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Crea un perfil corporativo en inglés


En la anterior lectura Welcome to Platzi!, aprendiste a dar tu información personal y profesional para entrar a tu trabajo. Después, deberás crear un perfil de la empresa (corporate profile).

Pasos para crear tu perfil de la empresa

Realiza los siguientes pasos para crear tu perfil de la empresa, antes de empezar a trabajar (before you get started).

  1. Descargar Slack (Download Slack). En este paso deberás descargar la aplicación que utiliza la empresa.
Descargar Slack
  1. Carga una foto de perfil (Upload a profile picture). Este paso consiste en colocar una foto de perfil en la aplicación que utilices en la empresa, de esta manera serás reconocido por tus compañeros.
Carga una foto de perfil
  1. Añade tu nombre y rol (Add your name and role). De esta forma, los demás trabajadores sabrán cómo referirse a ti y qué cargo ocupas.
Añade tu nombre y rol
  1. Define tu estado (Define your status). Con el estado colocado, tus compañeros sabrán qué estás haciendo y si estás disponible.

    • In a meeting (En una reunión)
    • ON (Conectado)
    • OFF (Desconectado)
    • Vacationing (Vacacionar)
    • Out sick (De baja por enfermedad)
Define tu estado
  1. Revisa las notificaciones (Check notifications). Al momento de comenzar y a lo largo de tus días trabajando, deberás revisar tus notificaciones para saber qué necesitas hacer.
Revisa las notificaciones
  1. Revisa los comentarios (Review comments). De manera similar al paso anterior, en este deberás revisar comentarios de tus compañeros o miembros de tu equipo.
Revisa los comentarios

Ejercicio sobre crear tu perfil de la empresa

Entra en el siguiente enlace y resuelve la actividad. Las respuestas están al final del archivo.

Contribución creada por Andrés Guano (Platzi Contributor).

Aportes 384

Preguntas 12

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¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

In platzi we have a slack course 🤓

My practice:

Practice Worksheet
Your Corporate Profile

  1. First, you need to ______________ the APP.
    a. upload
    b. download

  2. Then, you need to _______________ a profile picture.
    a. upload
    b. Download

  3. You need to ____________ your name and role.
    a. define
    b. add

  4. You have to ____________ your status.
    a. define
    b. add

  5. You can ______________ your notifications.
    a. look
    b. check

I love the teacher, what fun to learn from watching her.

  1. Download Slack.
  2. Upload a profile picture.
  3. Add your name and role.
  4. Define your status.
  5. Check notifications.
  6. Review comments.

My practice:
I. Complete the sentences with the steps to create your corporate profile:

  1. Firs, you need to download the APP.
  2. Then, you need to upload a profile picture.
  3. You need to add your name and role.
  4. You have to define your status.
  5. You can check your notifications.

Slack is a wonderful app, but I’m having lots of fun with Discord. Come to participate fellas.

  • #nsl

My notes

  • Firs, you need to download the APP.

  • Then, you need to upload a profile picture.

  • You need to add your name and role.

  • You have to define your status.

-You can check your notifications.

My practice:
Practice Worksheet
1- First, you need to ______________ the APP.
a. upload / b. download
R// First, you need to downland the APP.
2- Then, you need to _______________ a profile picture.
a. upload / b. Download
R// Then, you need to upload a profile picture.
3- You need to ____________ your name and role.
a. define / b. add
R// You need to add your name and role.
4- You have to ____________ your status.
a. define / b. add
R// You have to define your status.
5- You can ______________ your notifications.
a. look / b. check
R// You can check your notifications.

  1. First, you need to ______________ the APP.
    b. download
  2. Then, you need to _______________ a profile picture.
    a. upload
  3. You need to ____________ your name and role.
    b. add
  4. You have to ____________ your status.
    a. define
  5. You can ______________ your notifications.
    b. check

The worksheet’s exercise:

Your corporate profile

First, you need to _______ the APP.
a. upload
b. download

Then, you need to _________ a profile picture.
a. upload
b. Download

You need to _________ your name and role.
a. define
b. add

You have to ________ your status.
a. define
b. add

You can __________ your notifications.
a. look
b. check

My practice:
Complete the sentences with the steps to create your corporate profile:

  1. First, you need to download the App.
  2. Then, you need to upload a profile picture.
  3. You need to add your name and role.
  4. You have to define your status.
  5. You can check your notifications.

My practice:

🔸First, you need to dowload the APP.
🔸Then you need to Upload a profile picture.
🔸You need to add your name and role.
🔸You have to define your status.
🔸You can Check your notifications.
🔸You need to review your comments

1.First, you need to dowload the APP.
2.Then you need to Upload a profile picture.
3.You need to add your name and role.
4.You have to define your status.
5.You can Check your notifications.
6.You need to review your comments.

2 - A - UPLOAD
3 - B - ADD
4 - A - DEFINE
5 - B - CHECK

1.First, you need to dowload the APP.
2.Then you need to Upload a profile picture.
3.You need to add your name and role.
4.You have to define your status.
5.You can Check your notifications.
6.You need to review your comments.


First, You need to download the App (b)

Then, You need to upload a profile picture (a)

You need to add your name and role (b)

You have to define your status (a)

You can check your notifications (b)

These are my answers:

  • First, you need to download the app.

  • Then you need to upload a profile picture.

  • You need to add your name and role.

  • You have to define your status.

  • You can check your notifications.

Practice Worksheet
Your Corporate Profile
I. Complete the sentences with the steps to create your corporate profile:

  1. First, you need to DOWNLOAD the APP.
    a. upload
    b. download

  2. Then, you need to UPLOAD a profile picture.
    a. upload
    b. Download

  3. You need to ADD your name and role.
    a. define
    b. add

  4. You have to DEFINE your status.
    a. define
    b. add

  5. You can CHECK your notifications.
    a. look
    b. check

The Answer is:

  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B

I. Complete the sentences with the steps to create your corporate profile:

  1. First, you need to B the APP.
    a. upload
    b. download
  2. Then, you need to ___A a profile picture.
    a. upload
    b. Download
  3. You need to ____B your name and role.
    a. define
    b. add
  4. You have to A your status.
    a. define
    b. add
  5. You can B your notifications.
    a. look
    b. check

Practice worksheet

  1. First, you need to download the app.
  2. Then, you need to upload a profile picture.
  3. You need to add your name and role.
  4. You have to define your status.
  5. You can check your notifications.

I recorded the class here to practice my pronunciation

Practice Worksheet.

  1. First, you need to download the app.
  2. Then, you need to upload a profile picture.
  3. You need to add your name and role.
  4. You have to define your status.
  5. You can check your norifications.
  1. Download
  2. Upload
  3. Add
  4. Define
  5. Check
  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A

First, you need to download the APP
Then, you need to **upload **a profile picture
You need to add your name and role
You need to define your status
You **can **check your notification

  1. First, you need to download the APP.
  2. Then, you need to upload a profile picture.
  3. You need to add your name and role.
  4. You have to define your status.
  5. You can check your notifications.

download Slack.
upload a profile photo.
add your name and your role or position
you have to define your state
check notifications
check new comments

First, you need to download the app.
Then,you need to upload a profile picture.
You need to add your name and role.
You have to defineyour status.
You can check your notifications.

My practice:

  1. First, you need to download the app.
  2. Then, you need to upload a profile picture.
  3. You need to add your name and role.
  4. You have to define your status.
  5. You can check your notifications.


  • First, you need to download the APP.
  • Then, you need to upload a profile picture.
  • You need to add your name and role.
  • You have to define your status.
  • You can check your notifications.

Hi community, this is the Practice Worksheet
Your Corporate Profile
Instructions: Complete the sentences with the steps to create your corporate profile:

  1. First, you need to download the APP.
  2. Then you need to upload a profile picture
  3. You need to add your name and role
  4. You have to define your status
  5. You can check your notifications
    Have a nice day.

My practice:

Firs, you need to download the APP.
Then, you need to upload a profile picture.
You need to add your name and role.
You have to define your status.
You can check your notifications.


Firs, you need to download the APP.
Then, you need to upload a profile picture.
You need to add your name and role.
You have to define your status.
You can check your notifications.

  1. First, you need to download the APP
  2. Then, you need to upload a profile picture
  3. You need to add your name and role
  4. You need to define your status
  5. You can check your notification

2 - A - UPLOAD
3 - B - ADD
4 - A - DEFINE
5 - B - CHECK

hola buenas tardes,queria saber cuando vuelven losdescuentos para los cursos,muchas gracias
practice worksheet 1.- First, you need to B download the app 2.- Then, you need to A upload a profile picture 3.- you need to B add your name and role 4.- you have to A define your status 5.- You can B check your notifications
Practice Worksheet: 1. First, you need to download the APP. 2. Then, you need to upload a profile picture. 3. You need to add your name and role. 4. You have to add your status. 5. You can check your notifications.
1. Firs, you need to **download** the APP. 2. Then, you need to **upload** a profile picture. 3. You need to **add** your name and role. 4. You have to **define** your status. 5. You can **check** your notifications.
Hello Activity the class ![]( ![]( Thank you
  1. First, you need to download the APP.
  2. Then, you need to upload a profile picture.
  3. You need to add your name and role.
  4. You have to define your status.
  5. You can check your notifications.
Good Afternoon 🌓 1- Download Slack 2- Upload a profile picture 3- Add your name y role 4. Define Your Status 5. Check notifications ✨
* Your Corporate Profile 1. First, you need to download the APP. 2. Then, you need to upload a profile picture 3. You need to add your nanme and role. 4. You have to define your status. 5. You can look your notifications.

First, you need to download the app.
Then,you need to upload a profile picture.
You need to add your name and role.
You have to defineyour status.
You can check your notifications.

First, you need to download the APP. Then, you need to upload a profile picture. You need to add your name and role. You have to define your status. You can Check your notifications Finally, you need to Review Comments
![]( ![](
1\. First, you need to \_\_\_\_\_\_download\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ the APP. a. upload b. download Then, you need to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_upload\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ a profile picture a. upload b. Download You need to \_\_\_\_add\_\_\_\_\_\_ your name and role. a. define b. add 4\. You have to \_\_\_\_define\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ your status. a. define b. add 5\. You can **check** your notifications. a. look b. check
Here's my practice: Practice Worksheet Your Corporate Profile 1. First, you need to **download** the APP 2. Then, you need to **upload** a profile picture 3. You need to **add** your name and role 4. You have to **define** your status 5. You can **check** your notifications
I. Complete the sentences with the steps to create your corporate profile: 1\. First, you need to Download the APP. a. upload b. download ✅ 2\. Then, you need to upload a profile picture. a. upload ✅ b. Download 3\. You need to add your name and role. a. define b. add ✅ You have difine to your status. a. define ✅ b. add You can check your notifications. a. look b. check✅
![]( ![](
* download * upload * add * define * check
My practice: 1. Download Slack. 2. Upload a profile picture. 3. Add your name and role. 4. Define your status. 5. Check notifications. 6. Review comments.
Practice Worksheet - Your Corporate Profile. Complete the sentences with the steps to create your corporate profile: 1\. First, you need to **(b)** **Download** the APP. a. upload b. download 2\. Then, you need to **(a). Upload** a profile picture. a). upload. b). Download. 3\. You need to **(b). Add** your name and role. a). define. b). add. 4\. You have to **(a). Define** your status. a). define. b). add. 5\. You can **(b). Check** your notifications. a). look. b). check.
1. First, you need to download the app. 2. Then,you need to upload a profile picture. 3. You need to add your name and role. 4. You have to define your status. 5. You can check your notifications
PRACTICE WORKSHEET 1. First, you need to <u>download</u> the APP 2. Them, you need to <u>upload</u> a profile picture 3. You need to <u>add </u>your name and role 4. You have to <u>define </u>your status 5. You can <u>check </u>your notifications
1. **B Download** 2. **A Upload** 3. **B Add** 4. **A Define** 5. **B Check**
1. First, you neet to **download** the APP. 2. Then, you need to **upload** a profile picture. 3. You neet to **add** your name and role. 4. You have to **define** your status. 5. You can **check** your notifications.
My practice: Practice Worksheet Your Corporate Profile 1\. First, you need to \_\_\_\_download\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ the APP. 2\. Then, you need to \_\_\_upload\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ a profile picture. 3\. You need to \_\_\_ add \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ your name and role. 4\. You have to \_\_\_\_add \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ your status. 5\. You can \_\_\_\_\_\_\_check\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ your notifications.

Hi! everyone
My practice:
Practice Worksheet
Your Corporate Profile

  1. Download the app
  2. Upload a profile picture
  3. Add your name and rol, for example:
    Name: Erika Mosquera
    Rol: Student.
  4. Define my status
    Active: ON


  1. First, you need to DOWNLOAD the APP.
    a. upload
    b. download

  2. Then, you need to UPLOAD a profile picture.
    a. upload
    b. Download

  3. You need to ADD your name and role.
    a. define
    b. add

  4. You have to DEFINE your status.
    a. define
    b. add

  5. You can CHECK your notifications.
    a. look
    b. check

1. First, you need to ++download++ the app. 2. Then,you need to ++upload++ a profile picture. 3. You need to ++add++ your name and role. 4. You have to ++define++your status. 5. You can ++check++ your notifications
Answers: 1. download 2. upload 3. add 4. define 5. check

Great steps!!!

1. Download Slack. 2. Upload a profile picture. 3. Add your name and role. 4. Define your status. 5. Check notifications. 6. Review comments.
First, you need to download the APP then, you need to upload a profile picture. You need to add your name and role You have to define your status You can check your notifications.
1\. First, you need to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ the APP. ***download*** 2\. Then, you need to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ a profile picture. ***upload*** 3\. You need to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ your name and role. ***add*** 4\. You have to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ your status. ***define*** 5\. You can \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ your notifications. ***check***
Adam Recomends : 1. Download Slack.: I do it. 2. Upload a profile picture: ok![](<carita feliz>) 3. Add your name and role.: Kely Córdoba / Managment Purchase 4. Define your status.: In a meeting all Week / Please don't disturb 5. Check notifications: I rewiew the next week 6. Review comments: ok
Great, we can practice our profile on platforms.
no entiendo nada sino se ingles como es que no hablan nada en español/?

My practice:
Practice Worksheet
1- First, you need to ______________ the APP.
a. upload / b. download
R// First, you need to downland the APP.
2- Then, you need to _______________ a profile picture.
a. upload / b. Download
R// Then, you need to upload a profile picture.
3- You need to ____________ your name and role.
a. define / b. add
R// You need to add your name and role.
4- You have to ____________ your status.
a. define / b. add
R// You have to define your status.
5- You can ______________ your notifications.
a. look / b. check
R// You can check your notifications.

1. First, you need to //download// the app. 2. Then, you need to //upload// a profile picture. 3. You need to //add// your name and role. 4. You have to //define// your status. 5. You can //check// your notifications.
1. First, you need to **download** the APP. 2. Then, you need to **upload** a profile picture. 3. You need to **add** your name and role. 4. You have to **define** your status. 5. You can **check** your notifications.
Hhi, everyone. First, you need to download the APP. Then, you need to loap a profile picture. You need to add your name and role. You have to define your status. You can check your notifications.

Complete the sentences with the steps to create your corporate profile:

  1. First, you need to download the APP.
  2. Then, you need to _upload a profile picture.
  3. You need to add your name and role.
  4. You have to define your status.
  5. You can check your notifications.
I. Complete the sentences with the steps to create your corporate profile: 1\. First, you need to <u>download </u>the APP. 2\. Then, you need to <u>upload </u>a profile picture. 3\. You need to <u>add </u>your name and role. 4\. You have to <u>define </u>your status. 5\. You can <u>check </u>your notifications

First, you need to download the APP
Then, you need to upload a profile picture
You need to add your name and your role
You have to define your status
You cancheck your notifications

Corporate Profile Answers: 1. First, you need to download the APP. 2. Then, you need to uploada profile picture. 3. you need to add to your name and function. 4. You can watch your notifications.
1\. First, you need to download the APP. 2\. Then, you need to upload a profile picture. 3\. You need to add your name and role. 4\. You have to define your status. 5\. You can check your notifications.
Adam make a question about her birthday date .
Hi, I am Paulo Moreno, i have a doubt, where I can find the work sheet? I wanna do the task. can you please send your answer to my email...<[email protected]> Thank you!!
No estupendo nada

First, you need to download the app.
Then, you need to upload a profile picture.
You need to add your name and role.
You have to define your status.
You cant check your notifications.

I still remember my first day

Complete the sentences with the steps to create your corporate profile

  1. first, you need to __ the APP
    b. download
  2. then, you need to __ a profile picture
    a. upload
  3. you need to __ your name and role
    b. add
  4. you have to __ your status
  5. define
  6. you can __ your notifications
    b. check