The importance of Speaking English at work


hace 2 años

Did you know that nearly 80% of employees in Latin America require the English language to advance to managerial positions?


That’s right. According to a study conducted by the University of Cambridge, 78% of employees in our region need to master English to reach a managerial position. What’s concerning about this figure isn’t just the high number of job opportunities that require the language, but the gap that exists between the English skills demanded by companies and the skills of employees.

As a small example of this gap, we find the results of a survey carried out by OCCMundial, the largest job board in Mexico, where 72% of the interviewed individuals stated they had missed a job opportunity due to their poor English proficiency or lack of knowledge.

The sad reality is that Latin America, as a region, is below the global average in English proficiency assessments (falling behind Europe and Asia). Most Latin American countries fall into the low or very low categories in such assessments. This is evident in the latest report from the EF English Proficiency Index for 2021, where nine Latin American countries, including Colombia, Mexico, and Brazil, ranked at the bottom positions.

Start improving your English and boost your professional development


But, don’t let these figures discourage you. There’s a lot you can do to help close this gap in our region and get one step closer to achieving your professional goals.

If you want to focus on improving your English skills for work, you can challenge yourself by listening to podcasts, reading articles, or using television as your ally. For example, have fun while learning everyday expressions by watching a quirky group of employees interact in ‘The Office,’ a comedy TV series set in a workplace. The reality show ‘Shark Tank’ is another good option for gaining business and investment vocabulary.

If you prefer to start from a more basic level and take the learning process at your own pace, I invite you to explore the learning path of the Platzi English Academy, where you’ll find over 75 courses designed to help you improve your professional English proficiency

It’s time to take your English to the next level


One of the new additions is the Basic English Workshop on Workplace Elements.

A perfect workshop for those at a basic level who want to learn how to communicate in English with coworkers, even if they’ve never had the opportunity to practice the language in an office environment.

With this workshop, you’ll gain the fundamentals to effectively communicate in English in a workplace setting. Through practical activities, role-playing, and listening exercises, you can learn this and much more:

  • How to provide your personal information.
  • Steps to set up your corporate email.
  • Vocabulary for scheduling meetings and referring to your weekly agenda.
  • Simple phrases to break the ice with colleagues and team leaders.
  • Vocabulary to describe office equipment and furniture.
  • Read: English Adverbs of Frequency

So instead of giving up on job opportunities that require the language, prepare to acquire the skills and knowledge you need in an easy and practical way. Don’t let language become a barrier to advancing in your career!

Now that you know you have a powerful tool at your disposal, move forward confidently towards job opportunities, help us close the language gap in the region, prepare to keep growing in your professional career, and never stop learning with Platzi English Academy!



hace 2 años

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Teacher, I am doing the course today, and I am really interesting on it… Thanks so much…❤️

4 meses

I am thrilled to let you know that Home Depot is launching a customer satisfaction survey at https://www.homedepotcomsurvey.co/! This is a fantastic opportunity for us to hear directly from our valued customers about their experience with us. We want to know what we’re doing well and where we can improve.


Gracias @ginapedraza
Muy bue blog. Claro y puntual.
Una buena estrategia de estudio es utilizar las plataformas como Netflix, Prime, HBO… para aprender y mejorar el idioma ingles. Audio en inglés y Subtitulos en Inglés.


Muy interesante muchas gracias.


Es la realidad y a la vez el desafio que tenemos como region poder dar el salto al idioma Inglés, el cúal solo se logrará cuando empecemos a vencer el miedo a hablarlo.
Gracias por este gran post y el increible curso, en realidad es muy bueno.


Exactamente, incluso para un puesto de desarrollador es una ventaja y un plus para encontrar un trabajo remoto.

2 años

Saludos, me encantó tu página 🤘🏻
Para el que pase por aquí, deberian verla, la recomiendo ✅


Confirmo, esto es 100% indispensable.


very interesting is the blog


Excelente nota! Muchas gracias Gina. Y algo que me gustaría añadir es incorporar al idioma en nuestras vidas (como el ejemplo de las serie “The Office”, de esta forma la carga no es tan pesada como una “obligación”.