- GOING TO = gotta
- LET ME = lemme
- WANT TO = wanna
- HAVE TO = hafta
- HAS TO = hasta
- GOT TO = gotta
Welcome to Advanced Reductions and Connectors
Helpful Connectors
Connectors of comparison
Listen and find answers!
Connectors of contrast
Connectors of emphasis
Quiz: Helpful Connectors
Umm... reductions
Common reductions
Question reductions
Fillin' in the fillers
Role play: at the movies
Interactive quiz: connectors and reductions
Quiz: Umm... reductions
Cause and effect
Cause and effect - Part 1
Role play: goin' to the party
Cause and effect - Part 2
Connectors of conclusion
Quiz: Cause and effect
Speaking naturally
Interactive quiz:cause, effect and speaking naturally
Shoulda, woulda, coulda
Reductions through pronunciation
Role play: at the party
Quiz: Speaking naturally
See ya later!
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Aportes 77
Preguntas 6
If you wanna listen to a song to practice “wanna” so:
Spice Girls - Wannabe
They wanna eat something before getting on the plane.
Lemme see my schedule to find a time for you.
We hafta go soon or else we’ll be late!
I wanna learn English and Portuguese.
You wanna give a present to your son. It 's okay. Anyway, the little boy is gonna be happy when see you.
You lemme read the document first. You hafta be less anxious .
She’s gonna gotta study more for the next test.
You wanna enjoy a better quality of life. You hafta work to get it every day.
The team is gonna go to the championship if they win.
Before we go, lemme get my jacket.
You hafta travel to Peru when you get the chance.
Music makes me wanna dance.
If we’re going to the beach we gotta bring towels.
Before we call the plumber,** lemme** try to fix the leak.
Seeing all these tall buildings makes me **wanna **travel to the mountains.
Reductions are reduced forms of English words.
We use reductions to sound more natural in our speech.
Common reductions:
give me— gimme
do you wanna meditate with me?
does she wanna go for dinner?
does he wanna strecht before doing calisthenics?
does she wanna watch a movie?
does he wanna run some errands?
does she wanna sweep the living room.
Does he wanna take the trhas out?
Does he wanna throw it out?
does he wanna drink beer?
Does he hafta work tommorro?
does she haftago to the school?
he hasta work tomorrow.
She hasta go to he school
she hasta change her diet.
we’r gonna live happy togehter.
he is gonna visit a temple.
I’m gonna become cooler and cooler.
I’m gonna change my vision of people and life.
They wanna eat something before getting on the plane.
Lemme see my schedule to find a time for you.
We hafta go soon or else we’ll be late.
The team is gonna go to the championship if they win.
Before we go, lemme get my jacket.
You hafta travel to Peru when you get the chance.
Thank you
Going to = Gonna
Tks for you support
HAVE TO = hafta
HAS TO = hasta
GOT TO = gotta
Thank you
GOING TO = gotta
LET ME = lemme
WANT TO = wanna
HAVE TO = hafta
the team is gonna go to the championship if they win.
before we go, lemme get my jacket.
you hafta travel to peru when you get the chance.
music makes me wanna dance.
if we´re going to the beach we hafta bring towels.
before we call the plumber, try to fix the leak.
seeing all these tall buildings makes me wanna travel to the mountains
the team is gonna go to the championship if they win.
before we go, lemme get my jacket.
If you wanna listen to a song to practice “wanna” so:
Spice Girls - Wannabe
The first word is wrong.
Going to = Gonna
Tks for you support
GOING TO = gotta
LET ME = lemme
WANT TO = wanna
HAVE TO = hafta
HAS TO = hasta
GOT TO = gotta
the team is gonna go to the championship if they win.
before we go, lemme get my jacket.
LET ME = lemme
GOING TO = gotta
the team is gonna go to the championship if they win.
before we go, lemme get my jacket.
you hafta travel to peru when you get the chance.
music makes me wanna dance.
if we´re going to the beach we hafta bring towels.
before we call the plumber, try to fix the leak.
seeing all these tall buildings makes me wanna travel to the mountains
If you wanna listen to a song to practice “wanna” so:
GOING TO = gotta
LET ME = lemme
WANT TO = wanna
HAVE TO = hafta
HAS TO = hasta
GOT TO = gotta
GOING TO = gotta
LET ME = lemme
WANT TO = wanna
HAVE TO = hafta
GOING TO = gotta
LET ME = lemme
WANT TO = wanna
I wanna listen good music
Examples of common reductions:
My examples
The worksheet
GOING TO = gotta
LET ME = lemme
WANT TO = wanna
HAVE TO = hafta
HAS TO = hasta
GOT TO = gotta
I wanna eat a hamburguer.
Lemme know the idea.
She hasta write the letter.
lemme do the worksheet before I go tho the next class.
I´m gonna see you at the next class!
‘Hafta’ and ‘Hasta’ are new for me. Thanks
Lemme show you my motivations
I wanna be a DevOps engineer but I gotta learn more about sysadmin and I hafta study every day
despite I dont wanna go, I gotta work today.
I dont wanna make fun of you on the contrary lemme give you some advice.
you hafta wear some sunscreen otherwise you will get sunburned.
she hasta to study harder if she wanna pass the test.
they’re gonna be able to arrive on time.
They wanna eat something before getting on the plane.
Lemme see my schedule to find a time for you.
We hafta go soon or else we’ll be late.
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