Get to know your advanced English pronunciation teacher

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Curso de Pronunciación Avanzada en Inglés 2020

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Do you want to improve your English pronuncation? We recently launched a course and had a great live session for Platzi Experts with a wonderful teacher, Mariana Lafón. And in this blogpost you will get to know more about Mariana.


Where were you born?
Mexico City, Mexico.

Where have you traveled or lived?
I have travelled to USA, Canada and several countries in Europe. I lived a year and a half in London, UK, where I studied my MA in Acting at Mountview (one of the top drama schools in UK).

Which is your favorite place in the world?
My favorite place in the world is backstage in the dressing room. That moment of preparation, just before opening a show or filming a scene. The waiting, the nerves, the excitement; I love it all. I guess I could say London, Paris or New York but, to be honest, my favorite place in the world is where I can do what I love.


Which languages do you speak and how did you learn them?
English, Spanish and a little bit of French. I had a bilingual education since kindergarten. I started studying French in high school and I took private lessons while I was studying my BA.

How has speaking different languages helped you?
It has made all the difference! Speaking English has opened many doors for me. Not only could I study my master’s degree in London but it has led me to fantastic job opportunities such as becoming a Platzi teacher! In my personal life, it has allowed me to get to know people from all over the world and become close with truly amazing human beings.


When you were little, what would you say you wanted to be?
I wanted to be a singer and an actress. Now that I am older, I have the privilege to say that I do what I love for a living. But, one thing I realized is that the correct word for what I am is a ‘creative’. It doesn’t matter what I do, I know I have the creative talents to overcome any challenge with imagination and passion.

How long have you been a teacher and what is your favorite thing about being a teacher?
I began teaching after I finished my MA. My favorite thing about being a teacher is the moment the student gets something right and realizes that learning is all about shifting our perspective: you can achieve anything you set your mind to but you have to believe in the power within.

Tell us about your course and how was your experience recording courses in Platzi?
I teach the Advanced English Pronunciation Course where I coach you on how to sound more like a native speaker. At the end of this course you will be able to impress your audience/listener by applying what you learned in different scenarios. The content is designed for you to:
a. Achieve fluency and coherence when having a conversation, reading out loud and giving a presentation or lecture.
b. That your pronunciation is precise and that your own accent has minimal effect on intelligibility.
c. That you use phrases and idiomatic expressions naturally and accurately.

I had so much fun recording this course! I am very excited for you to see what my Platzi team and I have prepared for you. It’s a very complete course and I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I did.
(I honestly wish I had taken a course like this before moving to London.)

Thank you again to my amazing Platzi team for all their help, patience and generosity in the making of this course.

Which are your top 3 tips to improve English speaking skills?

1. Curiosity: when learning a language you have to stay curious. Learn all you can about the culture; travel to that country; listen to their music; watch movies, TV shows and plays in that language; read novels, poems, the news, articles, blogs; listen to their local radio or a podcast. Immerse yourself in that foreign language you wish to master.
2. Perseverance: no matter the difficulty, keep going until you achieve your goals. Go at your own pace and don’t try to control or rush the process. Be patient.
3. Practice: do it daily. It’s better to study every day for a short amount of time than to practice for two or three hours but only once a week.

Finally, I would like to add that in order to improve your speaking skills it’s very important for you to record yourself: only when you become aware of what you are doing wrong, you’ll be able to correct it.

I highly recommend Mariana’s course! If you completed it please share your feedback in the comments section.

Thank you for reading 💚

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Curso de Pronunciación Avanzada en Inglés 2020

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