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Fillin' in the fillers


Aportes 40

Preguntas 2

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

* Hey Monic, **what’s up**? * Hi James, I’m good, **Howrya goin’**? * Well, **um**, not so good. * Why? What happened? * Remember Stacy, my girlfriend? * **Lemme** think… oh yeah! The girl with the red hair. * Yes. We’re **havin’**, **you know**, relationship problems. * No! But you looked like a perfect couple. * I know! I **wanna** run up to her and tell her that. She **hasta** understand that we’re perfect. * But wait… Why are you **havin’** troubles? * **Uh**, well, I missed out on her ballet presentation. * **Whenjya** do that?! * **Like**, yesterday? The day after her birthday that I also missed. * **So, lemme** understand… did you miss two important days for her? * Yes… * What are you **gonna** do know? * I **hafta** do something huge for her! I **gotta** go to the moon and bring her a unique stone. * That’s impossible! * I know… **Howdya** fix something like this? * You can, **um**, invite her to dinner. * I don’t know if that’s enough… * Don’t worry. Take your time to think about it and, let’s get a pizza in the meantime! * I don’t want pizza, it reminds me of her. * **Whaddya** want then? * A burger.
  • Hey, what’s up?
  • I’m doin’ great. What about you?
    -Well, um, to be honest, so so. I wanna go on vacation with my girlfriend but I hafta work, and my car is broken since last week…
    -Uh, sorry, I get it. Howdya go to work?
    -I’m goin’ by bus, you know? Its late, I gotta go. So, Lemme call you later.
    -Of course, um, I’m goin’ to my work too, see you later!


Hey, howrya?

  • Uh, so so
  • What’s up?
  • You know, life can be hard

Hey, what’s up?

**Fillers** Like So Um/Uh/Er You know? I, **um,** don't think you want to go that way. She has, **like,** a million shoes. I always bring an umbrella. **you know,** just in case. **So,** should we get a taxi now? **Speaking "naturally"** It is common that most English speakers will drop the "**g**" in words containing **"ing"** He's **paintin'** the walls. They will be **comin'** soon. I cook **listenin'** to music. She was **waitin'** for us.
**A:** Hey, how's it goin'? (*Reduction of "going" to "goin'*") **B:** Oh, you know, can't complain. What 'bout you? (*Reduction of "about" to "'bout"*) **A:** Same here. So, d'you manage to finish that report? (*Reduction of "did you" to "d'you"*) **B:** Ugh, not yet. Been swamped with meetings all day. You? (*Fillers: "Ugh" to express frustration; Reduction of "I have been" to "Been"*) **A:** Yeah, I get that. I barely got started, honestly. Might just pull an all-nighter. (*Fillers: "Yeah" to confirm and acknowledge*) **B:** Oof, good luck with that. You sure you wanna do that? (*Fillers: "Oof" to express concern; Reduction of "want to" to "wanna"*) **A:** I mean, do I have a choice? Boss wants it done by tomorrow, so... yeah. (*Fillers: "I mean" to introduce the idea; Reduction: omission of subject "the" before "boss"*) **B:** Fair point. Anyway, lemme know if you need any help later. (*Reduction of "let me" to "lemme"*) **A:** Will do, thanks. Oh, by the way, did you hear 'bout that new project they’re starting? (*Reduction of "about" to "'bout"*) **B:** Yeah, kinda heard somethin’ 'bout it. What’s the deal with that? (*Reduction of "about" to "'bout"; Fillers: "kinda" to express uncertainty*) **A:** Well, from what I gather, it's supposed to be huge, like, game-changer stuff. But no one's given details yet. (*Fillers: "like" to soften the statement*) **B:** Mmm, sounds interesting. Hope they don’t throw too much our way. I’m already buried. (*Fillers: "Mmm" to express thoughtfulness*) **A:** Right? We'll see. But hey, I gotta run. Catch ya later! (*Reduction of "you" to "ya"*) **B:** For sure. Take it easy!
Thank you
Hey, what's up? I'm doing great. What about you? -Well, um, to be honest, so so. I wanna go on vacation with my boyfriend but I have work, and my car is too dirty since last week.. -Uh, sorry, I get it. How do I go to work? -I'm going by bus, you know? Its late, I gotta go. So, Lemme call you later. -Of course, um, I'm going in' to my work too, see you later!
Hi, actually this is my first time right here and I hafta meet everyone and knowin’ you guys I’ll ask you all where is the taco place
howrya feelin', you know, learning english?

Hey, what’s up?

  • Hi! What’s up!
  • Hey man! Everything’s fine. Whaddaya doin?
  • I was cookin’ for my mother, you know, since she’s sick.
  • Got ya. Um, howrya handlin’ it?
  • Well, I take care of her in the mornings and my sister does in the afternoon. If it were for her, she would take care of our mom all day, like, she’d love it, but she has no time. She gotta work in the mornings.

jsjsjs the teacher is very funny!


Thank you



You know

Here I go: Conversation Hope you like it

Hey, what’s up?
I’m doin’ great. What about you?
-Well, um, to be honest, so so. I wanna go on vacation with my girlfriend but I hafta work, and my car is broken since last week…
-Uh, sorry, I get it. Howdya go to work?
-I’m goin’ by bus, you know? Its late, I gotta go. So, Lemme call you later.
-Of course, um, I’m goin’ to my

Hey, what’s up?
I’m doin’ great. What about you?
-Well, um, to be honest, so so. I wanna go on vacation with my girlfriend but I hafta work, and my car is broken since last week…
-Uh, sorry, I get it. Howdya go to work?
-I’m goin’ by bus, you know? Its late, I gotta go. So, Lemme call you later.
-Of course, um, I’m goin’ to my work too, see you later!

Hey, what’s up?

Hey man do not ask your mom for money hahaha nice job man keep up the good work…

You know

Hey, what’s up?
I’m doin’ great. What about you?
-Well, um, to be honest, so so. I wanna go on vacation with my girlfriend but I hafta work, and my car is broken since last week…
-Uh, sorry, I get it. Howdya go to work?
-I’m goin’ by bus, you know? Its late, I gotta go. So, Lemme call you later.
-Of course, um, I’m goin’ to my

Hey, what’s up?

Hey man do not ask your mom for money hahaha nice job man keep up the good work…


Hey, what’s up?
I’m doin’ great. What about you?
-Well, um, to be honest, so so. I wanna go on vacation with my girlfriend but I hafta work, and my car is broken since last week…
-Uh, sorry, I get it. Howdya go to work?
-I’m goin’ by bus, you know? Its late, I gotta go. So, Lemme call you later.
-Of course, um, I’m goin’ to my

Hey man do not ask your mom for money hahaha nice job man keep up the good work…




Here I go: Conversation Hope you like it!

Here I go!

Thanks for feedback!!

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  • You know