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Install and configure MySql and MySql Workbench in Ubuntu (any version) and derivatives (en)

The teachers’ guide was not good enough and neither did he explain how to install MySQL workbench in Linux, and that’s why I’m writing this tutorial focusing on how to install it on Ubuntu 20.10, although you can adapt some parts for any other supported Linux distro or Ubuntu version:

<h1>Install MySql</h1> <h3>Step #1</h3>

update and upgrade the system

$ sudo apt-getupdate && sudo apt-get upgrade
<h3>Step #2</h3>

Install the MySql version/type you want:

$ sudo apt-get install mysql-<type/version>

In this case this is everything you can install:

mysql-client                    mysql-community-client-core     mysql-community-test            mysql-server-8.0                mysql-testsuite-8.0
mysql-client-8.0                mysql-community-client-plugins  mysql-community-test-debug      mysql-server-core-8.0           mysqltuner
mysql-client-core-8.0           mysql-community-server          mysql-router                    mysql-source-8.0                mysql-workbench-community
mysql-common                    mysql-community-server-core     mysql-sandbox                   mysqltcl                        
mysql-community-client          mysql-community-server-debug    mysql-server                    mysql-testsuite

For the purposes of this tutorial, we will install just the server version:

$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server
<h3>Step #3</h3>

Configure it using a simple script that comes with it.

$ sudo mysql_secure_installation
<h1>Install MySql workbench</h1>

You can just visit MySql’s download page and get the .deb pkgs. To make life easier, copy and paste the following commands in the terminal (for Ubuntu 20.10 only, although you can also change the link below next to wget command with the one you want for your ubuntu version. Installation links can be found here):

$ sudo apt-get install wget
$ mkdir /tmp/mysql_workbench_install && cd /tmp/mysql_workbench_install
$ wget https://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQLGUITools/mysql-workbench-community_8.0.23-1ubuntu20.10_amd64.deb #latest release (13-02-21)
$ sudo dpkg -i *
$ updateand upgrade the system

In case something went wrong, or couldn’t finish installation due to lack of some dependencies, then:

$ sudo apt --fix-broken install
$ updateandupgrade the system


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