Lee la siguiente conversación entre Veronica y Adam, sobre cómo crear tu perfil profesional. Repite si es necesario.
ID: abreviación de identificación (identification).
Bienvenido o bienvenida a Platzi!
Veronica: Hello?
Adam: Hi Veronica! This is Adam, from Platzi’s Human Resources team. How are you?
Veronica: Oh, hi Adam, it’s nice to hear from you again. I’m doing great. How about you?
Adam: I’m doing well. I have good news! Your job interview process is complete. Congratulations and welcome to Platzi!
Veronica: That’s great news! I’m so happy I got the job. I think it is a wonderful opportunity, thank you, Adam. What’s next?
Adam: I’m going to ask you some questions so we can create your company ID.
Veronica: Okay!
Adam: Let’s get started. What is your full name?
Veronica: My full name is Veronica Williams.
Adam: How do you spell your name?
Veronica: That’s V-E-R-O-N-I-C-A W-I-L-L-I-A-M-S
Adam: Got it. Let’s go with the next question: What’s your date of birth?
Veronica: I was born on August 21st, 1990
Adam: Okay, last question: What is your national ID number?
Veronica: My ID number is 2136787690
Adam: I’ll confirm, it’s 2136787690. Is that correct?
Veronica: Yes, it’s correct.
Adam: Great! I have one more question. What’s your favorite color?
Veronica: My favorite color is black.
Adam: Great, that’s all the information I need. Do you have any questions for me?
Veronica: Yes, when is my start date?
Adam: Your first day will be next week, on Monday. You will receive an email later today with more details.
Veronica: I’m excited! Thanks for the call Adam!
Adam: I’m happy to have you as part of the team. I hope you have a nice day, talk to you soon!
Veronica: See you soon! Bye!
Control de lectura
Responde la siguiente pregunta según corresponda.
What information is necessary for Adam?
- Veronica’s full name
- Veronica’s personal ID number
- Veronica’s favorite color
Respuestas control de lectura
Todas las opciones son correctas. Ahora, responde la siguiente pregunta.
- What other personal information does Adam need?
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Contribución creada por Andrés Guano (Platzi Contributor).
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