Rachel can:
- Use Python
- Use JavaScript
- Speak English, Spanish and Portuguese
Rachel can’t:
- Work on the weekends
- Speak French
Expresiones Simples en Inglés
Habla de fechas, horas y expresiones simples en Inglés
Fechas y horas en Inglés
Cómo decir la hora en Inglés
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Preguntas básicas en Inglés
Preposiciones de lugar en Inglés
Palabras interrogativas en Inglés
Practica el uso de palabras interrogativas en Inglés
Quiz: Preguntas básicas en Inglés
Expresiones útiles en el presente simple
Diferencia entre "have" y "have got"
Cómo usar "want" y "would like"
Practica tu "listening"
Vocabulario esencial en el presente simple
Cómo usar "can" y "can't"
Practica el uso de "can" y "can't"
"'s" para posesivos en Inglés
Diferencias entre "there is" y "there are"
Practica el uso de "There is" y "There are"
Pronombres de sujeto y objeto en inglés
Quiz: Vocabulario esencial en el presente simple
Otros usos del presente simple en Inglés
Roleplay en inglés: Realiza compras
Presente simple y presente continuo en Inglés
Expresa gustos, desagrados y opiniones en Inglés
Practica tu "reading" y "writing"
Quiz: Otros usos del presente simple en Inglés
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Lee con detenimiento la siguiente entrevista:
John: Good morning, Rachel. Welcome. How are you today?
Rachel: Good morning. Thank you. I’m doing great.
John: All right, Rachel, let’s start. Can you use Python?
Rachel: Yes, I can.
John: Okay, and JavaScript, can you use it?
Rachel: Absolutely.
John: Oh wow! Your curriculum looks amazing.
Rachel: Thank you very much.
John: Now, a question for you. Can you work on the weekends?
Rachel: Sorry, I can’t. I’m doing my Master’s degree on the weekends.
John: Oh, that’s amazing. And can you speak other languages?
Rachel: Yes. I can. I can speak English and I can speak Spanish.
John: Oh fantastic, can you speak French?
Rachel: No, I can’t, but I can speak Portuguese.
John: Interesting Rachel. Thank you for your time.
Rachel: You’re welcome and thank you.
Responde qué cosas puede hacer Rachel y qué no puede hacer.
¡Hazlo sin mirar las respuestas!
Rachel can:
• Use Python
• Use JavaScript
• Speak English, Spanish, and Portuguese
Rachel can’t:
• Work on the weekends
• Speak French
Contribución creada con aportes de: Avilio Muñoz Vilchez.
Aportes 1213
Preguntas 30
Rachel can:
Rachel can’t:
In the interview Rachel can use Phyton an Javescrip, she can speak English, Spanish and Portuguese, but Rachel can´t work on the weekends and she can´t speak French.
Rachel can - can’t
She can use Python
She can use Javascript
She can't work on the weekends
She can speak english and spanish
She can't speak french
She can speak portugues
She can
She can use Phyton.
She can use JavaScript.
She can speak English, Portuguese and Spanish.
She can’t
She can’t work on the weekends.
She can’t speak French
My practice:
1.-use Phyton
2.-use Javascript
3.-speak english, spanish and portuguese
Rachel can´t:
1.-work on the weekend
2.-speak french
She can’t work weekends
She can’t speak French
Se can use Python and JavaScript
Se can writing Portuguese
rachel can:
-use python
-use javascript
-speak english and portuguese
rachel can´t:
-work on the weekends
-speak french
Rachel can use Phyton, Javascript. She can speak Spanish, English, Portuguese.
Rachel can’t work on the weekends because she is in the post grade.
Rachel Can:
Rachel can’t:
A)Rachel can:
B) Rachel can’t:
she can speak other languages
She can speak Portuguese
work on the weekends
speak french
Rachel can:
Rachel can’t:
-Rachel can’t work on the weekends, she’s doing a master degree
-Rachel can’t speak French
• Rachel can’t:
• She can´t work on the weekends
• She can´t speak French.
• Rachel can:
She can use Python and Java script. Rachel can speak English, Spanish and Portuguese.
• Rachel can’t:
She can´t work on the weekends and can´t speak French.
It seems that Rachel is a programmer girl and she has been learning humans languages as well. She can code in Python and JavaScript, on top of that she can speak English, Portuguese and Spanish. That’s cool.
But she can’t speak French and she can’t work on the weekends. 😄
Rachel Can:
Rachel Can’t:
Rachel can use python
Rachel can use JavaScript
Rachel can speak spanish,english and portuguese
Rachel can´t work on the weekends
Rachel can´t speak french
According to the interview, Rachel is a software developer and she can program in python and Javascript. She also speaks English, Spanish and Portuguese too. She can’t speak French and she can’t work on weekends.
Rachel Can:
She can use python
She can use JavaScript
She can speak other lenguages like english, portuguese and spanish
Rachel Can’t:
She can’t work at the weekends
She can’t speak French
Rachael can use Python. She can use JavaScript. She can speak English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Rachel can’t work on the weekends and she can’t speak French.
Rachel can
Good morning Rachel, welcome. How are you today?
Good morning. Thank you. I’m doing great
All right, Rachel, let’s start. Can you use Python?
Yes, I can
Okay, and Javascript,** can you use** it?
Oh wow! You curriculum looks amazing
Thak you very much
Now a question for you. Can you work on the weekends?
Sorry, I can’t I’m doing my master’s degree on the weekends
Oh, that’s amazing. And can you speak other languages?
Yes. I can. I can speak english and I can speak spanish.
Oh fantastic, can you speak french?
No, I can’t but I can speak portuguese
Interesting Rachel. Thak you for your time
You’re welcome an thank you.
she can use python
she can use javascript
she can´t work on the weekeds
she can speak several languages
she can´t speak french
she can speak portuguese
Rachel can:
Use Python
Use JavaScript
Speak English, Spanish and Portuguese
She can
She can use Phyton.
She can use JavaScript.
She can speak English, Portuguese and Spanish.
She can’t
She can’t work on the weekends.
She can’t speak French
In the interview Rachel can use Phyton an Javescrip, she can speak English, Spanish and Portuguese, but Rachel can´t work on the weekends and she can´t speak French.
Rachel can:
Use Python
Use JavaScript
Speak English, Spanish and Portuguese
Rachel can’t:
Work on the weekends
Speak French
Can you use python?
Yes, I can
And Javascirpt can you use?
-Can you work on the weekends?
Sorry I can’t
-Can you speak others languages?
Yes, I can, I can speak English and I can speak espanish
-Can you speak French?
No, I can’t but I can speak portuguese
Use python
use juvaScript
Can you work on the weekends?
No, i can’t works on the weekends
Can you speak other languages?
I can speak spanish ,i acn speak english and i can speak portuguese
Can you speak french?
No,i can’t speak french.
Rachel: Can use python and javascript, also she can speak English, Portuguese, and Spanish.
but she can’t work on the weekends because she is improving her professional path through a master’s degree.
¿What can Rachel do?
¿What cannot Rachel do?
She can:
She can use Phyton.
She can use JavaScript.
She can speak English, Spanish and Portuguese.
She can’t:
She can’t work on the weekends.
She can’t speak French.
My contribution: - Rachel can:
Use Python
Use JS
She can speak English
She can speak Spanish
She can speak Portuguese
Rachel can’t:
She can’t work on the weekends
She can’t speak French
Rachel can not: Work on weekends and speak french.
Rachel was in interview with Jhon, these are the things that she can do:
These are the things that Rachel can’t do:
Things that Rachel can do
Speak spanish, english and portuguese
Things that Rachel can’t do
Work on the weekend
speak french
**Rachel can: **
she can to use python and javascript
she can speak english, spanish and portuguese
**Rachel can’t: **
Hi Platziers! Good vibes to you all. This is my contribution, adding other ways to say it. Bye bye.
Rachel is able to use Python and JavaScript. Besides, she can Speak English, Spanish and Portuguese too Rachel cannot speak French, and currently she cannot work on the weekends.
Rachel can
Rachel can´t
Rachel can:
Use Python
Use JavaScript
Speak English, Spanish and Portuguese
Rachel can’t:
Work on the weekends
Speak French
Rachel Can:
Rachel can use Python.
Rachel can use JavaScript
Rachel can speak English and Spanish
Rachel can speak Portuguese
Rachel Can´t
Rachel can´t work on the weekends.
Rachel can´t speak French.
Rachel can: Use the phyton,javascript
Speak English,Spanish and Portuguese
Rachel can’t :
Work on weekends
Speak French
Hello there!
Here my answers:
Rachel can:
Rachel can’t:
Rachel can use Python
Rachel can use JavaScript
Rachel can Speak English, Spanish and Portuguese
Rachel can’t work on the weekends
Rachel can`t speak French
I don’t like background sound
Racherl can:
She can use Python
She can use Javascript
She can speak English and Spanish
She can speak Portuguese
Rachel can’t:
She can’t work on weekends
She can’t speak French
I want to be like Rachel
Rachel can:
She can use Python
She can use JavaScript
She can speak other languages such as English, Spanish and Portuguese
Rachel can't:
She can't work on the weekend
She can't speak French
Rachel can:
Rachel can´t
Rachel can use Python
She also can use JS
But she can’t work on the weekends
Rachel can speak English and Spanish but she can’t speak French
-She can use Python.
-She can use JavaScript.
-She can’t works on the weekends.
-She can speak English and Spanish.
-She can’t speak French.
-She can speak Portuguese.
She can use Python
She can javascript.
She can speak many languages.
She can´t work on the weekends
She can´t speak French
Write the things that Rachael can and can’t do:
She can use Python
She can use JavaScript
She can speak Spanish, English and Portuguese
She can’t work on weekends
Rachel can:
She can:
Use Python
Use Javascript
Speak English and Spanish
Speak Portuguese
She can’t:
Work on the weekends
Speak French
Write the things that Rachael can and can’t do:
Rachel can:
-She can use python
-She can use javaScript
-She can speak English, Spanish and Portuguese
-She can not work on the weekends
-She can speak french
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