Developing entrepreneurial skills


hace 3 años

During this crisis, did you find yourself struggling and floundering or solving problems and creating value?

Even as we start to see the light at the end of this COVID tunnel, we realize that things will never go back to the way they were. The world has changed so quickly in so many ways and we have all learned that we must be ready to adapt to new situations and unexpected challenges in order to evolve and thrive in a crisis.

In order to thrive in today’s world, we must therefore be innovative in every aspect of our work so that we can continue to be relevant and add value as individuals and organizations.

Being innovative can mean being an entrepreneur who creates a new enterprise but it can also mean bringing innovation into our everyday work in our existing jobs and companies.

The good news is that being innovative is not something you have to be born with or know intuitively from the start. Innovation is about transforming problems into opportunities through a process and way of thinking that you can learn and develop.

That is why Platzi has launched the new course: Developing Entrepreneurial Skills.


Now, more than ever, this is a strategic course for anyone looking to be a future-ready professional in any sector or field. This course is just as much for budding entrepreneurs as for people who want to be more innovative in their current work and everyday situations.

We cannot predict what the next challenge or crisis might bring, but we can be better equipped and prepared to proactively solve problems thanks to these practical Entrepreneurial skills.

Upon completing the Developing Entrepreneurial Skills course, you will be able to:

  1. Understand why innovation matters, what is (and isn’t!) innovation, and how to innovate in ANY context
  2. Create a well defined innovation challenge and get valuable insights about current or potential users
  3. Generate innovative ideas by tapping into creativity and inspiration
  4. Design and develop agile prototypes to validate ideas with very limited time, effort and investment
  5. Transform ideas into viable business concepts that can be presented in any forum to get buy-in and support
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This new Platzi course is taught by innovation expert, Daphne S. Leger. Originally from France, Daphne spent many years studying and working in the United States and is now based in Mexico. She has a background in International Development, an MBA from Harvard Business School, and extensive experience in leadership positions in startups in the technology and healthcare sectors.

Most recently, she was Innovation Manager at Cinépolis, where she designed and tested new entertainment experiences while driving a culture of innovation across the global corporation.

Daphne has given numerous innovation conferences, courses and workshops. She is a university professor, and a teacher and mentor through various global entrepreneurship, innovation and executive education programs.

This course will challenge what you think you know about innovation and help you be more innovative in the way you think and work. The course is full of real world examples and cases and will push you to develop your own innovation and solve small challenges as you go through the course at your own pace.

You will find the course is given in a high-energy and engaging way because afterall, innovation should be fun and exciting!

If you want to develop your entrepreneurial skills to make sure you are always relevant as a professional, adding value to your organization, and solving problems for people no matter what the context or challenge is, it’s time to start this new Platzi course!



hace 3 años

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muy buenas tardes Licda. Daphne, soy Nesby Carolina Morales Herrera, soy nueva estudiante de segundo año de bachillerato y a continuación le daré mi aporte sobre lo que pienso que es la pregunta que usted puso arriba.

¿Cuáles son las Seis estrategias para potenciar tus habilidades emprendedoras ?

En si , nosotros los emprendedores tenemos ideas distintas y eso es lo que nos hace a que podamos diseñar nuevos experimentos o inclusos administrar nuevas empresas.
En esta nota encontrarás algunas recomendaciones de gran utilidad.
Pero como emprendedor o emprendedora debes desarrollar una serie de habilidades para que puedas hacer la diferencia y triunfar.
En este caso encontramos lo que es: 1 Adaptación al cambio.

Los cambios ocurren de manera inesperada y se debe estar preparado para estas situaciones buscando la mejor
solución que te permita reinventarte.
en este caso les dije anteriormente que los emprendedores y emprendedoras tienen distintas ideas , lo cual esto hace a que Alla competencia ya sea de nivel mundial o nivel local.
tambien tenemos lo que es
2 Aprende a potenciar tu tiempo.

Ten en cuenta que una persona emprendedora no tiene un jefe que controle sus tiempos o que la vigile hasta que cumpla con las tareas encomendadas, por lo que será fundamental que establezcas una buena administración de tu tiempo si pretendes tener éxito. Reserva un tiempo para capacitarte, hacer networking o afinar estrategias.
en este caso en realizar nuevos networking me estoy refiriendo ha realizar nuevos trabajos , para que así alla mas competencia en tu empresa.
en la tercera opcion o tercer punto tenemos lo que es
3 Resiliencia.

Este es un término que proviene del campo de la psicología y consiste en saber reponerse a las derrotas, contratiempos y, en este caso, procesarlos para ser un mejor empresario.
en este caso se viene lo que es entender o aceptar las ideas de tus nuevos colegas empresarios , porque así podríamos sacar provecho a tu empresa novadora.
tenemos lo que es el
4 Branding personal.

Un emprendedor competente también es un referente. Su habilidad y capacidad llamarán la atención de manera positiva posicionándolo dentro de su campo de acción.
en este cuarto punto , un emprendedor o emprendedora siempre tiene que tener la certeza o la mentalidad en que si yo patrocino este producto , lo tengo que hacer de forma espontanea y de manera tranquila sin tenerle tanto ambición a la competencia.
tenemos como punto numero cinco lo que es
5 la Creatividad e innovación.

Un emprendedor debe tener buenas ideas que le permitan crear productos o servicios con los que pueda generar negocio. No solo se trata de inventar cosas, sino darles nuevos o distintos usos a cosas que ya existen, buscando la diferenciación.
en este punto el emprendedor o emprendedora tiene que ser natural, con ser natural me refiero a que sus ideas sean de el o de ella misma , para que así no pueda tener problemas con la seguridad.
y como ultimo punto tenemos
6 Curiosidad constante.

Tener una curiosidad y sed de nuevas experiencias es una gran virtud que hace la diferencia entre un emprendedor exitoso y uno del resto.
ahora bien , ya sabemos que la curiosidad la tenemos todos y todas , pero si estamos hablando en el caso de los emprendedores y emprendedoras ellos o ellas usan la curiosidad para poder desarrollar nuevas ideas y nuevos productos para sacar adelante su empresa.

3 años

Gran reflexión Nesby, muchas gracias por compartirla! Estoy muy de acuerdo con los 6 puntos que mencionas y creo que verán que en particular la adaptación al cambio, la resiliencia, la creatividad e innovación y la curiosidad constante son conceptos que cubrimos en este nuevo curso!

3 años

daphne.leger muchisimas gracias miss 😊

3 años

¡Wow, Nesby! Felicidades, excelente exposición, gracias por tu aporte. De acuerdo con los 6 puntos expuestos. 😉


Excellent work @Daphne.leger!
This course sounds fascinating and we all should care and learn about the importance of innovation. 😉


Is great Platzi has professors with such backgrounds 😃


Entrepreneurship requires patience, sacrifice and a series of skills that you must develop to increase your chances of success.

  1. Adaptation to change
    Changes happen unexpectedly and you must be prepared for these situations, looking for the best solution that allows you to reinvent yourself.

  2. Learn to boost your time
    Keep in mind that an enterprising person does not have a boss who controls their time or who watches over them until they complete the assigned tasks, so it will be essential that you establish good management of your time if you intend to be successful. Set aside time to train, network, or fine-tune strategies.

  3. Resilience
    It is a term that comes from the field of psychology and consists of knowing how to recover from defeats, setbacks and, in this case, process them to be a better entrepreneur.


In itself, we entrepreneurs have different ideas and that is what makes us able to design new experiments or even manage new companies.
In this note you will find some very useful recommendations.
But as an entrepreneur or entrepreneur you must develop a series of skills so that you can make a difference and succeed.
Changes happen unexpectedly and you must be prepared for these situations by looking for the best
solution that allows you to reinvent yourself.
In this case, I told you before that male and female entrepreneurs have different ideas, which makes Alla compete either on a global or local level.
Keep in mind that an enterprising person does not have a boss who controls their time or who watches over them until they complete the assigned tasks, so it will be essential that you establish good management of your time if you intend to be successful. Set aside time to train, network, or fine-tune strategies.
In this case, in doing new networking, I am referring to doing new jobs, so that there may be more competition in your company.
This is a term that comes from the field of psychology and consists of knowing how to recover from defeats, setbacks and, in this case, process them to be a better entrepreneur.
In this case, what is to understand or accept the ideas of your new business colleagues is coming, because that way we could take advantage of your innovative company.
A competent entrepreneur is also a reference. Your skill and ability will attract attention in a positive way by positioning you within your field of action.
In this fourth point, an entrepreneur must always have the certainty or the mentality that if I sponsor this product, I have to do it spontaneously and calmly without having so much ambition towards the competition.
An entrepreneur must have good ideas that allow him to create products or services with which he can generate business. It is not only about inventing things, but giving new or different uses to things that already exist, seeking differentiation.
at this point the entrepreneur has to be natural, by being natural I mean that their ideas are his or her own, so that they cannot have problems with security.
Having a curiosity and thirst for new experiences is a great virtue that makes the difference between a successful entrepreneur and one of the rest.
Now, we already know that we all have curiosity, but if we are talking in the case of male and female entrepreneurs, they use curiosity to develop new ideas and new products to move their company forward.


Having a curiosity and thirst for new experiences is a great virtue that makes the difference between a successful entrepreneur and one of the rest.
Now, we already know that we all have curiosity, but if we are talking in the case of male and female entrepreneurs, they use curiosity to develop new ideas and new products to move their company forward.


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I’d like to highlight the following ideas from this post:

  • After the COVID pandemic, things will never go back to the way they were.
  • The world has changed so quickly in so many ways. So we should be prepared for new events like this one.
  • We must therefore be innovative in every aspect of our work.
  • Innovation is about transforming problems into opportunities.
  • Being innovative is not something you have to be born with.

Would you add any other? 🤔


What a motivating course! : D