Diferencias Interculturales Internacionales y los Colores. ¿Por qué evitar usar rojo en Corea y países Africanos?

No soy diseñador. Pero estudio el comercio Internacional, en un libro de diferencias culturales está el siguiente escrito que espero les sirva, con la globalización pueden tener clientes de cualquier país del mundo y considero vital que se conozcan las diferencias culturales al respecto. Está en inglés pero qué mejor que practicar su inglés y ¡seguir aprendiendo!


Chromatics, or color, can affect your mood, your emotions, and your impression of others.

  • Certain colors have both negative and positive connotations. In the United States, for example, black is considered a sophisticated color, but it may also represent sadness. White is pure and peaceful, but in some cultures it is associated with mourning. Blue may represent peace and tranquility or sadness and depression, as in “I feel blue.”
    Color may be used to symbolize such things as patriotism. People in the United States
    associate red, white, and blue (the colors in the flag) with patriotism. Cultural differences associated with colors include the following (Axtell, 1998; Ricks, 2006; Scott, 2002):
    • Black is the color of mourning to many Europeans and U.S. Americans, but white is worn to funerals in Japan and many other nations. Red has funereal connotations in African countries.
    • In the United States, brides typically wear white; however, in India, brides wear red or yellow. White is associated with mourning in parts of Asia.
    • Purple is sometimes associated with royalty, but it is the color of death in many Latin American countries.
    • Red (especially red roses) is associated with romance in some cultures, including the United States. Red is not an appropriate color for wrapping gifts in Japan.
    • Green is not used for wrapping packages in Egypt because green is the nationalist color (as red, white, and blue are the nationalist colors in the United States).
    • In many countries of the world, blue is considered a masculine color, but to people of France and the United Kingdom, red is more masculine. Blue, in Iran, is an undesirable color.
    • Although people of the United States consider pink to be the most feminine color, persons in most other countries think of yellow as the most feminine color.

United Airlines unknowingly got off on the wrong foot during its initial flights from Hong Kong. To commemorate the occasion, they handed out white carnations to the passengers. When they learned that to many Asians white flowers represent bad luck and even death, they
changed to red carnations. (Ricks, 2006)

  • Color also has an influence on foreign sales. In a study of consumers’ color preferences for various countries reported by Madden, Hewett, and Roth (2000), blue was ranked as the most preferred color by people of Austria, China, and the United States (and ranked second in Brazil); other colors ranked in the top five by these four countries were white, green, black, and red. Firms who sell their products in other countries should be aware that the color used in packaging a product may influence the purchasing decisions of potential customers. For example, packaging a product in red would be appealing to customers in China but less appealing to potential buyers in South Korea because of the possible association of red with communism
    (Scott, 2002).
    Determining cultural meanings of various colors is advised to ensure that nonverbal messages associated with color are positive ones.
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