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We're not dressing up, are we?


Las tag questions son preguntas usadas para confirmar algo cuya respuesta es una afirmación o negación (yes or no).

Las tag questions se forman a partir de añadir al final de una oración una etiqueta contradictoria del verbo auxiliar respectivo. Una etiqueta en negativo siempre debe estar en su forma corta (don’t, doesn’t, can’t).

Estructura de las tag questions

Entonces, las tag questions se elaboran de la siguiente manera:

Si la oración es positiva, el tag question es negativo:

  • We have tomorrow classes, haven’t we? (Mañana tenemos clases, no?)

Si la oración es negativa, el tag question es positivo:

  • I didn’t go to the party yesterday, do I? (No fuí ayer a la fiesta, verdad?)

Si no identificamos el verbo auxiliar, utilizamos el auxiliar del present simple (do, does).

  • Tag questions sound great, don’t they?

Excepción para las tag questions

Existe una excepción para la regla de las tag questions, no existe una contracción negativa para el verbo am, por ende utiliza aren’t :
❌ I am ready, am not I?
✅ I am ready, aren’t I?

Ejemplos usando tag questions

  • We are learning about tag questions, aren’t we?

  • You have done your homework, haven’t you?

  • You will finish this course, won’t you?

  • He doesn’t like pineapple on pizza, does he?

  • We haven’t finished the project, have we?

  • We are not going on a vacation this year, are we?

Ejercicio utilizando tag questions

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Contribución creada por Andrés Guano (Platzi Contributor).

Aportes 109

Preguntas 7

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We’re not dressing up, are we?

Question tags

More common in speaking than writing
Used when we expect the listener to agree with us

  • We use falling intonation when we are almost sure
  • We use rising intonation when we are less sure

How to create question tags

  • If the statement is positve, use a negative question tag.
    You like pizza, don’t you
  • If the statement is negative, use a positive question tag.
    You don’t like broccoli, do you?
  • If there is an auxiliary verb in the sentence, we use it to create the question tag.
    You don’t like meat, do you?
  • I don’t have to dress up for the party, do i?
  • He is hanging out with his friends, isn’t he?
  • She cleaned up her room, did she?
  • The boss called off the meeting, didn’t he?
  • They would find out the answer eventually, wouldn’t they?
  • Mark and Susan get along, don’t they?
  • I won’t give up, will I?
  • She will let you down, won’t she?
  1. John didn’t clean up the room, did he?
  2. They haven’t called off the meeting, have they?
  3. He couldn’t find out the answer, could he?
  4. They didn’t get along, did they?
  5. You won’t give up, will you?
  6. You wouldn’t let me down, would you?
  7. Sue hasn’t worked out, has she?
  8. We don’t have to do this over, do we?
  9. Estrella never want to clean up the bathroom, doesn’t she?
  10. My father will call off our dinner, won’t he?
  11. You finally found out your old watch, didn’t you?
  12. Your dog and your cat get along, don’t they?
  13. My cousins gave up to do working out, didn’t they?
  14. My uncle has already let you down, hasn’t he?
  15. Do you have diabetes? You would have to do working out daily, wouldn’t you?
  16. Everything is wrong, my children will have to do their homework over, won’t they?
  17. I think it’s a bad idea to dress the dog up, doesn’t it?
  • We don’t have to dress up for tonight’s dinner, do we?
  • Everyone has to hang out tomorrow, do they?
  • We could clean up the after-party mess, couldn’t we?
  • My father will call off the annual party, won’t he?
  • You have found out the new rules for the game, haven’t you?
  • My mother and you are getting along, aren’t you?
  • Phil wants to give up on the volunteer mission, doesn’t he?
  • The teacher won’t let down his students, will he?
  • My dog would like to work out, wouldn’t he?
  • I don’t want to do my taxes over, do I?

dress up - Put clothes on
hang out - go out
clean up - Clean
called off - Cancel
find out - Discover
get along - Have a good relationship
give up - Quit
let me down - Don’t disappoint me.
Worked out - Do exercise
To do this over - Do it something again / repeat

Tomorrow I won’t dress up, will I?
My sister doesn’t want to hang out, does she?
My friend cleaned up his room, didn’t he?
My friend found out how to finish the video game, didn’t he?

I have to dress up because I will have an interview in 2 hours .

I won’t give up , I will learn English.
We have been getting along lately.
She is sad, I need to find out why.
She called off our date.
I don’t want to let her down.
I was working out .
I don’t want to do that over

  1. I don’t have to dress up, do I?
  2. Sara doesn’t want to hang out, does she?
  3. John didn’t clean up the room, did he?
  4. They haven’t called off the meeting, have they?
  5. He couldn’t find out the answer, could he?
  6. They didn’t get along, did they?
  7. You won’t give up, will you?
  8. You wouldn’t let me down, would you?
  9. She hasn’t worked out, has she?
  10. We don’t have to do this over, do we?
Question tag: intonation * falling intonation -> we are almost sure. * rising intonation -> we are less sure.
* Do I have to dress up for that meeting? * I would like to hang out with you next week * Please clean up this mess * I need to call off our meeting because of some health issues * I couldn’t find out why she modified our plan, but it worked. * Mary and I really get alone * There were only 100 meters to the finish line when Pacho gave up. * I regard you as a good worker, please don’t let me down. * Let's work out earlier tomorrow * You didn’t play the phrase correctly at the piano, please do it over till it’s fine.
## We're not dressing up, are we? ### Question tags More common in speaking than writing Used when we expect the listener to agree with us * We use falling intonation when we are almost sure * We use rising intonation when we are less sure ### How to create question tags * If the statement is positve, use a negative question tag. *You like pizza, **don't** you* * If the statement is negative, use a positive question tag. *You **don't** like broccoli, **do** you?* * If there is an auxiliary verb in the sentence, we use it to create the question tag. *You **don't like** meat, **do** you?*

“We’re not dressing up, are we?”

  • I don’t have to dress up, do i ?
  • Sara doesn’t want to hang out, does she?
    -Jonh didn’t clean up the room, did he ?
  • They haven’t called off the meeting, do they?
  • He couldn’t find out the answer, could he?
  • They didn’t get along, did they?
  • You won’t give up. will you?
  • You wouldn’t let me down, Would you?
  • She hasn’t worked out, has she?
  • We don’t have to do this over, do we?

this is my answer, i wrong in 4 statements:if end in 1 is correct

  • 11 shouldn’t you

  • 21 isn’t she

  • 31 is it

  • 40 hasn’t she

  • 51 will we

  • 61 does she

  • 71 aren’t I

  • 80 do they

  • 91 can you

  • 101 haven’t they

  • 111 do they

  • 121 could he

  • 130 doesn’t she

  • 141 isn’t it

  • 151 are we

  • 161 won’t she

  • 171 isn’t he

  • 181 aren’t they

  • 191 must I

  • 200 doesn’t it

  1. You should be at school, shouldn’t you?
  2. Mary is comign to the party, isn’t she?
  3. My purse is not there, is it?
  4. Laura has to come, hasn’t she?
  5. We won’t be there late, will we?


  1. We have to dress up nicely, haven’t we?
  2. You had fun hanging out with us, hadn’t you?
  3. You will clean up this mess, won’t you?
  4. I imagine that she will call off her date, won’t she?
  5. You found out her address, didn´t you?
  6. They don’t get along yet, do they?
  7. I’m giving up on that thought, aren’t I?
  8. Tell me, he let you down, didn’t he?
  9. I worked out this morning, did I?
  10. I will do that over, won’t I?
  • John didn’t clean up the room, did he?
  • They have’t called off the meeting, have they?
  • He couldn’t find out the answer, could he?
  • They didn’t get along, did they?
  • You won’t give up, will you?
  • You wouldn’t me down, would you?
  • She hasn’t worked out, Has she?
  • We don’t have to do this over, do we?


  • You didn’t eat the ice cream, did you?
  • He has been working hard, hasn’t he?
  • I will go to the mountain, won’t I?
  • They would ask for permission, wouldn’t they?
  • I could have been working out, couldn’t I?

When I met her I never imagine that we going to have a get along.

You don't let me down, do you? I have to call off the meeting, haven't I? She doesn't clean up her room, does she?
  • You will go to the barbecue, won’t you?
  • She doesn’t like vegetables, does she?
  • He mustn’t go to the beach, must he?
  • He couldn’t say that, could he?
  • do I?
  • does she?
  • did he?
  • have they?
  • could he?
  • did they?
  • will you?
  • would you?
  • has she?
  • do we?

I have to dress up very early in the morning
My mother bothers if I don’t hang out with her
We often clean up every weekend
My boss has called off the meeting twice
I find out the document
My cousins can’t get along each other
I’ve tried to do not give up easy with english
Sometimes my family let me down
I can’t work out as much as I like
I expect we don’t have to do this homework over

Las tag questions son preguntas usadas para confirmar algo cuya respuesta es una afirmación o negación (yes or no).

Las tag questions se forman a partir de añadir al final de una oración una etiqueta contradictoria del verbo auxiliar respectivo. Una etiqueta en negativo siempre debe estar en su forma corta (don’t, doesn’t, can’t).

My practice

  • She has to dress up for the party, hasn´t she?
  • Marco can´t hang out today, can he?
  • Mario cleaned up the kitchen, didn´t he?
  • Andrew has called off the party, hasn´t he?
  • Maria couldn´t find out the keys, could she?
  • We didn´t get along, did we?
  • Andrea won´t give up, will she?
  • Ana wouldn´t let me down, would she?
  • They haven´t worked out this week, have they?
  • Ana has to do the homework over, hasn´t she?
  • He is already dressing up for the event, isn’t he?
  • They hung out with us last weekend, didn’t they?
  • You finished with your room cleaning up, didn’t you?
  • She will call off today’s kick-off meeting, won’t she?
  • Could you find out that thing you were looking for last night, couldn’t you?
  • They are getting along after their honeymoon, aren’t they?
  • You won’t give up on your English learning, will you?
  • You won’t let me down in our next weekend plans, will you?
  • He doesn’t work out on Sunday, does he?
  • They do their shopping over, don’t they?

The manager called off the meeting. didn’t he ?
We let him down, didn’t we ?
You did thid over, didn’t you?

3.- did he?
4.-have they?
5.- could he?
6.- did they?

1.- do i?
2.- does she?

the ghetto kids sell drugs, don’t they?

  • I don’t have to dress up, do I?
  • Sara doesn’t want to hang out, does she?
  • John didn’t clean up the room, did he?
  • They haven’t called off the meeting, have they?
  • He couldn’t find out the answer, could he?
  • They didn’t get along, did they?
  • You won’t give up, will you?
  • You wouldn’t let me down, would you?
  • She hasn’t worked out, has she?
  • We don’t have to do this over, do we?


  • I don’t have to dress up, do I?
  • Sara doesn’t want to hang out, does she?
  • John didn’t clean up the room, did he?
  • They haven’t called off the meeting, have they?
  • He couldn’t find out the answer, could he?
  • They didn’t get along, did they?
  • You won’t give up, will you?
  • You wouldn’t let me down, would you?
  • She hasn’t worked out, has she?
  • We don’t have to do this over, do we?

Exercise 2

  1. You should be at school, shouldn’t you?
  2. Mary is coming to the party, isn’t she?
  3. My purse is not there, is it?
  4. Laura has to come, doesn’t she?
  5. We won’t be there late, will we?
  6. Your daughter doesn’t eat sweets, does she?
  7. I’m always right, aren’t I?
  8. Josy and Mark spent all the money, didn’t they?
  9. You cannot stop, can you?
  10. Sarah’s parents have been to China last year, haven’t they?
  11. Your parents don’t like me, do they?
  12. Your brother couldn’t do it, could he?
  13. She never came, did she?
  14. Today is hot, isn’t it?
  15. We aren’t going now, are we?
  16. Jennifer will help us, won’t she?
  17. Mike is American, isn’t he?
  18. Puppies are cute, aren’t they?
  19. I mustn’t tell mom, must I?
  20. Close the door, would I?
  • I don’t need to dress up this morning, do I?
  • It’s easy for you to hang out every day, don’t you?
  • You’ve already cleaned up your room, haven’t you?
  • He has called off the meeting, hasn’t he?
  • It’s because you didn’t find out the keys, did you?
  • He has never given up, hasn’t he?
  • you don’t let me down, do you?
  • I have to dress up every day in my work.
  • I hang out with my son every morning.
  • My husband and I clean up the house all the weekend.
  • We have called off the meeting because Maria is sick.
  • I could find out the answer in my test.
  • We did get along all the time.
  • I will never give up with the language of English.
  • My son would never let me down.
  • I try to work out every morning with my husband.
  • We have to do the homework over.

Thank you teacher for this class.


-You are at home, aren´t you?
-Tonight is the meeting, isn´t it?
-The car isn´t working, is it?
-I´m not sure about he car, am i?
-You are the right person, aren´t you?


I don´t have to dress up, do I?
Sara doesn´t want to hang out, does she?
Jhon didn´t clean up the room, did he?
They haven´t called off the meeting, have they?
He couldn´t find out the answer, could he?
They didn´t get along, did they?
You won´t give up, will you?
You wouldn´t let me downd, would you?
She hasn´t worked out, has she?
We don´t have to do this over, do we?

My daughter hasn´t dressed up, has she?
She likes to work out, doesn´t she?
We don´t get alone, do we?
My brother didn´t let me down, did he?

  1. Tomorrow is the wedding. I have to dress up, don’t I?

  2. We will hang out this weekend, won’t we?

  3. You have cleaned up your room, haven’t you?

  4. They have called off the game, haven’t they?

  5. She can find out the answer to this quiz, can’t she?

  6. Those singers have been getting along since 2010, haven’t they?

  7. You won’t give up on your dreams, will you?

  8. Your friend wouldn’t let you down, would he?

  9. She hasn’t worked out, has she?

  10. He has to do the assignment over, doesn’t he?

• You don't need to dress up for dinner, do you? • He doesn't want to hang out tonight, does he?
1.- We don't have to dress up, do we?. 2. Emily doesn't want to hang out, does she?. 3. This people never clean up the house, do they?. 4.- They have called of the birthday party, have they?. 5.- They couldn't find out the treasure

**We’re not dressing up, are we?
Question tags
More common in speaking than writing
Used when we expect the listener to agree with us

We use falling intonation when we are almost sure
We use rising intonation when we are less sure
How to create question tags
If the statement is positve, use a negative question tag.
You like pizza, don’t you
If the statement is negative, use a positive question tag.
You don’t like broccoli, do you?
If there is an auxiliary verb in the sentence, we use it to create the question tag.
You don’t like meat, do you?**

  1. You should be at school, shouldn´t you ?
  2. Mary is coming to the party, isn´t she?
  3. My purse is not there, is it?
  4. Laura has to come, doesn´t she?
  1. You should be at school, should´t you ?
  2. Mary is coming to the party, isn´t she ?
  3. My purse is not there, _is it ?
  4. Laura has to come, doesn´t she ?
  5. We won’t be there late, will we ?
  6. Your daughter doesn’t eat sweets, does she ?
  7. I’m always right, aren´t I ?
  8. Josy and Mark spent all the money, didn´t they ?
  9. You cannot stop, can you_ ?
  10. Sarah’s parents have been to China last year,
    haven´t they_ ?
  11. Your parents don’t like me, _do they ?
  12. Your brother couldn’t do it, _could he ?
  13. She never came, did she_ ?
  14. Today is hot, isn´t it_ ?
  15. We aren’t going now, are we_ ?
  16. Jennifer will help us, won´t she ?
  17. Mike is American, isn´t he_ ?
  18. Puppies are cute, aren´t they_ ?
  19. I mustn’t tell mom, most I_ ?
  20. Close the door, would you ?
  1. You should be at school, shouldn´t you?
  2. Mary is coming to the party, isn´t she?
  3. My purse is not there, is it ?
  4. Laura has to come, doesn´t she ?
  5. We won’t be there late, will we ?
  6. Your daughter doesn’t eat sweets, does she?
  7. I’m always right, aren´t I ?
  8. Josy and Mark spent all the money, didn´t they ?
  9. You cannot stop, can you?
  10. Sarah’s parents have been to China last year,
    haven´t they ?
  11. Your parents don’t like me, do they ?
  12. Your brother couldn’t do it, could he?
  13. She never came, did she ?
  14. Today is hot, isn´t it ?
  15. We aren’t going now, are we ?
  16. Jennifer will help us, won´t she ?
  17. Mike is American, isn´t he?
  18. Puppies are cute, aren´t they ?
  19. I mustn’t tell mom, must I ?
  20. Close the door, would you?


very good
  • You should be at school, shouldn’t you?

  • Mary is coming to the party, isn’t she?

  • My purse is not there, is it?

  • Laura has to come, doesn’t she?

  • We won’t be there late, will we?

  • Your daughter doesn’t eat sweets, does she?

  • I’m always right, aren’t I?

  • Josy and Mark spent all the money, didn’t they?

  • You cannot stop, can you?

  • Sarah’s parents have been to China last year, haven’t they?

  • Your parents don’t like me, do they?

  • Your brother couldn’t do it, could he?

  • She never came, did she?

  • Today is hot, isn’t it?

  • We aren’t going now, are we?

  • Jennifer will help us, won’t she?

  • Mike is American, isn’t he?

  • Puppies are cute, aren’t they?

  • I mustn’t tell mom, most I?

  • Close the door, would you?



  1. You should be at school, shouldn´t you ?
  2. Mary is coming to the party, isn´t she ?
  3. My purse is not there, is it?
  4. Laura has to come, hasn´t she ?
  5. We won’t be there late, will we?
  6. Your daughter doesn’t eat sweets, does she ?
  7. I’m always right, aren´t I?
  8. Josy and Mark spent all the money, didn´t they?
  9. You cannot stop, can you ?
  10. Sarah’s parents have been to China last year, haven´t they ?
  11. Your parents don’t like me, do they ?
  12. Your brother couldn’t do it, could he?
  13. She never came, did she?
  14. Today is hot, isn´t it ?
  15. We aren’t going now, are we?
  16. Jennifer will help us, won´t she?
  17. Mike is American, isn´t he?
  18. Puppies are cute, aren´t they?
  19. I mustn’t tell mom, must I?
  20. Close the door, would you?

don’t have to dress up, do I?
Sara doesn’t want to hang out, does she?
John didn’t clean up the room, did he?




You have the keys, don’t you?
He cooked the chocolate cake, didn’t he?
She has been in Qatar, hasn’t she?
They would like to have a new job, wouldn’t they?
Mary will be the first woman to reach the F1 prize, won’t she?
She couldn’t come at time, could she?

We’re not dressing up, are we?
Question tags
More common in speaking than writing
Used when we expect the listener to agree with us

We use falling intonation when we are almost sure
We use rising intonation when we are less sure
How to create question tags
If the statement is positve, use a negative question tag.
You like pizza, don’t you
If the statement is negative, use a positive question tag.
You don’t like broccoli, do you?
If there is an auxiliary verb in the sentence, we use it to create the question tag.
You don’t like meat, do you?

  • You gotta dress up
  • We will hang out tonight, do you want to come with us?
  • Will you ever clean up your room?
  • I’m going to call off the class, I’ll explain later.
  • He’s going to find out the truth, if we don’t do anything.
  • I don’t get along with arrogant people.
  • You can’t give up on me!.
  • I won’t let you down.
  • I will work out at 7:00 am
  • She wants to do it over!

thank you

We’re not dressing up, are we?
Question tags
More common in speaking than writing
Used when we expect the listener to agree with us

Very good
  1. You’ll help me to find out my phone, won’t you?
  2. He told you to hang out in the park in the afternoon, didn’t he?
  3. He never give up despite being in the worst situation, does he?
  4. I don’t have to get dressed like him, do I?
  5. She won’t never be able to let me down, will she?

Let’s practice, create sentences with each of the question tags we saw in this class:
You don’t know the answer, do you?
He wants to eat now, doesn’t he?
She went for him, didn’t she?
They haven’t talked before, have they?
He couldn’t tell you, could he?
They won’t let this opportunity pass them by, will they?
You wouldn’t tell me that, would you?
They have worked hard, haven’t they?

QUESTIONS TAGS are used when we expect the listener or the other person to agree with us.

  • INTONATION: intonation changes the meaning of the sentence.
    Falling intonation is used when we are almost sure about the sentences or things that you said. Rising intonation it’s because you are not very sure about this.
    For example: you are not thinking of calling her, are you? (according to the intonation of “are you?”, the meaning of the sentence changes).

    When the statement is positive then we use negative question tags. When the sentence is negative then we use positive question tags.
    We use the auxiliary verbs of the sentence to create the question tags.


Ok ok

She cleaned up her room, did she?
The boss called off the meeting, didn’t

We’re not dressing up, are we?
Question tags
More common in speaking than writing
Used when we expect the listener to agree with us

We use falling intonation when we are almost sure
We use rising intonation when we are less sure
How to create question tags
If the statement is positve, use a negative question tag.
You like pizza, don’t you
If the statement is negative, use a positive question tag.
You don’t like broccoli, do you?
If there is an auxiliary verb in the sentence, we use it to create the question tag.
You don’t like meat, do you?

We’re not dressing up, are we?
Question tags
More common in speaking than writing
Used when we expect the listener to agree with us

We use falling intonation when we are almost sure
We use rising intonation when we are less sure
How to create question tags
If the statement is positve, use a negative question tag.
You like pizza, don’t you
If the statement is negative, use a positive question tag.
You don’t like broccoli, do you?
If there is an auxiliary verb in the sentence, we use it to create the question tag.
You don’t like meat, do you?

She hasn’t worked out, has she?
We don’t have to do this over, do we?

You won’t give up, will you?
You wouldn’t let me down, would you?

He couldn’t find out the answer, could he?
They didn’t get along, did they?

John didn’t clean up the room, did he?
They haven’t called off the meeting, have they?

I don’t have to dress up, do I?
Sara doesn’t want to hang out, does she?


Complete the sentence

  • I don’t have to dress up, do I?
  • Sara doesn’t want to hang out, does she?
  • John didn’t clean up the room, did he?
  • They haven’t called off the meeting, have they?
  • He couldn’t find out the answer, could he?
  • They didn’t het along, did they?
  • You won’t give up, will you?
  • You wouldn’t let me down, would you?
  • She hasn’t worked out, has she?
  • We don’t have to do this over, do we?
  • You don’t want to go to the top of the mountain, do you?
  • We couldn’t find the right road, could we?
  • You didn’t talk to her, did you?
  • Do you want to know the truth, don’t you?
  • He wouldn’t stay up late working, would he?
  • She hasn’t given food to the dog, has she?
  • We will travel to Dubai, don’t we?

We’re not dressing up, are we?
Question tags
More common in speaking than writing
Used when we expect the listener to agree with us

We use falling intonation when we are almost sure
We use rising intonation when we are less sure
How to create question tags
If the statement is positve, use a negative question tag.
You like pizza, don’t you
If the statement is negative, use a positive question tag.
You don’t like broccoli, do you?
If there is an auxiliary verb in the sentence, we use it to create the question tag.
You don’t like meat, do you?

I prefer WFM, becasu I don´t have to dress up, do I?

Sara, always Sara… Sara doesn´t wat to hag out, does she?

My friend roomate alway forget his home duties, like clean the room… Hey! Frank, John didn´t clean up the room, did he?

Tomorrow I have an important meething with a couple of customer with my partner Jhon. Hey, Jhon, they haven´t called off the meeting, have they?

-He is trying to find a answer for a math equation.
-He couldn´t find out the answer, could he?

They was a couple for like 1 week.
They didn´t get along, did they?

Still doing your best with that platzi course of Python, you won´t give up, will you?

You are my best friend and I know, you wouldn´t let me down, would you?

Where is my wife? She hasn´t worked out, has she?

I think, we finish the report. We don´t have to do this over, do we?

excellent explanation..

He won’t give up with his math homework, will he?
They didn’t get along when they were boys, did they?
I will find out about a new investigation about the diabetes, won’t I?

excellent explanation, thanks you teacher..
thanks teacher!
thanks teacher

You have to do your homework over.
I will work out in the afternoon.
I dressed up for this situation.
We hung out with them yesterday.
My sister always cleans her room up.
I will call off my appointment.
I will find out what you are hiding.
Mike and Robert get along well.
I gave up and looked for something else to do.
I don´t want to let my mother down.

  • It’s necessary for me to dress up for the party, doesn’t it?
  • He doesn’t want to hang out in the beach, he prefers other place, doesn’t he?.
  • He cleaned up his room, doesn’t he?
  • If it rains the meeting called off, doesn’t It?
  • In the end he couldn’t find out his smartphone, could he?
  • It’s looks that they couldn’t get along, could they?
  • He didn’t give up that is the reason of his success, did he?
  • I think He wouldn’t let you down, but only if you don’t let he down. you agree, don´t you?
  • He does work out every day, doesn’t he?
  • I think know what happening. The pc shut down and he need to do the work over, doesn’t he?
  1. I don’t have to dress up, do I?
  2. Sara doesn’t want to hang out, does she?
  3. John didn’t clean up the room, did he?
  4. They haven’t called off the meeting, have they?
  5. He couldn’t find out the answer, couldn’t he?
  6. They didn’t get along, did they?
  7. You won’t give up, will you?
  8. You wouldn’t let me down, would you?

I don´t have to dress up, do I?
Sara doesn’t want to hang out, does she?
John didn’t clean up the room, did he??
They haven’t called off the meeting, have they?
He couldn’t find out the answer, could he?
They didn’t get along, did they?
You won’t give up, will you?
You wouldn’t let me down, would you??
She hasn’t worked out, has she??
We don´t have to do this over, do we?


they are practicing english. Don’t they?
She doesn’t like pizza, does she?
I’m planning a get away with my friends. Are I?

  • I’m not being rude, do I?
  • She is beautiful, is she?
  • He hasn’t two faces, has he?
  • I’m learning so fast, aren’t I?


  1. We have to dress up, don´t we?
  2. I know that you are discouraged but You want to hang out tonigth, don’t you?
  3. What are you here? I have called off our meeting, Haven’t I?
  4. Your parents got along, didn´t they?
  5. She won’t give up at the university, will she?
  6. The project doesn’t work, we have to do it over, don’t we?

Thanks for the feedback.

Let’s practice:

  • you always practice yoga in the morning , don’t you ?
  • English is easy to learn , isn’t it ?
  • You can travel to Spain with little money , can you?

I don’t have to dress up, do I?
Sara doesn’t want to hang out, does she?
John didn’t clean up the room, did he?
They haven’t called off the meeting, have they?
He couldn’t find out the answer, could he?
They didn’t get along, did they?
You won’t give up, will you?
You wouldn’t let me down, would you?
She hasn’t worked out, has she?
We don’t have to do this over, do we?

  • I just explainned the entire Star Wars saga to you. I don’t have to do it over, do I?
  • Ana couldn’t filled up that void that La La Land’s end let her, could she?
  • Leo Di Caprio is currently the best actor, isn’t he?
  • I don´t have to dress up, do I?.
  • Sara doesn´t want to hang out, does she?.
  • Jhon didn´t clean up the room, did he?.
  • They haven´t called off the meeting, have they?.
  • He couldn´t find out the answer, could he?.
  • They didn´t get along, did they?.
  • you won´t give up, will you?.
  • you wouldn´t let me down, would you?.
  • she hasn´t worked out, has she?.
  • we don´t have to do this over, do we?

  • my grandfather like to dress his tiny dog up like Bruce Lee.
  • since she woke up in the roof, she don´t want to hang out drinking alcohol with them.
  • he bet you can´t clean up the whole backyard in fiveteen minutes.
  • we called off the macth because of the weather.
  • he is in a huge problem with bad people, now he has to find out the way to solve it.
  • they´ve been figthing for years, I´m starting to think they aren´t going to get along with each other.
  • Samuel give up trying to do his homework yesterday, so today he surely will be scolded by his teacher.
  • the taste of this burger never lets me down, it´s definitely delicious.
  • after eating that burger you should exercise more often, how about we start working out next monday?.
  • aghhhh… I drank too much last night, now I can barely open my eyes because of the headache, I swear never do it over.

Is it necessary to dress up for her party, isn’t it?
I don’t want to hang out tomorrow, do I?
She will pay me if I clean up her house, won’t she?
She is happy that the class of 5 am was called off, isn’t she?
We need to find out who is the man she likes, don’t we?
I don’t want to get along with her, do I?
I will never give up, won’t I?
I would never let my parents down, wouldn’t I?
She works out, doesn’t she?
The homework was so hard that I had to do it over, hadn´t I?

she doesn’t have to dress up like that, does she?
I don’t want to hang out with my co-worker, do I ?
I cleaned up my bathroom, didn’t I ?
my boss called off the interview, didn’t he
I cannot find out my keys, can I?
my aunt and my girlfriend get along each other, don’t they?
she didn’t give up in her goals,did she?
you are letting me down, are you?
she would work out every day, wouldn’t she
I will have to write my assay over. won’t I?

It’s not so intuitive but I can understand it, Can’t I?