English: the business language


hace 2 años

Ever wonder why learning a new language is important? Think about it! Learning a second language is important because it gives you an edge. It gives you an advantage over those who don’t know a second language. If you can communicate in English as a second language, you are at a great advantage: Business is worldwide! The world is connected like never before. This connection makes learning English so important.


Why is English the language of business?

Why? Well, English is the language of business. So it was only natural to create a course that is about business idioms. These are idioms that you can use in a business setting. They are also idioms that will enrich your communication skills in a business and casual setting. Learning the idioms you will find in this course will help you express yourself and grow your confidence in your English language skills.

Examples of idioms in business

I chose idioms that I enjoy and I am confident with so, they will be useful to you in a work setting, no matter your occupation. Idioms like, “call it a day”. What does that mean?  Well, you will learn that it is not identifying something as a day. No, no, my friend. To “call it a day” means to “stop work or an activity”. It doesn’t matter your job or occupation, we all like to “call it a day”. Idioms are figurative language in which we all agree upon their meanings. I mean, how does “call it a day” equate to “ending your work or the time you stop working”? Well, find it out in this Curso de Inglés Avanzado: Frases Verbales y Expresiones Idiomáticas de Negocios!


Idioms make speaking and listening to a language fun. They allow you to put your own flair or style into what you are saying.  English is the language of business, it is good to get to know the fun part of the language so you can express yourself in ways that make you stand out amongst your friends and co-workers.

Examples of phrasal verbs in business

You will also learn phrasal verbs in this course. Phrasal verbs are so important because they have so many different meanings. A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and usually a preposition, combined to take on a whole new meaning. Take the phrasal verb ”look up”. “Look up” means to look in the opposite direction of down, to reach out to someone or visit them and it also can be used to reference doing some research.  What!? Let me explain better.

First, look up: to look in the air, not down.

  • “Hey look up in the sky, it’s a bird!”

Second, look up: to reach out to someone.

  • “I will look up my friend when I get to New York. I haven’t seen her for ages.”

Third, look up: to find an answer or research.

  • “I had to look up all the data online so I could finish my report.”

See? Two words, three separate meanings. Phrasal verbs are like that. Confusing, very useful and a great resource to improve your conversational skills and your comprehension skills. Will you learn all of the phrasal verbs there are in English? Of course not! That’s a great mission you have in this wonderful journey of learning English. However, the phrasal verbs you learn here in this course will be very helpful in day to day conversation as well as in the workplace.

A course to learn business English

This course gives you multiple ways to learn these phrasal verbs and idioms. You learn their definitions, then you get an example in context and right after that, you receive a check for understanding activity. There are oral examples, written activities and listening activities to help better your understanding of all of the idioms and phrasal verbs. What’s even better, you get opportunities to practice and create your own examples of how to use them. Practice through multiple opportunities is so important. It’s not enough to just memorize. It’s important to practice, listen, review and practice some more. Then, finally, show what you know!

¿Ready to dive into the world of “ingles de negocios”? Explore some other courses from our english academy to boost your career.


I hope you find this course enjoyable and fun. Most of all, I hope you find it practical and useful. Remember, the world is connected like never before. English as a second language has never been more important. Join me, won’t you?! I promise you won’t regret it!

Aprende expresiones en inglés.



hace 2 años

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A few days ago I resigned from my job looking to improve my growth opportunities. That’s when I realized how important it is to be proficient in English. Now I learn with Platzi English academy every day.

2 años

Never give up, you will see the future yourself and you can find that you finally change the world and change your life. Don’t desperate the time is wise and you are predestinated to change… when? I don’t know, but your time is accurate and finally, just say: thanks so much. Don’t forget it and promise you that you’ll do it… ❤️

2 años

God bless you and, the Virgin Mary intercede for you.


OMG, I enjoy your courses… Thanks teacher for the content, because, it is that I need it, seriously, at this moment in my professional life is very beneficious. Thanks so much… for everything that you give us… ❤️

2 años

My pleasure. I am so happy you enjoy the course. Thanks for taking time to let me know.


I loved the phrase “the world is connected like never before” its so true!


Never stop learning💯💪🔝


My purpose in this year is to learn english. 😃
My level is A2

2 años

Me too, Angie. 😃


The three meanings of the phrasal verb “look up” and the idiom “call it a day” are very interesting.