Today I want to talk about python dictionaries, Its a challenge for me, because I want to explain it in English.
In Python, a dictionary is a data structure that stores key-value pairs. Each key in a dictionary must be unique, and it is associated with a specific value. Dictionaries in Python are mutable, meaning you can modify them by adding, removing, or updating key-value pairs.
Here’s a short example:
`# Creating a dictionary
person = {
'name': 'John',
'`age': 25,
'city': 'New York'
# Accessing values using keys
print("Name:", person['name'])
print("Age:", person['age'])
print("City:", person['city'])
# Modifying a value
person['age'] = 26# Adding a new key-value pair
person['occupation'] = 'Software Engineer'# Removing a key-value pairdel person['city']
or person.pop('age')
#You can print only Keys or values
#Use dictionaries when you have a set of unique keys that need to be associated with specific values, and you want fast and efficient data retrieval based on those keys.