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About TENS and its effect in treating
the Adhessive Capsulitis
</header><section><divclass="introduccion"><p>Adhesive capsulitis, also known as frozen shoulder, is a painful and disabling condition that affects the shoulder joint. It is characterized by progressive stiffness and pain, which can make it difficult to perform even simple tasks such as putting on a shirt or combing your hair. The condition is typically self-limiting, lasting for 12-18 months. However, in some cases, it can last for several years.
The signs and symptoms of adhesive capsulitis typically develop over time, and they can vary from person to person.
Some of the most common signs and symptoms of adhesive capsulitis include:
Pain: The pain associated with adhesive capsulitis is usually dull and aching, and it can be worse at night or when the shoulder is moved.
Stiffness: The shoulder joint becomes stiff and difficult to move. This can make it difficult to perform everyday tasks such as reaching overhead, putting on a shirt, or combing your hair.
Loss of range of motion: The loss of range of motion is one of the most characteristic features of adhesive capsulitis. The shoulder may become so stiff that it is impossible to lift the arm above the head or to reach behind the back.
Weakness: The shoulder may also become weak, making it difficult to use the arm for activities such as lifting objects or pushing open a door.
</li></ul></div><divclass="efecto-tens"><h2>Treatment parameters</h2><ul><li>
Current: The current should be set to a level that is just above the threshold of feeling a tingling sensation.
Pulse width: The pulse width should be set to 100-200 microseconds.
Frequency: The frequency should be set to 50-100 Hertz.
Duration: The TENS treatment should be applied for 20-30 minutes at a time.
Here are some exercises which could
help in adhessive capsulitis's