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25 Seg

Role play: goin' to the party


Aportes 41

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  • the film because you ate so much, thus we had to leave early
  • on the whole, I don’t see a downside to that
  • If we had to miss the end of the movie as a consequence of my illness
  • Finally, you’re willing to admit that you were to blame!
  • So, to conclude, have we learned not to be so irresponsible with our food consumption?
  • although now this brings about - the movie
  • for this reason, I wanted to see the final big battle to find out who becomes crowned king of the universe.
  • To summarize, I’d rate it a 4/10.
  • as a result of all this talking, I’m thirsty. Is there any soda left?
  • I believe your thirst is due to those three large popcorns you ate
  • You think it’s caused by that?
  • so I can pick up a drink?
  • to sum up, you’ve learned nothing from earlier.
  • Ah, man. In conclusion, since we’re out of drinks, I’m gonna take a quick power nap.
  • To sum up you’ve learned nothing from earlier
  • On the wholo. I don’t see the downside of that.
  • Finally, you are willing to admit that you were to blame.
  • So, to conclude have we learned not to be so irresponsible with our food consumption?
  • For this reason, I wanted to see thr final big battle to find out who becomes crwned king of the universe.
  • To summarize, I’d rate it a 4/10.
  • As a result of all this talking.
  • I believe you thirst s due to those three large popcorns you ate.
    -There was a lot of traffic, hence we’ve taken this detour.
  • Since we’re out of drinks, I’m gonna take a quick power nap.

To summarize, I’d rate it a 4/10.
as a result of all this talking, I’m thirsty. Is there any soda left?
I believe your thirst is due to those three large popcorns you ate
You think it’s caused by that?
so I can pick up a drink?
to sum up, you’ve learned nothing from earlier.
Ah, man. In conclusion, since we’re out of drinks, I’m gonna take a quick power nap.

as a consequence
to conclude
on the whole
brings about
as a result of
cause by
sum up
in conclusion

Thank you
* the film **because** you ate so much, thus we had to leave early * **on the whole**, I don’t see a downside to that. If we had to miss the end of the movie **as a consequence** of my illness, I don’t mind taking the blame * **Finally**, you’re willing to admit that you were to blame! So, to conclude, have we learned not to be so irresponsible with our food consumption? * this **brings about** - the movie. It wasn’t half as good as those romcoms we’ve seen. * **for this reason**, I wanted to see the final * **To summarize**, I’d rate it a 4/10. * **as a result** of all this talking, * is **due to** those three large popcorns you ate. * it’s **caused by** that? Hmm… **whaddaya** think about stopping at a drive through **so** I can pick up a drink? Are we close to the party
* **Because** you ate so much, **thus** we have to left early * **On the whole**, I don’t see a downside to that * **As a consequence of** my illness * **Finally**, you’re willing to admit that you were to blame * **To conclude**, have we learned not to be so irresponsible with our food consumption? * **Although**, now this brings about - the movie * **For this reason**, I wanted to see the final big battle… * **Even though** there’re good effects… * **To summarize**, I’d rate it a 4 over 10 * **Despite** the amount of time they had to practice… * **As a result of** all this talking, I’m thirsty (*sediento*). * I believe your thirst is **due to** those three large popcorns you ate * You think it’**s caused by** that. * **To sum up**, you’ve learned nothing from earlier. * **Hence** we’ve taken this… * **In conclusion**, since we’re out of drinks…

We have to fight poverty, injustice and exclusion, on the whole, reduce social inequalities.
I would like to sum up my diary in a 100 pages book.
She´s finally graduated.
In conclusion, they were both declared guilty.
The restaurant is also closing, to summarize, he´s broke.
The president is having a diplomatic dinner. to conclude his term.

  • Well men, that movie was awful I’m happy to left early
  • Er, bro, you true have to way through the film, 'cause you ate so much, we have to leave early
  • eh, on the whole, if we had to miss the end of the movie as a consequence of my illness. I don’t I’m taking the blind
  • Finally, you are welling to admit, you were too blind
  • So, to conclude, have we learned not to be so irresponsible with our food consumption?
  • Eh… I guess so, although now this brings about, the movie. It wasn’t half as good as those rom coms we’ve seen
  • For me, the plot was weak, but I can appreciate the CGI. For this reason, I wanted to see the finally big battle to find out who become crowned king of the universe
  • Why would you say that… Ok, so, even though there good effects, you have got to be agreed with me that those actors were hopeless. The story line was terrible and was a single smooth transition. To summarize, I would rate it a 4/10
  • mmmm, 6/10 despite the amount of time they had to practice those scenes, the acting wasn’t great.
  • Ok, ok, ummm, anyway as a result of this talking I’m thirsty is there any soda left?
  • No, bro, you drunk it all. I believe you’re thirst is due to those three large pop corns you ate.
  • Do you think is caused by that, what do you think about stopping in a drive through, so I could pick up a drink. Are we close to the party?
    To sum up, you’ve learned nothing from earlier. If you really need, I have some water in the back of my car and not Austin, Not really, there was a lot of traffic hence we’ve taken this detour through these back roads.
  • Oh men, in conclusion, since we’re out of drinks, I’m gonna take a quick power nap.
  • Alright, I’ll wake you up when we get there, bro.

You threw up halfway through the film because you ate so much.
On the whole, I don’t see a downside to that.
If we had to miss the end of the movie as a consequence of my illness.
Finally, you’re willing to admit that you were to blame!
To conclude, have we learned not to be so irresponsible with our food consumption?
I guess so, although now this brings about - the movie.
For this reason, I wanted to see the final.
To summarize, I’d rate it a 4/10.
As a result of all this talking, I’m thirsty. Is there any soda left?
I believe your thirst is due to those three large popcorn you ate.
To sum up, you’ve learned nothing from earlier.
In conclusion, since we’re out of drinks, I’m gonna take a quick power nap.

the film because you ate so much, thus we had to leave early

as a consequence
to conclude
on the whole
brings about
as a result of
cause by
sum up
in conclusion
due to

the film because you ate so much, thus we had to leave early
on the whole, I don’t see a downside to that
If we had to miss the end of the movie as a consequence of my illness
Finally, you’re willing to admit that you were to blame!
So, to conclude, have we learned not to be so irresponsible with our food consumption?
although now this brings about - the movie
for this reason, I wanted to see the final big battle to find out who becomes crowned king of the universe.



Because you ate so much
Finally, you are willing to admit
For this reason, I wanted to see
To summarize, I grade it 8/10
As a result of all this talking
You think it’s caused by that
In conclusion, since we are out of drinks
On the whole, I don’t
To conclude, have we learnt not to be irresponsible
To sum up, you learned nothing from earlier

On the whole, I don’t see a downside to that
Finally, you’re willing to admit that you were to blame!
So, to conclude, have we learned not to be so irresponsible with our food consumption?
I believe your thirst is due to those three large popcorns you ate

On the whole, I do not seea downside to that
Finally, you are willing ti admit that you were to blame.
To conclude. Have we learned not to be so irresponsible with our food consumption?
To summarize, I 'd rate.
In conclusion, since we’re out of drinks…

the film because you ate so much, thus we had to leave early


Well done!

the film because you ate so much, thus we had to leave early
on the whole, I don’t see a downside to that
If we had to miss the end of the movie as a consequence of my illness
Finally, you’re willing to admit that you were to blame!
So, to conclude, have we learned not to be so irresponsible with our food consumption?
although now this brings about - the movie
for this reason, I wanted to see the final big battle to find out who becomes crowned king of the universe.
To summarize, I’d rate it a 4/10.
as a result of all this talking, I’m thirsty. Is there any soda left?
I believe your thirst is due to those three large popcorns you ate
You think it’s caused by that?
so I can pick up a drink?
to sum up, you’ve learned nothing from earlier.
Ah, man. In conclusion, since we’re out of drinks, I’m gonna take a quick power nap.


the film because you ate so much, thus we had to leave early
on the whole, I don’t see a downside to that
If we had to miss the end of the movie as a consequence of my illness
Finally, you’re willing to admit that you were to blame!
So, to conclude, have we learned not to be so irresponsible with our food consumption?
although now this brings about - the movie
for this reason, I wanted to see the final big battle to find out who becomes crowned king of the universe.
To summarize, I’d rate it a 4/10.
as a result of all this talking, I’m thirsty. Is there any soda left?
I believe your thirst is due to those three large popcorns you ate
You think it’s caused by that?
so I can pick up a drink?
to sum up, you’ve learned nothing from earlier.
Ah, man. In conclusion, since we’re out of drinks, I’m gonna take a quick power nap.

Thanks you

Thank you

the film because you ate so much, thus we had to leave early
on the whole, I don’t see a downside to that
If we had to miss the end of the movie as a consequence of my illness
Finally, you’re willing to admit that you were to blame!
So, to conclude, have we learned not to be so irresponsible with our food consumption?
although now this brings about - the movie
for this reason, I wanted to see the final big battle to find out who becomes crowned king of the universe.
To summarize, I’d rate it a 4/10.
as a result of all this talking, I’m thirsty. Is there any soda left?
I believe your thirst is due to those three large popcorns you ate
You think it’s caused by that?
so I can pick up a drink?
to sum up, you’ve learned nothing from earlier.
Ah, man. In conclusion, since we’re out of drinks, I’m gonna take a quick power nap.


On the whole, I do not seea downside to that
Finally, you are willing ti admit that you were to blame.
To conclude. Have we learned not to be so irresponsible with our food consumption?
To summarize, I 'd rate.
In conclusion, since we’re out of drinks…

the film because you ate so much, thus we had to leave early
on the whole, I don’t see a downside to that
If we had to miss the end of the movie as a consequence of my illness
Finally, you’re willing to admit that you were to blame!
So, to conclude, have we learned not to be so irresponsible with our food consumption?
although now this brings about - the movie
for this reason, I wanted to see the final big battle to find out who becomes crowned king of the universe.
To summarize, I’d rate it a 4/10.
as a result of all this talking, I’m thirsty. Is there any soda left?
I believe your thirst is due to those three large popcorns you ate
You think it’s caused by that?
so I can pick up a drink?
to sum up, you’ve learned nothing from earlier.
Ah, man. In conclusion, since we’re out of drinks, I’m gonna take a quick power nap.



the film because you ate so much, thus we had to leave early

On the whole, I do not seea downside to that
Finally, you are willing ti admit that you were to blame.
To conclude. Have we learned not to be so irresponsible with our food consumption?
To summarize, I 'd rate.
In conclusion, since we’re out of drinks…


On the whole, I don’t see a downside to that
Finally, you’re willing to admit that you were to blame!
So, to conclude, have we learned not to be so irresponsible with our food consumption?
I believe your thirst is due to those three large popcorns you ate

  • because you ate so much.
  • so to conclude, have we learned not to be so irreponsible with our foon consuption?
  • for this reason, I wanted to see the fight battle…
  • so even though …
  • To summarize, I’d rate it a 4/10
    To sum up, you’ve learned nothin from earlier.
    -In conclusion, since we’re out of drinks, I am gonna take a…

++Cause and effect

Role play: goin’ to the party

Austin: Well, man, that movie was awful! I’m happy we left early.
Andrew: Er… Bro. You threw up halfway through the film because you ate so much, thus
we had to leave early.
Austin: Eh…on the whole, I don’t see a downside to that. If we had to miss the end of the
movie as a consequence of my illness, I don’t mind taking the blame.
Andrew: Finally, you’re willing to admit that you were to blame! So, to conclude, have we
learned not to be so irresponsible with our food consumption?
Austin: Uh…I guess so, although now this brings about - the movie. It wasn’t half as
good as those romcoms we’ve seen.
Andrew: For me, the plot was weak, but I can appreciate the CGI; for this reason, I
wanted to see the final big battle to find out who becomes crowned king of the universe.
Andrew: Why wouldja say that!? deep breath Okay, so, even though there were good
effects, you gotta agree with me that those actors were hopeless, the storyline was
terrible, and there wasn’t a single smooth transition. To summarize, I’d rate it a 4/10.
Andrew: Mm, 6/10. Despite the amount of time they had to practice those scenes, the
acting wasn’t great.
Austin: Okay, okay. Umm…anyway, as a result of all this talking, I’m thirsty. Is there any
soda left?
Andrew: No, bro. You drank it all. I believe your thirst is due to those three large
popcorns you ate.
Austin: You think it’s caused by that? Hmm… whaddaya think about stopping at a drive
through so I can pick up a drink? Are we close to the party?
Andrew: Mm… to sum up, you’ve learned nothing from earlier. If you really need, I have
some water in the back of my car. And no, Austin, not really, there was a lot of traffic,
hence we’ve taken this detour through these back roads.
Austin: Ah, man. In conclusion, since we’re out of drinks, I’m gonna take a quick power
Andrew: Alright, I’ll wake you up when we get there, bro!

The character played by Austin is an irresponsible man, although he is funny hahaha.

  1. Because you ate so much
  2. Finally, you are willing to admit
  3. For this reason, I wanted to see
  4. To summarize, I grade it 8/10
  5. As a result of all this talking
  6. You think it’s caused by that
  7. In conclusion, since we are out of drinks
  8. On the whole, I don’t
  9. To conclude, have we learnt not to be irresponsible
  10. To sum up, you learned nothing from earlier