Thanks very much teacher , see ya later too
Welcome to Advanced Reductions and Connectors
Helpful Connectors
Connectors of comparison
Listen and find answers!
Connectors of contrast
Connectors of emphasis
Quiz: Helpful Connectors
Umm... reductions
Common reductions
Question reductions
Fillin' in the fillers
Role play: at the movies
Interactive quiz: connectors and reductions
Quiz: Umm... reductions
Cause and effect
Cause and effect - Part 1
Role play: goin' to the party
Cause and effect - Part 2
Connectors of conclusion
Quiz: Cause and effect
Speaking naturally
Interactive quiz:cause, effect and speaking naturally
Shoulda, woulda, coulda
Reductions through pronunciation
Role play: at the party
Quiz: Speaking naturally
See ya later!
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Preguntas 8
Thanks very much teacher , see ya later too
Great teacher, great course, thank you!
Great course @Austin! See you then.
hare el examnem!!!
Thank you so much Austin, you are a very good teacher, it helped me a lot for meyself and improve my english!
This was a very useful and surprising course. Thanks, Austin!
When the professor Austin spoke with the reductions, he sounded like a true native person. I wanna have that pronunciation sometime. I’m gonna have to practice and learn more to achieve it. Great curse. Thank you very much professor Austin.
You learnt…
How to compare and contrast vastly different themes.
Espressing opinion with relation topics.
Demostrating cause and effect within a situation.
Thanks very much teacher , see ya later too
Excellent course, I really liked it.
Thanks for everything Austin!!
I loved this course! Thank you teacher! 😊
very good
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