too with vices and virtues. And finally, the duality and rivality between Billy Butcher, “The Bad Good Boy” and Homelander “The Good Bad Boy” that teach us that nothing is as it seems.
I think it’s an amazing series and it’s perfect for young people who wants to see something new, ironically and specially for those who are fed up of classic Marvel and DC superheroes.
Four and a half stars out five.

Review of a Mexican food in my city:

Just entering to the restaurant was awesome, there were a lot of culturally correct Mexican decorations like skulls, big hats, a good color palete to fit (like yellows and reds).

The waitress was very kind and sweet. She wasn’t wearing nothing decorative and that was good, because it could charge the ambience with a lot of decorations so, that was perfect.

The food was spicy, just as I was specting from a Mexican restaurant and it was very delicious!

In conclusion, I’m going to give a 5/5. Just a perfect experience.

Review of Shingeki No Kyojin:
When I started to see this anime, I was traveling to the Titi Caca lake here in La Paz - Bolivia, my cousin was the person who showed the anime in his laptop, I was fascinated wth the main character whom is Eren, is a complex story cause has a lot of little datails which will have more sense later.
In conclusion, the anime has a good story, a good animation, which the first three seasons was animated by studio Wiit, and the last season (the fourth) has been animated by studio Mappa which is doing very well for me.
Finally, this year will end the story that Isajama was telling us, and I will be very sad about that because I got a strong relation with the characters, of curse I will see it again but for a long time the weather will be cold to me.

Now I give to the anime 6 stars of 5. 8’v

“Gambito de dama” is a serie of Netflix about a girl that is a fantatic of the chess and dedicated her life to play. I liked it much because the plot develop incredibly since the life of the girl until her adulthood. She goes through many difficulties and she deviates from the path many times, but manages to become the world champion

The Big Bang Theory is the best series that you can watch in TV, of course after of Friends. It is a comedy series. Its stars are Jim Parson, Johnny Galechi, Kaley Cuoco and its director is Mark Cendrowski.
The series is about two Scientifics that they are roomies and they have a beautiful neighbor, her name is Penny (Kaley Cuoco). The series shows us the simple life or special life of Scientifics in a fun way. It is a comedy similar to friends, but the special of this series is that characters are Scientifics and Nerds, they like the comics and you can watch the passion for the culture geek.
If you like fun and laugh, you must watch this series.

I would like to read your comments.

Dr House is my TV series favorite, was produced for David Shore (The same producer of Law and Order) who was inspired by real medical cases and his admired Sherlock Holmes, with whom House bears clear similarities. As a tribute, House’s apartment is 221B, the same number as Sherlock’s on Baker Street. Is a mixed of drama and comedy. The main character is Dr house and his “Residents” which admire to House. The TV serie has eight seasons and all are amazing overall the eighth season.
House is a great Doctor, but have some problems, because is arrogant, stubborn and have a problem with his leg, it causes what always walking stick and addiction with Vicodene. The serie is developed mainly in the hospital which arrive patients with serious health problems, Dr House in many ocassions know quicky the diagnostic but he like play and challenge to the residents and patients, it generates differents reactions in the persons and with this actions amaizing, dramatics and unexpecteds, which causes the viewer to never get bored.
Really I don´t have arguments or things for say of Dr House that I don´t like, only I think it is complete is great, furthermore if you are a curious person this TV serie can help you know about medicine. Because of that I give it a five star rating.
Dr House is a character incredible, to analize to House is open a book of knowledge because always to surprise his actions, thoughts, phrases and wisdom. This television series can provide to you more than entertainment and for this and many things more, I recommended this TV serie.

Movie/Series: Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Reviewed by: Bere
Genre: Comedy

**Stars/Director: **Melissa Joan Hart, Nate Richert, Caroline Rhea, Beth Broderick.
Main Characters: Sabrina Spelman, Salem, Harvey, Hilda, Zelda

It is about…
The daily routine about a teenage witch called Sabrina who on his birthday 16, she finds out that is half-witch and half-human, and her life change, when she moved to lives with his aunts and their cat called Salem.
In this series, we can see the adventures of Sabrina in school, how her powers affect her routine and how she can solve things. I think that is a series very funny because is different.
When she went to the university, she left that uses her powers and I think that begins to do some boring.
Overall is an amazing series and very funny.

Run is movie from netflix whish is interest and nice to see with company.
I hear of movies with similar trama about that, but this is the first time when I see this type of cinematographic history.
That´s nice, they maintain focus in the suspense and intrigrate while you discover new relevations. Is little tetric. however in the past I saw harder movis than these.

I don´t some incoherence in the history, maybe can do better but i don´t know.

I recommend that for a nice and funny movie night with your friends or your partner.

Queen’s Gambit is a nice Serie about a girl likes play chess, She lived with her mom, but after a time she go to an internship, she know a old man and he show her how play chess, she learn a lot from him. She becomes obsessed in learn all about chess then she to start reading books and participating in differents chess tournaments until to be a world champion.

The Good Doctor is my favorite TV show. It is a medical drama. It stars Freddie Highmore, Hill Harper, Richard Schiff, Nicholas Gonzalez and has different Directors.

The series is about the routine of Shaun Murphy a young surgeon with autism and savant syndrome at the fictional St. Bonaventure Hospital in San Jose, California. Also, it shows the stories behind the patients. The Good doctor is based on the 2013 South Korean series of the same name.

There are two things I like about this serie. The first one is the protagonist, I love Shaun Murphy because his personal history, his motivations and his personality is very charming also I think the main character is very brave and strong because he go through the social prejudices towards “different people”. The second is all the stories behind the patients, especially the emotional stories (My favorite are those histories that make you cry). On the other hand, I don´t like when there are chapters complety focus on the romance, because I don´t saw it like something necesary for the lineal trama (It´s irrelavant to me).

Overall, it is a fantastic serie, and you have to wacht it if you like medical dramas.

Fight club (1999) it’s a Psychological Drama Thriller movie.
Three characters develop the complete movie Marla, Tyler Durden, and the main character (Yes, he doesn’t have a name)
The movie talks about the main character, a man that has Insomnia, and the only cure that he found for it was help clubs.
Everything was good, he was sleeping like a baby through all the days that he had been in the help clubs. But then this girl came over, Marla, she was a liar, like him.
He couldn’t sleep after that so he split the clubs with her until he met Tyler Durden, they decide to create a fight club where men can set free their instincts. But then all starts coming over control. What would you do if a project starts to have life itself?

This movie blew my mind, it gave me a lot of sense and a lot of information to search too. The movie for me it’s quite perfect I’ll give it 10/10.

Dragon Ball is my favorite anime since I was a child. It was created by Akira Toriyama in 1984. The main character is Son Goku and the series shows his adventure from his childhood until his adulthood.
Goku and his friends explored the world looking for the dragon balls. In this adventure, they had to fight with many bad guys and people from other planets.
I like this tv show because it taught me many good things about friendship, the importance of life, and take care of the entire world.
Finally, I recommend you watch the whole series, you can find it on the Internet.

Ted Lasso is a TV series with two seasons. It is a mixed about comedy and real life situations. It is nice to watch and relax, every episode give you some advice or a quote to take a note and apply in the real life. Each character has a distinct personality. Some of then are funny, selfish, loving, dreamer, angry, jealous and more.
The story take a place in London. It is about a soccer team with a new coach, actually a different and special coach from US. The central message from the beginning until the end can be a reduced just in one word, “Believe”. So, do you think they can win the Premier League cup?

The Bible is the most translated and reading book on the history, is amazing because the Bible do not pass old fashioned although his more than 4 thousands of years, At the beggining it was a really bored book for me but when you make a real effort to be close of God you can find the correct way to understand it. JESÚS is the way, The better and unmatched person around the world, history or thing and all the Bible talk about Him with differents people, examples, historys and cultures. The Bible has been misinterpreted for many important people around the world, It is not a negative way of itself but turn in difficult way fot the normal people who make a personal idea from the perspective of other comments without have your own personal experience with the Bible. The Bible is one of the holy books around the world but the only one who have coherence from the beggining at the end. Don’t you believe? ¿Have you read and apply his tips? Try to do it!

“The good Doctor)” is one of my favorite TV shows. It
is a medical drama. Its star is Freddy Highmore, he is Shaun Murphy. The series is about the routine of doctors at the fictional St. Bonaventure Hospital in San Jose, California. The Good Doctor has four seasons
There are two things I love about this series. The first one is the character, Shaun Murphy because he is an autistic young surgeon and he inspired me. The second is all the stories, and how it shows the real-life of doctors.
On the other hand, I do not like when people die, but I understand. It is necessary to show the real situations in a hospital and the death is part of.
Overall, it is a fantastic series, and you have to watch it if you like a good drama series.

Here is my review! I tried to do it the best I could. It include the draft (which I don’t corrected, so it has a lot of grammar mistakes) and the review. You can skip the former if you want.


Anime: Ansatsu Kyōshitsu (Assassination Classroom)
Genre: Action, science fiction, dramatic comedy

Creator: Yūsei Matsui
Manga illustrator: Yūsei Matsui
Anime director: Seiji Kishi

Main characters:

  • Koro-sensei
  • Tadaomi Karasuma
  • Irina Jelavić


  • Nagisa Shiota
  • Karma Akabane
  • Kaede Kayano

Rate: five stars I love it


  • The original trama
  • The good vibe between the characters
  • The depth of the charecters
  • The plot
  • The soundtrack


  • The character design is somehow basic
  • Some parts kind of sexuallizes women

I recommend it to people who wants…

  • laugh
  • cry
  • have a nostalgic feeling for the school
  • see amazing characters filled with fellowship
  • watch and awesome plot

It’s about…

  • A strange creature who has destroyed the moon.
  • A classroom who have to kill their theacher to avoid the destruction of the earth.
  • A classroom who is considerated inferior to the rest of the school.
  • The difficult task of assesinate a creature that is smart and super fast, and that is the best theacher they ever had.
  • It shows the different strategies that the students make to accomplish their task.

Complete Review:

Ansatsu Kyōshitsu (Assassination Classroom)” is my favorite Anime. It is a dramatic comedy merged with action and science fiction. The manga is created and illustrated by Yūsei Matsui, and the anime is directed by Seiji Kishi.
The story starts when a strange creature destroys the 70% of the moon, and threat to do the same with the Earth. He makes a deal with the government; he’s not going to do anything if the students of the 3-E classroom achieve killing him.
The 3-E classroom is considered inferior for the rest of the school, since all the students with bad grades go there. Now, they have the opportunity of won 10 million dollars. However, they face the difficulty of murder a creature (Koro-Sensei for them) that is super fast and smart, and who is the best teacher they ever had.
I like a lot of things about the serie. First, the main character Koro-Sensei, who I think is a teacher that all of us would like to have. Second, the emotions of every chapter, which vary among happiness, reflection, and occasionally sadness. Finally, the incredible soundtrack that wraps everything together.
Some things I don’t like is the kind of basic character design (visually speaking). As an example, all the students have the same body type. Next, sometimes falls in the sexualization of women, which is unfortunately usual in Anime.
Overall, it’s a great anime and has been my favorite for a long time. I recommend it to everybody who wants to laugh, spend a great time, learn from the characters and watch an awesome plot.
💝Thank you for reading!

I love the movie Fast & Furious 9. It is an action and suspense movie with some science fiction. The director is Justin Lin. The main characters are Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodríguez, Charlize Theron, Tyrese Gibson, Chris “Ludacris” Bridges, John Cena, Jordana Brewster, Nathalie Emmanuel, Sung Kang, Michael Rooker, Helen Mirren y Kurt Russell.
It is about missions that the main characters have to do to solve problems. Many times, they are between life and death. There are various cars and races; incredible situations, like going to space for example.
I like all the crazy adventures the characters go on. I don’t dislike anything. The movie gives a good message.
I recommend it to people who like to see crazy things, action, and suspense.

Top Gun Maverick is the best movie that i have seen in this year. It is a movie action with a little romanticism. It main character is Tome Cruise who interprets the captain Maverick, Miles teller as Bradley Bradshaw, Val Kilmer as Tom or also called Ice Man and it director is Joseph Kosinski.
The movie is about a team formed by the best pilots of the USA to do a very difficult and dangerous mission who will be trained for the captain Maverick, has two hours of duration.
Definitely the thing that i liked most is the scenes when the team have to drive the jets since it is so exciting watch them on that extreme speed also the plot is so good and entertaining since the characters have do at a so dangerous mission but there is a thing that i din’t like, they change Maverick’s girlfriend, she did not act in the first movie.
Generally it is a great movie and very entertaining and i recommend it very much.

Breaking Bad is a tv serie wich you can see in Netflix. This is my favorite serie because it is like a real life. The life of the Walter White in the High School is very similar to my life and I understand him.

Itaewon Class. Is my favorite TV series. It is a Korean drama. The stars are Park Seo Joon, Kim Da Mi, Yoo Jae Myung and Kwon Na Ra and the director is Kim Sung Yoo.

This serie is based in a webtoon writed by Kwang Jin an it is about a man that his father die when he was ver young, he knew about the responsibles, but they had a lot of power so he could not do anything about it. He had a dream to open a restaurant but firts he have to trought a lot of obstacles to achieve it, but he show a a great strength despite of all that he had to suffer in whole his life.

I like that is serie very motivational and inspiring, I know that have a lot of drama but I think that makes it in a better history, and also I like two characters that are focus on their goalsn after they find a reason to fight and achieve their dreams.

Overall, it is an amazing series, and I recomend to you if you like Keorean dramas but also If you are a person that likes motivational and about entrepreneurship TV series.

One Piece is one of my favorites animes based on my favorite manga writted and drew by Eiichirō Oda. it’s a figths shonen in a fictisius world.
The anime follow the Luffy’s adventures, a pirate that wants get the " One Piece", which is the bigest treasure of the pirates king. Thats plot looks simple but the anime is on air since 1999 (22 years ago) and the anime continues and its manga is the most sold of the history with 450 M. copies sold.
I love the anime because seems so simple, but along the aventure you can know theirs characters. Besides talk about politic from a good view point. Finally the most important point is that the world is one of the best ficticius worlds, the author give enoght time to developed this keeps that the anime almost reach the 1000 episodes. Sometimes this number is a problem because is a very long serie and needs enought free time to watch it from the beginner.
Concluding, if you wants watch a very good shonen anime and you have free time, I recomended that watch One Piece.

Review of a New Movie: “The C.E.O”. A couple of entrepreneurs start the foundation of a Startup. Unparalleled adventure in this mission until they manage to form a great company. The film leaves us great lessons on how the bureaucracy works in each of the countries where the action takes place, and the tenacity that characterizes the protagonists which leads them to achieve their goal.
Recommended for all audiences (Rated PG). Starring Roberto Urbina, Colombian actor as the CEO and Ferdinando Valencia, Mexican actor as the COO.

The vampire Diaries is one of my favorites TV shows. It is a romance mixed whit a lot of fantasy. It stars Nina Dobrev, Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley, and her director is Julie Plec.
The series is about a romance between two brothers who became vampire 100 years ago, and then they meet a girl and both fall in love, in addition the girl have a doppelgänger and this one return because is a vampire too, and really I like this character due to have a contrast sometime is like the bas but her aspirations is more than that, but sometimes will can be also selfish.
Overall all the series is very good therefore I recommend for who likes the romance and fantasy

Mad Max: Fury Road is a film released in 2015. It was directed by George Miller, starring Charlize Theron as Furiosa and Tom Hardy as Max. The movie is placed in a post-apocalyptic world, with scarce resources and where the only thing that matters is survive.
This epic film tell us the journey of Furiosa and Max, each one with different objectives. But as they advance, the enemy and his entire army will seek for vengeance and death. Explosions, fights and endless chasing in vehicles, all in a unfriendly desert.
I was completely amazed by the entire movie, from the plot and world itself to the soundtrack, even more considering the fact that most especial effects were made in real life. Also, you empathize with the characters and see their development throughout the movie.
So, for me, Mad Max: Fury Road is 5/5 stars. It is a must-see, especially if you like action movies. It is available on Netflix.

House of the Dragon is a British Fantasy, drama, and action series. Its first season was broadcast on August 21st, 2022, and for now, we have the second season released on June 16th , waiting for the third season which has been confirmed. This series is a prequel of Game of Thrones, and it takes place 172 years before GOT. Of course, it is based on the books of George R.R Martin, especially “Fire and Blood”. This series has been recorded mainly in the UK, Portugal, Spain and the USA. The majority of its actors are British. As stars, we have Emma D’arcy and Milly Alcock playing Rhaenyra. Olivia Cooke and Emily Carey play Alicent Hightower. We also we have a Daemon, Viserys, Otto, Cole, Velaryon family and many others characters. The First season relates how the relashionships between the families and their ambitions were, also the characters, the movements, strategies and the explanation of their behaviors. This second season is centered on the events known as the Dance of Dragons. At this moment, we are still waiting for more episodes, in which we hope not to see more of Cole and Alicent, please. If you want feel different emotions while you watch an incredible and well-produced series, you must see House Of The Dragon, trust me you’re going to be obsessed.
Hi everyone! My worksheet and my review are here: Friends is my favorite TV serie. It starts J. Aniston, C. Cox, L. Kudrow, M. LeBlanc, M. Perry and D. Schwimmer. Also, It was produced by Gary H., Kevin B. and others. The serie is about six people that they are the best friends. They live in Manhattan, and they have different jobs. Rachel is a beautiful actress who works as a waitress in a bar. Also, Joey want to get a job as an actor, but he does not have luck. The others friends have different personalities who are helping in every chapter with funny comments or romantic moments. In my opinion, it is the best series and I recommended it to people that like comedy and drama stories. ![](

hello my review is of " kimetsu no yaiba" this is an anime of dark fantasy, and adventure, it was written by Koyoharu Gotoge, the manga it her publication started on Feb. 15th of 2016, and the anime started on Apr. 6th of 2019.
this history begin with Muzan, he is a demon, and he convert they people in demons, his blood have a lot be able, because it allow he to change of form how a child, a woman, an old, even a meat cocoon dilating resisting poisons, and too he give able to his demons, but if they mention his name in big voice the curse is activated it destroying to the demon, Muzan have twelve upper moons, they are the more loyal and Strongs.
on the other hand, the pillars are the better swordsmen’s, they are nine demon slayers, also they have techniques of breathing depending his ability, but the pillar of fire is the unique that can to win to Muzan, in one occasion almost it defeats, due to this Muzan murder the family of Tanjiro and converted to Nezuko (minor sister) in demon, tanjiro for save her sister he be converted in demon slayer, and he promised murder to Muzan for that Nezuko be human again.
not only the history is very good, too the animation has a lot details that make it seem real, and us make to feel very emotions, in concluding I recommended this anime, hope they liked it and they are encouraged to see it.

Movie: 300
Rate: 5 stars
It’s about the war between Spartans against Persians in which a small group of spartan ( 300 soldiers) fought against thousands of Persians
I liked the story and the behavior of Spartans.
I dislike anything of that movie.
I recommend you guys watch that movie.

The One Piece is real!

I recommend it this anime serie about pirates. Its name is One Piece and started over 20 years ago. Mr Eiichiro Oda is the writer of this famous anime. Its genre is Shonnen, Their characters are normal humans and humans with special powers, monsters, heroes and villains. Everyone have one objective, find the One Piece. Your positive points are, good history, epic battles and character development. The only negative point is that it is very long, because it has more than a thousand episodes. It have five stars of rating for me.!

Spiderman no way home, it's one of my favorites movies of Marvel (UCM) it's an action movie. It stars Jon Watt, the main character Is Peter Parker, he Is a student, he want help His friends to go the university. This movie it was very expected for the fans, because nobody knows if they went characters from the past, and when the past character appear, it was a memorable moment, because they are three generation together. It was an incredible idea. I like the story and how they can put all together in This movie. I don't like the final of the main character, but This do the story go on. I recommended it to every person like action movies AND superhéroes. The Marvel movies are amazing.

Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite films. It is a movie based on Jane Austen’s novel. You can find Love and drama in a special and beautiful way.
Main characters are two persons who love to each other, but are envolved in a drama with their families and prejudices of the time.
I think the most amazing in this film is the cinematography and beautiful sequence shots, and when you hear the musical composition is when you love more this movie.
This movie deserve 5 stars!!

Naruto is the best anime I´ve seen in my life, It has everything: drama, action, suspense, etc.

The Umbrella Academy: It is a series of drama and suspense at the same time, my favorite character is Number Five, he is somewhat self-centered, angry and very handsome 😄, I would really give him five stars

My favorite serie is “friends”. I like because it’s fanny. It is about friendship. They are five very close friends. They live together. They are a dog and a cat. They are always close, they never part. Sometimes they discuss but then they speak again. Is a real life history and is very fanny.

Brawl Stars Is a game of Supercell that came out the june of the 2017, is a battle royale where you compete with other people of the world, Also there are many modes of games, un example is Balon Brawl this is my favorite, The game has a lively and tender style and very cute, However The Brawler more cute is the skin of the Primo of a teddy bear. In my Opinion is of the best videogames de Movil, is amazing

Friends’ is one of my favourite series in the world. It is a 90s comedy about six friends. They do not live all together, but they are usually in Monica’s flat or at a cafe called ‘‘Central Perk’’. The main characters are Ross and Monica Geller, Rachel, Joey, Chandler, and my favourite one, Phoebe.

During 10 seasons we see how they change, how they achieve their goals, their lives, relationships. It is amazing!

Also, there are some romantic moments that mark our lives, especially with all the drama.

Rate: 10/10 (because I love it)

Chernobyl is one my favorite tv series. It is a based on real events in Urania. The series is about the before, during and after the explosion on the Chernobyl nuclear reactor, through its protagonist. During its five episodes and it will make you reflect on the causes and consequences of the nuclear accident, as well as clarify your opinion it is a fantastic series, and you have to watch it if you like a good series biography

Daredevil is my favorite series, it is a mix of action, drama and crime. Starring by Charlie Cox, Deborah Ann Woll, Vincent D’Onofrio and Elden Henson, and Kati Johnston as its main Director.

The series is about Matt Murdock, a lawyer when he was a young boy went blind, but he was gifted with overdeveloped senses that makes Matt a super human. Then, he became a superhero to help people, but he discovers that his city is controlled by racketeering, and influences over our knowledge. It was released with other 4 series, each for a single superhero, that in a series all of them work together to defeat their worst enemy.

What I love about Daredevil is the humanization of the superheros. Normally, they are presented as gods, and anything can hurt them, but all the Odyssey that Matt cross makes evolve the character. Another thing is that they show how the racketeering can be the worst thing that a city can have, manipulating things, and disappearing people.

Overall, it is one of the best superhero series. Watch it if you are tired to see all the untouchable superheros.

Peaky Blinders is an English television series of historical drama, broadcast on the BBC Two channel. The series stars Cillian Murphy and focuses on a gangster family from Birmingham during the 1920s and the rise of their boss, Thomas Shelby, a mobster who will rule all of England.

The creators of the series were based on the Peaky Blinders, a criminal gang that existed in the city of Birmingham in the mid-20th century and was characterized by sewing razor blades on their caps.

There is one thing I like most about this series, is all the stories behind the cases, especially when there is a lot of drama since it makes me feel like I am in the role of investigating those scenarios which I love.

Overall, it is a fantastic series, and you have to watch it if you like a good drama and police series.

Avengers end game is the best heros movie in all the history. It’s an adventure movie. The movie released in 2019 and It was the end of the first MCU (Marvel Cinematographic Universe) saga. As all the avengers movies, the principal actor were Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johanson, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany among others.
You can watch the movie and you never know about the 3 hours that de movie is taking. All the marvel’s heros have a minuts in the movie so You will find your favorite marvel hero in this movie.
The thing that most like to me was the fighting. Almost all the movie is about fights and there is a lot for action and good special effects.
Overall, this is my favorite movie, You should see It right now.


“The Office” (US version) is my favorite comedy series. Most of its episodes are direct by Randall Einhorn. And the main stars are Steve Carell, John Krasinski, Rainn Wilson and Jenna Fischer.

The series is about the routine of a group of coworkers at
Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, Inc. This series also includes a love story between Jim & Pan, two coworkers, and how they try to move from being friends to being a couple. The boss of this company is Michael Scott, he tries to enjoy the moment at work and tries to be the “funny guy”, and jokes around whit all his coworkers and subordinate. There is another main character, Dwight, Dwight tries to be Michael’s best friend, while trying to be boss of the company, it is his biggest dream. Each episode tells a funny little story of these coworkers.

It is the funniest series I have ever seen. Although it is a comedy series it has a very good plot devolvement, and even includes a love story, and this mix makes it a complete and entertaining series. Although it is a good series, I think the first season is the worst of the whole series, because the humor is too different from the other seasons. And I also think the series lost a lot when Michael left the series, even lost some humor in the following seasons of the loss, but in the last seasons they recover a good humor without Michael.
Overall, this series is the most popular comedy series in the US. It has flexibility and charm. I recommend it to anyone who works in an office and likes good humor.

Sex education is a serie produced by Netflix on the UK. Is a teenager drama created by Laurie Nu in 2019.
The story is about Oris, a normal 16 years old boy, with one exception, her mom is a sex therapist, and he knows a lot about it.
By chance he and Maeve a badass girl are going to start a sex clinic in their school.
It has nice actors, beautiful environment, nice written characters.
It’s a great serie, but teenager’s must remember that it’s just a serie, it’s okay to have a boring life without alcohol and sex.
I’ve liked sex education! Just be careful with the sex scenes.

Review of Life 3.0
The full title of the book is: Life 3.0: Being human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence written by Max Tegmark (2018). It’s a scientific dissemination book about the main topic of artificial intelligence.

Max Tegmark explains about the threats, cons and pros of the rising of the applications of the artificial intelligence (AI) around the world, and the probability to achieve agents smarter than humans which is a wide discussion between many researchers and engineers.

I love this book because it contains a lot of amazing information about related topics to the AI, such as philosophy, physics, computer science, biology and so on. So, you can get thinking about many interesting things, questions and situations.

I strong recommend this book, I think every student (learner) must read this book in order to understand something that is generating a new technological revolution.

I May Destroy You is a series based on real-life and its genre is drama-comedy. Arabella is a writer and influencer. One day, she goes to a party with friends and she is raped. During the series, it storytime how a victim of rape has been affronted this situation. It’s very sad for moments and it’s honest, the series uses the elements of comedy to approach a cruel situation.
The positive is that you can reflect on the responsibility in gender violence and the negative is a series can a difficult to see. I recommend after they see it maybe you can have an introspection space.

End game

This film is last saga for the avenger, is an action movie starring by all heroes of comics, this is a excelent history where the super heroes would be defend to people from crazy and evil thanos.

Is awesome production but for enjoy this movie you have been see the others ovies for know all sequence.

5 stars

A review typically covers several key elements. It presents a personal opinion about a specific item, such as a movie, book, or product. A good review includes the following: 1. **Overview**: A brief description of the item being reviewed. 2. **Arguments**: Supporting points that justify your opinion. 3. **Characters**: If applicable, mention significant characters and their traits. 4. **Plot**: Summary of the main storyline without revealing spoilers. 5. **Pros and Cons**: Highlight what you liked and disliked. 6. **Rating**: A score or grade reflecting your overall assessment. This structure provides context for readers and helps them understand your perspective.
“Our oceans” is a documentary produced by Netflix. It is about the biology and species in the different oceans across the world. Obiously it has no characters as a movie or a TV show, because it is centred in animals and the different kind of lives in the oceans. My favorite chapter is the first one that talks aboud species and his interactions in the interoceanic currents, like dolphins, whales and marine cows, inter alia. It is a scientific documentary, that is characterized by its simplicity and Depth. I rate it with 10 stars.
"Limitless" is one my favorite movies. It's a suspense and science fiction movie. The movie is directed by Neil Burger and stars Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro. The movie is about the potential of the human mind, but with the influence of an experimental medicine. A normal person can be the best version of themselves by taking a medication that allows them to use their full brain capacity. I like the form who it shows viewer all things that we can do if we had no distractions and focused. Overall, in my opinion it is a good movie, I recommendations it to people who like "what if.."
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"CSI: Miami (Crime Scene Investigation: Miami)" is a crime drama series created bye Anthony E. Zuiker, Carol Mendelssohn, and Ann Donahue. Starring David Caruso as Horario Caine, it is set in Miami, Florida, and aires from 2002 to 2012. It's genre includes crimes, drama, and mystery. The series follows a team of forensic investigators solving crimes using science and evidence. Each esposo de explores new cases, such as murders and kidnappings, while ocassionally touching on the personal lives of the characters. The vibrant visuals and Miami's sunny setting make the show unique. Horario Caine's charisma adds intensity, thought some storylines may feel repetitive. The suspense and science are its main attractions. Overall, it is a interesting series. I recommend it for it's engaging cases and icónico characters, specially Horatio's memorable lines.
"CSI: Miami(Crime Sucede Investigation: Miami)" is a crime drama series created by Anthony E. Zuiker, Carol Mendelsohn, and Ann Donahue. Starring David Caruso as Horatio Caine, it is set in Miami, Florida, and aired from 2002 to 2012. Its genre includes crime, drama, and mystery. The series follows a team of forensic investigators solving crimes using science and evidence. Each episode explores new cases, such as murders and kidnappings, while occasionally touching on the personal lives of the characters. The vibrant visuals and Miami's sunny setting make the show unique. Horatio Caine's charisma adds intensity, though some storylines may feel repetitive. The suspense and science are its main attractions. Overall, it is a interesting series. I recommend it for it's engaging cases and icónico characters, especially Horatio's memorable lines.
"Malcolm in the middle" is one of my favorite sitcoms shows. It is a comedy full of weird stories and memorable characters. It stars Frankie Muniz, Brian Cranston, Jane Kaczmarek, Eric Per Sullivan, Justin Berfield and Christopher Masterson. Was Created by Linwood Boomer, and has different directors. The protagonist is Malcolm, a teenager with high IQ; who must deal with typical teenager problems, his crazy family and the fact of being a genius. The series is about the daily episodes of Malcolm, his father Hal, his strict and cruel mother Louis, his bully brother Reese, his younger brother Dewey; and his ex-rebel older brother Francis, who lives a life apart, and later he will get married with Piama. Most of the series happens in situations of the members of the family getting in troubles (usually for Malcolm and his brothers fault), resulting in hilarious and surreal situations. Sometimes, there are side-stories about neighbors and friends of the family, like Craig, a work partner of Louis, who also is in love of her. I like the series because the stories development is very hilarious and creative; each one of the characters have his own personality, I really like the character of Louis, which is an obsessive and fierce woman. Also, I like that the series is about daily independent situation, but it has a temporal development, and you can see how the time is passing and the characters are growing and maturing. By other hand, I do not like the development of some of the characters; and I find some of the episodes boring and repetitive, which is perfectly understandable, considering the fact the series have 7 seasons and 151 episodes, and it is difficult thinking in new ideas. I give the series 4 of 5 stars. It is a great series and perfect for who wants just relax and laughs for a while.
**My review about the movie. "Opennheimer"** Opennheimer is one of my favorite movies. It is based in real facts, it is suspense and appear the chemistry subject . It stars are cillyan Murphy, Robert Dowmey Jr. and Emily Blunt. and the director of the movie was Chistopher Nolan. The movie goes back in the forties; it show us about how the nuclear bomb was create and by who. It is interesting because appers important person like Albert Einstein, Wener Heinseberg and a lot politic people that they gave permission to develop the nuclea bomb. The project was called "The Manhattan Project" conscripting to best chemestry people and hospedarse in a town with their families. I think the movie show us a lot of facts and people that anyone knows even I know is necessary to give the complete information for a movie is heavi and people can lose the atention and they can't undestand. The special efects was awesome I liked them a lot and the soundtrack was incredible, I made me lose the notion of time during the movie and I felt the movie last it 30 min (The movie hard 3 hours). Overall, it is a fantastic movie, and if you like the histoy I am sure that it will like to you, I hope you can see it soon, thank you so much.
Homework Text Trepalium Is a six \_ episode miniseries created by Sophie Hiet, Antares Bassis in Francia. It is a drama story starring Leonie Simaga, Pierre Deladonchamps, Ronit Elkabetz, Aurelien Recoing, Lubra Azabel Charles Berhing The series is about how the world is in a very critical situation with global employment. Only 20% of the population is employed while unemployment leaves 80% living in proverty. A group of out\_of work activists will do justice with their means to overthrow corrupt governments In the near future a wall divides the population in two. On the one hand, the area with 80% of unemployed people, and on the active population lives. Izia katell lives with her son in the area. She is selected by the goverment to become a caring employee in Aquaville on the asset side. It is a story that engages from the beginning and invites us to reflect on the world in which we live where the lack, of employment develops worldwide and where social class struggles exist
Breaking Bad is a tv serie wich you can see in Netflix. This is my favorite serie because it is like a real life. The life of the Walter White in the High School is very similar to my life and I understand her
The movie "Need for Speed" is based on the video game of the same name. "Need for Speed" is an action movie with chase scenes and fast cars. This movie is very important for automotive culture, since it features iconic cars such as the Ford Mustang, Lamborghini Six Element, Koenisegg Agera, among others. It came out in 2014.
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"Anne with an E" is a TV show based on the classic novel *Anne of Green Gables* by Lucy Maud Montgomery. In this series, actress Amybeth McNulty stars as Anne Shirley, with Geraldine James and R.H. Thomson playing Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert. It was directed by Moira Walley-Beckett. The story takes place in the small rural town of Avonlea in 19th-century Canada. The genre is categorized as drama with elements of romance and comedy. Anne Shirley is an orphan with an incredible imagination. Two siblings adopted her. As she adapts to her new life, her presence changes the lives of those around her. The series explores themes like identity, friendship, and gender equality. What I like about this series is the diverse themes it addresses, the beautiful landscapes, the atmospheric setting of that century, the emotions it evokes, and the messages it conveys. In summary, 'Anne with an E' is a very moving series that I recommend to anyone looking for a story with rich characters and thought-provoking themes, suitable for all ages.
<u>Ruthles Lies</u> It is a Netflix tv series, of the drama genre whose directors are Mauricio Oliveira and Angela Cháves. The theme takes place in Brazil and Its main actors are Ana Riels and Chico Dasilva. It is about a newly married couple who cannot have children , they have been trying, one afternoon Liana looks for Tomás gets upset because it is not a natural relationship. As a result of this displeasure Tomás leaves the city and Liana goes to a nightclub at night and drinks a lot and is accopanied by Oscar, who is the owner of the nightclub and frien of Tomás. Oscar takes actvantage of Liana´s drunken state and spendes the night together, later Liana becomes pregnaut with twins. According to medical studies one of the children is Tomás and other is Osca´s, a rare case in the world. Liana decides to give up the child that is not Tomás for adoption, but after the birth she regrets it and raices her children together. Tomás in the course of children´s growth, prefers Mateo, neglecting Marcos, and , Liana, who is always defending equal treatment. Oscar, Who is always involved in drinking and drugs claims paternity of his son by them for 1 millons dollars. This is the plot of the series that takes place in 17 episodes. I likes the series because Liana changes her when she has her children together, having to face a series of problems of all kinds. What I dont like and what invities me to reflect, is that in a marital flight were both beharve badly it causes disconfort for a lifetime, putting at risk whar you love most, which are you children.
V of vendetta is one of my favorite movies. It is a thriller with action and suspense. It stars Natalie Portman, Evey, Hugo Weaving, V and James McTeigue how directors The movie is about the plan of V to revenge of all people that have been devil with he. V is a character very interesting. He is very intelligent, and He likes read book, the movie and the theater. So is a dramatic person. However, when He has started his plan to know Evey and She change hir plan. The reason is that V was to win the heart of Evey. However, V died because He decided the revenge to make the change of his country and to give this new relative to Evey. Overall, it is a fantastic series, and you have to watch it if you like this king of movies.
Tangled is a movie based on a fairy tale the Brother's Grimm. produced by Walt Disney Animation Study. And this movie ia the genre aventure, musical comedy and animation in 3D. This movie tells the story about a young princess with the long hair blond that isolated on a tower for her mother, she never lost hope the someday get out og that tower, but her mother tricks her into believing that if she leaves the tower something bad could happen to her. i like this movie because the animation is spectacular and the trama is different to others movies of princess, so, the comedy is good by all type of people. I don't can say that i don't like some the movie think this movie is perfect, in my opinion, recomment much the movi, above all if you want watch with the family or kids.
*My review is about the movie Inglourious Basterds. It is one of my favorite movies because when I saw it for the first time I did not imagine all the craziness that could happen and how the writer seeks in a certain way to do justice within his own story, which, being fantastic, can allow the good guys to win war.*
Space Jam is one of my favorite movies. This movie was made for everyone to enjoy. Michel Jordan, Box Bunnie, and Looney Toon's characters make this iconic production memorable. It is a cartoon movie where Michael Jordan ends up playing a basketball game to decide the future of Box Bunie and all his friends from a villain from space. It is a great movie to see with your family and friends. Everyone has at least once heard their name during childhood even kids now know who they are I am pretty sure you will enjoy it if you have not watched it yet.
The avengers is a fiction science movie from Marvel. It's about different superheroes that trying to save the world in different cases for villains who trying to gain the world for their interest.

‘‘Stranger Things’’ is one of my favorite series on Netflix. It’s a terror mixed some drama and supernatural. It has setting that 80’s, so that is making so interesting.
The serie is about a group of pree-tens friends that they live in a small town, a day one of them strangely disappears and the town, the police, the family and friends starts his search but they find a lot of mistery and supernatural scenes, it’s very entertaining. It has 4 seasons and at the moment I see the third season and I liked everything. I recommend you guys.

" Antes de Diciembre, Despues de Diciembre, Tres Meses" is a trilogy of books beautiful, romantic and dramatic, The principal character is a girl, Her name is Jenna, Shes nineteen years old, she travels to other city for her university, She known news friends, one of the guys is Jack Ross, who will be part of her life.
Her news friends are very nice and funny.
I like all this trilogy.
Super recommended.

The Walking Death is an horror tv series that occurs in an apocalyptic world where humankind try to survive fighting for the few resources that found and running away from the zombies. The main character’s name is Rick, a police that after get shot, fall in coma, and when he wakes up, found a world completly empty and fully of zombies. Even with the negative things like killing one of the favorites characters; this serie is a 10 for me.

The Lord of the Rings is my favorite movie. It is a fantasy and action film. Starring Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom, its director is Peter Jackson.

The Lord of the Rings film trilogy follows the adventures of Frodo Baggins and his journey to destroy the ring of power that would end the war in Middle-earth.

On the journey, Frodo, a brave and noble-hearted Hoobit, and his friends (Dwarves, Elves, Wizards and other Hobitts) encounter many setbacks in completing their mission.
This trilogy is the most awarded in the history of cinema, with sixteen Oscars. Highly recommended for any audience.
I give it the highest rating.

I think Platzi Academy deserves 5/5 stars.

My present Hobby: Learning English Language
I really love to watch English Video at Platzi, because here I can learn a lot, for example; I have learned tips and tricks that I can apply in my English skills.
For example: If I want to have a correct pronunciation I can apply different tips of pronunciation making the correct articulation and using correctly my articulators.
If I want to have a good spelling in my different drafting I have to apply all the things that I have learned so far.
Additionally, I have practiced my listening skills here also my speaking skills.
In conclusion, I recommend you to continue learning here at this amazing platform and Never stop learning.
Thank you for your attention.

Modern Family is my favorite series. The main actors of this 2000’s TV show are Sofia Vergara, Julie Bowen, Ty Burrel, and Ed O’Neal.

It is about the day to day interaction of a sizable, yet close, family in California: the Pritchets. The first family has stereotypical structure with a father, mother, and three children. The second compounds of a grandfather and a his younger partner with a small boy. And, the third is a gay family with an adopted Asian child.

My favorite part of the series is the satyrical humour portrayed by the characters. This humour encompases a wide range, ranging from basic gay culture to American cliches. Each episode has a 20 min length, in which I laugh the majority of the time.

I watch this series when I feel under the weather, and I need to lift my spirits.

Me Before You is one of my favorite movie. Is a history very interesting because is mixed of emotion.
The movie is about Louisa and Will’s relantionship stars oy rocky to his bitterness and resentment over being disabled. Things worsen after Will’s ex-girlfriend, Alicia, and best friend Rupert reveal That they are getting married. Under Louisa’s care, Will gradually becomes more communicative and open-minded as they share experiences together. Louisa notices Will’s scarred wrists and later overhears his mother and father discussing how he attempted suicide shortly after Camilla refused his request to end his life through Dignitas

I´m really happy to review about one the my best TV series that I watched and I think that the most of us did watch, is Malcom is a comedy serie
The series about a american family out of the normaly that for general get involed inmany funny situations, one of them a clown fight.
The family is composed by Hall (The father), Louis (The mother) it is better not to make her angry 😂, Francis (The first son) (My favorite character), Reese (the second son), Malcom (the protagonist) and Dewey (the fourth son) after the some seasons more siblings arrive.
For me is a great serie that everyone should to watch my rate is five stars. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Review of the movie Asteroid City

It is a drama – comedy movie, I watch this movie the last weekend , this film has a duration of 120 minutes, I don’t know the name of the director, it develops in a desert in the 60s years the film has spectacular actors, like Scartleth Johansson and Tom Hanks, is a futuristic film.

The plot of the movie is a nuclear students convention, they go to the desert to argue about different theories, but some unexpected occurs and all the people are obligate to be in a confinement in a military basement

I think that it is a very interesting movie, it has a good argument, talented actors , I give 5 stars to the movie.

Friends is a sitcom that everyone should watch at least once in their lives. This sitcom shows many stages that people go throw their lives.
In this tv show the characters have different personalities and while you watch it you will get related with at least one of them because of their different behaviours in the different situations.
One of my favourite character is Rachel because she shows how to be a great profesional and she inspired me to believe in myself despite all the circunstances and to focus in my job.
I believe “Friends” is the best sitcom in the history because it’s inspired in real life and makes you laught with every episode. I highly recommend that if you want to have a nice time you should watch Friends.

As a big fan of J.R. Tolkien, I want to talk about my favorite epic book, ‘The Silmarillion’. This book invites us to enter a magical world, to discover the origins of Tolkien’s mythology, and to experience the most epic adventures and histories of the different peoples and characters of Middle Earth. At the beginning of the story, your mind is blown away because the writer presents us with a complex plot from the creation of the world until the end of the Second Age, when Sauron creates the rings and begins the war against the elves.

I love Tolkien’s way of describing characters, settings, and situations in a poetic manner. In this book, you won’t find any filler in the plot. In many of the stories, we encounter important events such as wars, heroic clashes, betrayals, rivalries between peoples and races, lineages, and more. If you miss a page, you can miss out on many important things.

One of my favorite aspects of this book is how evil is always on the brink of winning, whether it be Morgoth, the main antagonist of the plot in the First Age, or Sauron, his successor and the Dark Lord himself. However, in the end, courage, alliances between the peoples, and their hopes manage to defeat evil.

In conclusion, ‘The Silmarillion’ is not a book with predictable events. It is a very somber and raw depiction of what the characters go through, and it will transport you to the most epic adventure of your life.

Paragraph 1: The film “Y tu mamá también” is a Mexican comedy-drama directed by Alfonso Cuarón. It is set in present-day Mexico and follows two teenage friends, Julio and Tenoch, who embark on a road trip with a Spanish woman named Luisa. It is of the personal growth adventure genre.

Paragraph 2: is about Julio and Tenoch’s journey as they venture on a road trip with Luisa to a fictional beach known as “Boca del Cielo”. Along the way, they face diverse experiences that challenge their friendship and force them to confront their own desires and identities. The film explores themes of youth, sexuality, social class and the complexities of relationships.

Paragraph 3: One aspect I appreciate is its bold and honest portrayal of the characters’ internal struggles and evolving relationships. The film offers a nuanced exploration of social issues within the context of a captivating story. For example, the use of voiceover narration and documentary-style elements adds depth to the narrative, allowing the audience to connect with the characters in a more personal way.

Paragraph 4: Overall, it is a thought-provoking and engaging film, offering a unique perspective on Mexican society and the universal challenges of growing up. I highly recommend it to viewers who appreciate character-driven stories and who are willing to explore issues of identity.

“Black Mirror” is a captivating dystopian science fiction anthology series created by Charlie Brooker. It explores the dark side of technology and its potential consequences on society. With thought-provoking narratives, unexpected twists, and profound insights, each episode presents a cautionary tale about the impact of technological advancements on our lives. It challenges societal norms and prompts reflection on ethics, privacy, and the consequences of unchecked progress. “Black Mirror” is a must-watch for those who enjoy exploring complex social issues through the lens of science fiction.

Game of Thrones is my favorite series in my life. It is a mix between adventure, history, fantasy, drama, action, and more. It is based on George Martin’s books “Song of Ice and Fire”. I liked the books too.
Game of Throne’s main idea is that everyone wants to be the king of the seven kingdoms. And each one will try everything in order to be the king. EVERYTHING.
This series is interesting because always is in continuous surprise. You think something or feel an identity with some character and y the next chapter the character dies.
If you watch this series, you won’t waste your time, I think it is for all kinds of tastes. You’ll enjoy that.

This is my review of the Tv series The Crown (2016-2022).

This series is a Netflix original production and is a historical drama, it stars Claire Foy, Olivia Colman, Imelda Staunton, Helena Bonham, Dominic West, Jonathan Pryce, and John Lithgow and features different directors.

The series is about the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth II through different moments in world history.
Begins with the 20 year old Princess Elizabeth and ends with the divorce of Princess Diana.
The entire cast is magnificent, the script has won several international awards and the production is luxurious, impeccable, the best we have seen in a long time.

Undoubtedly, The Crown is one of the best historical series of recent times, and I strongly recommend you to watch it, you will not regret it.

Father Stu is a movie based on a true story. It is a drama. It stars Mark Wahlberg(favorite actor), Teresa Ruiz, Mel Gibson, Jacki Weaver, Cody Fern, Malcolm McDowell and Annet Mahendru. The movie is about a true story. Where Stuart is a retired boxer, agnostic and he has suffered an accident. After, He has a life change and discovers his true vocation of him. In my opinion I love this movie, because we all have an opportunity for a better person and I am witness to what God can do in our life.



Has anyone watched the Netflix series called “Midnight Gospel”? It’s a cartoon series about a young person who conducts interviews with various individuals they meet through a strange machine during their journeys across different worlds.

Fast and Furious saga is one of the best movies that I ever see. It is action movie. It starts with a small family in Los Angeles that likes for cars and racing competitions.

The saga is about racing with cars even though throughout the part it turns into the traffic of drugs and things related to that.

The main actor is Dominic Toretto, the star of the saga.

Overall, it is a fantastic saga that would fit exactly if you are looking for fun in the weekends.

Review of Suzume
Two weeks ago, I watched "Suzume” a new anime movie by Makoto Shinkai. It is a movie mixed with mystery, love and adventure.
The movie is about Suzume and Souta, who are the main characters, and together try to save Japan. Throughout the movie, they close some portals that look like doors, these portals were opened by Dajin.

But who is Dajin? It is a beautiful cat with some strange behaviors. It’s an adorable cat who played an important role during the movie and pushed Suzume to take action and help Souta to protect Japan from the Erthkaques.

The anime has good animation and excellent music that fits with the movie. It also reflects connection with real life because people all the time suffer from natural disasters.Overall, it is a fantastic movie, and you have to watch it if you like a good anime movie.

Last Saturday night, I watched “Dune”. It’s an epic science fiction movie based on the novel of the same name, written by Frank Herbert. It stars Timothee Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Isaac, Zendaya and Javier Bardem. The movie is directed by Denis Villeneuve. It is placed in the year, 10191, in the planet Arrakis.

The movie follows the story of Paul Atreides, son of the Duke Leto, of the house Atreides. They are the rulers of the planet Caladan, and they are sent by the Emperor to be in charge of the planet Arrakis, a desert planet that is full of the “spice”, a material used for interstellar travels, and to replace the house Harkonnen, the current rulers of that planet. This planet is inhabited by the Fremen, better known for their blue eyes.

The things that I liked about the movie were their music score and their visuals, it’s a movie that you really enjoy to watch because it shows stunning landscapes and combines perfectly with the music. I also liked the story, it has some similarities with Star Wars, Game of Thrones and other movies.
The cast is also very remarkable, there are some good performances.

The aspect that I didn’t enjoy too much was that the pace of the movie is quite slow, at times, and it could be a little faster.

Overall, I think it is a great movie, you will enjoy it if you are a fan of the novel but i if you don’t you will enjoy because it has a good story, stunning visuals, a great soundtrack and an amazing cast. Give it a try!

Good lecture

My review is about: top gun, maverick
Genre: Science Fiction
Directors: Tony Scott, Joseph Kosinski.
It is about a specialized group of yets aviators, who have an important but impossible mission as in all tom cruise movies, but this time he will be in charge of leading the group of the best aviators as 3 yets are needed to carry out the mission.
it is a good movie, with a lot of suspense and drama, however, there are no consequences of the great risk that everyone takes, however I give it a rating of 3.8.

Hi everyone!
This is my review, it is about one of my favorite books:
”Breaking the habit of being yourself” is one of my favorite books. It is a self-help book written by the Dr. Joe Dispenza.
The book explains in a scientific way how the meditation can change your life. In the first part of the book, the author explains how the brain works and all the chemistry behind it. He details some interesting facts, such as how we can become addicted to certain negative emotions, and how you can use all the brain’s chemistry to improve yourself.
The last part of the book is about meditation, but please don’t thing that it is boring, it is actually the most amazing explanation ever. Joe Dispenza describes step by step how meditation can change your brain, and, in turn, change your life. The book includes a step-by-step guide for beginners on how to meditate and explains exactly why you are doing each step.
As a chemical engineer, my favorite part of the book is how the author can explain all the complicated brain chemistry in simple words. I also appreciate that all the facts that he describes has a scientific basis, and when he gives his opinion, he is very specific about it.
Overall, it is an awesome book, and if you are feeling the vibe for meditate, this is the perfect step-by-step guide to start with.

I also make a project on Notion with all the information of the worksheet of this class: