**This sentense make another options like to conditionals
month1 = int(input('Which was your salary in January: '))
month2 = int(input('Which was your salary in February: '))
month3 = int(input('Which was your salary in March: '))
salary = month1 + month2 + month3
print('salary is: ', salary)
if salary > 20000:
print('you are good')
elif salary < 20000and salary > 10000:
print("Let's go, you can")
print('You are loser')
In this example the user had to answer the questions about your salary and the code add the salaries and giving a result, and there are 3 options about your sales and giving a sentence about your salary
Which was your salary in January: 56
Which was your salary in February: 2000
Which was your salary in March: 15000
salary is: 17056Let's go, you can