My steps were as follows

Here’s an improved version of your mini tutorial:

My steps were as follows:

  1. Create a folder (in my case, I created it directly on the desktop).
  2. Open the folder in VS Code.
  3. Create a repository on GitHub at https://github.com/Blandskron/NodeJSAPIREST.
  4. Clone the repository into the folder you initiated in VS Code using the command: git clone https://github.com/Blandskron/NodeJSAPIREST.
  5. Create the files as seen in the class.
  6. Next, create a branch in your repository using: git branch routes.
  7. Switch to the branch you just created with the command: git checkout routes.
  8. Select the files to stage for commit using: git add ..
  9. Create a commit with a descriptive message using: git commit -m "Adding routes".
  10. Finally, push your changes to the remote repository with: git push -u origin routes.

These steps should help you set up your development environment and version control for your Node.js API project effectively.

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