Curso de Phrasal Verbs Comunes en Inglés

Curso de Phrasal Verbs Comunes en Inglés

Publicado el 07 de enero de 2022

Nivel Avanzado
22 clases
1 hora de contenido
10 horas de práctica

Aprender frases verbales y expresiones idiomáticas comunes es parte importante en el proceso de aprender inglés. Estos dos aspectos ayudan a mejorar tu fluidez en el idioma, aumentar tus habilidades conversacionales e incrementan tu confianza al momento de comunicarte. Si sientes que aprender expresiones idiomáticas y frases adverbiales puede ser algo complejo, don’t worry! Durante las clases de este curso lo aprenderás de manera natural y divertida. Are you ready? Let’s go!

Clases del curso

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Profes del curso

Conoce quién enseña el curso

Sarah Roecklein

Sarah Roecklein

English Teacher

👩‍🏫 English teacher

✒️ Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction

💻 Content Creator

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Opiniones del curso

4.8 · 405 opiniones

José Iván Triviño Fúnez

José Iván Triviño Fúnez


This course is full-necessary. Everyone must take it if they want improve their English, because a way is watching series, but a effective way is this, on a academic way. Thank you Platzi

Alejandra Karina Vargas Rivera

Alejandra Karina Vargas Rivera


The teacher is cool, I love your classes, she has knowledge and is prepared for this topics. I learned a lot. Thanks.





Nathalie Rubiano

Nathalie Rubiano


Excellent course! Excellent teacher!

Ottoniel Chitop

Ottoniel Chitop


A great course, you learn while your are having fun.

Carla Daviña Candia Calderon

Carla Daviña Candia Calderon


great teacher

Alejandro Zuñiga Saavedra

Alejandro Zuñiga Saavedra


The best of this course is the content and the excellent teacher. Thank you.

Ivan Dario Garay Lizcano

Ivan Dario Garay Lizcano


the class and the teacher are very fun and practical... i've learned a lot, thanks

Ana Castillo

Ana Castillo


i love it like you teach us thank you i learned a lot of new vocabulary

Milena Roldan

Milena Roldan


genial el curso y la explicación

Mozart Alberto García de Haro

Mozart Alberto García de Haro


Great course, great teacher!

Moni Guerra

Moni Guerra


Excellent teacher. Thank you by share your knowledge. I learned more idioms and phrasal verbs.

Willian Millan

Willian Millan


I really enjoyed learning idioms and phrasal verbs with the prof Sarah, she is a great teacher.

Diego Beteta

Diego Beteta


altamente recomendado, directo al grano y muy práctico!

Gabriel Obregón

Gabriel Obregón


In this course you will learn phrasal verbs and idioms

Álvaro René Sánchez Serrano

Álvaro René Sánchez Serrano


I Enjoyed taking this course. She is an amazing English teacher.

Giancarlo Calderón rincón

Giancarlo Calderón rincón


el curso es muy util,mas para tener mas vocabulario

Bashir Abdallah López Méndez

Bashir Abdallah López Méndez


That was an incredible course, The topics are well explained, the teacher knows how to teach.

Evelyn VPírez

Evelyn VPírez


The teacher has a way of speaking that I love!!! It is great and charming!!

Humberto Guardado

Humberto Guardado


Challenging, and I could not expect less from a wonderful teacher such as Sarah.

Edward Tuanama

Edward Tuanama



Jorge Sanchez

Jorge Sanchez


She is an amazing teacher. I learned phrasal verbs that I didn't even know existed.

Jennyffer Paola Monroy Alarcon

Jennyffer Paola Monroy Alarcon


Fue un curso simple, fácil y entretenido ⭐🙌

Mario Alonso Núñez Zavala

Mario Alonso Núñez Zavala


Such big good selection of professor! She's the BEST. For sure the apple's eye of her family ;D

Jaime Hernando García Henao

Jaime Hernando García Henao


Excelente curso.

Natalia Vera Duran

Natalia Vera Duran


Ahora entiendo mucho más de mis series de televisión, estas expresiones se usan muchísimo y soy super fan de esta profe, me encantó!

Obdaly Garay

Obdaly Garay


The teacher Sarah is just so fun to learn with, she teaches everything in a simple and easy way, I learned a lot and right now I completely feel like a native speaker.

Richard Linarez

Richard Linarez


Excellent course, I've enjoyed it a lot! Please bring Sarah back to teach us with other courses :)

Luis Hernandez

Luis Hernandez


Me fascina esta profesora, creo que es la mejor de todas las profesoras de inglés que he tenido. Me encanta como da su clase y la recomiendo 100%.

Heiner Rojas Mckenzie

Heiner Rojas Mckenzie


Amazing teacher! Beautiful course, I have learned lots of idioms and phrasal verbs. Special thanks to the teacher and congratulations to Platzi Team.

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