I find it off-putting when people refer to us women as female. This is class is super important. Thank you Ravee ❤️
Welcome to Advanced Writing and Linguistic Resources
Linguistic Resources Part 1
Interactive class: puns
Identifying puns
Using inclusive language
Role play: Using inclusive language in a meeting
Quiz: Linguistic Resources Part 1
Research skills & Descriptive Essay
Synthesizing information from multiple sources
Synthesizing Information: Check your knowledge
Writing a descriptive essay
Descriptive Essay: Summary Practice
Quiz: Research skills & Descriptive Essay
Linguistic Resources Part 2
Writing a critical review
Let's review your knowledge!
Writing a powerful conclusion
Role play - Interview: How to write a powerful conclusion?
Quiz: Linguistic Resources Part 2
How to use fronting?
Fronting: Check your knowledge
Grammar Summary Module 1-4
Quiz: Fronting
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I find it off-putting when people refer to us women as female. This is class is super important. Thank you Ravee ❤️
The class opened my eyes to a situation I thought impossible about the English language.
I write under my main language context (Spanish) which has serious problems about inclusiveness because of the pronouns used. I thought that the problem doesn’t belong to English because the pronouns use on it is more generic but the reality is that the context of many cotidian expressions are focused on men.
How important to learn about it and how important to see that the message of inclusiveness isn’t only a gender topic. It is about age, race, mental and physical conditions too.
In my former job, it was usual to use the man-hour expression. I hated it and hated the fact that I never mentioned my discomfort because I felt that if I said something about it in a meeting or something, people would either ignore me or call me dramatic.
I think that in the example of “A disabled person vs. a person who is disabled” is better if we say “a person that has difficulties with some activities”, because they can be capable of a lot more things.
I highly recommend this book: The Disability Experience. It helped me understand a lot better the inclusive language.
I want to use my right of opinion to say that I don’t like inclusive language.
Inclusive language acknowledges diversity, conveys respect to all people, is sensitive to differences, and promotes equal opportunities. 🤝
To be honest, I do not feel excluded when someone refers to me inside a group as guys, or by term like man hours instead of human hours. I am well aware this sort of expressions or ways of communication are growing more important every day, jet I do not find them as relevant as others, I mean, some people might get ofended for almost everything regardless the intention of the person whom is speaking, which could have said man hours without any mean intention.
Once I hear about the power of words, and how they grow stronger by the meaning you give to them. For instance, if you get insulted in a language you know not, although you may intuited it by the voice intonation its quite unprovable for you to get mad about it, since you don’t understand and don’t let it affect you.
I’ve been to groups where women are part of. I’ve never heard them complaining about the word “guys”. They actually reply and say hello. It would be interesting to know after knowing this topic they way they feel about it.
In my opinion, there are some contexts in which it is better to use the word ‘female’ rather than ‘women’. For example, some non-binary people are female-presenting people. This means that, although they do not necesarily are cisgender women or identify themselves as women, they do use female-presenting clothes or have some female facial or body features that they are confortable with. Nonetheless, for referring to cisgender and trans woman, I agree that it is quite more respectufull, thoughtfull, and accurate to call us ‘woman’ instead of female.
demeaning= degradante !
Inclusive language opens up and amplifies the message to more people hence appealing to the wider audience and acceptance. It gives a sense of belonging to everyone addressed. It creates and builds trust.
Ref: Let’s be real: Inclusive Language Matters Medium Post
I work in a software co-working place. Fortunately, my leaders use tend to use inclusive language most of the time.
Especially if you want to participate in world-class teams, you should use inclusive language. Diversity delivers super powers to any group. It’s just another reason to start using it.
derogatory = despectivo !
I am absolutely gratefull for this class. I relate to many of these phrases, and I say a lot of them too, and I never noticed until now. I realize how much impact it has in my life and in others life’s, so now I’ll try to use a more inclusive language.
Thank you, Ravee!!
Sometimes I struggle with the correct term to refer to a person who is blind or deaf so I get pretty nervous each time that I want to know more about them. But I think it’s whorty and it’s easier when we remember that we all are persons after all, as you said.
I used to refer to everybody as a “guys”. Now I have better choices to refer to them.
The Foundation I work at, develops a variety of projects and campaigns throughout the year. One of them is called “Female Forward”. Now I realize that it may not be the most inclusive name. I will suggest my project coordinators to change it and use another word.
Never have I thought about the impact some words would have in English (my second language). Some years ago I was taught that referring to people like elderly is ok. But now I see it’s ageism. I will use senior instead. And not only that, but other words as well. I think this class is one of the most important in the Platzi English Academy. Thanks. ♥
I also made that mistake of calling guys at work to a group of coworkers men and women instead of saying folks of people.
I didn’t know folks is more appropriate than guys
Thank you I understand that with the usage of a different and perhaps not so popular vocabulary we encourage everybody’s participation
Wao, I have always thought that English is neutral, more than Spanish, because it doesn´t have lots of articles as: él, ella, eso, esa, etc.
Now, this class has changed my mind. I will try to use the language more carefulness.
This is very important to take into account. I’m a teacher and I usually call my students “hello guys” every morning, from now on I’ll start using other terms.
I haven’t considere this topic, it is interesting. For example fo rme guys sound pretty cool, but now I know that in some cases it can be offensive
This class left me thinking a lot, so after reflecting and doing some research I want to explain my point of view, I will do this in Spanish to make it as clear as possible:
Cuando decimos cosas como Todos nos referimos a todos, tanto hombres como mujeres, a esto se le llama masculino generico, por lo que estas palabras no excluyen a las mujeres, si uno quiere ser explicito al quererse referir a los hombre o a las mujeres se dice: “todos los hombres” y “todas las mujeres” o “todas”( también usando el desdoblamiento se puede dejar explicito “todos y todas”) esto mismo sucede con palabras como personas, el hombre (refiendose al humano), trabajadores, etc, que se refiere a todos sin excluir, por lo que por default el lenguague incluye a todos. Al forzar las cosas al utilizar palabras como “horas humano” por decir que “horas hombres” (por poner un ejemplo de muchos) estamos diciendo que “horas hombre” es exclusión de la mujer, lo cuál nunca ha sido así, al intentar cambiar esto hacemos que dichas palabras seán cosas que no son, palabras que excluyen y no es así. Esto traé problemas al lenguaje porque lo hace que existá exclusión y si forzamos las cosas por hacer que siertos grupos no se sientán ofendidos y excluidos (con lo cuál prácticamente cambiamos todo el lenguaje en pro de los sentimientos de algunos grupos) lo cuál puede llevar a todavía más problemas por que habrá grupos que alegarán exclusión al usar palabras como todos y todas alegando que se utilizen palabras “inclusivas” como todes y se han preguntado qué pasará cuando una nueva minoría se sienta ofendida y excluida por usar “todos”, “todas” y “todes”, ahora tendremos que decir “todis”?. y así hasta que surgan nuevas minorias que se sientan de alguna forma ofendidos y excluidos.
El lenguague tiene sus reglas y en muchos casos no existe ninguna exclusión en sus palabras, además no estamos cambiando el mundo por cambiar algunas palabras y poniendole e al final de las palabras o tratando de escoger con pinsitas las palabras que usamos para no ofender a alguién.
La inclusión se hace con acciones, queremos incluir? aprendamos lenguaje de señas, aprendamos braile, demos igualdad de oportunidades sin mirar generos ni la cama de las personas, seamos corteces y aprendamos a decir gracias y porfavor, no sensuremos a las personas que piensen diferente, no aleguemos “discurso de odio” cuando alguién opina diferente.
Generación idiota de Agustín Laje.
Umm okey, inclusive lenguages for a better compressión of the people and the world that the people inhabits
Well i have 38, but a baby or at least cute face, all people calls me all “niño” (kid) in Spanish, even “niñito”. The same than girl could be applied to men. Also if you dont use female, also dont use male, then.
I really enjoyed this lesson. Having worked with a design agency that focuses on inclusivity made me realize how necessary this subject needs to be brought to our conversations.
A couple of times I’ve had the need to refer a friend of mine that is “fat”, but as the person I was talking with didn’t know him, the only word that came to mind was “notice the fat guy”. My friend was the only one like that in that place.
I know there must be a nicer word, but still at this moment I haven’t found it yet.
Anyways, he doesn’t take offense by getting referred like that, but it may look disrespectful still.
Using universal phrases
I found this class very interesting and important, we must know and take into account this topic
I find it off-putting when people refer to us women as female. This is class is super important. Thank you Ravee
Wow! How important this class is! Thank you!!!
A person who. Is disable I. Atrás os a. Disable pwrson
Changes the meaning
To adapt my respect everybody in the society… For. Many members…
Using inclusive lsngusge
Focus on the person not their characteristics
Important linguistic resource… Inclusive language
Why do astronauts use Linux ?
Because they can’t open Windows in space.
I find it off-putting when people refer to us women as female. This is class is super important. Thank you Ravee
find it off-putting when people refer to us women as female. This is class is super important. Thank
I like today’s class. I’m going to start changing my classic “Hey guys” to “Hey guys.” . And I think that some phrases are already cultural in society. For example, things like Billie Ellish singing “bad guy.” I mean, she’s referring to herself as him. . What I want to say is that there are some phrases that are cultural. However, I believe that education is stronger than habit and we can change our habits for better ones as long as we continue to educate ourselves.
It’s very important to know these kind of things but we shouldn’t be “afraid” to use some mistaken phrases sometimes because is very hard to change those “behaviors” very quick but I think it should be put on practice in professional mostly and with people that we don’t know(in my personal opinion)
hmm…guys and folks are not the same thing. Folks can also mean parents or family. If someone asks “How are your folks?” that’s what they mean.
Where I live there are people who clean the buildings and I always hear the people say “the cleaner”. It’s very common.
I really like the word “gals” or “ladies” but, now knowing that inclusive language, I’m going to use more words like “People”, “Women” and so on.
I think is very important to use these inclusive language tips, because in some cases I used addict to describe a person with substance abuse disorder, and in another case, I’m using the incorrect “description” to talk about people with mental illness, great councils, thanks Ravee
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