Listen and Repeat: Más de 350 verbos en inglés. Aprende a pronunciarlos con este tutorial.

Julio J

A continuación una lista de más de 350 verbos categorizados por contexto, con su respectiva forma de expresión fonética, su traducción y su conjugación en pasado simple:

Las categorías son:

  • Communication / People Skills
  • Financial/ Data Skills
  • Helping Skills
  • Management / Leadership Skills
  • Organization / Detail Skills
  • Research Skills
  • Teaching Skills
  • Technical Skills
  • More verbs for Accomplishments

Communication / People Skills

InfinitivePhoneticTranslationSimple Past tense
to addressəˈdrɛs 🔊orientaraddressed
to advertiseˈæd vərˌtaɪz 🔊anunciaradvertised
to arbitrateˈɑr bɪˌtreɪt 🔊arbitrararbitrated
to arrangeəˈreɪndʒ 🔊organizararranged
to articulateɑrˈtɪk yəˌleɪt 🔊articulararticulated
to authorˈɔ θər 🔊crear (autoría)authored
to clarifyˈklær əˌfaɪ 🔊aclararclarified
to collaboratekəˈlæb əˌreɪt 🔊colaborarcollaborated
to communicatekəˈmyu nɪˌkeɪt 🔊comunicarcommunicated
to composekəmˈpoʊz 🔊componercomposed
to condensekənˈdɛnst 🔊condensarcondensed
to conferkənˈfɜr 🔊conferirconferred
to consultkənˈsʌlt 🔊consultarconsulted
to contactˈkɒn tækt 🔊contactarcontacted
to conveykənˈveɪ 🔊transmitirconveyed
to convincekənˈvɪns 🔊convencerconvinced
to correspondˌkɔr əˈspɒnd 🔊correspondercorresponded
to debatedɪˈbeɪt 🔊debatirdebated
to definedɪˈfaɪn 🔊definirdefined
to describedɪˈskraɪb 🔊describirdescribed
to developdɪˈvɛl əp 🔊desarrollardeveloped
to directdɪˈrɛkt, daɪ- 🔊dirigirdirected
to discussdɪˈskʌs 🔊discutirdiscussed
to draftdræft 🔊hacer un bocetodrafted
to editˈɛd ɪt 🔊editaredited
to elicitɪˈlɪs ɪt 🔊obtenerelicited
to enlistɛnˈlɪst 🔊Enlistarseenlisted
to explainɪkˈspleɪn 🔊explicarexplained
to expressɪkˈsprɛs 🔊expresarexpressed
to formulateˈfɔr myəˌleɪt 🔊formularformulated
to furnishˈfɜr nɪʃ 🔊amueblarfurnished
to incorporateɪnˈkɔr pəˌreɪt 🔊incorporarincorporated
to influenceˈɪn flu əns 🔊influenciarinfluenced
to interactˌɪn tərˈækt 🔊interactuarinteracted
to interpretɪnˈtɜr prɪt 🔊interpretarinterpreted
to interviewˈɪn tərˌvyu 🔊entrevistarinterviewed
to involveɪnˈvɒlv 🔊involucrarinvolved
to joindʒɔɪn 🔊unirjoined
to judgedʒʌdʒ 🔊juzgarjudged
to lectureˈlɛk tʃər 🔊dar una conferencialectured
to listenˈlɪs ən 🔊escucharlistened
to marketˈmɑr kɪt 🔊mercadearmarketed
to mediateˈmi diˌeɪt 🔊mediarmediated
to moderateˈmɒd əˌreɪt 🔊moderarmoderated
to negotiatenɪˈgoʊ ʃiˌeɪt 🔊negociarnegotiated
to observeəbˈzɜrv 🔊observarobserved
to outlineˈaʊtˌlaɪn 🔊esquematizaroutlined
to participatepɑrˈtɪs əˌpeɪt 🔊participarparticipated
to persuadepərˈsweɪd 🔊persuadirpersuaded
to presentˈprɛz ənt 🔊presentarpresented
to promoteprəˈmoʊt 🔊promoverpromoted
to proposeprəˈpoʊz 🔊proponerproposed
to publicizeˈpʌb ləˌsaɪz 🔊publicitarpublicized
to reconcileˈrɛk ənˌsaɪl 🔊reconciliarreconciled
to recruitrɪˈkrut 🔊reclutarrecruited
to referrɪˈfɜr 🔊referirsereferred
to reinforceˌri ɪnˈfɔrs 🔊reforzarreinforced
to reportrɪˈpɔrt 🔊reportarreported
to resolverɪˈzɒlv 🔊resolverresolved
to respondrɪˈspɒnd 🔊responderresponded
to solicitsəˈlɪs ɪt 🔊solicitarsolicited
to specifyˈspɛs əˌfaɪ 🔊especificarspecified
to speakspoʊk 🔊hablarspoke
to suggestsəgˈdʒɛst 🔊sugerirsuggested
to summarizeˈsʌm əˌraɪz 🔊resumirsummarized
to synthesizeˈsɪn θəˌsaɪz 🔊sintetizarsynthesized
to translatetrænsˈleɪt 🔊traducirtranslated
to writeraɪt 🔊escribirwrote

Financial / Data Skills

InfinitivePhoneticTranslationSimple Past tense
to actækt 🔊actuaracted
to adaptəˈdæpt 🔊adaptaradapted
to adjustəˈdʒʌst 🔊ajustaradjusted
to administerædˈmɪn ə stər 🔊administraradministered
to allocateˈæl əˌkeɪt 🔊ubicarallocated
to analyzeˈæn lˌaɪz 🔊analizaranalyzed
to appraiseəˈpreɪz 🔊evaluarappraised
to assessəˈsɛs 🔊evaluarassessed
to auditˈɔ dɪt 🔊realizar una auditoriaaudited
to balanceˈbæl ənst 🔊equilibrarbalanced
to beginbɪˈgæn 🔊empezarbegan
to calculateˈkæl kyəˌleɪt 🔊calcularcalculated
to combinekəmˈbaɪn 🔊combinarcombined
to computekəmˈpyut 🔊computarcomputed
to conceptualizekənˈsɛp tʃu əˌlaɪz 🔊conceptualizarconceptualized
to condensekənˈdɛnst 🔊condensarcondensed
to conservekənˈsɜrv 🔊conservarconserved
to correctkəˈrɛkt 🔊corregircorrected
to createkriˈeɪt 🔊crearcreated
to customizeˈkʌs təˌmaɪz 🔊personalizarcustomized
to designdɪˈzaɪn 🔊diseñardesigned
to determinedɪˈtɜr mɪn 🔊determinardetermined
to developdɪˈvɛl əp 🔊desarrollardeveloped
to developdɪˈvɛl əp 🔊desarrollardeveloped
to directdɪˈrɛkt, daɪ- 🔊dirigirdirected
to displaydɪˈspleɪ 🔊mostrardisplayed
to drawdrɔ🔊sacar / dibujardrew
to entertainˌɛn tərˈteɪn 🔊entretenerentertained
to establishɪˈstæb lɪʃ 🔊establecerestablished
to estimateˈɛs təˌmeɪt 🔊estimarestimated
to forecastˈfɔrˌkæst 🔊pronosticarforecasted
to formulateˈfɔr myəˌleɪt 🔊formularformulated
to foundfaʊnd 🔊fundarfounded
to illustrateˈɪl əˌstreɪt, ɪˈlʌs treɪt 🔊ilustrarillustrated
to initiateɪˈnɪʃ iˌeɪt 🔊iniciarinitiated
to instituteˈɪn stɪˌtut 🔊institucionalizarinstituted
to integrateˈɪn tɪˌgreɪt 🔊integrarintegrated
to introduceˌɪn trəˈdus 🔊presentarintroduced
to inventɪnˈvɛnt 🔊inventarinvented
to manageˈmæn ɪdʒ 🔊administrarmanaged
to marketˈmɑr kɪt 🔊mercadearmarketed
to measureˈmɛʒ ər 🔊medirmeasured
to modelˈmɒd l 🔊modelarmodeled
to modifyˈmɒd əˌfaɪ 🔊Modificarmodified
to originateəˈrɪdʒ əˌneɪt 🔊originaroriginated
to performpərˈfɔrm 🔊actuarperformed
to photographˈfoʊ təˌgræf 🔊fotografiarphotographed
to planplæn 🔊planificarplanned
to programˈproʊ græm 🔊programarprogrammed
to projectˈprɒdʒ ɛkt 🔊proyectarprojected
to reconcileˈrɛk ənˌsaɪl 🔊reconciliarreconciled
to reducerɪˈdust 🔊reducirreduced
to researchriˈsɜrtʃ 🔊investigarresearched
to retrieverɪˈtriv 🔊recuperarretrieved
to reviserɪˈvaɪz 🔊revisarrevised
to revitalizeriˈvaɪt lˌaɪz 🔊revitalizarrevitalized
to shapeʃeɪpt 🔊Dar formashaped
to solvesɒlv 🔊resolversolved

Helping skills

InfinitivePhoneticTranslationSimple Past tense
to adaptəˈdæpt 🔊adaptaradapted
to advocateˈæd vəˌkeɪt 🔊abogaradvocated
to aideɪd 🔊ayudaraided
to answerˈæn sər 🔊contestaranswered
to arrangeəˈreɪndʒ 🔊organizararranged
to assessəˈsɛs 🔊evaluarassessed
to assistəˈsɪst 🔊asistirassisted
to care forkɛər fɔr-cuidar de
to clarifyˈklær əˌfaɪ 🔊aclararclarified
to coachkoʊtʃ 🔊entrenarcoached
to collaboratekəˈlæb əˌreɪt 🔊colaborarcollaborated
to contributekənˈtrɪb yut 🔊contribuircontributed
to cooperatekoʊˈɒp əˌreɪt 🔊cooperarcooperated
to counselˈkaʊn səl 🔊asesorarcounseled
to demonstrateˈdɛm ənˌstreɪt 🔊demostrardemonstrated
to diagnoseˈdaɪ əgˌnoʊs 🔊diagnosticardiagnosed
to educateˈɛdʒ ʊˌkeɪt 🔊educareducated
to encourageɛnˈkɜr ɪdʒ 🔊fomentarencouraged
to ensureɛnˈʃʊər 🔊asegurarensured
to expediteˈɛk spɪˌdaɪt 🔊acelerarexpedited
to facilitatefəˈsɪl ɪˌteɪt 🔊facilitarfacilitated
to familiarizefəˈmɪl yəˌraɪz 🔊familiarizarsefamiliarize
to furtherˈfɜr ðər 🔊avanzarfurthered
to guidegaɪd 🔊guiarguided
to helphɛlp 🔊ayudarhelped
to insureɪnˈʃʊər, -ˈʃɜr 🔊asegurarinsured
to interveneˌɪn tərˈvin 🔊intervenirintervened
to motivateˈmoʊ təˌveɪt 🔊motivarmotivated
to presentˈprɛz ənt 🔊presentarpresented
to provideprəˈvaɪd 🔊proveerprovided
to referrɪˈfɜr 🔊referirsereferred
to rehabilitateˌri həˈbɪl ɪˌteɪt 🔊rehabilitarrehabilitated
to resolverɪˈzɒlv 🔊resolverresolved
to simplifyˈsɪm pləˌfaɪ 🔊simplificarsimplified
to supplysəˈplaɪ 🔊suministrarsupplied
to supportsəˈpɔrt 🔊apoyarsupported
to volunteerˌvɒl ənˈtɪər 🔊ser voluntariovolunteered

Management / Leadership Skills

InfinitivePhoneticTranslationSimple Past tense
to administerædˈmɪn ə stər 🔊administraradministered
to analyzeˈæn lˌaɪz 🔊analizaranalyzed
to appointəˈpɔɪn t 🔊de nombrarappointed
to approveəˈpruv 🔊aprobarapproved
to assignəˈsaɪn 🔊asignarassigned
to attainəˈteɪn 🔊alcanzarattained
to authorizeˈɔ θəˌraɪz 🔊autorizarauthorized
to chairtʃɛər 🔊sillachaired
to considerkənˈsɪd ər 🔊considerarconsidered
to consolidatekənˈsɒl ɪˌdeɪt 🔊consolidarconsolidated
to contractkənˈtrækt 🔊contratarcontracted
to controlkənˈtroʊl 🔊controlarcontrolled
to convertkənˈvɜrt 🔊convertirconverted
to coordinatekoʊˈɔr dnˌeɪt 🔊coordinarcoordinated
to decidedɪˈsaɪd 🔊decidirdecided
to delegateˈdɛl ɪˌgeɪt 🔊delegardelegated
to developdɪˈvɛl əp 🔊desarrollardeveloped
to directdɪˈrɛkt, daɪ- 🔊dirigirdirected
to eliminateɪˈlɪm əˌneɪt 🔊eliminareliminated
to emphasizeˈɛm fəˌsaɪz 🔊enfatizaremphasized
to enforceɛnˈfɔrs 🔊hacer cumplirenforced
to enhanceɛnˈhæns 🔊mejorarenhanced
to establishɪˈstæb lɪʃ 🔊establecerestablished
to executeˈɛk sɪˌkyut 🔊ejecutarexecuted
to generateˈdʒɛn əˌreɪt 🔊generargenerated
to handleˈhæn dl 🔊manejarhandled
to headhɛd 🔊dirigirseheaded
to hirehaɪər 🔊contratarhired
to hosthoʊst 🔊hospedarhosted
to improveɪmˈpruv 🔊mejorarimproved
to incorporateɪnˈkɔr pəˌreɪt 🔊incorporarincorporated
to increaseɪnˈkris 🔊aumentarincreased
to initiateɪˈnɪʃ iˌeɪt 🔊iniciarinitiated
to inspectɪnˈspɛkt 🔊inspeccionarinspected
to instituteˈɪn stɪˌtut 🔊institucionalizarinstituted
to leadlid 🔊liderarled
to manageˈmæn ɪdʒ 🔊administrarmanaged
to mergemɜrdʒ 🔊fusionarmerged
to motivateˈmoʊ təˌveɪt 🔊motivarmotivated
to organizeˈɔr gəˌnaɪz 🔊organizarorganized
to originateəˈrɪdʒ əˌneɪt 🔊originaroriginated
to overhaulˌoʊ vərˈhɔl 🔊revisaroverhauled
to overseeˌoʊ vərˈsi 🔊supervisaroversaw
to planplæn 🔊planificarplanned
to presideprɪˈzaɪd 🔊presidirpresided
to prioritizepraɪˈɔr ɪˌtaɪz 🔊priorizarprioritized
to produceprəˈdus / -ˈdyus 🔊producirproduced
to recommendˌrɛk əˈmɛnd 🔊recomendarrecommended
to reorganizeriˈɔr gəˌnaɪz 🔊reorganizarreorganized
to replacerɪˈpleɪs 🔊reemplazarreplaced
to restorerɪˈstɔr 🔊restaurarrestored
to revuerɪˈvyu 🔊revivirreviewed
to strengthenˈstrɛŋk θən 🔊fortalecerstrengthened
to superviseˈsu pərˌvaɪz 🔊supervisarsupervised
to terminateˈtɜr məˌneɪt 🔊terminarterminated

Organization / Detail Skills

InfinitivePhoneticTranslationSimple Past tense
to approveəˈpruv 🔊aprobarapproved
to arrangeəˈreɪndʒ 🔊organizararranged
to catalogˈkæt lˌɔg 🔊catalogarcataloged
to categorizeˈkæt ɪ gəˌraɪz 🔊categorizarcategorized
to charttʃɑrt 🔊trazarcharted
to classifyˈklæs əˌfaɪ 🔊clasificarclassified
to codekoʊd 🔊codificarcoded
to collectkəˈlɛkt 🔊coleccionarcollected
to comparekəmˈpɛər 🔊comparedcomparar
to compilekəmˈpaɪl 🔊compilarcompiled
to correspondˌkɔr əˈspɒnd 🔊correspondercorresponded
to distributedɪˈstrɪb yut 🔊distribuirdistributed
to executeˈɛk sɪˌkyut 🔊ejecutarexecuted
to filéfaɪl 🔊archivarfiled
to generateˈdʒɛn əˌreɪt 🔊generargenerated
to implementˈɪm pləˌmɛnt / -mənt🔊implementarimplemented
to incorporateɪnˈkɔr pəˌreɪt 🔊incorporarincorporated
to inspectɪnˈspɛkt 🔊inspeccionarinspected
to loglɔg 🔊iniciar sesiónlogged
to maintainmeɪnˈteɪn 🔊mantenermaintained
to monitorˈmɒn ɪ tər 🔊supervisarmonitored
to obtainəbˈteɪn 🔊obtenerobtained
to operateˈɒp əˌreɪt 🔊operaroperated
to orderˈɔr dər 🔊ordenarordered
to organizeˈɔr gəˌnaɪz 🔊organizarorganized
to prepareprɪˈpɛər 🔊prepararprepared
to processˈprɒs ɛs 🔊procesarprocessed
to provideprəˈvaɪd 🔊proveerprovided
to purchaseˈpɜr tʃəs 🔊a comprapurchased
to recordrɪˈkɔrd 🔊registrarrecorded
to registerˈrɛdʒ ə stər 🔊registrarseregistered
to reserverɪˈzɜrv 🔊reservarreserved
to respondrɪˈspɒnd 🔊responderresponded
to revuerɪˈvyu 🔊revivirreviewed
to routraʊt 🔊derrotarrouted
to scheduleˈskɛdʒ ul 🔊programarscheduled
to screenskrin 🔊proyectar (en pantalla)screened
to set upˈsɛtˌʌp 🔊configurarset up
to standardizeˈstæn dərˌdaɪz 🔊estandarizarstandardized
to submitsəbˈmɪt 🔊entregarsubmitted
to supplysəˈplaɪ 🔊suministrarsupplied
to systematizeˈsɪs tə məˌtaɪz 🔊sistematizarsystematized
to updateʌpˈdeɪt 🔊actualizarupdated
to validateˈvæl ɪˌdeɪt 🔊validarvalidated
to verifyˈvɛr əˌfaɪ 🔊verificarverified

Research Skills

InfinitivePhoneticTranslationSimple Past tense
to analyzeˈæn lˌaɪz 🔊analizaranalyzed
to clarifyˈklær əˌfaɪ 🔊aclararclarified
to collectkəˈlɛkt 🔊recolectarcollected
to conductkənˈdʌkt 🔊conducirconducted
to critiquekrɪˈtik 🔊criticarcritiqued
to detectdɪˈtɛkt 🔊detectardetected
to determinedɪˈtɜr mɪn 🔊determinardetermined
to diagnoseˈdaɪ əgˌnoʊs 🔊diagnosticardiagnosed
to evaluateɪˈvæl yuˌeɪt 🔊evaluarevaluated
to examineɪgˈzæm ɪn 🔊examinarexamined
to experimentɛkˈspɛr əˌmɛnt 🔊experimentarexperimented
to exploreɪkˈsplɔr 🔊explorarexplored
to extractɪkˈstrækt 🔊extraerextracted
to formulateˈfɔr myəˌleɪt 🔊formularformulated
to gatherˈgæð ər 🔊reunirgathered
to identifyaɪˈdɛn təˌfaɪ 🔊identificaridentified
to inspectɪnˈspɛkt 🔊inspeccionarinspected
to interpretɪnˈtɜr prɪt 🔊interpretarinterpreted
to interviewˈɪn tərˌvyu 🔊entrevistarinterviewed
to inventɪnˈvɛnt 🔊inventarinvented
to investigateɪnˈvɛs tɪˌgeɪt 🔊investigarinvestigated
to locateˈloʊ keɪt 🔊localizarlocated
to measureˈmɛʒ ər 🔊medirmeasured
to organizeˈɔr gəˌnaɪz 🔊organizarorganized
to researchriˈsɜrtʃ 🔊investigarresearched
to searchsɜrtʃ 🔊buscarsearched
to solvesɒlv 🔊resolversolved
to summarizeˈsʌm əˌraɪz 🔊resumirsummarized
to surveysərˈveɪ 🔊encuestarsurveyed
to systematizeˈsɪs tə məˌtaɪz 🔊sistematizarsystematized
to testtɛst 🔊probartested

Teaching Skills

InfinitivePhoneticTranslationSimple Past tense
to adaptəˈdæpt 🔊adaptaradapted
to adviseædˈvaɪz 🔊aconsejaradvised
to clarifyˈklær əˌfaɪ 🔊aclararclarified
to coachkoʊtʃ 🔊entrenarcoached
to communicatekəˈmyu nɪˌkeɪt 🔊comunicarcommunicated
to conductkənˈdʌkt 🔊conducirconducted
to coordinatekoʊˈɔr dnˌeɪt 🔊coordinarcoordinated
to critiquekrɪˈtik 🔊criticarcritiqued
to developdɪˈvɛl əp 🔊desarrollardeveloped
to enableɛnˈeɪ bəl 🔊permitirenabled
to encourageɛnˈkɜr ɪdʒ 🔊fomentarencouraged
to evaluateɪˈvæl yuˌeɪt 🔊evaluarevaluated
to explainɪkˈspleɪn 🔊explicarexplained
to facilitatefəˈsɪl ɪˌteɪt 🔊facilitarfacilitated
to focusˈfoʊ kəs 🔊centrarsefocused
to guideˈgaɪ dɪ 🔊guiarguided
to individualizeˌɪn dəˈvɪdʒ u əˌlaɪz 🔊individualizarindividualized
to informɪnˈfɔrm 🔊informarinformed
to instillɪnˈstɪl 🔊inculcarinstilled
to instructɪnˈstrʌkt 🔊instruirinstructed
to motivateˈmoʊ təˌveɪt 🔊motivarmotivated
to persuadepərˈsweɪd 🔊persuadirpersuaded
to set goalssɛt goʊlsestablecer metas
to simulateˈsɪm yəˌleɪt 🔊simularsimulated
to stimulateˈstɪm yəˌleɪt 🔊estimularstimulated
to teachtitʃ 🔊enseñartaught
to testtɛst 🔊probartested
to traintreɪn 🔊entrenartrained
to transmittrænsˈmɪt 🔊transmitirtransmitted
to tutorˈtu tər 🔊tutoreartutored

Technical Skills

InfinitivePhoneticTranslationSimple Past tense
to adaptəˈdæpt 🔊adaptaradapted
to assembleəˈsɛm bəl 🔊armarassembled
to buildbɪlt 🔊construirbuilt
to calculateˈkæl kyəˌleɪt 🔊calcularcalculated
to computekəmˈpyut 🔊computarcomputed
to conservekənˈsɜrv 🔊conservarconserved
to constructkənˈstrʌkt 🔊construirconstructed
to convertkənˈvɜrt 🔊convertirconverted
to debugdiˈbʌg 🔊depurardebugged
to designdɪˈzaɪn 🔊diseñardesigned
to determinedɪˈtɜr mɪn 🔊determinardetermined
to developdɪˈvɛl əp 🔊desarrollardeveloped
to engineerˌɛn dʒəˈnɪər 🔊ingeniarengineered
to fabricateˈfæb rɪˌkeɪt 🔊fabricarfabricated
to fortifyˈfɔr təˌfaɪ 🔊fortificarfortified
to installɪnˈstɔl 🔊instalarinstalled
to maintainmeɪnˈteɪn 🔊mantenermaintained
to operateˈɒp əˌreɪt 🔊operaroperated
to overhaulˌoʊ vərˈhɔl / ˈoʊ vərˌhɔl 🔊revisaroverhauled
to print.prɪnt 🔊imprimirprinted
to programˈproʊ græm 🔊programarprogrammed
to rectifyˈrɛk təˌfaɪ 🔊rectificarrectified
to regulateˈrɛg yəˌleɪt 🔊regularregulated
to remodelriˈmɒd l 🔊remodelarremodeled
to repairrɪˈpɛər 🔊repararrepaired
to replacerɪˈpleɪs 🔊reemplazarreplaced
to restorerɪˈstɔr 🔊restaurarrestored
to solvesɒlv 🔊resolversolved
to specializeˈspɛʃ əˌlaɪz 🔊especializarsespecialized
to standardizeˈstæn dərˌdaɪz 🔊estandarizarstandardized
to studyˈstʌd i 🔊estudiarstudied
to upgradeʌpˈgreɪd / ˈʌpˌgreɪd 🔊actualizarupgraded
to utilizeˈyut lˌaɪz 🔊utilizarutilized

More verbs for Accomplishments

InfinitivePhoneticTranslationSimple Past tense
to achieveəˈtʃiv 🔊conseguirachieved
to completekəmˈplit 🔊completarcompleted
to exceedɪkˈsid 🔊excederexceeded
to expandɪkˈspænd🔊expandirexpanded
to improveɪmˈpruv 🔊mejorarimproved
to pioneerˌpaɪ əˈnɪər 🔊liderarpioneered
to reducerɪˈdus / -ˈdyus 🔊reducirreduced (losses)
to resolverɪˈzɒlv 🔊resolverresolved (issues)
to restorerɪˈstɔr 🔊restaurarrestored
to spearheadˈspɪərˌhɛd 🔊encabezarspearheaded
to succeedsəkˈsid 🔊triunfarsucceeded
to surpasssərˈpæs 🔊superarsurpassed
to transformtrænsˈfɔrm 🔊transformartransformed
to winwɪn 🔊ganarwon

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Maravilloso aporte, gracias

6 años

Julio, bestial aporte!! Con esto, aunque no parezca, tranquilamente podemos practicar muchas palabras para mejorar nuestro vocabulario… Gracias por semejante aporte @jjyepez!!

5 años

OMG! thank you so much.

6 años

Buen aporte.
Una cosa, el significado del verbo “to revue” no es revivir, es revisar.