The difference between casual and formal English


hace 2 años

Some work environments require formal language. On the other hand, there are also work environments which allow casual English among colleagues.
Let’s explore some of the differences between casual and formal English in a professional setting.

Which can you hear more typically in your current company? Casual English or formal English?


To start, it’s common for casual English sentences to use less words than formal English. Casual sentences have a simple structure. Formal sentences use extended phrases with a more complex structure.

  1. (formal)Would you like to meet after work? Vs. (casual) Wanna meet after work?
  2. (formal) Why won’t we chat after the meeting? Vs. (casual) How about chatting after the meeting?
  3. (formal) Could you please reply to my email? Vs. (casual) Can you reply to my email?

Moreover, it’s also common for casual English sentences to use more contractions than in formal English. Contractions are when two words are contracted, or pulled in together. Contractions make English faster to write and to say to a coworker.

  • Wanna, Want to. The Product Team says they wanna meet with you next Thursday.
  • Gonna, Going to. The engineering team is gonna accept this proposal.
  • Kinda, Kind of. The job market is kinda unstable.
  • Sorta, Sort of. The share prices of that company’s stock are sorta unstable.
  • Gotta, Go to. My next meeting is in 5 minutes. I gotta go.

Which contractions do you recognize? Which were new vocabulary for you?

Language in the organizational culture

Corporate culture, also known as work culture, is the concept that the professional environment of an organization functions similar to the culture of a nation.

How would you describe your current company’s culture?


Take a look at two giant tech brands, for example. There is a stark, or sharp contrast between Google and Apple’s corporate culture. Google is revered for, or admired for, its communication-centered, or Googly approach. Apple is renowned, or known for, its strict emphasis on quality. Neither one is “correct”; not Google, nor Apple. These companies have different approaches to work culture. Both have unique corporate cultures.

In a professional setting, culture and language styles come in a variety of combinations. These two are important to consider when applying for a new job. The best company for you will have a culture and language style that aligns with your professional values.

How to learn and practice casual English and formal English


In the Intermediate Business English Course, learners watch a series of four episodes centered around “Ximena Berkeley”, a person looking for a job, and her experience applying for a Frontend Developer position at a recognizable tech company. Each episode presents B1 English learners with an entertaining opportunity to practice listening skills and to recognize course concepts, including a specific class about corporate and professional values.

Can you notice the difference between Kyra Sage, the teacher’s talking style, and the episode character, Ximena Berkeley’s talking style?

The Intermediate Business English Course provides you with a combination of both casual and formal English styles, listening comprehension challenges, and professional vocabulary related to job hunting, interviewing, writing a resume, sending emails and more!

Are you ready for a new learning adventure?


This blogpost contains synonyms, or words and phrases that have similar meanings. Synonyms are another concept covered in the course, as they can be useful during the job application process.

Bonus: How many did you find?

Here’s a hint: search for words like “or”, and “also known as”.

Bonus answers: Don’t look until you are ready!’

There are 6 synonyms hidden in this blogpost:

  • contracted | pulled in together.
  • renowned | known for.
  • stark | sharp.
  • communication-centered | Googly.
  • revered for | admired for.
  • synonyms | words and phrases that have similar meanings.


hace 2 años

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2 años

I feel so good to read this blogpost, because i realize that I understand more that I thougth 😁

2 años
Thank you so much for this post. We can see clearly the differences between formal and casual English.
2 años

My imaginary friend still wants to conquer the word with a hamster army

2 años

Thank you for bringing us this comparison between formal and informal English, I didn’t know the meaning for those 6 synonyms hidden, I had to take a look on google and at the end realized there was a meaning posted.