Haz descripciones y expresa cantidades


Aprende a usar cuantificadores y adjetivos

Superlativos en Inglés


Superlativos usando "the most" y la terminación "-est"


Estructura para crear oraciones superlativas


Roleplay: Describe lugares en Inglés


Practica el uso de superlativos en Inglés

Quiz: Superlativos en Inglés

Expresa cantidades en Inglés


Uso de "some", "a lot of " y "lots of"


Sustantivos que se usan sin artículos en Inglés


Sustantivos que son contables e incontables en Inglés


Cuantificadores con "of"


Roleplay: usa cuantificadores en el supermercado

Quiz: Expresa cantidades en Inglés

Comparativos en Inglés


Comparativos usando la terminación "-er"


Comparativos usando "more + than"


Ubicación de los adverbios de frecuencia en Inglés


Adverbios terminados en "-ly"


Forma adverbios añadiendo "-ly" a los adjetivos


Roleplay: Habla de Pasatiempos en Inglés


Practica el uso de adjetivos y adverbios

Quiz: Comparativos en Inglés

Expresiones útiles en Inglés


"Should" para dar consejos en Inglés


Expresa posesión y características usando "of"


Usa "with" y "without" para descripciones


Negaciones en Inglés


"Have to" y "must" para expresar obligación


Roleplay: Visita al doctor en Inglés

Quiz: Expresiones útiles en Inglés

Uso del gerundio en Inglés


Gerundios: Terminación "-in" en Inglés


Uso de "What kind / sort of ...?"

Quiz: Uso del gerundio en Inglés

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"Have to" y "must" para expresar obligación


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

Las obligaciones se refieren a cuando sabes que debes hacer algo y ese algo no es opcional.

En una clase pasada aprendimos a usar should, como una sugerencia para realizar una acción.

Con have to / must expresamos que la acción se debe hacer.

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre have to / must?

Must: se refiere a una obligación entre dos personas, o una obligación que sientes. Es decir, los sentimientos por cumplir una acción están implicados.

Si tu jefe te dice: You must finish the report by 10 am / Debes terminar el reporte a las 10 am.
Tu jefe te está dando una obligación. Es una orden del hablante.

Have to: se refiere a una obligación externa, de algo que tienes que hacer y punto. No hay sentimientos de por medio.

Si tú dices: I have to finish the report by 10 am / Debo terminar el reporte a las 10 am.
Alguien más (que no es el orador) tomó la decisión de hacerlo.

Don’t have to y Mustn’t

Las negaciones de have to / must son Don’t have to y Mustn’t, respectivamente. Las usamos cuando queremos expresar que alguien no puede hacer algo, o no tiene que hacer algo.

  • You mustn’t go to the park / No debes ir al parque.
    Mustn’t: se le prohíbe ir, no puede ir. No está permitido ir.

  • You don’t have to go to the park / No tienes que ir al parque.
    Don’t have to: no estás obligado a ir, es tu elección. No hay necesidad de ir.

Ejemplos usando have to y must

  • My mom said it’s my choice, so I don’t have to go if I don’t want / Mi madre dijo que es mi elección, así que no tengo que ir si no quiero.
  • I mustn’t drive. I’m only 14 / No debo conducir. Solo tengo 14 años.
  • I must have dinner before going out with my friends / Debo cenar antes de salir con mis amigos.

Contribución creada con aportes de: José Miguel Veintimilla.

Aportes 552

Preguntas 23

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This class remember me when fight whit my brother was like "I don’t have to go clean the room and my brother tell me Yes you must clean the room and me " NO i don have to go clean the room " then my mother come in and She trow her flip flop and solved the problem jejeje

Obligations and needs: have to / must

Must and have to both express obligation (a need). However, it makes a difference whether that need is external or internal.
Let me explain with some examples.
If the obligation is external (meaning someone else gave the command) you should use have to.

For example:

  • I have to finish my homework because my teacher told me to.

In this case, the speaker didn’t decide to do their homework because they wanted to, but because the teacher instructed it. This is an external obligation.

Here’s another example:

  • Dad said you have to eat all your vegetables.

In this example, the decision to eat vegetables is motivated by the external obligation given by dad. In both these examples, the need is motivated by outside pressure and consequences.
On the other hand, if the obligation is internal (meaning the speaker made the decision) you can use must. For example:

  • I must study so I pass the test.

  • I must eat this because I want to be healthier.

As you can see, the speaker is self-motivated in these examples.

22. Obligations and needs: have to / must

This video helped me A LOT to understand the difference between “have to” and “must”:

There are negative versions:

mustn’t: You are not allowed, you’re prohibited.

don’t have to: You are not obligated, it is your choice.

A good video that helped me with the correct pronunciation of those words is this:


  1. The teacher says: You must complete the task by tomorrow.
  2. I have to wear a tie everyday. My boss told me to.
  3. My mom said it’s my choice, so I don’t have to go if I don’t want.
  4. I mustn’t drive. I’m only 14.


  1. I must sleep more than four hours because I’m feeling too tired every day.
  2. I have to go shopping tomorrow, there isn’t enough milk for the cake.
  3. You must wear your face mask every time you go out.

I must clean up my room I have to eat more healthy because my doctor told me to.

  • If I want to improve my English, I must study every day.
  • I need to get up early, so I mustn’t go to bed late.
  • According to my doctor, I have to leave the sweets.
  • I don’t have to go to the bank, I can pay my bill on the website.

I like Amigos Ingleses. They have different videos talking about differences between grammar rules, like this case: have to and must
You should see this video! 😄 It’s a must! 😉

This class remember me when fight whit my brother was like "I don’t have to go clean the room and my brother tell me Yes you must clean the room and me " NO i don have to go clean the room " then my mother come in and She trow her flip flop and solved the problem jejeje

1. I must pay attention in this class, because tomorrow will be the final exam. 2. I have to hand my last project to science’s teacher. 3. She mustn’t go, because she has not received the results.

I must study 2 hours of English.
I have to work which is my obligation
You mustn’t study 2 hours of English
I don’t have to work althoug it is my obligation.
we mustn’t money
she mustn’t eat carrot
the door mustn’t be there

1.- She must go to work everyday.
2.- He have to get up early to make exercise.
3.- We mustn’t attend the meeting
4.-I don’t have to go, if I don’t want go

1.The children is playing with the toys so the mon says:
guys when finish to play with the toys you must pick them up and safe them please.
2. I have to go with my friend to the beach but i need to get money at ATM.
3. They mustn’t watch movie for them self, they are 10 years old.
4. She doesn’t have to clean the house if she can’t do it.

1.- I don’t like to drive, but I must drive.
2.- My boss told me that I have to arrive early for the meeting. I mustn’t miss.

My mom say every morning: You must do the bed and make the chores at home, but sometimes I don’t want because my siblings don’t help me because they are men, I know that I have to do it but please, understand me, I feel so tired and I am waiting for live out at home and forget them.

I don’t have to be a smoker and drinker, because It’s not fancy but sometimes I am so tired that I would like a wine but I feel that I mustn’t to do it only if somebody else told me.

I must to study English because of my career.
I have to drink some water everyday.
I mustn’t go the river when it is plenty of water.
I don’t have to wear shirt when it is cold.

I have to finish this course.
I must enroll in a university



i must go to the hospital you mustn't buy that toy she have to run this time he doesn't have to wash the dishes
1. "My daughter must get up early every day to go to her school." - Correct. Utiliza "must" para expresar una obligación que es importante para el hablante. 2. "I have to travel tomorrow to take an English exam. It's the program of the institute." - Correct. "Have to" indica una obligación impersonal relacionada con una decisión externa. 3. "My grandmother mustn't consume sugar because she has diabetes." - Correct. "Mustn't" expresa prohibición, adecuada aquí dada la condición médica. 4. "We don't have to go to the office if we are feeling sick." - Correct. "Don't have to" indica que no es una obligación ir a la oficina, lo cual es apropiado en este contexto.
It's interesting knowing the differents
My mother tells me that I **must** take the documents to her office. My coworkers bring their lunch to work, I **have to** bring my lunch. The boss **mustn't** be in the WhatsApp group. The librarian said that I **mustn't** talk loudly in the library. I **have to** bring a book to read at home. I **have to** drink coffee in the morning to feel good. My father said I **must** spend more time learning English if I really want to grow in the IT industry.
* You must doing exercises every day for your health. * She have to run at 5 A.M. because she works at 8 A.M. * Ricardo mustn't play basketball again. He is very bad. * I don't have to drive at night.
* I must complete my daily classes on Platzi today. * I have to go to the party with my friends because aparently it's the only place that we can meet. * I must complete my daily habits.
* I must to finish my task in my job. * You mustn't to drink beer when feel you bad * They have to do the homework. * She has to go to the party of her brother.
* I must go to the party. * I have to go to the party. * You mustn´t go to the game. * You don´t have to the game.
* I have to clean my room. * I don't have to go to the party * You must deliver the book tomorrow. * He mustn't drink tequila, He only is sixteen years old.
The teacher says: You *must* complete the task by tomorrow I *have to* wear a tie everyday. My boss told me to My mom said it's my choice, so I *don't have to* go if I don't want I *mustn't* drive. I'm only 14
Have to = External obligation Must = Internal obligation
I must to learn English, because I want to speak English. I have to work, because my mother said me that.
I don´t have to eat pizza. He mustn´t eat egg, he is allergic.  I must go to the gym. You have to play with them.
Affirmative: * We must talk before of take a choice. * I have to do the history homework. Negative: * I mustn´t eat potatoes and rice. * I don´t have to go to pharmacy now.
I have to call my friend I must to eat healthy I don't have to go the concert you mustn't watch the tv
My boss say "you must finish this activitie before 6pm. I doesn't have to go to the park. You mustn't go to the park after 10pm. You need study a lot, you mustn't fail this course.
-You mustn't walk downtown during the night, because usually, it's dangerous. -She doesn't have to come tonight because her granny is Ill. -He must buy the lunch because the restaurant is closed. They have to speak Spanish during the English classes.
I have to prepare my uniform for my tomorrow class We don´t have to do that, because it's not our job I must to study more If I want to approve my English certificate My mom told me, I mustn´t drink so much beer with my bestfriend
* I must learn English to work in the U.S.A. * I have to go to the university in 3 hours. * I dont have to go to work today, its my day off. * My boss told me I don't have to attend today because there's a management meeting. En la ultima me la jugue un poco jajaja.
1. I must educate for best opportunies 2. I mustn't drive a car drunk 3. I have to that send the homework to teachers 4. I haven't to go to the church every sunday
* My boss told me that I have to arrive as soon as possible. * You must finish this project because it is very important. * My mom told me I mustn't go to the party, but I won't obey. * If you want you can join us, but you don't have to.

Must: You must wear a seatbelt while driving
Have to: I have to finish this report by the end of the day.
Mustn’t: You mustn’t smoke in this area.
Don’t have to: You don’t have to bring a gift to the party, but it’s appreciated

You must take a shower We have to do homework together You mustn't move if i said please stay here I mustn't drive a car I don't have a driving license I don't have to think that it isn't necessary
I must have a meeting with the teachers at school I mustn't go the party I must buy a uniforme
1. Today I must finish a development, my boss is waiting for that. 2. I have to wash my clothes because tomorrow I need to travel 3. I don't have to go to the mall today, I would prefer stay at home. 4. I musn't drive my motorbike, I'm drunk
* I must finish my homework if I'm going to go out this weekend. * My mom said that I have to eat my vegetables * I mustn't take a beer. I'm only seventeen * I don't have to go to my grandmother's house
You have to go to grandmother You must go to school You mustn't drink liquor if you are under 18 years of age.
I must cut my hair every month if I want it to look good. We have to wear a mask to go outside.

My father told me that I must to clean the house xD.
I have to clean my house.

I have to do a social media report for the friday because my boss told me. My dauther dont´t have to goes I mustn´t eat a lot of pasta in the nigth, I am very fat

My sister mustn´t eat green vegetables because her doctor prohibits it.
I have to get 5 minutes early to my job because I have to check everybody is punctual.
I must to wake up earlier.
I haven´t eat carb if I want to lose weight.

The teacher says: You must complete the task by tomorrow. I have to wear a tie everyday. My boss told me to. My mom said it's my choice, so I don't have to go if a I don't want. I mustn't drive. I'm only 14.
I must finish this course I have to pay my membership

  • I have to study english to night

  • I have to brush my teeth three time at lease

  • We must to talk about the project

  • All passengers must use the seat belts

  • I must to practice more at the piano

  • You have to pay the taxes

My father reminded me that I must practice English, but I do not have to study English today because I must attend a party and need that I take to the party and my brother doesn’t have to take me.

My mom says: my dog ​​musn´t urinate inside home
I must do my homework.
I have to go to the gym, because it’s my doctor’s order.
I don’t have to buy clothes in Shein.

The teacher says: You must complete the task by tomorrow
I have to wear a tie everydat. My boss told me to

My mom said it´s my choice, so I don´t have to go if I don´t want.
I mustn´t drive. I´m only 14.

I must finish the work at 5 pm
I have to go at the store for clothes
I don’t have to do homework
I mustn’t go up the stairs

She must study every day to win the exam
I have to study every day to win the exam.

You mustn’t go to the party
You don’t have to go to the party

• You must pick up to the children at school
• I have to read the book 1Q84, I think is interesting.
• You mustn't take things if you don't have permissions of the owners
• I don't have to play videogames this weekend

“My obligation 😒 I don’t like to think about my obligations, but here are some of them: I have to do many things. I have to wash the dishes every four days, I must do the laundry every weekend, I don’t need to clean my room every day because my room is usually tidy. I don’t have to cook; thankfully, my mom helps me with that. I must study every day, and I have to work sometimes.”

My contribution

  • Must
    • I must learn English every day.
    • You must finish the feature by the end of the day.
    • I must read in English for 30 minutes per day.
  • have to
    • I have to read in English 30 minutes per day.
    • I have to drink water every day.
    • I have to work on weekdays.
  • Mustn’t
    • You mustn’t go to the party.
    • You mustn’t drink alcohol because you are teenager.
    • She mustn’t work after 9PM.
    • She mustn’t arrive early, you keep her away from here, I have to prepare everything.
  • Don’t have to
    • I don’t have to go to the party tonight.
    • We don’t have to eat out; we have food here, so we have to prepare dinner.
    • She doesn’t have to clean the house, because she is the visitor.
    • He doesn’t have to give you money; you aren’t his wife.

En la oración “You must finish the report by 10 am”, se utiliza “by” para indicar el límite de tiempo dentro del cual se debe completar la acción. En este caso, “by 10 am” significa que el informe debe estar terminado antes de las 10 de la mañana.

“By” se utiliza comúnmente para establecer un límite de tiempo específico para completar una acción. Indica que la acción debe estar realizada antes de que llegue ese tiempo. En esta oración, “by 10 am” establece que el informe debe estar finalizado antes de que sean las 10 de la mañana.

Por lo tanto, en esta estructura, “by” se utiliza para marcar el punto límite en el tiempo antes del cual algo debe estar hecho.

Let´s practice

  • I have to check in at the hotel at seven o´clock.

  • I must eat better from now.

  • I don´t have to use drugs if i don´t want.

  • My mother said that I mustn´t go to the party.

I have to take an online course tomorrow morning
I must call my parner
You mustn´t go out without protective equipment
You don´t have to stay here with me

  • I must study more.
  • You have to drink more water.
  • We mustn´t go out in the nigth.
  • They don´t have to do the homework.
  • I have to take my children to school.
  • Food must be before 3 pm today.
  • Son today you must wash the dishes.
  • My kids mustn´t watch tv after 10 pm.
  • On sunday I don´t have to study online if I don´t want to.

If I want to improve my English, I must study every day.
I need to get up early, so I mustn’t go to bed late.
I have to study english today.
You must sleep early tomorrow
He mustn’t go outside
They don’t have to go meeting

  • My boss said You must write on the production sheet

  • I have to wash my lunch plates

  • He mustn’t go outside

  • They don’t have to go meeting

i have to find a flower to my wife
i have to charge my phone

i must walk the dog
i must finish the proyect today

i don’t have to go to the gym today
i don’t have to do something today

i mustn’t drive on that path
i mustn’t leave this for tomorrow

I mustn’t drink, I’m only 18.

I don’t have to go to the party tonight

Doctor says I mustn’t drink too much coffee
I have to go to the office two days a week
I must to wash the dishes everyday
You don´t have to eat eggs everyday

I must practice basketball everyday to improve

you can come to my baby shower buts in on you so you dont have to go
i mustnt go to buy beer im only 17

If I want to become a SE specialist, I must study the SEO specialist route at Platzi.
I need to do more exercise, so I mustn’t gain weight.

I don’t have to practice my English, but for my future I must practice my English.

I must go to the meet today.
My boss is requesting the photos, I have give it.
I must the see the metrics, it’s important for the company.

I must finish to learn english at the end of the year, it’s my deadline!
I have to drink water every hour.
You mustn’t go to the party, teenagers are not allowed.
I don’t have to go to this meeting, I already know what they will talk about.

  • I must to report every anomaly that I see.
  • I have to come everyday because the boss said that the homeoffice is over.
  • I haven’t to say anything else if the person doesn’t ask me.
  • My nephew musn’t drink alcohol because he is only 15.
  • I have to work for living
  • I must eat my breakfast every morning
  • I don’t have to go out every weekend
  • I mustn’t drink and drive
  • I must call my boss.
  • I have to call my boss.
  • You must finish the report by 10 am.
  • I have to finish the report by 10 am.
  • I mustn’t go.
  • You don’t have to go.
  • You must complete the task by tomorrow.
  • I have to wear a tie every day. My boss told me to.
  • My mom said it’s my choice, so I don’t have to go if I don’t want.
  • I mustn’t drive. I’m only 14.
  • I must buy some food.
  • I have to buy some soap.
  • I mustn’t drink coke.
  • I don’t have to go to class.

-She must work tomorrow at 6 am.
-I must to study on platzi
-She Mustn´t leave her house tonight.
-I Have to make a podcast on Spotify
-I don´t have to go at the stadium

  1. I have to go to school, my parents said.
  2. I mustn’t sleep in classes.
  3. I don’t have to do exercise if I don’t want it.
  4. I must study more because I want to pass the exam.

Mom says I mustn´t go out when it rains.
I have to dress formal for work.
You have to do your math homework.
You don’t have to go to work if you’re sick.
The principal said you must finish the essay today.


I have to study english today.

You must sleep early tomorrow

He mustn’t go to that places.

She doesn’t has to go to work today.

My mon says: You must preparing th dinner
You mustn’t get out today
Have to
I have to wash the dishes
Don’t have to
I don’t have homework right now

I must study because I want to make my goals come true and because I love to spend my free time learning.
I have to clean the dishes, everyone at home must do their part. That’s our Philosophy.

I don’t have to work on weekends.
You have to read this book.
I must study more.
You mustn’t drink if you are going to.

My practice:


  1. you have to go to the bank because I need money.
    I must go to the bank because he needs money.
  2. You have to drive my father’s car; he is in the hospital.
    I must drive her father’s car; he is in the hospital.
  3. My mom is at work, he has to cook for dinner.
    My mom is at work, he must cook for dinner.
  4. The garden needs watering, I have to water it.
    The garden needs watering, I must water it.


  1. You do not have to go to the bank, your sister wants to go.
    You must not go to the bank; your sister has to go at this time.
  2. You don’t have to drive my father’s car; I can do it.
    You mustn’t drive my father’s car; I can do it
  3. My mom is coming back home, he hasn’t to cook for dinner.
    My mom is coming back home, he mustn’t cook for dinner.
  4. The garden needs watering, I don’t have to water it, my mom can do it.
  5.  The garden is beautiful, I mustn’t water it, my mom did it yesterday.

I have to finish a report tomorrow
I must study english.
I don’t have to play videogames
I mustn’t spend time watching movies

Obligation and needs: have to / must:

  1. I must to talk with my father i need his conseils.
  2. I must to do my bed, because it’s a first task complete of the day and encourage myself in the discipline path.
  3. I have to iron my pants, they are not proper dapper.
  4. I have to withdraw money from an ATM.
  5. You don’t have to go with us if you’re tired.
  6. They don’t have to come here, they’ll do the work at anyplace via internet.
  7. you mustn’t drive a car, because you don’t have a drving license.
  8. Sorry but they mustn’t enter in the country land because they don’t have their papers in order.

i have to make breakfast for my baby.
my husband must clean his desk so he can work.

I have to go out now to bring some money home.


  1. The teacher says: you MUST complete the task by tomorrow.
  2. I HAVE TO wear a tie everyday. My boss told me to.
  3. My mom said it’s my choice, so I DON’T HAVE TO go if I don’t want.
  4. I MUSN’T drive. I’m only 14.


  1. I must wash the dishes if I want to watch the soccer game of the UCL.
  2. My father said: Eder, you must go to the supermarket at 10:00 am.
  3. My sister must cook the dinner because his boyfriend will come to meet our family.
  4. My cousin don’t have to do his homework because my uncle doesn’t demand him anything for that He can go out with his friends.



Have to and must both express obligation, but must implies a personal obligation or a sense of duty, whereas have to can refer to external obligations or responsibilities. Must conveys a stronger sense of personal responsibility or urgency.

you mustn’t stop learning.
you must always learn anything new.

I don’t have to go to my work, but I have to, because I need to pay the bills.
I mustn’t waste my time on my way to work because I must get right on time.

Good lecture