Have you ever felt nervous before an interview? Surely you remembered that interview in which at one point your interviewer told you: “Let’s switch to English”. It is very normal to feel nervous, it happens even in the best job interviews in your native language.
¿Has sentido nervios antes de una entrevista? Seguro comenzaste a recordar aquella entrevista en que en un punto te dijeron: “Let’s switch to English”. Es muy normal sentir nervios, pasa hasta en las mejores…entrevistas de trabajo en tu idioma nativo.
I want to share some data with you:
Quiero compartirte unos datos:
- Un estudio de LinkedIn mostró que el 92% de los adultos tienen ansiedad durante una entrevista de trabajo online o presencial.
- 65% de las personas consideran que la impresión que causas online es tan importante cómo la impresión que puedes causar en persona.
- Estudios muestran que 30% de las decisiones de contratación se toman durante los primeros 5 minutos, por eso es importante causar una buena primera impresión y mostrar confianza.
- La falta de confianza puede afectar tu probabilidad de obtener el trabajo en un 38%.
Preparing for an interview will give you more confidence.
Prepararte para una entrevista te dará más confianza.
Visualize that you sent your CV and they called you for an interview.
Visualiza que enviaste tu CV y te llamaron para una entrevista.
¡Lo logré, conseguí una entrevista online! Pero va a ser en Inglés ¿ahora qué hago?
1- Make sure you have all the necessary information for the interview. If the person who is going to interview you is in another country, check that you have the correct time. It is also important that you know through which platform the interview will be and that you have the link.
1- Asegurate de tener toda la información necesaria para la entrevista. Si la persona que te va a entrevistar está en otro país, revisa que tengas el horario correcto. También es importante que sepas a través de qué plataforma será la entrevista y que tengas el enlace.
2 - Search for information about the company: Check their website, preferably the English version of the site to get familiar with the vocabulary.
2 - Busca información sobre la empresa: Revisa su sitio web, de preferencia la versión del sitio en Inglés para familiarizarte con el vocabulario.
3- Then review the description of the position you are applying for, the requirements and responsibilities. This will help you for the next step.
3- Luego repasa la descripción del puesto al cual estás aplicando, los requerimientos y responsabilidades. Esto te ayudará para el siguiente paso.
4- Prepare yourself for the possible questions they might ask you. Write a script of what you would answer to each question in English considering what you researched about the company and the job information.
Tip: When creating your script, check that you have included the correct terminology and that you know the correct way to pronounce each word. Reinforce the vocabulary you need for that specific position.
4- Prepárate para las posibles preguntas que te puedan hacer. Escribe un guión de lo qué responderías a cada pregunta en Inglés considerando lo que investigaste sobre la empresa y la información del puesto.
Tip: Al crear tu guión revisa que hayas incluído la terminología correcta y que sepas la forma correcta de pronunciar cada una de las palabras. Refuerza el vocabulario que necesitas para ese puesto.
5- Practice your pronunciation with someone who has a better level of English than you. If you have no one to practice with, you can practice in front of the mirror or record yourself saying the answers to each question and check your pronunciation.
5- Practica tu pronunciación con otra persona que tenga un mejor nivel de Inglés que tú. Si no tienes con quien practicar, puedes practicar frente al espejo o grabarte diciendo las respuestas a cada pregunta y revisa tu pronunciación.
¡Llegó el día de la entrevista!
Find a quiet place, without distractions, with good lighting and make sure you have the necessary tools (good internet connection, laptop or desktop, headphones and a good microphone).
Concentrate and try to stay calm during the interview. If you don’t understand something, ask your interviewer to please repeat the question. Remember that the most important thing is that you can communicate effectively.
Busca un lugar silencioso, sin distracciones, con buena iluminación y asegúrate de tener las herramientas necesarias (buena conexión de internet, laptop o desktop, auriculares y un buen micrófono).
Concéntrate y trata de mantener la calma durante la entrevista. Si no entiendes algo pide que por favor te repita la pregunta. Recuerda que lo más importante es que te puedas comunicar efectivamente.
Do you want to know more about job interviews in English? Start the English for Job Interviews Course for you to be more prepared for your next interview in English.
¿Quieres saber más sobre entrevistas de trabajo en Inglés? Comienza el Curso de Inglés para Entrevistas de Trabajo para que estés mejor preparado en tu próxima entrevista en Inglés.
I’d like to share an advice with you that could give you more chances to get not only an interview, but more probabilities to crack it:
In the worst case, the person is not going to respond your message, which is nothing because you’ll stay in the same position than before.
In the best case, that person could give you some priceless advice about the interview, and, my friend, at least in my opinion, is pure gold.
You can try it every time, with every company, in every language…at the end, all of us are humans too 😃.
It works for me some time, and I hope it could work for you also. Good luck! 😄
Give this man a beer. Thank you crack!! Very helpful.
Hope everyone on LinkedIn is so altruist as you are. Sometimes I have found people that they don’t simply want to share anything.
Excellent I take the course inmediatly Thanks
Thanks good information AND excellent presentation. I Will check the course.
I’m pretty sure I’ll take that course, thanks a lot for the information
😮 Thanks
I will go for you in my next two courses.
Teacher. I had wanted to have a teacher like you, when I was my firsts interviews. The course have been my answer and you must believe me that I have improved much. Thanks… for everything.
Thank you so much for the advices!
Thanks for this helpful information! 😄
Great Post
I highly recommend the course of the teacher Caro. Sometimes, there are some questions or subjects that we might think we have them cover. But the reality is different. If you are looking for a guidance, that’s a good course to start with.
Excellent, Thank you
Thanks to my teacher Caro. I have achieved to improve in my job interviews. I always had wanted to have a teacher like you, when I was my firsts interviews. The course have been my answer and you must believe me that I have improved much. Thanks… for everything, because, I had a good interaction with my interviewers today and I feel very good.