Haz descripciones y expresa cantidades


Aprende a usar cuantificadores y adjetivos

Superlativos en Inglés


Superlativos usando "the most" y la terminación "-est"


Estructura para crear oraciones superlativas


Roleplay: Describe lugares en Inglés


Practica el uso de superlativos en Inglés

Quiz: Superlativos en Inglés

Expresa cantidades en Inglés


Uso de "some", "a lot of " y "lots of"


Sustantivos que se usan sin artículos en Inglés


Sustantivos que son contables e incontables en Inglés


Cuantificadores con "of"


Roleplay: usa cuantificadores en el supermercado

Quiz: Expresa cantidades en Inglés

Comparativos en Inglés


Comparativos usando la terminación "-er"


Comparativos usando "more + than"


Ubicación de los adverbios de frecuencia en Inglés


Adverbios terminados en "-ly"


Forma adverbios añadiendo "-ly" a los adjetivos


Roleplay: Habla de Pasatiempos en Inglés


Practica el uso de adjetivos y adverbios

Quiz: Comparativos en Inglés

Expresiones útiles en Inglés


Expresa posesión y características usando "of"


"Should" para dar consejos en Inglés


Usa "with" y "without" para descripciones


Negaciones en Inglés


"Have to" y "must" para expresar obligación


Roleplay: Visita al doctor en Inglés

Quiz: Expresiones útiles en Inglés

Uso del gerundio en Inglés


Gerundios: Terminación "-in" en Inglés


Uso de "What kind / sort of ...?"

Quiz: Uso del gerundio en Inglés

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Superlativos usando "the most" y la terminación "-est"


Si aún no conoces tu nivel de inglés, ve a nuestro Test de Inglés de Platzi y conócelo en minutos. 🚀

Los superlativos son palabras que describen una cualidad en su máximo o mínimo punto. Veámoslo con algunos ejemplos:

Los superlativos se separan en 4 categorías principales:

Una sílaba Dos sílabas Tres o más sílabas Irregulares
big = biggest happy = happiest beautiful = the most beautiful the best
nice = nicest simple = the most simple expensive = the most expensive the worst
Si la palabra termina en consonante, se repite y agrega est. Si termina en vocal, sólo se agrega st. Cuando termina en “y”, la cambiamos por “i” y agregamos est. Para superlativos de tres sílabas siempre vamos a usar “artículo + superlativo”, ya que son palabras muy largas. Estos casos escapan de la regla y debemos tomarlos en cuenta para usarlos bien.

Nota: Podemos crear superlativos de dos sílabas con “the most” o agregando “st”. Ejemplo:

  • The most simple exercise in the class.
  • The simplest exercise in the class.

Cómo crear oraciones con superlativos

La forma de componer oraciones con superlativos es la siguiente:

Artículo + superlativo + adjetivo + sustantivo


  • The blue whale is the biggest animal in the world.
  • This is the most expensive ring I have.
  • Sam is the happiest kid I know.
  • This is the best book I have read.

Contribución creada con aportes de: José Miguel Veintimilla.

Aportes 1302

Preguntas 59

Ordenar por:

¿Quieres ver más aportes, preguntas y respuestas de la comunidad?

  • My daughter is the prettiest girl I know.
  • The elephant is the biggest animal in this zoo.
  • This lesson is the shortest class of this course.
  • My mother is the most generous person of this world.
  • Betty was the ugliest character of the novel “yo soy betty”.
  • I did draw the thiniest line in my book.
  • My friend Lili is the most humble of all my friends.
  • My team is the cooltest.
  • This is the heaviest job in this company.

2. Superlatives using most and est

The most / -est

Superlative: The highest or lowest limit of a quality.

Adjetive: The word you use to describe someone.

Adverb: The word you use to describe an action.

The + superlative adjective + noun

Ten adjectives: Big, small, tall, fast, hot, slow, strong, weak, sweet and good.

Three types:

  1. One Syllable: The biggest, the nicest.
  2. Two syllables: The happiest, the most simple / simplest
  3. Three or more syllables: The most beautiful, the most expensive.
  4. Irregular: The best, the worst.


  1. The blue whale is the biggest animal in the world.
  2. This is the most expensive ring I have.
  3. Sam is the happiest kid I know.
  4. This is the best book I have read.


  1. Karl, that’s the biggest lie I’ve ever heard.
  2. I’ll buy the smallest iPhone because they tend to be cheaper.
  3. Everyone knows Mary is the tallest in the class.
  4. Flash is the fastest character in the D.C. universe.
  5. Sometimes I feel like I’m living in the hottest city in Peru.
  6. We can’t travel by bus again, I think that was the slowest bus I’ve ever experienced.
  7. Which is the strongest, Batman or Superman?
  8. When you look at an MMA fight, the weakest contender sometimes wins.
  9. Lucy is the sweetest person I’ve ever known.
  10. Steve Vai is the best guitar player.


    Pico de Orizaba is the largest mountain in Mexico.
    The pinky finger is the shortest finger on the hand.
    Petén is the biggest department of Guatemala.
  4. GOOD / BEST
    Today is the best day of my life.
  5. BAD / WORST
    I feel sick, today the worst than yesterday.
    My brother is the thinnest in my family.
    The English class is the most difficult than the Italian class.
    Medellín is the most beautiful place I have ever seen.
    Cepillin is the funniest of the clowns.
    Disney World is the most attractive place for children.

Superlatives using most and est.

  1. Tall : tallest
    That boy is the tallest that I have seen.
  2. Hungry : Hungriest
    My brother is the hungriest at this party.
  3. Fit : fittest
    She is the fittest for the competition.
  4. Adorable : most adorable.
    Your wife is the most adorable woman that I have met.
  5. Aggressive : most aggressive.
    The bear is the most aggressive animal in this zoo.
  6. Large : the largest.
    This highway is the largest that I have traveled.
  7. Funny : the funniest.
    That play is the funniest of all.
  8. Small : smallest.
    This keyboard is the smallest of the workshop.
  9. Intelligent : most intelligent.
    Marco is the most intelligent kid in this class.
  10. Heavy : the Heaviest.
    That tank is the heaviest of all those vehicles.

Maria is the shortest in the class.
Pizza is the most delicious fast food.
Snails are the slowest animals.
Apple is the most expensive brand.
She’s is the prettiest girl I know.
My mom is the most hardworking person I’ve ever seen.
80’s rock is the greatest music of all times.
Andy is the funniest guy.
John Mayer is the most talented and most handsome musician that has ever existed.

I´m the tallest person in my family
My PC is the most expensive one that I never have
These classes are the best that I have seen
My cousins are the shortest girls that I know jajaja
My stepbrother is the biggest man that I know

  • The blue whale is the biggest animal in the world
  • This is the most expensive ring I have
  • Sam is the happiest kid I know
  • This is the best book I have read
Adjetives EXAMPLE
Big The blue whale is the biggest animal in the world
beautiful This code is the most beautiful i have seen
Simple This is the simplest solution i have seen
Expensive This is the most expensive computer i have
happy JonhGuis is the happiest friend i know
Bad Hamburgers is the worst food i know
Nice The pasta is nicer than the pizza in this restaurant
Good This is the best car i have
small This is the smallest window in my house
Long The amazon is the longest river in the world

What is a superlative? Well, a superlative is the highest or lowest point of a specific quality. We create superlatives with adjectives and adverbs.

An adjective is a word that is used to describe a noun, that is, to describe a person, to describe a place or to describe something “beautiful place”, “tall person”,

An adverb, on the other hand, is a word that we use to describe an action, how an action is performed. “I cook well”.
First we are going to use the word “the”,
For example, the words “big” and “nice” have one syllable. Big, pretty. On the other hand, we have adjectives with two syllables like “happy” (happy) and “simple” (simple). Happy, simple. Additionally, we have adjectives with more than three syllables. Ex: “beautiful” and “expensive”. And finally, we have irregular adjectives.

It is very important to remember this detail when we are creating superlatives.
Big becomes bigger

Cold, the coldest
Big, the biggest
Small, the smallest
Short, the shortest
Fast, the fastest
Young, the youngest
Soon, the soonest
Long, the longest
Tall, the tallest
Old, the oldest
Fat, the fattest
Narrow, the narrowest


  • The + superlative
    adjective + noun

  • Adjectives

  • Adjectives

  • One syllable
    The biggest
    The nicest

  • Two syllables
    The happiest
    The most simple

  • Three or more syllables
    The most beautiful
    The most expensive

  • Irregular
    The best
    The worst

My older brother is the tallest of all my brothers.
This pen is the smallest in the world.
The Eiffel tower is the biggest monument i have ever seen.
My mom is the most beautiful in the universe.
This book is the best ever.
This food is the worst i have ever eaten.
That bee is the ugliest.
The bag is the cheapest

  • the blue whale is the biggest animal in the world
  • this is most expensive ring i have
  • sam is happiest kid i know
  • this is the best book i have read

Sentences with superlatives of my 10 adjetives:

  • Lylia is the tallest girl on my class.
  • Why is she the most complecated woman you’ve ever met?
  • I don’t think he’s the most intelligent person of the family.
  • Last night I had the most beautiful dream of my live.
  • You are the kindest neighbor I can ask for.
  • He’s the craziest person that I’ve ever met.
  • It’s the most expensive car in the entire store.
  • The Vatican City is the smallest country of the world.
  • You’re room is the cleanest of all.
  • You’re the most perfect girl of the entire world.

The blue whale is the biggest animal in the world.
This is the most expensive ring I have.
Sam is the happiest kid I know.
This is the best book I have read.

  1. They are the best couple I ever know.
  2. This is the worst idea in the world.
  3. You are the funniest guy in the party.
  4. This is the biggest toy I ever seen.
  5. You are the most beautiful girl in the galaxy.
  6. this is the most advanced robot in the world.
  7. This is the cheappiest shorts in the store.
  8. Usain Bolt is the fastest man on Earth.
  9. I am holding the heaviest weight in the gym.
  10. This is the most simple idea I have.

the blue whale is bigest animal in thw world
this is the most expensive ring i have
sam is the happiest kid i know
this is the best book i have read

I’m the shortest person here

She is the tallest person i have seen

They are the fastest runners i have seen

Do you are the lowest person in your classroom?

Does she is the fatter person that i have seen?

Do they are the group of the skinnier persons?

I’m not the angrier person that she has seen ever

She isn’t the saddest person here

They are the happier person in my country

Soccer is the worst sport that i have seen

Smart - Smartest She's the smartest girl I know
Funny - Funniest That's the funniest thing a I ever heard before 🤣
  1. The blue whale is the biggest animal in the world
  2. This is the most expensive ring I have
  3. Sam is the happiest kid I know
  4. This is the best book I have read

Cute: The cutest
Ugly: The ugliest
Nice: The nicest
Beautiful: The most beautiful
Old: The oldest
New: The newest
Young: The youngest
Tall: The tallest
Big: The biggest
Small: The smallest

  • My adjetives:

Alto - Tall
Lindo - Cute/Beautiful
Viscoso - Viscous
Duro - Hard/Tough
Claro - Clear
Ruidoso - Noisy/Loud
Amargo - Bitter
Ahumado - Smoky
Caliente - Hot
Simpatioco - Friendly/Kind

  • My senteces with superlatives words:

This is the tallest building in the world.
She has the most beautiful smile.
This oil is the most viscous.
This hammer is the hardest.
Where is my clearest robe?
My neighbor’s car is the loudest.
This tea is the most bitter.
I love the Louisiana barbecue; the meat is the smokiest.
This coffee is the hottest.
My dog is very friendly.

  • For me the bigest animal of the world is the elephant.
  • The cartegena’s down town is the most beautiful place that you can visit.
  • The teacher did the most simple quetion that i have heard.
  • My friend bought the most expensive house i have seen.
  • Lalita is the happiest person in my classroom.
  • Match is the worst class in my school.
  • My friend camilo is the nicest person i know.
  • Luis is the best student in the university.

sentence superlative

  • The polar bear is the biggest animal in the north pole.
  • the house is the most expensive from the country.
  • This is the best movie look that in my life
  • Carlos is the tallest of his village.
  • The city is the most beautiful fron the country.
  • This view is the best!!
  • This chair is the most comfortable of the kitchen.
  • This blanket is the softest of the shop.
  • The red dress is the ugliest of the shop
  • This desk is the most Uncomfortable of the office

Today is the best day of my life.
Last Wednesday was a worst day of my week.
Alejandro is the tallest brothers. I think he ate all soup.
Those horses are the smallest in that farm.
The statue of Liberty is the biggest monument in NY.
The butterflies are the most beautiful insects.
The Titanic was the oldest and biggest boat in the world.
The IA is the newest technology.

  1. I have the fastest car in the world
  2. The turtles are the slowest animals in this ecosystem
  3. I’m watching the most shiny ring in this Jewelry store
  4. The ant is the smallest animal in the world
  5. I’ve had the highest grade in my classroom
  6. I’m the smartest boy in my school
  7. My mom is the most incredible person in this world
  8. I think the most fabulous sport at themoment is the f1
  9. The best driver in the entire history of f1 is Senna
  10. I think it’s the most horrible shirt in this store

Long: Longest
Beautiful: The most beautiful
Ugly: Ugliest
Tall: Tallest
Handsome: The most handsome
Old: Oldest
New: Newest
Heavy: Heaviest
Big: Biggest
Dark: Darkest

  • Tall/The Tallest
    He is the tallest man.
  • Gentle/The most gentle
    She is the most gentle person in the world.
    -Yellow/The yellowest
    This is the yellowest banana that i have ever seen.
  • good/The best
    You are the best.
  • Caring/ the most caring
    your are the most caring person.
  • Thin/The thinnest
    My friend is the thinnest of all.
    -Great/The Greatest
    You are the gratest friend.
  • Generous/The most Generous
    My boss is the most generous of all.
  • uncomfortable/The most uncomfortable
    I am the most uncomfortable.
  • Superb/ The most superb
    Carlitos is the most superb person.
  • Business Analytics is the most effective process for anticipating risks.
  • Data analysis is the most important process in Business Analytics.
  • Learning something is the hardest thing to do until you get started

Challenge here!


  • Smart: the smartest. “The smartest cellphone ever was the Nokia 1100, okay no”
  • Strong: the strongest. “The strongest animal in the world is the ant, for real”
  • Fine: the finest. “The finest way to succeed in everything is with a plan”
  • Weak: the weakest. “The people’s weakest starts in their mind”
  • Loose: the loosest. “The Cali’s salsa dancers have the loosest feet”
  • Fast: the fastest. “The fastest woman in the world is coming”
  • Tall: the tallest. “The tallest tree ever was a Yellowstone secuoya”
  • Creep: the creepest. “Chucky is the creepest horror movie I have watched”
  • New: the newest. “The newest Jeepers Creepers version looks awful, man”
  • Long: the longest. “The longest peace period was… Never it was”

My daughter is the prettiest girl I know.
The elephant is the biggest animal in this zoo.
This lesson is the shortest class of this course.
My mother is the most generous person of this world.
Betty was the ugliest character of the novel “yo soy betty”.
I did draw the thiniest line in my book.
My friend Lili is the most humble of all my friends.
My team is the cooltest.
This is the heaviest job in this company.

The blue whale is the biggest animal in the world.
This is the most expensive ring I have.
Sam is the happiest kid I know.
This is the best book I have read.

She is the most beautiful girl in the group
We are the smartest kids
They are the nicest guys I ever met
I am the tallest in my class
I am the fastest runner
She reads only the most important things
He is the worst MMA fighter that I know
We are the best swimmers in the town
He is the most effective shooter on the squad.
That’s the most expensive car that I have ever driven

Adorable= the most adorable
He is the most adorable puppy what I see.
Bored=the boredest
This is the boredest trip I ever had.
Friendly= the most friendly
He is the most friendly boss.
Tall= tallest
He is really tallest.
Perfect= the perfecttest
It is the perfecttest picture.
Short= shortest
It is the shortest song I listening.
Straight= straighttest
That is the straighttest restaurant in this zone.
Safe= safest
This is the safest school in the zone.
Clean= cleanest
That is the cleanest park we are visit.
Sarcastic= the most sarcastic
She is the most sarcastic person I meet.

the biggest
the most expensive
The happiest
the best

Tall - Tallest She is the tallest woman I ever seen
  • That is the biggest animal i was see
  • This is a the shortest book i have read
  • This is the most beautifull park
  • My sister is the most spectacular dancer
  • My friend is the tallest person in the country
  • My dog is the happiest animal
  • That watch is the most expensive
  • She is the angriest person
  • The exam is the easiet that i did
  • That ring is the cheapest

The blue whale is the biggest animal in the world.
This is the most expensive ring i have

1. Sam is the happiest kid i know. 2. This is the best book i have read.
Hello everyone, I am new to English.
1. The blue whale is the biggest animal planet. 2. My mom is beautiful. 3. The ant is the strongest of any animal in comparison it's size. 4. The car is blue with red. 5. The horn audio is hear badly. 6. The dog barks a lot. 7. My cousin is sick. 8. The coffee cup is huge. 9. My girlfriend's daughter is very smart. 10. The work laptop is slow.
* My sister is the tallest woman in her job. * The bigger building is in China. * I have the shortest dog of my city. * I want to climb the highest mountain of the world. * Bochito is the fastest car in the competition. * My mom is always the happiest woman at the party. * Ecuador is the most small country in south america. * This is the most slow animal in the forest. * I don't know if this is the cheapest thing. * I think Bill Gates is the richest person around of the world.
Sam is the happiest kid I know This is the best book i have read
The blue whale is the biggest animal in the world This is the most expensive ring i have
1. He is **the fastest** in the gym. 2. You are **the most intelligent** girl I know. 3. Nelson is **the shortest** in the office. 4. That animal is **the ugliest** in the world. 5. Ruth is **the friendliest** with new people. 6. That movie was **the most boring** I have seen. 7. Michelle is **the most talkative** at work. 8. Yesterday was **the most tiring** day of my life. 9. The elephant is **the biggest** animal in the savanna. 10. I have **the noisiest** neighbors in the world.
* This is the shortest bed that i have seen * That is the tallest building * My sister has the biggest tablet in our house * Your bedroom has the most whitest * Please bath you, you have the dirtiest hair
* Jupiter is the biggest planet of our solar system. * My mom is the most beautiful women in the world. * This problem is the simplest exercise of the book. * My bike is the most expensive thing I have. * My dog is the happiest person in the world. * The traffic jam is the worst thing in a city * She is the nicest person in the world * Platzi is the best school of tecnology in latam
Superlatives: small - smallest (one syllable) busy - busiest (two syllable) Important - most important (+ two syllables) little - least (irregular)
Tall-> Tallest Small-> Smallest Big-> Biggest Beautifull- The *Most* beautifull Smart-> Smartest old- >oldest young- >younggest Interesting-> The *most* interesting simple-> simplest nice-> nicest
Adjectives: 1. Fat 2. Short 3. Fast 4. Smart 5. Soft 6. Dark 7. Strong 8. Bored 9. Ugly 10. Heavy Sentences: 1. This is <u>the fastest</u> car in the world 2. Diego is <u>the shortest</u> student in the class 3. Diana is <u>the fattest</u> girl in my family 4. Andres is <u>the smartest</u> developer I know 5. This is <u>the softest</u> pillow I have used 6. This is <u>the darkest</u> place I have visited 7. This is <u>the strongest</u> rope that I have 8. This is <u>the most boring</u> movie I have ever seen 9. This is <u>the ugliest</u> shirt I have ever worn 10. This is <u>the heaviest</u> diamond from the store
Sam is the happiest kid I know this is the best book I have read
the blue whale is biggest animal in the world. this is the most expensive ring I have
* Punta Cana was the most expensive travel I have bought so far. * 12 rules for living is the most interesting book I have read this year. * Pizza is the most delicious fast food * Buy the freshest strawberries, please * My girlfriend is the kindest person i know. * The 35 pounds dumbell is the heaviest of the rack. * Sarah is the happiest child from the school. * You cook the best ravioli. * This is the nicest restaurant of the town. * Don't go there! That is the most dangerous part of the city.
Samuel is the tallest of the house.  The shortest class in the module.  The most elegant is Elena.  The largest car is Raul´s.  The best team is Liverpool Club.
the tallest the shortest the most beutiful the fatest the nicest the biggest the smallest the fastest the heaviest the lightest
My sentences with help the ChatGPT: 1. This is the brightest room in my house. 2. Bill Gates is one of the richest people in the world. 3. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth. 4. My brother is the youngest in our family. 5. That was the funniest party I have ever attended. 6. This is the most important exam of the semester. 7. Monday is usually the busiest day of the week for me. 8. He is the strongest player on the team. 9. This is the hardest we have taken this year. 10. Mount Everst is the highest mountain in the world.
```js Adjetives | Superlative form ------------------------------------ Calm | The calmest / The most calm Pure | The purest / The most pure Clear | The clearest Crisp | The crispest / The most crisp Smooth | The smoothest / The most smooth Quiet | The quietest / The most quiet Simple | The simplest Fresh | The freshest / The most fresh Clean | The cleanest Soft | The softest ```
This boy is the most attractive in the school My uncle is the most ambitious in the family Today is the sunniest day of the week The mall near to my house is the most crowded im the city That movie is the most amazing i ever seen My city is stormiest in the country My grandfather is the most jealous in the house My brother is the tallest that me This serie is the scariest in netflix My teacher is the kindest in the school
1- oh wow!! This is **<u>the most </u>beautiful** place in the world 2- This is the **<u>most disgusting</u>** thing I have ever tasted 3.- This is **<u>the tastiest</u>** thing I have ever tasted 4.- You are the **<u>most tallest</u>** man in the world 5.- And you are **<u>the calmest </u>**woman in the world 6.- My wife is **<u>the friendliest </u>**woman. 7.- I had**<u> the happiest</u>** and best vacation of my life at Torres del Paine 8.- This**<u> the most </u>**powerfull medicine 9.-He’s is t**<u>he brightest</u>** scientist 10.- This is**<u> the cleverest</u>** partner
my computer is the biggest laptop that i ever had she is the nicest person that i known I´m the happiest girl this is the most simple recipe of pasta you are the best this is the worst candy ever
* The best soccer player in all times was Pelé.
1. Ushuaia is the most beautiful city where I have ever been 2. Leo Messi is the best football player in the world 3. Summer is the hottest season of the year 4. Dostoyevsky is the most complex author I have ever read 5. Venus is the closest planet to the sun 6. My cousin is the fastest runner on his team 7. My hiking backpack was one of the most expensive in the store 8. This ice cream is the most tasty 9. These snickers are the worst option 10. I am the tallest person in my family
Hi there, Practice makes perfect 1\. Fast – Fastest / I have the fastest car in the world. 2\. Beautiful - Most beautiful / The most beautiful place that I have ever seen. 3\. Dark – Darkest / The night became darkest. 4\. Small – Smallest / What is the smallest animal? 5\. Funny – Funniest / The clown at the circus was the funniest. 6\. Rich – Richest / She is the richest person in the city. 7\. Safe – Safest / This is the safest place that I know. 8\. Clean – Cleanest / The kitchen in this restaurant is always the cleanest. 9\. Cold – Coldest / Antarctica is known as the coldest place on Earth. 10\. Old – Oldest / That is the oldest person that I know. Take care and practice
* He is the most intellingent kid I know. * This is the cleanest house I have seen. * He is the fitnnest person I know. * She is the funniest person I know.
The **biggest** house The most beautiful tree  The most simple exam The most expensive car The **happiest** face The most bad wizard  The most nice guy The best job
* Happiest * The most wonderful. * The most intelligent. * The most tired * Cheapest * Funniest * The most friendly * Ugliest * The most wellness * Luckiest
1. tallest 2. shortest 3. biggest 4. smallest 5. the most beautiful 6. longest 7. least 8. the most careful 9. funniest 10. angriest
***Superlatives using most/-est:*** <u>What is a superlative</u> -> The highest or the lowest limit of a quality. <u>What do we use to create superlatives</u> -> We create superlatives with adjectives and adverbs. <u>How do we use </u>-> *The + superlative + adjective + noun*. 5 Adjectives that I think first: -Short -Beautiful -Fat -Big -Brilliant
My Dog is the most beautiful in the word. This paint is the most expensive in the gallery Im the happiest people in the world This is the best computer in the mall. My friends are the worst in the competition.
1. Para adjetivos cortos (generalmente una o dos sílabas), se agrega "-est" al final del adjetivo o se antepone "most" antes del adjetivo. Ejemplo: * Short (corto) -> Shortest (el más corto) o Most short (el más corto) 2. Para adjetivos largos (generalmente dos sílabas o más), se antepone "most" antes del adjetivo. Ejemplo: * Beautiful (hermoso) -> Most beautiful (el más hermoso)
**Complete the sentences** * The blue whale us **the biggest** animal in the world. * This is the **most expensive** ring I have. * Sam is **the happiest** kid I know. * This is **the best** book I have read. **Practice:** * Maria is **the cutest** girl that I have ever met. * Russia is **the biggest** country in the world * Santiago is **the smallest** kid in his classroom * My father is **the kindest** person of my family * Soccer is **the best** sport * Selena Gómez is **the most popular** singer in the world
**10 words become superlatives** * God is the **best** person who we need to know. * This flower is the **most beatifull** amount them. * It is the **thinnest** pensil. * She is the **curliest** girl in the campus. * The face of this toy is the **chubbiest**. * His personality is the **nicest**. * This avenue is the **most crowded** in this city. * Jesus Christ has made many people the **happiest**, not in a external way, but in a internal. * I don’t know why, but he still being the **most optimistic** person that I know. * When he was in the metting he was the **bubbliest**
1. Marco polo is the most famous explorador on whole's world. 2. He is the richest in the mall. 3. she is the blondest of the girls. 4. This cruise is the most giant at the port. 5. that ancient is the most angriest in this park. 6. This residencies are the most expensive of city. 7. This jew is the best to the finance. 8. The king Harald is the bracest warrio of denmark. 9. The ravens are the smallest birds. 10. Otter is the most tender mammel.
The elephant is **the bigger gray animal in the land** The rainbow are the most Beautyfull colors This is the simplest Green leave This is the most expensive one let me look at others She is the happiest today he said This is the worst temperature The nicest friend from the school This is the Best time in My life
1. My mother is the most awesome woman I've ever know 2. The old woman is the most graceful in her church 3. César is the most intelligent in his English class. 4. I'm the most handsome child of my parents 5. The Rasberry PI is the littlest computer 6. Nemo Point is the farthest place in whole the world 7. Gandhy was the most polite man in Asia 8. My ex girlfriend is the most zealous woman I've ever been with 9. Gabriel's cat is the laziest animal in whole world. 10. My personal trainer is the fittest persona that I've ever know.
* Raul is the most intelligent of the class * Maria is the funnest in the house * Those two women in front us are the most beautiful ones * Maria is the nicest person in the office * The child is the best of the whole group * The puppy is the prettiest dog in the neighborhood * George is the sweetest person I have ever met * Today is the cloudiest day I have ever seen * Soda is the hottest * This bag is the most expensive in the store
  • María is the most beautiful girl in the class.
  • Professor Carlos has the smallest laptop in the entire school.
  • My brother is the tallest person in my family.
  • We have the largest restaurant in the city.
  • My pet is the nicest dog in town.
  • The most expensive cell phone in the store.
  • The cheapest shirts are on the second floor.
  • Andrés is the fattest boy in school.
  • Sara doesn’t eat anything that’s why she is the thinnest girl in school.
  • Math class is the most horrible class ever.
January feels like the largest month of the year. The femur is the longest bone in the human body. The stapes is the smallest bone in the human body. The richest man is a loved one. ;) The largest country by area is Rusia. The poorest country in the world is Burundi. Jupiter by far is the biggest Planet in the solar system. The most obvious things do not need explanation. Mango is the sweetest fruit i know. Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world. Smartest decisions pay off.
This dog is the bravest of the litter 5 is my lowest winning streak He is the riskiest of the team. She is the happiest on Wednesdays. Yesterday they awarded the most intelligent person in the country When I was young, I was the most energetic in the class. It is the fastest human bullet in the world. Your instructions are the most complicated. You have to be the most creative to win. Doing this is the easiest.

Happy - happiest
bright - the most bright
calm - calmest
fast - fastest
small - smallest
beautiful - the most beautiful
intelligent - the most intelligent
delicious - the most delicious
interesting - the most interesting
warm - warmest

Yesterday was the happiest day of my life
her lipstick is the brightest
my dog is the calmest
the jaguar is the fastest animal
that is the smallest pillow I have ever seen
the sea is the most beautiful
Among all the students, she is the most intelligent
lasagna is the most delicious food
science books are the most interesting
during the winter, the fireplace is the warmest place in the house

1\. The stick of my meat skewer is the thinnest one on Earth. 2\. The year 2023 has become the roughest year of the last decade for me. 3\. My boyfriend is able to carry and handle the heavier weights at the gym. 4\. My mom is the most tender primary school teacher in the town. 5\. My dog is the most tackiest pet I've ever had, he is always looking for physical contact xd. 6\. Chanel clothes and perfumes are the most elegant above all brands, they are timeless. 7\. I can be the rudest person if I need to. 8\. That red stove used to be the most expensive one when the brand was released, it was sold out before the presales due date. 9\. The downtown museum is one of the hughests in this country. 10\. I owe you all this one.

The elephant is the largest animal in the zoo.

The cheetah is the fastest land animal.

The giraffe is the tallest animal on land.

The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the ocean.

The Pyramids of Giza are among the oldest structures in the world.

Pluto is the farthest planet from the Sun in our solar system.

Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky.

The Sahara Desert is one of the hottest places on Earth.

The blue whale is the heaviest animal on the planet.

Most populous
China is the most populous country in the world.

* My girlfriend is the prettiest girl I have ever met. * Emily is the tallest girl in our group of friends. * Mariana's house is the biggest. * The smoothest drink is the beer. * The roughest fabric we have is linen. * Sam is the smartest person in the class. * Peter Griffin is the dumbest character in the show. * This is the fairest price. * My garden is the quietest place in my house.

the biggest
the most expensive
the happiest
the best

* Nice / Steve is the nicest brother that I have. * Angry / Angie is the angriest colleague when her laptop does not work. * Polite / Ms Ana is the most polite teacher at the school. * Disgraced / He is the most disgraced that I know. * Ugly / This is the ugliest jacket that I have seen at the store * Smily / Sara is my smiliest friend * Sad / The Grave of the Fireflies is the saddest movie in my life. * Hungry / Henry is the most hungry friend I have when we go to the cinema * Beautiful / The red rose is the most beautiful flower I know
My dog is the plumpest at the park My mom is the most hilarious of my family This kiwi is the sourest I have ever eaten Carlos is the most handsome in this office Justin Bieber is the most successful singer of history Leo is the most intelligent on the university The pool is the coldest at hotel Bernal is the most beautiful place on queretaro
1. Adam is the tallest man I know. 2. It is the smallest animal I have seen. 3. She is the most beautiful girl in the world. 4. It's the biggest company around the world. 5. Elena is the humblest person I know. 6. Carl is the funniest guy in the room. 7. I'm the coolest member of this family.
1. My city is the most beautiful city in the world. 2. This is the most expensive restaurant that I know. 3. This is the easiest test that I have had. 4. You are the smallest person in the class. 5. My dad is the smartest person I know. 6. My mom is the happiest person in the house. 7. This car is the fastest in the world. 8. You hair is the reddest I have ever seen. 9. My class is the most silent in the college. 10. He made the worst english exam.
1. This is the **biggest** cake I've ever seen. * Este es el pastel **más grande** que he visto. 2. He is the **happiest** when he's with his family. * Él es **el más feliz** cuando está con su familia. 3. The blue whale is the **largest** mammal on Earth. * La ballena azul es el mamífero **más grande** de la Tierra. 4. Of all the books I've read, that one is the **most** interesting. * De todos los libros que he leído, ese es **el más** interesante. 5. She has the **brightest** smile in the room. * Ella tiene la sonrisa **más brillante** de la sala. 6. It's the **most** simple solution to the problem. * Es la solución **más simple** al problema. 7. He was voted the **best** player of the year. * Fue votado como el jugador **más destacado** del año. 8. This is the **worst** movie I've ever watched. * Esta es la película **peor** que he visto. 9. Among all the dresses, that one is the **prettiest**. * De todos los vestidos, ese es **el más bonito**. 10. The Eiffel Tower is the **tallest** structure in Paris. * La Torre Eiffel es la estructura **más alta** de París.
the happiest the best
the biggest the most expensive
he is serious in this course :(
Exercises: * This car is the most expensive in the world * this dog is the best friend for me * Among all the movies I've seen, that one is the worst * This is the longest trip I've ever had. * This bed is the largest in my house. * This book is the oldest in the library * Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most famous artists in history. * She tells the funniest jokes at the office * The chocolate cake is the most delicious dessert on the menu * The sunset over the ocean is the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen
The blue whale is biggest animal in the word . This is the most expesive I have. Sam is the happiest kid I know. This is the best booK I have read. The tower effild is the biggest of word. My dog is the most beutiful in the neighborhood. you are the nicest person that I know. Valeria is the happiest in the class. This houes is the most expensive in this street.
El reciente viaje de Keith a Chicago ? » PDF Christmas Uno de los momentos más esperados del año ? » PDF Food Hablemos un poco de la comida ? » PDF Going to work in the morning Un largo viaje en auto al trabajo ? » PDF Halloween Disfraces, calabazas, dulces y mucha diversión ? » PDF Hotel ReservationDIáLOGO Reservando un hotel
El reciente viaje de Keith a Chicago ? » PDF Christmas Uno de los momentos más esperados del año ? » PDF Food Hablemos un poco de la comida ? » PDF Going to work in the morning Un largo viaje en auto al trabajo ? » PDF Halloween Disfraces, calabazas, dulces y mucha diversión ? » PDF Hotel ReservationDIáLOGO Reservando un hotel en Washington D.C. ? » PDF Jobs and Professions Todos los trabajos y profesiones son importantes101