Everybody wants the good life, but not everybody gets the good life.
Mentors are very powerful for transform your life.
Everybody wants something, but not everybody gets what wants.
The components of a good life (eudenomia): health, wealth, happiness, love.
You never will find all the answers from one person.
Your ability to copy is the biggest indicator of your success in life.
“Good artist copy, but great artist steal” Picasso.
All great characters in the history have had mentors.
The rule of 33%: spend 33% of your life with people lower than you, other 33% with people that are in your level, and 33% with people with more experience than you (that are your mentors).
Go to the top of the people and get them mentors.
Everybody wants the good life, but not everybody is willing to follow the rule of the 33%.
Everybody want the good life, but not everybody is willing to be humble.
It is very important the perseverance.
… some billionaires never have take a free day.
Some times, you need to try 70 times to get what you want.
Everybody wants the good life, but not everybody is willing to persevere.
You must persevere.
Books have a hidden treasure.
Mentors are great in person, but a lot of mentors are not alive.
Stop see a book as a one time event.
See a book like a friend. You can read over and over again.
Read 150 book over and over for your rest of your life.
There’s no rules for read a book a day: some times could take a week, some times you can flip through the pages, some times only read the index, some times focus only in one chapter.
Everybody wants the good life, but not everybody is willing to read or read more.
Stoics vs epicurean: “A nation borns stoics and deads epicurean”.
Stoics are willing to sacrifice present pleasure for something better later (they are investors).
Epicureans live for now, they are consumers (they say, you only live once).
Be stoic.
Everybody wants the good life, but not everybody toughens up to get the good life.
You must toughen up.
Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all the aspects of your life.
Mentors are the short cut for perfect and beautify you life, you don’t want to do it in the hard way.
There’s always someone to learn from.
Follow this rules: be humble, persevere, read more, toughen up. If you follow this rules, your life will be great.
It is supposed to be hard.
The hard is what makes it great.
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