Haz descripciones y expresa cantidades


Aprende a usar cuantificadores y adjetivos

Superlativos en Inglés


Superlativos usando "the most" y la terminación "-est"


Estructura para crear oraciones superlativas


Roleplay: Describe lugares en Inglés


Practica el uso de superlativos en Inglés

Quiz: Superlativos en Inglés

Expresa cantidades en Inglés


Uso de "some", "a lot of " y "lots of"


Sustantivos que se usan sin artículos en Inglés


Sustantivos que son contables e incontables en Inglés


Cuantificadores con "of"


Roleplay: usa cuantificadores en el supermercado

Quiz: Expresa cantidades en Inglés

Comparativos en Inglés


Comparativos usando la terminación "-er"


Comparativos usando "more + than"


Ubicación de los adverbios de frecuencia en Inglés


Adverbios terminados en "-ly"


Forma adverbios añadiendo "-ly" a los adjetivos


Roleplay: Habla de Pasatiempos en Inglés


Practica el uso de adjetivos y adverbios

Quiz: Comparativos en Inglés

Expresiones útiles en Inglés


Expresa posesión y características usando "of"


"Should" para dar consejos en Inglés


Usa "with" y "without" para descripciones


Negaciones en Inglés


"Have to" y "must" para expresar obligación


Roleplay: Visita al doctor en Inglés

Quiz: Expresiones útiles en Inglés

Uso del gerundio en Inglés


Gerundios: Terminación "-in" en Inglés


Uso de "What kind / sort of ...?"

Quiz: Uso del gerundio en Inglés

Sigue practicando


Ahora sabes usar adjetivos y cuantificadores

No se trata de lo que quieres comprar, sino de quién quieres ser. Invierte en tu educación con el precio especial

Antes: $249


Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Paga en 4 cuotas sin intereses

Termina en:

12 Días
12 Hrs
5 Min
15 Seg

Forma adverbios añadiendo "-ly" a los adjetivos



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Honestly, you don’t need to understand Neo Genesis Evangelion to enjoy it.

If you want a large list of adjectives click here!

I recommend this video, to learn more and more, and also, it has a practice guide.

She looks happily married to him.
Hopefully, they won the world cup.
these songs are incredibly beautiful.

I can learn fast in Platzi

Good list! That list has adjectives to describe places, personality and physical appearance!

fast -> fastly
left -> leftly
hard -> hard
right -> rightly
outside -> outsidely
straight -> straightly
late -> lately
wel -> welly
little -> littly
early -> earlily

Thanks to f1 driver Esteban Ocon I will never forget the difference between hard and hardly.

Ocon uses the incorrect word choice to great effect

If the adjective ends in l, double the l and add -ly


If the adjective ends in l, add -ly


You answer de questions right
You can run fast
this exam was hard

  • She looks happily married to him.
  • Hopefully, they won the world cup.
  • these songs are incredibly beautiful.
  • General rule: add -ly after the adjective
    honest: honestly

  • If the adjective ends in consonant + y, change the y to an i and add -ly
    happy: happily

  • If the adjective ends in ic, add -ally
    magic: magically

  • If the adjective ends in le, change the le to -ly
    possible: possibly

  • If the adjective ends in l, double the l and add -ly
    hopeful: hopefully

Thanks for explanation, I see easily.

I really enjoy learning English because all world speaks this.

honest - honestly
fair - fairly
slow - slowly
calm - calmly
happy - happily
lucky - luckily
angry - angrily
easy - easily
automatic - automatically
dramatic - dramatically
basic - basically
magic - magically

I have learned this quickly

wow list of adjectives thank.

honestly PLatzi pays alone

You can complete what you learned with this video

Some adverbs (I didn’t do more because I’m sleepy):







Honestly, you don’t need to understand Neo Genesis Evangelion to enjoy it.

I study calmlly English with Platzi

Some adverbs (I didn’t do more because I’m sleepy):


























el ejemplo esta mal ubicado

Let’s go home. The ice cream is melting quickly.

talvez era

Let’s go home. The ice cream is melting easily.

Good list! That list has adjectives to describe places, personality and physical appearance!

This is the most important class. In this topic.
He is driving the car very slowly. Yesterday I was happily enjoying my time until my sister came. The sentence is correctly clear. The interview was simply great. Johnson finished the exam easily. We will automatically take the trip. We arrived quickly. I woke up terribly.
-The train was so slowly -The movie is dramatically
honestly he doesn't want to clean the house when i did my homework i felt that it was easily it flies toward the tree magically on halloween night they were terribly scared the change was historically according he said

I run quickly

thanks you <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

The kids cry dramatically for the toys.
This is a dramatic movie.

fair - fairly
slow - slowly
calm - calmly
happy - happily
lucky - luckily
angry - angrily
easy - easily
automatic - automatically
dramatic - dramatically
basic - basically
magic - magically

Se necesita hacer una corrección:
**It was the first time I saw Bob react so angrily. **

Tendria que ser
It was the first time I had seen Bob react so angrily.

He is totally happy in his marriage.

My mother and grandmother are incredibly beautiful.

  • Honest - Honestly.
  • Fair - Fairly.
  • Slow - Slowly.
  • Calm - Calmly.
  • Sarah left the party quickly.
  • He was behaving calmly yesterday.
  • Happy - Happily.
  • Lucky - Luckily.
  • Angry - Angrily.
  • Easy - Easily.
  • Let’s go home. The ice-cream is melting quickly.
  • It was the first time I saw Bob react so angrily.
  • Automatic - Automatically.
  • Dramatic - Dramatically.
  • Basic - Basically.
  • Magic - Magically.
  • These three colors are basically the same.
  • Lately, the weather has changed dramatically.
  • Possible - Possibly.
  • Incredible - Incredibly.
  • Terrible - Terribly.
  • Horrible - Horribly.
  • Skipping class makes me feel terribly guilty.
  • Jacky felt incredibly sad after the final exams.
  • Beautiful - Beautifully.
  • Careful - Carefully.
  • Hopeful - Hopefully.
  • Historical - Historically.
  • Sam sings beautifully.
  • Hopefully, she won’t see us.
  • Fast.
  • Hard.
  • Right.
  • Late.
  • Well.
  • Early.
  • They can swim really fast.
  • The students are working hard to learn this topic.

this is an important class, I like everything I learned. thank you César.

  1. Honestly, I don’t think I’m ready for this presentation.
  2. I fairly enjoyed the movie, but it wasn’t the best I’ve seen.
  3. Can you please speak slowly? I’m not a native English speaker.
  4. She calmly explained the situation to me, which helped me relax.
  5. Honestly, I think we should postpone the trip until the weather gets better.

Honestly, Platzi is amazing for Latinos to learn technology, English, Soft Skills and another themes important in the XXI Century.

Never stop learning.

Good lecture.


  1. Fast -> Fastly
  2. Left -> Leftly
  3. Hard -> Hard
  4. Right -> Rightly
  5. Outside -> Outsidely
  6. Straight -> Straightly
  7. Late -> Lately
  8. Well -> Welly
  9. Little -> Littly
  10. Early -> Earlily



I actually love the brocoly

This class was hard.

🫵 He speaks honestly.
🤓 studying this subject can be easily understood.
🦾 Basically, if you put your mind to it, you get it.
🙏 Possibly studying I will go far.
😎 Historically, those who speak English have a better chance of success in life.

Some adverbs (I didn’t do more because I’m sleepy):







Clear-ly not it’s as sounds
Clear-ly she is the same of you

hahahahahah it’s so fun!

  • Incredibly I win my team.
  • Kaory sings beautifully.
  • Possibly I travel tomorrow morning.
  • Terribly suffered an accident.

Thank you for this class.

I could learn this topic with this example

  • You smell terrible
  • You smell terribly

In the first sentence you are saying that person have a bad smell, but in the second sentences you are saying that your sense of smell don`t work well. I hope help U


  • Honestly, trap is the best business in the music industry.
  • Djokovic easily wins the last match against Nadal.
  • He automatically called his sister.
  • Your president is terribly corrupt.
  • Brazil historically has the best soccer players in the world.
  • She was a little late for our appointment.

My practice:
fast -> fastly
left -> leftly
hard -> hard
right -> rightly
outside -> outsidely
straight -> straightly
late -> lately
wel -> welly
little -> littly
early -> earlily

She looks happily married to him.
Hopefully, they won the world cup.
these songs are incredibly beautiful.

Yeah! That’s right, we’re working so hard to learn this topic!!!

wow list of adjectives thank.

so important

Honest = Honestly
Fair = Fairly
Slow = Slowly
Calm = Calmly
Happy =Happily
Lucky = Luckily
Angry = Angrily
Easy = Easily
Automatic = Automatically
Dramatic = Dramatically
Basic = Basically
Magic = Magically

Thank you for this reading

honest - honestly
fair - fairly
slow - slowly
calm - calmly
happy - happily
lucky - luckily
angry - angrily
easy - easily
automatic - automatically
dramatic - dramatically
basic - basically
magic - magically

Excellent class 👍

Hopefully, Platzi has a lot of courses.
Some of them have great value. I really enjoy the opportunity to learn fast, simply, and always updated.

For my is one of the most incredibly educational platforms in Latam. The course catalogue is completly and extended.

I hope you can enjoy as i do, all these incredible platform. Never stop learning.

Honestly, you don’t need to understand Neo Genesis Evangelion to enjoy it.

  • honest - honestly

  • fair - fairly

  • slow - slowly

  • calm - calmly

  • happy - happily

  • lucky - luckily

  • angry - angrily

  • easy - easily

  • automatic - automatically

  • dramatic - dramatically

  • basic - basically

  • magic - magically

Good! 👍

  1. honest - honestly
  2. fair - fairly
  3. slow - slowly
  4. calm - calmly
  5. happy - happily
  6. lucky - luckily
  7. angry - angrily
  8. easy - easily
  9. automatic - automatically
  10. dramatic - dramatically
  11. basic - basically
  12. magic - magically
  • She looks happily married to him
  • Fast - Fastly
  • Left - Leftly
  • Hard - Hard
  • Right - Rightly
  • Outside - Outsidely
  • Straight - Straightly
  • Late - Lately
  • Well - Welly
  • Little - Littly
  • Early - Earlily

excellent reinforcement

  • honest - honestly

  • fair - fairly

  • slow - slowly

  • calm - calmly

  • happy - happily

  • lucky - luckily

  • angry - angrily

  • easy - easily

  • automatic - automatically

  • dramatic - dramatically

  • basic - basically

  • magic - magically

She looks happily married to him.
Hopefully, they won the world cup.
these songs are incredibly beautiful.

honest - honestly
fair - fairly
slow - slowly
calm - calmly
happy - happily
lucky - luckily
angry - angrily
easy - easily
automatic - automatically
dramatic - dramatically
basic - basically
magic - magically

General rule: add -ly after the adjective
honest: honestly

If the adjective ends in consonant + y, change the y to an i and add -ly
happy: happily

If the adjective ends in ic, add -ally
magic: magically

If the adjective ends in le, change the le to -ly
possible: possibly

If the adjective ends in l, double the l and add -ly
hopeful: hopefully

fast -> fastly
left -> leftly
hard -> hard
right -> rightly
outside -> outsidely
straight -> straightly
late -> lately
wel -> welly
little -> littly
early -> earlily

this class is very assertive to learn

excelent class

Thank u


The list of adverbs we don’t have to add -ly, I have seen “lately” as an adverb sometimes.

Let me try…


  • The James Webb telescope discoveries, fairly are a source of why we have to stop wars, there is enough space to sight.


  • Luckily, Platzi exists.


  • Do you hear it? Magically, Colombia’s male team is going to participate in Qatar '22 world football cup.


  • These fully raining days make me feel really empty.


  • Every person in the world historically receives a God’s second chance.


  • I’m late, for lunch.


Understanding the subject of adjectives and adverbs

honest - honestly
fair - fairly
slow - slowly
calm - calmly
happy - happily
lucky - luckily
angry - angrily
easy - easily
automatic - automatically
dramatic - dramatically
basic - basically
magic - magically


honest - honestly
fair - fairly
slow - slowly
calm - calmly
happy - happily
lucky - luckily
angry - angrily
easy - easily
automatic - automatically
dramatic - dramatically
basic - basically
magic - magically

I honestly didn’t understand😅

I love course 💓

Great class

thanks for this class

I recommend this video, to learn more and more, and also, it has a practice guide.

The exam is hard
the delivery is very fast
Sonia dances beautifully
the city is important historically
Can you speak slowly please

Adjective Adverb
honest honestly
fair fairly
slow slowly
calm calmly

She looks happily married to him.
Hopefully, they won the world cup.
these songs are incredibly beautiful.

Thanks for the information.
Good class Teacher Cesar 😃

He had gotten in the car quickly
When the police intercepted him, he calmly put the weapon down and walked slowly toward the officer


adjective: honest, fair, slow, calm.

very interesting the diference