We extended the Platzi DemoDay Call up!


hace 4 años

2021 just started and with this near year comes tremendous opportunities. Platzi bets on startup to come up with solutions to the most important challenges of our times. We are calling for ambitious and humble startup founders to join our Platzi DemoDay 10 weeks program. Read on to learn on the initiative and apply.


Gathering startup founders to shape 2021

Building no-code software allowing no technical talent to build digital products, fostering financial inclusion with mobile technology, democratizing access to effective education through online learning, reducing loneliness feelings thanks to virtual meeting experiences, increasing cybersecurity in an always more connected world are just some examples of the opportunities to startup founders will tackle this year.

Startups are catalysts of change to transform Latin America in digital competitive economy & impact people’s lives.

We want to gather the most promising early-stage & seed stage ventures into a 10 weeks program to help them reach their ambitions.

A virtual bilingual program

Starting early February, the 10 weeks program will be fully online. With our 10 years experience doing online effective education & being remote company since March 2020, we will put in practice all our learnings to create an interactive & high outcome experience for our selected entrepreneurs. If you get in, this is what you can expect:

  • Monday’s talk with a guest founder, VC or top startup executives on Zoom.
  • Hands-on workshop in breakout rooms to practice what is preached.
  • Weekly group office hours fostering discipline and commitment with your peers.
  • Access to our VIP telegram group gathering all the participants, our startup team and some surprises.
  • Startup knowledge and library on Notion made for you with love.
  • Courses from our platform to learn winning tactics for building or/and growing your company.
  • NEW: our own Platzi demo day software management platform to facilitate your experience, with shared weekly agenda, directories and 1:1 meetings features. We will keep improving, and we are excited to get started.

Finally, English is as of today one of the key reasons why Latin & Hispanics startups do not scale. The reality is today if you want to be global and growth, you will have to understand and be able to express yourself clearly in English. We will help you improve your skills and overcome the language barriers.

We will do this by making you practice in an immersive bilingual program, where most of the activities will be hosted in English.

Designed as a Funnel

In the startup faculty, we aim to democratize access to tech entrepreneurial education and all students are welcome.

Unlike the faculty, Platzi DemoDay program is a selective process, in which it is not easy to get in. The program is designed as a Funnel

Phase 1 - Online Application → We are here now

  • Hundreds of participants and we look for more.
  • Apply the earliest you can through platzi.com/demoday so that we got enough time to review your application.

Phase 2 - Extensive 6 weeks Training

  • Up to 70 startups selected.
  • After a high energy kick off, we get right into work with a design sprint full day workshop (normally this activity is done over a week, we know founders & their team have limited time, and we adapted & improved the Design Sprint Methodology for you).
  • In this phase, we will cover the fundamentals to reach product/market fit & establish your startup. We focus on USERS & EXECUTION - Talk to users, user experience, objectives & prioritization tactics, setting up sales, finance and operating system.
  • We will work in macro group and micro group. The objectives are to share, acquire and learn with & from your peers and industry experts on seed stage common mistakes and winning tactics.

Phase 3 - 3 weeks Intensity

  • Up to 20 semi-finalists
  • After one and half month working together, we will select the top ventures to enter the last phase before the final DemoDay. The intensity with rise up, and you are expected to have acquired and start mastering certain fields.
  • In this phase, participants will get started with 5 days intense training in partnership with Google For Startups to learn about Leadership, Growth Marketing, Technology, PR & Branding, Sales Machine and more.
  • During those 3 wees, the semi-finalists will have the opportunity to schedule pro-actively 1:1 meeting with over 50+ industry & startup experts from our community in order to get personalized mentoring.

Phase 4 - DemoDay Final Event

  • Last but not least, the last week of the program is the final firework, with a live showcase of the best ventures in front of an audience of over 1 MM digital lifelong learners, investors and corporate. Some of our investors partners includes ALLVP, Magma Partners, Amador, May Capital, Monashees, Foundation Capital and much more.
  • At the end of this week, the gran winner will be awarded and get access to one year mentoring from Platzi founders Freddy Vega & CVander, as well as a trip to Silicon Valley (to be organized sometimes over its startup life, when Covid will allow us to travel again and safely)

Excited!? No longer wait and try to get in!


Community first

Beyond the program itself, the most important is the value you can get from your peer.

The majority of our alumni will explain it better than we do:

“Everything we learned was very interesting. The feedback was real and honest and required courage, but thanks to that we improved exponentially”.

Cristóbal Parrado, CEO of Sunai (DD Winner 20).

“The direct contact with the founders and team leaders of the Platzi team, being able to access their knowledge and network of contacts has helped us to accelerate our growth”.

Daniel Vélez, CEO of Terapify (DD Winner 18, 500 Startup 19, YC W21).

“The quality of the program is outstanding. The magic is in the community of founders, with whom you share the experience”.

Fernanda Leony, COO of Liberet (DD Finalist 20).

We will facilitate the creation of this community spirit and boundaries through different synchronous and asynchronous initiative. But remember at the end of the day, you are one that decide how much you want to take out of & bring to this program.

Register your Startup - LAST DEADLINE FRIDAY 22nd Of January 23:00PM (UTC-5)

To give a chance to founders to finish their applications, we extended our deadline to next Friday 22nd of January. Don’t miss out the opportunity! There is nothing to lose while much to win.

Apply to join this new cohort.



hace 4 años

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Suerte a todxs los que aplicamos! 🤓


Se harán 2 demo day este año? Estoy empezando un proyecto y si me gustaría entrar. Se que el proyecto tiene el potencial.

4 años

Likely in May we open application for batch 2


tengo entendido que harán 2 demo day este año, ¿cuando es la fecha para el segundo demo day?

4 años

Creo que no dijeron fecha exacta, pero sería en verano (aprox. julio)