Si no lo sabes, pero sientes que entiendes el inglés, quiero invitarte a que escuches nuestro podcast, Speak English.
Algo que me gusta mucho de los podcasts es que los puedes escuchar mientras lavas los platos, arreglas tu cama o tu cuarto, en fin, mientras haces otras cosas 😃
Y escuchar es el primer paso para aprender un idioma.
Grabamos un episodio sobre los niveles de inglés y aquí te comparto la transcripción de ese episodio para que lo escuches y lo leas al mismo tiempo.
Si te preguntas: “como saber qué nivel de inglés tengo”, toma nuestro test de nivel. Es gratuito y podrás evaluar todas las habilidades: 🚀
Y a continuación te dejo el dialogo.
Carol: Hello and welcome to Platzi’s Speak English podcast. I am Carol and I am a Course Director in the Professional Growth Faculty in Platzi.
Jess: Hello everyone, I am Jess Harris, and I am an English Training lead at Platzi.
Carol: Do you want to know what is your English level? We will talk about this topic in this episode.
Jess: To begin we will review some vocabulary we will use in this podcast.
Carol: Terms: words or phrases used to describe a thing or express a concept.
Jess: Exchange (the noun): means giving something and receiving something of the same kind in return.
Carol: Idioms: a phrase or expression whose meaning can’t be understood from the ordinary meaning of the words included in it. For example: The test was a piece of cake. This means it was easy.
Jess: That’s very important, idioms are hard to understand so it’s good to look up the definition.
The next one is advantages: circumstances that put one in a favourable position.
Carol: And disadvantages: unfavourable circumstances that reduce the chances of success.
For example, if you need to go to an office to work, living close to work is an advantage and living far from your office could be a disadvantage.
Jess: Exactly, now we have a trivia question for you: Which English level is the minimum required in most job opportunities? Stay tuned to find out the answer.
Carol: Now let’s get into the topic. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages defines levels based on the expression, oral and written comprehension of languages such as English. There are 3 blocks and 6 levels.
Jess: Basic users can be: A1 or A2
If your level is A1:
You can introduce yourself and ask others about their personal details.
You are able to understand and use simple expressions and very basic phrases.
And you might be able to interact with someone that speaks English slowly and clearly.
Carol: Is your level A2?
Then you understand common expresions and sentences and you are able to communicate with others and exchange information about routine tasks as well as describing aspects about your life and immediate needs.
Jess: Independent users can be B1 or B2
If your level is B1
You understand familiar topics related to education, work, traveling and much more.
You are able to write about things that you are interested in or with which you are familiar.
Conversations in English are more fluent so you can describe situations, goals, or give your opinion and feel more comfortable when interacting with native speakers
Carol: Let’s move on to B2:
If you are in this level you understand more complex topics in English including technical terms in the work place.
You can have conversations with native speakers fluently at a faster pace.
You can write about various topics clearly and explain advantages and disadvatages.
Jess: Proficient users have a C1 or C2 level
With a C1 level you can perform complex education and work-related tasks and you understand difficult long texts.
You can use more idioms and expressions freely when having informal conversations.
You can also write text about complex topics with a good and clear structure.
Carol: If you if find yourself in the C2 level:
You understand everything you read or hear in English.
You express yourself freely in both informal and formal situations.
And you can summarize information from different sources, both written and spoken, as well as construct arguments.
It’s very hard to reach a C2 level. Usually if you have a C2 level you are a native speaker.
Jess: Yes, that’s very true. Most people stop at C1 and that’s a very sufficient level for learning a language.
Now let’s answer the trivia question: Which English level is the minimum required in most job opportunities?
Carol: And the answer is B2!
Jess: Wow B2! And Carol can you remind me, what can you do at a B2 level?
Carol: If you are in a B2 level you understand more complex topics in English including technical terms, you can also have conversations with native speakers fluently and you can write about different topics clearly.
Jess: In our course Strategies to learn English Online, which is the first course in the English School, you will find a placement test to know what your level of English is.
Carol: Even if you get a high score on the test I highly recommend to complete all our pronunciation courses and participate in our monthly activities to practice your English speaking skills. Go to to find out more.
Jess: Every week we have a free class for you, to watch it go to
Carol: Thank you for listening!
Jess: Till next time!
Cuéntame, ¿qué te pareció el episodio? ¿Lograste entender todo el podcast?
Si estás en el comienzo de tu camino de aprendizaje, posiblemente estés en el nivel A1 en inglés. Este es el primer nivel, el de principiantes, y podrás mejorarlo con los cursos de nuestra escuela de inglés.
Tenemos un episodio nuevo de Speak English todos los viernes por la noche. ¿Hay algún tema del cuál te gustaría que habláramos?
Thank you for listening and for reading this blogpost. 💚
El podcast esta disponible incluso para lo que no son estudiantes de Platzi?
Sí, si está disponible.
¡Excelente! Lo entendí todo. Yo pienso que debo tener entre un B2 y un C1. De todas formas, quiero hacer todos los cursos de la escuela de inglés… ¡Nunca está de más repasar y aprender cosas nuevas!
Igual pienso yo!
I love the “Speak English” podcast, the pronunciation, editing and sound are impeccable. This makes it easier to understand the message.

It also include new vocabulary and an explanation of it before to start.
It is a great tool!.
… And, you don’t need much time to enjoy…
uooo es una gran pagina me encantaria aprender ingles
Leyendo comprendo la mayor parte (un 70%) escuchándolo es cuando mi cerebro truena porque confunde varias palabras (un 60% de comprensión) 😕
While is very good to learn about everything, you guys need to start practicing writing (responding) in a good English sentence. The shorter your words the less you practice. the more you read and write the more you practice. Keep it in mind and good luck to every one!!!
Ya me dieron ganas de estudiar inglés 🤗🤗
muchas gracias Platzi por estas oportunidades.
Great.!! Today gonna listen the podcast.
Thanks for all tools that you give us (students).
I’d like that you create situations where two people are talking about marketing, or another topic from platzi’s carrers, like a normal conversation.
We could improve our listening.
Thank you, that’s a great idea 😃 Coming soon…
Me sirvió para darme cuenta que pude entender todo el podcast mientras lo leía, pero que hay palabras que por mas que sepa su significado o lo deduzca (como “freely”) jamas se me pasa por la mente utilizarlas.
I didn’t know about this podcast. I totally loved it.
When the pandemic started, I was studying english in Canada but I had to returned without have finished the course because Colombia was closing the borders.
I think I improved a lot and I could be in level B1 or B2, but I need to start re-practicing. I also need to learn more about technical vocabulary related with programming, marketing and development.
I am in the middle of the Basic Programming Course and I will begin the English School. asap.
Entendí todo y me gustó.
Tengo dos años en Estados Unidos y puedo ver como mi ingles ha mejorado significativamente, pienso que estoy en B2 cerca de un C1. Sin embargo, debo mejorar mi pronunciación.
Me gustó mucho este contenido porque por mucho tiempo he pensado que tener un nivel B2 no es suficiente para un trabajo de habla inglesa, estaba errada.
está muy bueno, es la primera vez que escucho el podcast, está muy bieno el contenido, ojala vengan mas en inglés!
Excelent episode! Congrats both.
I think measuring it’s important to know where are we and where are we going to go
Amazing I understood all podcast conversation, I really love still practicing my English language skill with Platzi.
We’ve great courses and our community is the best 🤓
thaaaaaanks !!! it´s beatiful !!!
Lemon squeeze?
Piece of cake🍰
Excelente, logre entender siento que me falta un poco mas de confianza al hablar pero se expresarme. Considero mi nivel entre un B1 a B2. Exitos a todos los colegas!!!
No conocía el podcast, me parece excelente muchas gracias por compartir.
Thank you!!
Thanks Platzi 💚
Estaría genial tener este podcast en Apple Podcasts 😕
Hay veces que no nos damos cuenta del nivel que tenemos en ingles, solo por tener pena :c
Lo leí todo en español porque no me fijé que Chrome lo tradujo 🤦🏻♂️
pues muy bonito y todo pero no puedo estudiar el curso porque no tengo expert jaja XD
No es necesario, puedo sostener una entrevista de trabajo con un ingles y un gringo al mismo tiempo
Pero gracias por la invitación
hola, ya no va el podcast?
Y donde se pueden conseguir el nuevo episodio de los viernes? Siempre he sabido que soy pésima escuchando y esta vez no fue la excepción, igual seguiré esforzándome para tener un buen nivel.
One advice I can give you is that you can try to practice with some friends. maybe with some mates for your current course. You can try to chat with them on English, and also to speak with them. So you can gain some confidence with yourself.
However, I also recommend you to take some test, like the BULATS or TOEIC in order to obtain a certification and to know your current level. Both exams test more your professional proficiency, but they are both a good beginning.