Conoce tu edad con un programa en bash

En este programa tu vas a insertar tu nombre, año, mes y día de nacimiento, para que de esta manera te diga cuantos años tienes y cuantos meses. Aquí esta el código:


currentYear=$(date +%Y)
currentMonth=$(date +%m)
currentDay=$(date +%d)

echo"What is your name?"read name
echo"What is the year of your birth?"read birthYear
echo"What is the month of your birth?"read birthMonth
echo"What is the day of your birth?"read birthDay


if (( $currentMonth >= $birthMonth )); thenif (( $currentDay >= $birthDay )); thenlet age=$yearsOldecho"$name, you are $age years old"elselet age=$(( yearsOld-1 ))
                echo"$name, you are $age years old"fielselet age=$(( yearsOld-1 ))
        echo"$name, you are $age years old"fi


if (( $yearsOld==$age )); thenlet months=$(( currentMonth-birthMonth ))
        echo"With $months month(s)"elselet months=$(( 12-birthMonth ))
        let months+=$currentMonthecho"With $months month(s)"fiif (( $currentDay >= $birthDay )); thenecho"With $months month(s)"if (( $currentDay == $birthDay )); thenecho"With 0 days"elseecho"With $(( currentDay-birthDay )) days"fielseecho"With $(( months-1)) month(s)"echo"With $currentDay days"fi
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